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Friday, September 12, 2014

Mahaprayan of Muslim Abdul Rajjak + PS #4342 + Misery & Wealth


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Mahaprayan of Muslim Abdul Rajjak
2. End Quote: Why Suffering Of The Rich Is More Than The Poor
3. PS #4342: Parama Purusa Baba Has Come! Don't Miss The Occasion
4. Links


Here below are two public announcements each presenting the mahaprayan of someone who recently died.

The first piece is from a Bangladeshi newspaper about the death of Abdul Rajjak. Mr Rajak was Islamic and a member of the awami league, which is a hardcore Muslim organisation. And the second article is about the death of a common man, Pulin. In both articles the term mahaprayan appears multiple times.

Thus the observance of mahaprayan is not something lofty or great - it is done to denote the death of any human being. That mahaprayan Mahaprayana function is not limited to a particular caste or religion etc. When anyone dies, then throughout the entire Indian subcontinent, the mahaprayan program is done - regardless of whether the person was a Muslim, a Jew etc. Because mahaprayan is death ceremony - anyone who dies is thus qualified to have a mahaprayan.

The purpose of this letter is to help all understand that mahaprayan is a common phenomenon, just like how in the west people say "passed away" and "died" etc. Similarly, in Bengal & other Indian states, mahaprayan is commonly used for the deceased. So the concept of mahaprayan is not something grand or lofty. Rather it is quite mundane - i.e. just part of daily street talk etc.

So no one should naively think that the mahaprayan program is something glorious only to be used in a very special manner - for Taraka Brahma. The mahaprayan program is for the death of any common or unknown person who has made his departure from this world. That is why this mahaprayan is not used for Taraka Brahma because He did not depart - He is the eternal Parama Purusa. So the mahaprayan program is just for ordinary humans, i.e. mortals. About this there should not be any confusion.

So, as stated, the reality is that mahaprayan is a pedestrian observance used for everyday people. These below articles stand as testimony to this.

#1: This below piece is about the mahaprayan of Mr Abdul Rajjak, who was an active Muslim etc. The mahaprayan term appears as the 9th word of the title.

If you type this in as a Google search then you will see it there printed as well.

#2: This below article is of the mahaprayan of a regular person, Pulin. The mahaprayan Mahaprayana  term is the third word of the title of the below article.

The mahaprayan observance is never done for Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna - because this is not a program for Taraka Brahma. It is a function for deceased human beings.

Awake, arise, and fight against dogma. That is our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji’s message.

in Him,
(Khalil Hazi)

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Why Suffering Of The Rich Is More Than The Poor

Baba says, "If money or wealth would have been the solution of all the problems then in that case rich persons would have always enjoyed being in a state of bliss. But in society it is not like that. The suffering of the rich is more than the poor." (Allahabad, DMC 1984)

Baba says, "Human desire knows no end. Millionaires want to become multimillionaires, because they are not satisfied with their million. Ask the millionaires if they are happy with their money. They will say, “Where is the money? I am somehow pulling on.” This answer indicates their ignorance of aparigraha. But such feelings have another adverse effect on body and mind. Out of excessive fondness for physical or mental pleasures people become mad to earn money and amass wealth. As money becomes the be-all and end-all of life, the mind gets crudified. Constant hankering after money results in negligence of one's health, and this makes the body unfit. Therefore, santośa sádhaná lies in being contented with the earnings of normal labour, without any undue pressure on the body and mind. To remain contented, one has to make a special type of mental effort to keep aloof from external allurements." (Guide to Human Conduct, Santosa)

Note: In our western countries nowadays, where money is more free-flowing, the number of psychic diseases is multiplying day by day. The "haves" are coming under the grip of depression, frustration, hopeless, and overall melancholia. In that state they are always conflicted by a degrading psychic flow. This is rampant. That is why so many westerners like those in the USA go to psychiatrists and other psychic counselors in order to feel good. Because otherwise they succumb to depression. So they go see their chosen psychiatrist etc. But those sessions are often a band-aid approach. Because most of the time those very psychiatrists and psychologists are themselves depressed - in that case what kind of guideline are they going to give. The only way out is to develop a balanced mind through the practice of sadhana. Then alone one can escape the horrors and terrors of materialism.
== Section 3 ==

~ Parama Purusa Baba Has Come! Don't Miss The Occasion ~

"Aja'na' Pathik a'j eseche, ta're ghare d'eke na'o..."  P.S. 4342


Today the Ajana Pathik Parama Purusa Baba has come! Don't miss the occasion. Receive Him and bring Him in your home - in your heart - without delay. Let your heart be saturated with His divine love and cosmic effulgence which He is spreading all around. This is not the time to waste in dogma, drowsiness, and slumber.    

Baba has come for you, for me. He loves everyone - each and every place, each and every country, all. He feels pain and cries when seeing others' pain. And He smiles when He sees others smile. He loves all.

This is the time to surrender everything at His lotus feet. Missing the opportunity is not intelligent. Baba has come! Receive Him and bring Him close...

== Section 4 ==


Extortion in the Name of DMS


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Extortion in the Name of DMS
2. End Quote: Science Behind Ghost
3. Links


Soon there will be DMS in Purnea, Bihar. The organisers are allegedly seeking RS 50,000 from donors & attendees etc. Even though the rainy season is over in that area, the organising are demanding a rain-proof tent / pandal be made. That will be of prohibitive cost. But in that way, those in Centre can more easily "skim off the top" and divert funds to themselves. This is their alleged plan.

