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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Marriage cheating & PP + 2 more


Marriage cheating & PP

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


There are  several reasons why our Ananda Marga marriage system is wholly unique and stands as Baba's special blessing upon society. Our revolutionary marriage system is inter-racial, exploitation-free, devoid of dowry, based on society building, and run by family people, not priests.

Plus, in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS), we regularly promote and give speeches and talks about how there are no expenses associated with our marriage ceremony / system. This is in stark contrast to the various religions where dowries or large fees are paid to the priests. These are some of the key and fundamental elements that make the Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) marriage protocol an ideal system.

But nowadays all this is being jeopardised by the actions of a few dadas.

Marriage tax may cause suicide

In the dogmatic Hindu / Indian marriage system, families are forced to pay huge fees as a dowry for their daughter’s marriage. One of the tragic outcomes of this is that each year thousands upon thousands of innocent girls commit suicide. Basically, the groom’s family requests an astronomical fee and the bride’s family is unable to pay it. Faced with this dilemma, there is tremendous stress on the family and the parents often quarrel as they consider radical measures such as selling all their property in order to pay the dowry. Seeing this dire situation, the young girls feel they are just a burden to their family. So they pour petroleum or kerosene on themselves and light themselves on fire. Or they hang themselves, jump into the well, throw themselves into the river, swallow poison, or jump in front of a bus, etc. They think by this way they can rid the family of this financial bind. Verily thousands & thousands of girls kill themselves to due this dowry nightmare.

And the same thing is going to happen soon in our AMPS due to this marriage tax. Already the groom’s family has begun demanding that the bride’s family must pay a more hefty amount as a marriage tax; because the higher the marriage tax the more prestigious the wedding. Remember this is the same dogma which has destroyed the fabric of dogmatic Hindu society, and now it is spreading like the plague throughout our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Now is the time sincere margiis should speak up. To save our ideology one cannot remain quiet. Come forward and raise the slogan, “Dogma no more, dogma no more.” We should oppose those greedy priests who are exploiting our younger generation.

Some boys & girls may become libertines

Following are more of the unfortunate consequences that will result from the newly imposed dogma of fake blessing for marriage wherein newly married margiis are forced to pay a fee to get PP's bogus blessing.

In the lame excuse of PP’s bogus blessing, cheating is going on all around. Innocent margiis are forced to pay big money to get a bogus blessing. They created an artificial demand to exploit innocent newlyweds. The same thing occurred in Christianity. Out of thin air they created their imaginary concept of heaven. And then they imposed the dogma to pay money to get a ticket to heaven. And verily they started issuing tickets. In this way, they exploited believers for more than a thousand years. And still this same thing is going on. And we are suffering from this in our AMPS also. The first thing is that PP Dada is mayadhiin (bound by maya). PP does not have strength for his own salvation. In that case, what blessing can he give to others. Nothing - just it will be a bogus blessing. To get free money avaricious purodhas are imposing this dogma. That is shameful.

1. This will lead to social exploitation as married couples will develop a complex depending on whether they can afford the fee for the bogus blessing. Those unable to pay will surely feel inferior. Then they will be prone to even more exploitation. Girls unable to marry may even commit suicide; such tragedies have always taken place when rigid dogmas enter the field of marriage. After all, PP’s so-called blessing is bogus. PP Dada cannot give a blessing; he has nothing to give.

2. Our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) marriage ceremony is for society building and marriage brings welfare to the children. That is the great dharmic purpose of marriage. It brings social stability and provides a warm, loving, and nurturing environment for the kids. Yet that is all threatened by the dogmatic marriage tax. When a fee is imposed on newlyweds to get a bogus blessing, many poor people may not get married at all. In which case those who suffer most will be the children who are born out of wedlock. After all, you know PP’s so-called blessing is bogus. PP Dada cannot give a blessing; he has nothing to give.

