Ugly dance of Ex-Wt
In our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS), the vow to become a wholetimer (WT) is lifelong. It is not something that is done for a year, 5 years, or until one finds a good place to live etc. The vow taken to be a WT is lifelong, and Sadguru Baba is very strict on this point. Everyone knows that if someone left their Wt-ship then they could not come in contact with Baba again. This was the clear-cut rule. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
In the coming days, on 09 Feb 2024, there is going to be a big gathering in Brazil celebrating 50 years of AM in GT sector. One naive WT invited ex-Nirgunananda to join in so now ex-Nirgunananda is planning on attending in hopes of getting a grand reception. This is a gross violation of AM policy. Here is more of the history:
(A) Ex-Nirgunananda was the SS of GT sector for nearly 15 years;(B) At some point, allegedly due to scandal, his name was changed to Tiirthananda and he was transferred to NY sector;(C) The then Tiirthananda duped a few senior margiis in NY and gained their trust.(D) Ex-Tiirthananda was instrumental in cracking NY sector into pieces and incurring huge legal bills;(E) The outcome of that fight was horrific and caused the further division of AMPS as well as the loss of millions of dollars in properties and legal fees;(F) To add insult to injury, as the court cases in NY failed, ex-Tiirthananda was having an affair with one Didi, and the two of them left NY sector and eloped.(G) For the last many years ex-Tiirthananda and this ex-Didi have been living as husband and wife in Berlin sector.
And now, ex-Nirgunananda / ex-Tiirthananda has great plans to show his dirty, stained face and is en route to this 50th anniversary celebration in GT sector. Many of the Wts in GT sector resent his presence due to his unethical dealings - and rightly so, as ex-Tiirthananda deserted his WT-ship, violated all kinds of conduct rules, and left NY sector in shambles. The overarching point of course is that it is against Sadguru Baba’s rules for ex-Wts to attend AMPS functions like the upcoming gathering in GT sector. Kindly see the below rules that were made in 1998 in conjunction with all of the various groups. In particular, please pay attention to point #5.
In Him,
(Georgio Rodriguez)
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