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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Great Wts


Great Wts


We can say that two of the pillars of the entire WT system in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha are dedication and renunciation. These two sterling qualities keep the ideal of our sannyasi order very high. About the special teaching from Senior Acarya Diary in the aparigraha section where Baba is describing (a) madhukarii vrtti and (b) ajagarii vrtti.

Madhukarii (bumble bee) vrtii & how

In the approaches of madhukar and ajagar, our Wts are to pay strict adherence to the path of renunciation and not run after worldly luxuries like money etc. That is Baba's firm guideline from Senior Acarya Diary. Unfortunately, nowadays in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, some of our Wts are running after money and worldly riches that are superfluous to their daily needs such as Rolex watches, gold necklaces, and other fancy items. Tragically, such pursuits spoil the whole personality and degrade the mind.

Our Wts are to fully adhere to the path of renunciation. Unfortunately, since 1991 something entirely different has been going on: The spirit of renunciation is noticeably absent in some Wts. Various Dadas have just become businessmen and are just busy making money etc. Renunciation should be the main quality of our wholetimers - not business, power, or post etc.

Regarding that spirit of renunciation, here are some of Baba's special teachings from Senior Acarya Diary about madhukarii vrtii and ajagarii vrtii. The literal meaning of 'madhukar' is 'black bee', also known as 'madhup' or 'bramara' in Samskrta. The speciality of the madhukar is that it never collects or hoards any extra food. It hovers around those flower blossoms and only eats what it needs for its basic survival - and then leaves empty-handed. That madhukara does not depart with a big load of extra nectar, not even a single drop.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, our Wts are to adopt this same approach when dealing with worldly resources etc. Our dadas / didis are to take only what they need at that very moment to survive, and not hoard bundles of resources, wealth, luxuries, and money etc. Rather, they are to adjust with the minimum amount and redirect all energies and surplus resources toward serving and helping others. This is Baba's teaching about madhukarii vrtti from Senior Acarya Diary; and, by following this our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha will grow strong.

Ajagarii (python) vrtii & how

Baba guides us that there is an even more refined and greater method for our sannyasis to follow. And that ideal way is the path of ajagarii vrtti. The term 'ajagar' refers to that very large snake known as the python. The sense is that a python never moves anywhere to procure its food. It stays put in one single place. And it only eats what comes across its path. It does not spend any time traveling about in search of food.

In the realm of sannyasihood, our AMPS monks are to adopt a similar approach while living on this earth. They are not to indulge in the ongoing quest for more and more wealth and money etc. Rather, our sannyasis are to adjust with whatever they get for their existential needs and dedicate themselves to inspiring others on the path of sadhana and serving all through our social service projects etc. They should not waste their time and energy thinking about their own petty self and unit existence. According to Baba, this is the real dharma of an Ananda Marga sannyasi. Naturally, by following this manner, margiis will be keen and dutiful in supporting our whole timers.

When we see certain Wts running fast after money, we can understand they have lost their dharma. They have strayed far from the path and from Guru's given mandates of Senior Acarya Diary about madhukarii vrtti and ajagarii vrtii.

At the same time, adhering to the codes of madhukarii and ajagarii vrttis does not mean that our sannyasis are to wear only tree bark and live bereft of even a single rupee. The main spirit of Baba's guideline is that our Wts should not long for money and lead a luxurious life. If that happens, the mental and spiritual standard of our Ananda Marga Wt cadres will fall and our mission work will stagnate; the common people will not cooperate with us or support our work.

Misuse of public money

We can say that in the name of having a top post and serving society, some Dadas funnel those resources for their personal use and luxury, while the common people suffer. Just as communist leaders never want to give up their post, yet they proclaim all money belongs to the state so they can readily access those funds for their personal gain, it seems some top Dadas resort to this same tactic. They clutch on mightily to the post and hide behind the slogan that all resources are of the organisation, so they themselves use those goodies and luxuries for personal benefit. It is a most unfortunate and degrading mentality.