In turn, margiis are lodging complaint after complaint how those in Centre do not do any social service - of any kind. Neither are they preaching Ananda Marga ideology, nor are they creating marvelous hospitals, schools, or colleges that can compete with and outdo today’s public institutions. In the name of such projects Central dadas collect money and spend it somewhere else. Such central Wts just wish to lead a luxurious life. They talk about various projects, but, in earnest, they do not do an iota of social service.



This same type of extortion and "thuggery" happens across India at the time of puja. It seems our Central Dadas copied them. Because at the time of puja, criminals, thieves, and thugs strong-arm the common people and force them to give donations - lest they suffer the consequences.

Here below is one such report from a Jharkhand Daily:

Extortion in the name of “chanda” (donations) for puja celebrations in the city gives nightmare to businessmen, bus owners and even poor autorickshaw operators who suffer alike every year during durga puja.

This year organisers associated with Durga puja committees in different parts of the city have especially been asked to ensure that there are no forcible donations.

Ram Babu Singh, general secretary of JKDPS said that all the puja committees have been ordered not to force people to donate for the festival. If any committee indulges in such act people must report and the license of the erring Durga puja committee will be cancelled. “We have decided to ensure that no forcible donations are taken from the people. If we receive any complains we would definitely act against that particular puja committee,” noted Singh.

Meanwhile businessmen in the city though have welcomed the step but are still a worried lot. “We have no other option but to pay whatever amount is written on the chanda receipt.” according to other businessmen, local goons in almost every locality have got printed receipts in the name of fake puja committees. These members of various small gangs collect donations by terrorising businessmen using the names of notorious criminals.

A number of committees also collect donations in the name of organising cultural programmes, promising to bring big names in the field of music. But in practice they save money by engaging local artists every year,” said a businessman. (Courtesy of: The Avenue Mail of Jharkhand)

Indeed, it seems our Central Dadas have adopted these same methods - it is sad to say.



To increase their membership, both groups, H and B, employ similar techniques. Earlier, B group was doing Prabhat Samgiita / Rawa programs all across the land. By that way they could generate an in-flow of cash and donations, and heighten membership. Then, they started doing the same things in the name of DMS - for the very same purpose: Grab other groups’ members and procure a lot of donations (cash & kind) and put away funds in their personal accounts. Because when organising such programs, all monies and gifts went into the hands of the organisers, and not with the local unit hosting the gathering.

Actually both groups do this. When organising any event, they allegedly skim 25% - 35% off the top and put that directly into their own personal accounts. That is a given.

That is why the various groups organise so many programs like sadhana shivir, DMS, PS, and other events. By this way, they can ask for big donations from margiis. In the name of these local programs, they pull on the heart-strings of margiis for financial gain. It is a sad showing. The margiis are feeling sentimental and devotional, and the organisers are steeped in greed ready to exploit the margiis sentiment.



So then what do the these Wts do with those funds? Often they allegedly send that money back to their laokik families, or they finance their own private business; and, finally, some give up their dress and leave their Wt ship with those funds. And there are many other alleged underground types of things they may do, which need not be mentioned here.

In contrast, if local margiis were in charge and had control over the funds, then there would be proper accountability and transparency. That is the way it should be done. But when organising Dadas take the reins, then money goes directly into their own hand. So there is zero accountability.

Now there is clash going on because H group is organising a DMS on the same dates that B group traditionally has their Prabhat Samgiita Day events. So there is a competition for membership and monies.



But really, this is not a new technique. Always these groups are in competition in this way - whether at Ananda Nagar or at some local place. They are always fighting over margiis participation and money. So always they are trying to sabotage each other’s events and programs.

At the same time, no matter how much B group makes their plea, their PS programs are not about the dignity and sanctity of Prabhat Samgiita. They organise these events to grab new members + money. If they were truly interested in Prabhat Samgiita, then why did they introduce the use of filmy singer, filmy tunes for recording Prabhat Samgiita, why do they sell and encourage PS to be used for worldly love songs, and why did they change the tune of the songs etc. All these things go against Baba’s guidelines about the singing and distribution of Prabhat Samgiita. B group has effectively turned Sadguru Baba’s devotional gift of Prabhat Samgiita into a pseudo-culture venture.

in Him,
Hareram Yadav

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Science Behind Ghost

Baba says, "I had a certain acquaintance whose garden was quite large. One night his wife thought she saw a ghost in a corner of the garden. In Bihar, a female ghost is called `chudel' in Hindi. At the sight of the imagined ghost she cried out in fear, and fainted. She never regained consciousness and died some time later. The next night the same gentleman came out of his house at the same time. He also thought he saw the ghost. `Why should people have to die one after the other in this way?' he thought. Stepping forward to strike at the imaginary ghost with a stick, he suddenly saw that it was nothing but a bush which, in the moonlight, looked just like a human being. His wife had died for nothing, terrified by the deceptive image of a bush. Most so-called ghosts are like this. Towards the end of the rainy season rotting vegetation often gives out a gas, called marsh gas or will-o'-the-wisp, which bursts into flame when it comes in contact with oxygen. This burning gas may easily be taken to be a ghost. This is how a fear complex can develop." (AV-7, p. 32)

Note: In His various discoures, Baba clearly states that there is no such thing as ghosts; ghosts do not exist. Most often, people in their mind imagine that there is a ghost, as is the case in the above example. When in fact there is a perfectly rational and logical explanation. We can see this applies to each and every fear complex. People imagine it and become convinced that it is real.

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