Some fatten their own wallets by cheating

3. Baba's system of marriage is unique and requires a strong sense of responsibility and commitment. It is dharmic. But this new system of paying to get PP's bogus blessing is just one ritualistic venture. By this way, group leaders are turning the pure ocean of our AM society into a pool of dirty, stagnant water. For it is such group leaders who have instilled PP Dada as a puppet to encash on the marriage ceremony. After all, you know PP’s so-called blessing is bogus. PP Dada cannot give a blessing; he has nothing to give.

4. Those group leaders are just like greedy priests involved in creating complexes in the minds of the general people in order to fatten their own wallets and heighten their own prestige. It is a sad day indeed when we see scenes of the dogmas of old coming into our pure AMPS organisation. After all, you know PP’s so-called blessing is bogus. PP Dada cannot give a blessing; he has nothing to give.

5. When such dogmas get imposed on the general populace, then society loses its vitality. Then people just get riddled by complexes and burdened by rituals. After all, you know PP’s so-called blessing is bogus. PP Dada cannot give a blessing; he has nothing to give.

6. One of the points that was always used to attract new people and get others interested was the fact that our marriages were free. There was no tax, no tip, no dowry, no surcharge. People immediately became intrigued and wanted to know more about our Ananda Marga way of life etc. But now this approach can no longer be taken since this marriage tax has been imposed. After all, you know PP’s so-called blessing is bogus. PP Dada cannot give a blessing; he has nothing to give.

These are but a few of the impending results of this unwanted dogma that is now being filtered into our holy Ananda Marga marriage system.

AMPS prone to dogma

Similarly, some think that because they are in AMPS then all their actions are approved and pure, or that dogma cannot touch them. No doubt Baba's teachings are perfect and pure, but dogma creeps into our AMPS when certain people drag it in. Our AMPS is not impervious.

This entire report shows how those at the helm have imposed a minimum RS10,000 tax / payment on newly-married couples ($1,000 minimum for overseas margiis) to receive a bogus blessing from Purodha Pramukha. Clearly our AMPS is not impervious to dogma. This whole episode of charging to receive PP's bogus blessing is fraudulent for numerous reasons - as outlined above.

This dogma of imposing a heavy fee or tax (jizya / tithe) on marriages for a bogus blessing is a black stain on our holy AM society. We should all be aware of the negative consequences associated with this. Then we can work together to eliminate this dogma completely and restore sanctity to our Ananda Marga marriage system.

How Ananda Marga marriage system is revolutionary

We all know what a new and revolutionary approach our Ananda marriage system truly is. It is not ordinary, but rather a big step forward for humanity. That is why it is not an evolutionary marriage system - rather Baba termed it revolutionary (viplava) because it is radically different and a great leap forward.

Certainly, we are all familiar with this, but even then it is helpful to reflect on His special marriage guidelines. Because when one group has been imposing a dogma that taints the sanctity of our Ananda Marga marriage system, we should step back and again remember the greatness of Baba's teachings. That will give us momentum to firmly root out this dogma about paying to receive PP Dada's bogus blessing for marriages.

Why is this a bogus blessing? Because when the current PP Dada is just a creation of groupism and a puppet of factional interest, then his marriage blessing is just a bogus blessing.

Our duty: oppose exploitation

As Ananda Margiis, we are fully dedicated to His mission so when we see something wrong then we feel pained. And it is our duty to point out that wrongdoing. Baba guides us that we should not tolerate anything contrary to Ananda Marga ideology. So when for years those at the helm are imposing an extraordinary tax on marriages then it became the need of the day to point that out, lest it become an ingrained dogma that plagues one generation after another.

Ananda Marga teachings guide us, "We cannot call people “good” if they cannot lead people of all walks of life towards welfare. We can call them “goody-goodies” but not good people. Those who are truly good people will move bravely forward and provide inspiration and strength to those mute masses to fight against all kinds of obstacles, and give a clarion call to them to march ahead." (1)

Sadguru Baba says, "Intelligent people should no longer remain silent...They must not act like goody-goodies, seeing evil but continuing to tolerate it. This is very bad." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy tells us, "The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons. Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people." (3)

Dos & don'ts marriage, bogus blessing

Here are Baba's dharmic points that we all must abide by:

1. No money should be associated with our Ananda Marga marriage system. Dharma is for all: rich, poor, educated, illiterate, male, female - all. Thus our Ananda Marga marriage system must be accessible to everyone and that can only happen when no money is involved - period.

