Betrayal by 1st PP to Baba
Shraddhananda resorted to selfish and devious tactics that show complete betrayal to Marga Sadguru Baba. Over the course of several weeks in 1971, Sadguru Baba was delivering a series of discourses on Sixteen Points to elaborate upon the meaning and practice of each point. Dada Shraddhananda was the main person in-charge of noting down those discourses, and he betrayed Baba. Shraddhananda ji usurped those pages and pages of notes from Sadguru Baba’s original guidelines and holy discourses on Sixteen Points and printed a book in his own name. Here is how it happened.
Shradddhananda’s sinful, deceitful ploy
During those weeks in 1971, Dada Shraddhananda had collected an abundance of original material given by Sadguru Baba on Sixteen Points. And, ultimately, it was Dada Shraddhananda’s duty to get it approved by Baba and ready it for publication in Baba’s name. Just as was done with all our AM books.
Then suddenly, shortly after Baba had delivered those discourses on Sixteen Points, Baba was falsely charged and unjustly incarcerated. However, instead of holding firm to the feet of Ista, Shraddhananda ji betrayed Baba. Shraddhananda ji took all those pages and pages of notes of original material from Baba’s holy discourses on Sixteen Points and printed a book in his own name. Shraddhananda thought that Baba would be in jail forever, and that he (Shraddhananda) could benefit and publish that book on Sixteen Points and fraudulently put his own name as the author. Yet, those were Baba’s original discourses.
Everyone in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha knows that Sixteen Points is one of Guru’s most vital teachings for humanity. Sixteen Points guides sadhakas how to conduct themselves. Sixteen Points is so crucial to following the path of tantra. As the Supreme Guide and Sadguru, Baba delivered numerous discourses elaborating upon those points. Yet we do not see those discourses or books anywhere. Shraddhananda ji took all those pages and pages of notes of original material from Baba’s holy discourses on Sixteen Points and printed a book in his own name. In this way Shraddhananda ji betrayed Baba.
श्रद्धानन्द जी का कपट
सन्१९७१ में सद्गुरु बाबा ने ‘षोडश विधि’ के सम्बन्ध में, कुछ कर्मी (WT) लोगों को कई सप्ताह तक विस्तार से पढ़ाया । उसके बाद बाबा कारावास चले गए । मौके का फ़ायदा उठाकर, श्रद्धानन्द जी ने उस विषय वस्तु को अपने (श्रद्धानन्द) नाम से छपवा लिया । उचित यही था कि ‘षोडश विधि’ लेख को बाबा से अनुमोदित कराकर, बाबा के नाम से ‘षोडश विधि’ की किताब छापी जाती । लेकिन श्रद्धानन्द जी ने कपट से अपने नाम से छपवा लिया । कारावास से लौटने के बाद उसी प्रसङ्ग में बाबा सब के सामने श्रद्धानन्द जी पर व्यङ्ग कर रहे हैं कि ‘षोडश विधि’ की किताब किसने लिखी ?
All this and more is revealed in the following.
Shraddhananda stole the book
Early on from jail, Baba instructed those visiting Him to collect His various discourses on Sixteen Points and put them into book form, i.e. as an Ananda Marga book. But Dada Shraddhananda disobeyed Baba’s command and came up with his own approach. In a concerning state of affairs, Dada Shraddhananda gathered all the notes he took on Guru’s discourses about 16 Points and published them in his own name - as if he was the author of all those ideas. Verily, there is no mention at all that Sadguru Baba is the actual Author and Propounder of all those points and insights. No real bhakta or sadhaka could ever think to do such a thing. Nonetheless, Shraddhananda did this and published this book - “Sixteen Points: Our Fundamental Duties.”- in his own name. On the cover of the book in bold letters it lists the author as, “Ac Shraddhananda Avadhuta. Yet, Shraddhananda plagiarised all of those pages of information directly from Baba.
Everyone knows that the long standing protocol for printing Baba’s books was:
(a) Baba would deliver His discourse;
(b) The assigned Wts / margiis would note down what Baba spoke;
(c) The printed AM book listed Baba as the author, not those notetakers.
This was the standard way that our AM books were being printed from the very beginning and throughout. Everyone who was around those days knew very well that this was the system. Dada Vijayananda ji adhered strictly to this system always. But Shraddhananda indulged in betrayal.
Exposed in GD: “Shraddhananda plagiarized 16 Points”
When Baba finally came out from jail in August 1978 then one day He was giving general darshan. The topic was prapatti vada, or surrender theory. Then in His grand liila’, Baba mocked Dada Shraddhananda for plagiarizing that whole, entire book on 16 Points.
