Kiirtana focusing on corpse
When singing kiirtana, we focus only on Parama Purusa - The Supreme Entity, not anyone else. That is our tantric approach.
Sadly, in Singapore, there was a gathering led by Wts where they did kiirtana focusing on an open casket - see below image. But this goes against AM ideals. The deceased is not our Ista - so we do not focus on the deceased during kiirtana.
In Ananda Marga, we only sing and dance kiirtana focusing on Ista - Parama Purusa Baba. That is the right expression of bhakti in AM. So we should never hold any type of kiirtana program where people are singing and focusing on a corpse.
Nitya Deva
Ananda Marga ideology guides us,“The best mental work, the best mental engagement, is kiirtaniiyah sadá harih – “Do the kiirtana of Parama Puruśa.”” (1)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, The Best Mental Engagement
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