Some Wts are involved in this manner.  It goes without saying that this type of luxurious way of living is an abuse to the saffron sannyasis dress and our saffron flag - since the saffron colour itself symbolizes renunciation.

So we should follow Baba's teaching of madhukar and ajagar and purify the mind. The ramifications of embracing renunciation and adhering to the codes of madhukarii and ajagarii vrttis are far reaching. Let us also remember that this is not just a social topic but also a spiritual one because by this way the door of sadhana opens and one will rush towards the Supreme Entity. And if we fail to do so, the consequences will be crippling.

Dos & don’ts of true Wts

Those Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha wholetime workers sincerely following madhukarii vrtti and ajagarii vrtti will not set their sights on money, nor property, nor clothing, nor gold - nor anything material, only Parama Purusa. So a true wt will take proper ideation and just have the bare minimum needed to survive personally and execute their work of serving others. Side by side, one is not to harbour the desire of getting more.

According to Baba, this is not only the ideal way, but the only way for a true Ananda Marga sannyasi to live. Anyone going against this system is a fake sannyasi. That means our Wts are not to stockpile personal funds in their private bank accounts, nor are they to keep unaccounted money (i.e. black money), nor are they to wear fancy jewelry or solid gold pratikas, nor keep anything that is above and beyond what is needed for their own basic subsistence.

That said, to best serve humanity, it will be very useful to have the latest technological inventions, an abundance of natural resources, along with strong financial support. Our service projects should be well-outfitted with the right tools, along with a benevolent and sacrificing mindset. Then we can best bring welfare to the people. So those resources must not be hijacked for personal use and selfish ends by our sannyasis Dadas. Tragically, this has been known to happen.

Here we should not forget the spirit of renunciation is Baba's divine teaching from Senior Acarya Diary. This encapsulates the spirit of being a wholetimer and ensures success in missionary work. The highly practical and ideal teachings of madhukarii vrtti and ajagarii vrtti come from our Guru, the Taraka Brahma Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji who has graciously given this in Senior Acarya Diary. And indeed those Wts adhering to this dharmic code of ajagarii vrtti are truly great. They are the real seers, sadvipras, and well-wishers of humanity. Their minds are crystal-clear and pointed towards Baba's teachings, and not drifting towards worldly allurements etc.

Some Wts have become just businessmen

Tragically, in the present era, some of our Wts are lusting after money, gold, and mundane wealth and always grabbing for more: a few Dadas roaming this earth and just filling their overseas bank accounts with millions and millions for personal use. Then who can believe that they are living a life of renunciation. And without renunciation, the whole value of being a Wt is gone. It is all the more appalling since there remain so many dedicated AMPS wholetimer Dadas and Didis who live below the poverty level and are literally starving.

All the while, a few rich and selfish Wt Dadas are just living "high-style", not caring about anyone else. In that case, such types of Wts have become just depraved creatures, nothing more. There are definitely some WTs in this very position - doing everything for money and hoarding wealth. But Baba has issued a firm warning about this. Such persons should pay heed.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A mind which runs after money moves in very crooked ways...due to the crudeness of its objective, the movement cannot be straightforward: it is crooked, extremely crooked." (1)

Unfortunately, a few materialistic-minded sannyasis do anything and everything for their personal gain and the accumulation of money - thereby ruining their mental outlook. So their ability to help in the establishment of the Ananda Marga ideology is severely compromised, i.e. completely marginal. By their misdeeds they are making a mere mockery of the sannyasi dress and our flag.

When the top wts and their lackeys are just hoarding wealth, living far above the common standard, and looking down on "lesser" Wts and the general people, then how is our wholetimer order going to become that shining example that will inspire confidence, service, and sacrifice to one and all.