By this way, everyone immediately understood that Dada Shraddhananda committed a terrible and grave sin by stealing Baba’s discourses on Sixteen Points and then printed that in his (Shraddhananda’s) own name as a book on Sixteen Points.
This type of deceit, deception, and betrayal is on par with Samanvayananda’s dirty dealing of creating his own parallel organisation for his own name and fame during the Emergency because he thought that AMPS would die. So both Shraddhananda and Samanvayananda resorted to selfish and devious tactics that show complete betrayal to Marga Sadguru Baba.
AV Pure 1 - 2: Baba scolds PP in front of all
Below is that scene from the general darshan, as published in Ananda Vacanamrtam (Pure) parts 1 - 2, where Sadguru Baba exposes and scolds Shraddhananda ji in front of one and all for his betrayal to Guru.
मौके का फ़ायदा उठाकर
सन्१९७१ में सद्गुरु बाबा ने ‘षोडश विधि’ के सम्बन्ध में, कुछ कर्मी (WT) लोगों को कई सप्ताह तक विस्तार से पढ़ाया । उसके बाद बाबा कारावास चले गए । मौके का फ़ायदा उठाकर, श्रद्धानन्द जी ने उस विषय वस्तु को अपने (श्रद्धानन्द) नाम से छपवा लिया । उचित यही था कि ‘षोडश विधि’ लेख को बाबा से अनुमोदित कराकर, बाबा के नाम से ‘षोडश विधि’ की किताब छापी जाती । लेकिन श्रद्धानन्द जी ने कपट से अपने नाम से छपवा लिया । कारावास से लौटने के बाद उसी प्रसङ्ग में बाबा सब के सामने श्रद्धानन्द जी पर व्यङ्ग कर रहे हैं कि ‘षोडश विधि’ की किताब किसने लिखी ?
Protocol for printing discourses those days
Everyone knows that the long standing protocol for printing Baba’s books was:
(a) Baba would deliver His discourse;
(b) The assigned Wts / margiis would note down what Baba spoke;
(c) Those notetakers would show their written version to Baba for approval;
(d) Once approved, that discourse would get put in queue for printing;
(e) The printed AM book listed Baba as the author, not those notetakers.
This was the standard way that our AM books were being printed from the very beginning and throughout. Everyone who was around those days knew very well that this was the system. Dada Vijayananda ji adhered strictly to this system always.
Baba publicly uncovers the truth
After Baba’s honourable release and clearance of all false charges, on 11 Aug 1978 while delivering a discourse on prapattiváda, Baba exposed Shraddhananda’s dishonesty and hypocrisy in front of all margiis. Verily, during this general darshan, Baba clearly pointed out and shamed Shraddhananda for plagiarizing and deceitfully printing that book on Sixteen Points in his own name. That is the remarkable scene that unfolded that day. Yet, Shraddhananda was too hideous and failed to own up to his sinful dealing and betrayal to Guru. Such was the lowly moral standard of that first PP Dada, i.e. Shraddhananda.
In Him,
Many 16 Pts discourses delivered in 1970-71
Actually, in 1970-71, Baba delivered many discourses on Sixteen Points wherein He explained in detail the nuances of each point etc. But that was also a most tumultuous period. The organisation was in turmoil, as the Indira Gandhi regime was carrying out raids to ruin Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, and the authorities began arresting Baba - among other trials and tribulations.
In the face of all these outside distractions, Sadguru Baba was directing His energies and running the organisation at an accelerated pace. So many dharmic teachings were being given on a daily basis. And since this was the period when He first gave Sixteen Points; many of those discourses were aimed at elaborating upon Sixteen Points to make every aspect perfectly clear.
Chaotic period: discourses unaccounted for
But in that busy and chaotic backdrop, numerous discourses were either never recorded, never printed, or just mishandled, lost, or destroyed. Certainly some of the margiis attending general darshan were taking down their own notes. And those days Dada Shraddhananda was Central Finance Secretary (CFSO) and printing magazines. At the same time, Dada Shraddhananda was also attending Baba’s general darshans and taking handwritten notes on those darshans during this period (1970-71) wherein Baba was reviewing and explaining all aspects of Sixteen Points. Then in December of 1971, Baba was formally arrested, put in jail, and not released for many years.
Shraddhananda thought that Baba would be in jail forever, and that he (Shraddhananda) could benefit and publish that book on Sixteen Points and fraudulently put his own name as the author. Yet, those were Baba’s original discourses.
