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Sunday, July 11, 2021

About didis + 3 more

About didis
Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.

Personally, I have lived with our didis for stretches at a time and have witnessed first-hand how the rule of length of hair is loosely followed - sadly so. Many have been known to have (much) longer hair. Certain pseudo-didis, especially some showy, so-called senior didis, fail to follow Baba's teaching on this matter. So this is something that clearly needs to be addressed in our AMPS. Here is more about this key issue.

Wt didis must not have hair more than 1 inch in length
Ananda Marga conduct rules emphasize that our didis must keep their hair very short. Here is the exact conduct rule given by Baba about the length of hair for our wt didis:
WT conduct rules state: “The hair of the head should not be allowed to grow more than one inch.” (Avadhutika Rules, Point #2 of 32 Points)
The above is Sadguru Baba’s given system for Wt didis. He wants our Didis to keep their hair very short - not more than 1 inch in length. Certainly this guideline from Beloved Baba has a highly beneficial effect on one's overall personality, and enhances one's ability to act as a respected acarya. Indeed, all of Baba's conduct rules have been given in the spirit of welfare. This rule about didis keeping their hair no longer than an inch in length is no different. It is for their all-round progress.

Drowned in pseudo-culture & materialism

Unfortunately, some margii sisters are not aware of Baba’s guidelines about length of hair for Wt didis. Side by side, many Wt didis keep long hair because that is what they see on the internet, in magazines, and in the beauty salons. So simple margii sisters do not realise these so-called senior Wt didis are guided by pseudo-culture and materialistic values, not Baba's teachings.
Because of all this, innocent margii sisters have succumbed to the myth that a Wt didi with short hair is rogue, or rustic, or uncultured. They think that is why a didi is not keeping long hair. That is how so-called top didis have misguided the thinking of various margii sisters.
Here I am not saying that all margii sisters in Delhi sector think like this. At the same time, this has been brought to my attention and I have seen this with my own eyes: Some margii sisters truly believe that didis with short hair are backwards like simple village folk. That is their gross misunderstanding. All because so-called top didis moulded their minds in this way.
The chief cause of all this is due to the fact that those holding central and higher posts (like so-called sectorial, global etc) keep longer hair. That sets a poor example and gives the wrong impression to margiis. Indeed, it is a pity to contemplate how some of our elder didis have fallen in this way.

Why some didis keep long hair
When Baba has given the system that all Wt didis must not keep long hair and all Wt didis must not use perfume, we have to wonder why some didis use perfume and keep long hair? What is the reason then when Baba has been so explicit about this in Wt conduct rules?
The answer is quite clear: The only goal of such crude Wt didis is to attract the opposite sex - either male wts or male youths: Whomever they can get. Due to tamasik indulgence, they are disobeying Baba's rule. That is why we see, from time to time, such pseudo-didis leaving their Wt-ship and getting married. With such a debased mentality, it is evident that those Wt didis are disgraced. They are wearing the saffron dress yet not following Baba's Wt rules. This is the sad state of affairs.

They give the false excuse that they have to travel to other countries, as if females with short hair are not allowed to travel.

According to Wt conduct rules, female Wts must not grow their hair more than 1 inch in length. This rule is related with one’s psychic development and purity of thinking. It helps enhance the personality of female Wts. True didis follow this point very strictly and always keep their hair less than an inch in length. But, you know, in a basket of apples, some are rotten.

One should not exhibit oneself as the embodiment of an ideal if you cannot follow those rules. When they move in saffron robes people honour them being fully dedicated to all of the rules of spiritual life as given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. They smile and accept that reverence that margiis give them but inside they are black, hollow, and hypocritical. We should unmask their duplicity and hypocrisy. Then our AMPS will become clean and be a beacon for the entire society.
In Him,