2. We should remember that not a single one of our Ananda Marga social ceremonies costs money: Not initiation, not baby-naming, not cremations, not shraddha ceremonies, not house entrance ceremony - none. Thus no fees of any sort should be linked with our Ananda Marga marriage system either - least of all one fake blessing by one puppet.

3. Baba has declared the food of religious traders as untouchable. And now a few group leaders have turned PP into one religious trader as he is selling his so-called blessing. This system is most repulsive and against the ethic of Ananda Marga. There is no scope for religious trading in our Ananda Marga.

4. Our aim is to bring all moralists and good people into Ananda Marga, but when our AMPS is submerged in groupism and when new dogmas are being issued day by day - like the tax / jizya / tithe for getting a bogus blessing for marriages, then such moralists will not be attracted to our Marga.


We should root out this problem immediately. The religions became full of dogma so people started running after materialism. If we are not careful the same will happen with our AMPS. If we start accepting dogmas like this new marriage tax, then people will go elsewhere. We should take a firm stand against such opportunists - we must not tolerate their new marriage fee - it is just one ugly dogma.

At His feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Wolf methodology of some Wts

Yet, on a case by case basis some dadas are secretly collecting fees and payments from margiis. They are exploiting margiis behind the scenes in a private manner. This is the way things are going on. Such Dadas communicate with venerable parties and give assurances and then every step they charge. These wts forget that this is not the time to ask.

It is just like when a new person is first initiated then that is not the time to ask them for money. Nor should such Dadas ask for donations at the time of shraddha (death ceremony), but they do this. And they also do ask for payment at the time of marriage. And they use very tricky / deceptive language. Here is an example of how they try to cajole margiis.

Those Dadas say, “Look, I am not charging you anything - everything I am doing is 100% free - but as a margii you have to support Baba’s mission. It is not everyday that your father dies and it is not everyday that your daughter gets married. So when Baba has graciously bestowed you with money then on these occasions you should give back. Otherwise when are you going to give. And just think, I am doing this ceremony for you completely free. I am a servant of Baba. So there is no question of me charging you anything - not one penny. But from your side you should come forward and give. After all, if I had not performed the ceremony or you had this done outside of Ananda Marga then surely you would have had to pay. So then why are you not giving to Baba and His mission on this occasion. So think of Baba and support His social service projects. With this thought in mind you should offer a donation---on these occasions you should give back. Otherwise when are you going to give. But remember, I am not charging you anything.”

We are horse & margiis are grass

This is the deceptive rhetoric that some Dadas employ in order to procure donations from margiis during such social ceremonies like the death ceremony or marriage etc. In the face of this, margiis feel helpless and can only say, “Please Dada take pity on me.”

If any sincere margii asks that Dada why you (Dada) are manipulating poor margiis in this way then that Dada will reply, “What is wrong, these margiis are already wasting their money on so many types of activities. So then what is wrong if I take from them at the time of marriage etc. After all their duty is to give and my duty is to accept their offering. So this is a “dharmic approach.”

And if any proper Wts questions that Dada about why he is charging a marriage tax or death tax which is against Caryacarya, that Dada will reply, “Look, my situation is like a horse and the margiis are grass. If a horse will not graze grass it will die. The horse lives off of the grass. So the way I am collecting money from margiis is ok. You should also do - do not feel guilty.” This is the type of wolf psychology that dominates some Wts.

Like raccoons in the kitchen

Seeing the entire situation, it is very tragic that some Dadas are polluting our revolutionary Ananda Marga marriage system. Baba has graciously given something pure, and now some Dadas have been imposing their own selfish agenda / dogma. It is as if a dirty raccoon has sneaked into our pristine kitchen and put his grimy paws on everything and started licking the sweets. In this analogy the raccoon refers to some Dadas, the pristine kitchen is our dharmic Ananda Marga marriage system, and the grimy paws and licking refers to the selfish agenda of some Dadas who are imposing a marriage tax.

