Injustice against Laksman ji by NY margiis
On Saturday, 17 September 2022, a shraddha ceremony / memorial service was held for our dear brother Laksman ji, a kind-hearted, senior margii and tattvika of NY sector. And in the announcement about his life the following heartfelt statement was given:
He was one of the founding father of Ananda Marga In USA. He was a LFT around 1971. He brought Lot of people in Ananda Marga. He worked day and night for mission even when he had horrible health condition.
Given the above statement of dedication to AM ideals and values, it is quite ironic that in the very last act related with his mortal form, those closest to Laksman ji were unable to abide by his wishes. Laksman’s aim in life was to always follow Baba, but his very own memorial service was in opposition to Baba’s teachings and Caryacarya. See here Baba’s key guideline about the shraddha ceremony.
Against his final wish
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (Caryacarya -1, Shraddha Ceremony)
That means the shraddha ceremony is to be held within twelve days from the time of death. And brother Laksman underwent his mahaprayan (death) at the end of July 2022. According to Caryacarya, the window for performing his shraddha ceremony extended up to 12 August 2022. Holding the shraddha ceremony after that death was a clear violation of Caryacarya. Yet, those in-charges somehow opted to hold Laksman’s shraddha ceremony over a full month later on 17 September 2022, which is 35 days beyond the guideline as given in Caryacarya.
So it is quite tragic and sad that for the man who became a tattvika and worked so hard in good and bad health to always adhere to Baba’s ideal that such a gathering like his own shraddha ceremony (memorial service) failed to be in accordance with Caryacarya / Baba’s teachings. It is unfortunate that the organizers could not satisfy Laksmanji’s final wish.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (Caryacarya -1, Shraddha Ceremony)
In Him,
(Renny Tyler)
Here is the initial announcement of Laksman ji’s mahaprayan:
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