Didis following Baba's system are misunderstood
The other part of the equation is that there is one prevalent myth surrounding this issue that needs attention.
As noted, a growing number of quasi senior Wt didis are not following Baba's rule of keeping short hair. Rather, they are keeping long hair, 10 - 12 inches or more in length. Because of this, certain innocent margii sisters - primarily in Delhi sector - have gotten confused. Naive margii sisters see upper echelon didis with long hair and innocently assume that keeping long hair must be Baba's system. Those kind-hearted margii sisters are not aware of Baba's teaching that didi's hair should be no more than 1 inch in length. Instead, they hold implicit faith in so-called senior didis. When they see those showy, so-called senior Wt didis keeping long hair then those margii sisters assume this must be Baba's system. That is the problem nowadays.
This has led to one dogma: Some new margii sisters think that any Wt didi with very short hair is off the mark. Those margii sisters are of the opinion that a didi with short hair must have been raised in an impoverished, backwards village. When they see that a didi has short hair then those innocent margiis talk how that didi is unable to manage herself in a stylish way. Such well-intentioned margiis mistakenly criticize that sincere didi for being backwards and out of touch. When in truth, such a didi with short hair (no more than 1 inch in length) is actually adhering to Baba's conduct rule perfectly. This is the myth and confusion that is raining down nowadays.

Some so-called senior didis set bad example & confuse margiis

How did this happen - how is it that a few margiis have this misconception? The chief blame falls directly on the shoulders of those so-called senior didis. They are supposed to set an ideal example by their conduct. But on this point of length of hair, some of our so-called senior Wt didis have failed miserably. They have openly discarded Baba's guideline of keeping short hair; and, instead, some so-called top didis wear their hair long. By this way, innocent margii sisters have been led astray on this issue.
The root cause is that so-called senior Wt didis are not representing Baba's teachings: Baba's mandate is for all didis to keep short hair; yet many so-called senior didis are keeping long hair. For this reason good margii sisters have gotten confused.
Such margiis then do not realise that a Didi with very short hair is actually following Baba’s exact system. Rather, because those margiis have been misled by so-called senior Wt didis, those margii sisters think that having long hair is proper.

In Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS), you can catch a few rotten apples by seeing their hair. If some Wt didis have long hair - more than 1 inch - then they are rotten. They are crude and their mind is lowly. They pollute the AMPS society. They are a burden and scum of the earth. They have taken a vow to uphold the ideals of Ananda Marga but they are spitting on those very ideals. That is so shameful. The central idea is that hypocrisy is very bad for human progress.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

You work secretly

"Toma'ke ka'che peyechi e ba'r..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1076)


My Parama Purusa, by Your causeless grace, this time I have gotten close to You - now I have You as my most intimate One. My Supreme Entity, no matter how busy You are, and regardless of how absorbed You are in the work of carrying out Your duty as Taraka Brahma, even then I will never let You go. You will remain with me all the time, each and every moment.

Baba, in this grand creation of Yours, who is without work; everyone is engrossed. No one is without toil or sitting idle. Right or wrong, everyone is fully immersed in their engagements. This is how creation advances and moves ahead. Each and every unit being is doing something. My Nearest, so on that excuse I will not let You go.

Supreme Entity, I understand Your liila of hide and seek, and how You execute Your liila. Baba, You work secretly; You help all covertly, so no one sees You. Otherwise You will be caught. So out of the fear of being seen and held, You move around slyly and stealthily, and perform all Your works in a clandestine manner.

Baba, this time I have gotten You in a deeply personal and special way. And I will go on holding You - never letting You go....

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Great question of debate

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Parama Puruśa is omnipotent, but...He cannot hate anybody. Whoever comes near Him becomes one with Him. So Parama Puruśa remains a singular entity. Secondly, Parama Puruśa creates everybody in His mind; He cannot hate his own mental creation.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You see, everybody in this universe is within Parama Puruśa. He sees everybody within His mind, and because everybody is within His mind, He cannot hate a mental figure of His.” (2)

Note: In His above teaching, Baba guides us that Parama Purusa cannot hate anything or anyone. The reason is that this entire creation is set within His own mind. All the expressions are His. And no one can hate themselves. That is the logic and reason why Parama Purusa cannot hate anyone in spite of His omnipotence.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Two Hundred Mirrors
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Birthright of All

== Section 3: Links ==

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