Some think that because they are in Ananda Marga, then their each and every action is 100% dharma and completely dogma-free. But this is just one misnomer.

It is just like how a few of our wts think that they will automatically reach the Goal simply because they are wearing orange. Or it is just like how certain top Dadas invested in narrow-minded sentiments think what they are doing is not groupism because they are a Wt.

These are some of the prevailing myths in AMPS nowadays.

Note: This is a photo of Purodha Pramukha Dada of Ranchi faction which has been artistically edited by one margii to express how money has a dominant role in decisions made by Rudrananda and PP.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana
2. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Disc: 2
3. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Blaming others for own sins

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Karttrtva karma karmaphala [“Doership, action, result of the action”]. Human beings do the actions, and the results come according to the law of nature – the Lord has nothing to do with it. So when people are in trouble, they say: “Oh God, what have You done to me? What put this into Your mind?” But the fact is that Náráyańa, God, has done nothing, and had nothing in His mind. You have done something and are suffering the consequences. You are in trouble and you are crying out. Many people are like this. But Náráyańa has done nothing. As you have sown, so you now reap. This is the plain truth. So before doing anything you should think carefully, because the action is in your hand, but not the result." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “I have already said that the Sádhaka’s sufferings are caused by the Saḿskáras which one created oneself. One should therefore not be afraid of experiencing these reactions or accuse Brahma of injustice on this account. Humans very often complain, “God, so you had this in store for me. Is this my reward for so much worship and so much charity?” Such complaints are foolish, even sinful. At the time of suffering a Sádhaka should reproach himself for his past misdeeds and refrain from evil actions in order to avoid more suffering in the future. Everyone should bear in mind that as long as the fire of woes is not extinguished – so long as the Saḿskáras are not burned one has got to suffer. That is why I say you must not find fault with others because of your Saḿskáras; they are merely the reactions caused by your own mistakes and misbehaviour.” (2)

Note: Some people unfortunately do not like to admit their own sins and faults. And in due course when they face the samskara (consequence or reaction), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba, for their wrongdoing – thereby committing sin. That is the central idea of the above teaching.

In 1970, Dadaji lost faith in Baba because of his own bad samskaras of the past. That time he was very frustrated and he started blaming Baba & accusing Him: “He (Baba) confused my mind and that is why I lost faith in Him.” But, falsely accusing and blaming Guru in this way is sinful. Yet, that is what Dada Tapeshvarananda ji did in his book. True bhaktas do not blame God for the suffering which they faced for their own sins. That is the essence of the above cited Ananda Marga scripture.

1. Ananda Marga Karma Yoga in a Nutshell - “You Have the Right to Action Only”
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 1

== Section ==

কমিউনিস্টরা মানব সমাজের শত্রু কেন

আর তৃতীয় জিনিসটা হচ্ছে কি ? না, সেবা | মনকে নির্মল করতে গেল, নিস্বার্থ ভাবে, সেবা করতেই হৰে | যারা মনে করেন যে---“মানুষের বিপদে, মানুষকে সেবা করৰ না | আরও ৰেশী বিপদের মুখে তাকে ঠেলে দেৰ | বিপদের মধ্যে ঠেলে দিলে, সে মরিয়া হয়ে, আমার ঝণ্ডা হাতে নিয়ে, আমার পিছনে-পিছনে ছুটৰে |” তারা মানুষের শত্রু | কারণ ? তাদের আচরণ সেবা ধর্ম বিরোধী | মানুষকে কেন মরিয়া করে তুলৰ ? মানুষকে কেন বিপদে ফেলে তাকে মরিয়া করে তুলৰ, আমার ঝণ্ডা বহন করৰে জন্য ? কিছুতেই এটা করৰ না | তার সামান্যতম দুঃখ দেখলেও, ওটাকে সেবা করে, তার দুঃখ দূর অরে দৰ | এইটাই মানবধর্ম সম্মত জিনিস | [1]

অপ্রকাশিত, 28-Nov-1970

== Section 3: Links ==
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