Not commonly known story
It was evident to everyone that Baba began stressing the importance of Sixteen Points in the early 1970’s, yet it was quite odd why Baba had never given a book that elaborated on the details of Sixteen Points. This was what many were wondering about for years and years. It was puzzling because Baba’s standard approach is to beautifully and comprehensively expound upon all of His main teachings. For example, Baba gave 21 books on Prout. He did not just list the 5 principles of Prout and leave it at that. Similarly, for Sixteen Points, Baba delivered numerous discourses on Sixteen Points, yet those discourses never saw the light of day because Shraddhananda kidnapped those discourses and printed a book in his own name. Verily, those discourses were stolen by Shraddhananda during the chaos of the Emergency, just as thieves choose to steal from houses that are in total disarray as it is easier to then get away with the crime. Indeed, Shraddhananda adopted that same deceitful approach. Such is the degree of his wretchedness. Seeing all this, Sarvatmananda thought that giving Shraddhananda the chair to be the first PP Dada would enable him (Sarvatmananda) to fully capture AMPS. So it was that under the time that Shraddhananda was PP that AMPS fell from its towering heights and crumbled into dust. Verily, AMPS was destroyed under his so-called watch as PP.
In one special general darshan delivered in 1978, Sadguru Baba solves this mystery in a very dramatic and unique manner.
1. Ananda Vanii #45
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, The Excellence of a Bhakta
* * *
The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.
* * *
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Male choosing female garment
Nowadays, there is a version of the Sixteen Points chart in circulation that demands review. The main problem is that this chart violates point #4, i.e. the use of a laungota. The chart gives the option of using “tight underwear” - but this is incorrect. According to Sadguru Baba’s clear guideline, all males should wear a laungota; that is the dharmic and scientific system - not tight underwear.
Please see the below scan and take note of the following:
(a) there is a red box, and in that box it states “Langota / Tight Underwear”;
(b) directly to the right of the words “Tight Underwear” there is a tick mark [✔];
(c) that tick mark signifies that the person who put “✔” knowingly opted for “Tight Underwear”, not “Langota”;
(d) and, that same person distinctly ignored or rejected the option for “Langota”.
Imitating females
After examining the below scan, kindly read the remainder of the article about the right and proper use of a laungota. (Note: We respectfully request Mr. Netlal Patle to amend this chart before marking it and circulating it again.)
Nowadays, there is a version of the Sixteen Points chart in circulation that demands review. The main problem is that this chart violates point #4, i.e. the use of a laungota. The chart gives the option of using “tight underwear” - but this is incorrect. According to Sadguru Baba’s clear guideline, all males should wear a laungota; that is the dharmic and scientific system - not tight underwear.
Please see the below scan and take note of the following:
(a) there is a red box, and in that box it states “Langota / Tight Underwear”;
(b) directly to the right of the words “Tight Underwear” there is a tick mark [✔];
(c) that tick mark signifies that the person who put “✔” knowingly opted for “Tight Underwear”, not “Langota”;
(d) and, that same person distinctly ignored or rejected the option for “Langota”.
Imitating females
After examining the below scan, kindly read the remainder of the article about the right and proper use of a laungota. (Note: We respectfully request Mr. Netlal Patle to amend this chart before marking it and circulating it again.)
== Section: Important Teaching ==
Science behind animals doing sadhana
Ananda Marga ideology says, "In certain animals like dogs and monkeys, the 'doer' I is a bit more expressed or developed than in other creatures. That is why in the future they may be in a position to do this spiritual practice." (1)
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
== Section: Important Topic ==
Getting answers in dream state
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The sleeping state means a state of rest for the mind. But if, before or at the time of sleep, one is tormented with deep sorrow, or becomes overjoyed with extreme happiness, or is afflicted with a serious disease, or is brooding over imaginary pains and pleasures – then during sleep if the gases in the body rise and create vibrations in the nerve cells, one starts thinking and recollecting. That is why people do not always dream during every sleep.”
“Very often, whenever there is concentration of mind for any reason, during sleep vibrational waves from the all-knowing unconscious mind stimulate the nerve cells, and the dreamer gets the answer to questions which were haunting his or her mind. But these answers can never be received during the state of disjointed thinking. One thing more should be remembered in this regard, that the answers from the unconscious mind, the repository of all knowledge, are received primarily during dream and only secondarily during the wakeful state; but much of the knowledge thus gained during dream is immediately forgotten as soon as the dream is over. On rare occasions, a little of that knowledge lingers in the mind even after arising from sleep” (1)
1. Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)
== Section 3: Links ==
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