Similarity: AMPS & British enslavement of India
Here is the age-old tale of power-hungry exploiters.
(a) When they are not ruling, they will do everything and anything to grab the power. They will mudsling, lie, accuse, and hurl stones in order to capture the power. There is nothing they will not do.
(b) And then when they get the power, they will shut the mouths of the common people and never allow those innocent people to voice any just and rational point against their corrupt regime.
This is their playbook. It is a duplicitous two-step approach. Communists do it. Dictators do it. Authoritarian rulers do it etc. First, they will resort to anything and everything to get the power by lodging all kinds of false accusations, threats, and slanderous claims; and, secondly, once in power they will shut down all avenues for good people to raise any reasonable point against their hellish regime.
Communists do it. Dictators do it. Authoritarian rulers do it, and now we have clear-cut proof how Rudrananda and his stooges do it as well.
Pool of hypocrisy by Rudrananda faction
Now see this same hypocritical approach taken by Rudrananda’s top stooges.
(a) When Rudrananda was rallying his yes-men to get the power back in 2002, he had two of his top henchmen - Madhuvratananda and Hariishananda - open a special email forum [AMPS Desk] <> to launch an array of unfounded accusations and attacks to satisfy their unholy agenda of getting power. These two cowardly stooges, Madhuvratananda and Hariishananda, hid behind this address for years to achieve their selfish ends.
(b) And then when by looting / deception they captured power, Rudrananda ordered his stooge Madhuvratananda to have stooge Hariishananda issue a document stating that no one may use any electronic medium (i.e. email or social media etc) to uncover and point out the deceitful, underworld, sinful, filthy deeds of Rudrananda, Madhuvratananda, and Hariishananda etc.
Verily, Rudrananda and co are a xerox copy of street gangs and thugs of the inner city etc. This is the direct result of the cowardly nature of hundreds of spineless so-called avadhutas and so-called family acaryas who aided and abetted them for years and years by turning a blind eye to their ideological dealings. And still this is going on to this day. Such weak minded so-called avadhutas bore witness to the burning AM ideology in exchange for some lowly post. Verily, this very moment AM ideology is being destroyed.
History repeats itself. This same thing happened when the East India company grabbed the power by their deceitful ways, and, in turn, greedy, yes-men Indians sided with those British exploiters. In result, India was enslaved by Britain for the next 200 years.
In Him,
Those who were wondering who were those chaps behind AMPS Team for all those years, well now you have the answer.
Baba guide us to point out exploiters
According to the dharma of Ananda Marga, it is our moral duty to point out those immoralists and sinners like Rudrananda and his stooges who have done immeasurable harm to our AM society.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong.” (1)
Ananda Marga ideology says, “There are many good people in the society – noble people engaged in noble deeds – who are not ready to fight against wrongs and injustices. This sort of passive benevolence does not really promote the cause of human progress in the world. What is desirable is to acquire virtue by doing noble deeds and fighting against all sins and crimes. Both are mandatory, both an integral part of dharma.” (2)
1. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, What Should Human Beings Do?
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