Why saffron color

Now is the time to contemplate the meaning of our AMPS. The dress of our Wts is not yellow, black, green, or blue - it is saffron, the colour of sacrifice, which means serving and helping others. Our AMPS stands for sacrifice in the service of others; that is why our flag is of saffron colour. So in all respects, our Ananda Marga way of life and our Wt system are based on the spirit of renunciation. But tragically this has been lost in this present era.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The dedicated monks and nuns of Ananda Marga have accepted their life of further the cause of human welfare; and through their service, they seek to lead human beings along the path of righteousness to the abode of Supreme Bliss." (2)


Only by strictly adhering to Baba's divine teachings will we get victory. Going against the spirit of aparigraha by hoarding money and losing sight of the spirit of renunciation will not yield any fruit - only it will invite misery, frustration, and torment.

So it is the duty of us all to not let these depraved conditions continue as is. We should ensure that the spirit of renunciation is held high in our Marga. Our Wt cadre must perfectly exemplify this. This is Baba's divine teaching. We should adhere to our flag and the spirit of service and sacrifice - for the welfare of all.

Ananda Vanii says, "...Be great by your sa'dhana', by your service, by your sacrifice." (3)

In His Service,

Past history

Throughout this post-1990 era, some of our Wts in various sectors lived far above the economic standard of the general society. For instance, there was that one particular dada in Africa, i.e. in Burkina Faso, where the impoverished people did not even have food to eat or pure water to drink and they just walked around half-naked and barefoot in an emaciated state with despair written on their face. Yet Dadaji was living there in high, European fashion with his private jeep and airplane for personal use, air-conditioned condo, and imported continental bottled fruit juice. Some have since likened Dadaji's situation to the corrupt leader of Tunisia, Ben Ali, who used to send military jets to France on a daily basis so he could have fresh curd each morning for breakfast.

But the stories do not end there. During that same time-frame, there was also the shocking account from drought-stricken Rwanda where the United Nations delivered cases upon cases of bottled water for distribution to displaced, suffering refugees, but instead of wholeheartedly engaging in distribution, a few Dadas were bathing themselves with that precious bottled water, thereby outrightly denying those starving refugees. This type of selfish, debased mentality has absolutely nothing to do with being a human being, let alone true Wt. These are a few instances of the horrific misuse of public money and resources. Such incidents fly in the face of any spirit of sacrifice and caring for suffering humanity.

~ In-depth study ~

Wt conduct rules

These following WT conduct rules given by Baba go hand-in-hand with His divine teachings about madhukar and ajagar from the aparigraha section of Senior Acarya Diary.

WT conduct rules state, "One should attract other by one's sacrificing nature." (4)

WT conduct rules state, "One should leave all sorts of luxuries." (5)

WT conduct rules state, "One should adjust with the minimum requirements of life." (6)

WT conduct rules state, "You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life." (7)

So in various avenues, Baba is preaching this special gospel of renunciation, but tragically within our AM sannyasi culture these guidelines are being neglected and overlooked by some. Best is if everyone evaluates for themselves if these above points are prevalent in our AM sannyasi order or not.

Here below are some of Baba's strict guidelines with regards to the financial affairs of our wholetimers.

WT conduct rules state, "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (8)

WT conduct rules state, "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organisational money." (9)

WT conduct rules state, "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (10)

WT conduct rules state, "No worker can accept any money without giving a proper receipt." (11)

All these above rules apply to the practice of aparigraha, and without that one cannot be considered to be a wt or sannyasi, in the proper spirit of the term.

We should ensure that our Wts follow all these rules. Only then will our sannyasi order be back on the right track. And only then will we be truly able to help the suffering humanity. In that case, the common people will generously support and involve in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha service projects - otherwise not.

The whole point is that there should be financial transparency and fiscal responsibility. The adherence to the tenets of madhukarii and ajagarii vrttis will bring success. That is Baba's overall directive.

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age
2. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Verse, Mythology, History and Itihása
3. A'nanda Va'nii #20
4. '37 Workers Rules', point #20
5. '37 Workers Rules', point #6
6. '37 Workers Rules', point #17
7. WT Rules, Fourteen Points, pt #6
8. WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Points, #1a
9. WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Points, #1b
10. WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Points, #1d
11. WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Points, #1g

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