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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Monster Rudrananda equates himself with Baba + more


Monster Rudrananda equates himself with Baba


System: Sadguru Baba sits in front of pratika

When Parama Purusa Baba is on the stage or seated in any position conducting darshan etc, then always the pratik is prominently placed behind Him. And same is the case when His divine photo is on display.

Photo: one Dada portraying himself as Guru

In stark contrast, this is not done for PP dada or any purodha, as they are mere mortals - prone to all the vacillations of this earthly abode. The pratik is not placed behind them. That is Guru’s place - none else.

But now look at what one Dada is doing. Such a Dada is showing himself along with the pratik as if Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji Baba is gone and now this dada is in charge -  now he is guru of Ananda Marga, sitting in the Cosmic hub. Now this dada wants to show his stature as Sadguru and Parama Purusa. Such is the gross audacity and arrogance of Rudrananda ji. See this below photo where he is sitting just in front of the pratik to give message of his status that he is Sadguru, Taraka Brahma, Parama Purusa - and that he should be worshipped.

Please pay attention to the below photo, there is a large, orange pratik behind Rudrananda. The orange lines in the below photo are the outline of the pratik. And this dada is sitting directly in front, as is done only with Sadguru Baba. But now Rudranandji has occupied that sacred place. That is why his behaviour is like the demon Hiranyakashipu - more about that is explained  in the links below.

This is the demonic work he is doing

This below image is from Rudrananda’s YouTube video. Rudrananda is seated inside the pratik. This is the demonic work he is doing, i.e. placing himself inside the pratik. The second demonic work is that he appears in the video first - later on Baba’s image is displayed. That is exactly how demon’s operate. They do the exact opposite of what humans do. Humans first take the name of the Lord, i..e Guru mantra, and demons do the opposite.


In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 4, What Should History Be Like?

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

एक चमचे द्वारा कपटाचारी रुद्रानन्द की झूठी प्रशंसा


In the following Hindi language paragraphs you will see that one sycophant Shyamlal Sharma has written a eulogy of an evil person. That evil person is the great hypocrite Rudrananda, deceptive person who moves around in saffron garb and is veritable demon in human form. He has destroyed everything good in AMPS. In comparison to him, the ebola virus is nothing. That very wretched fellow, who is infamous for his notorious activities across the world, to that hypocrite one sycophant has written a shameless eulogy and tried to portray him as a godly person. These types of cowardly and purchased so-called intellectuals like Shyamlal Sharma are a slur in Ananda Marga and a stain on the human society. Alerting such devious cowardly creatures as Shyamlal Sharma who in lieu of some mundane gain, wrote this following Hindi text. Shame on you Mr. Shyamlal Sharma, you are well qualified to go in the lowermost hell along with Rudrananda. Your tycoon boss has done so much harm to human society. History will not pardon you or your boss, the evil Rudrananda.

कपटाचारी रुद्रानन्द की झूठी प्रशंसा 

आनन्द मार्ग संस्था में बहु-प्रतिष्ठित आचार्य रूद्रानंद अवधूत द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक 'शरणागति' की प्रति प्राप्त हुई है। संस्था के कुछ सम्मानीय लोगों ने इस पुस्तक की समीक्षा लिखने के लिए कहा जिसकी अनुपालना में इस पुस्तक की समीक्षा प्रस्तुत है।

पुस्तक समीक्षा :

एक अवधूत की अपने समग्र जीवन की आध्यात्मिक अनुभूतियां, अपने इष्ट के प्रति शरणागत भाव एवं समर्पण और जीवन भर का सांसारिक अनुभव ही आचार्य रुद्रानंद अवधूत द्वारा रचित ग्रंथ ‘शरणागति’ का सार है। ग्रंथ गूढ़ आध्यात्मिक तथ्यों से भरा पड़ा है। तथ्य गुरु भक्ति से जुड़े हैं, निजी जीवन के अनुभवों पर आधारित हैं और पाठकों के लिए प्रेरणादायक हैं।

ग्रंथ आनन्द मार्ग प्रचारक संघ, आनन्दनगर द्वारा प्रकाशित है, इसलिए निश्चित-सा है कि यह अध्यात्म एवं सम-समाज की पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित है। वैसे तो साधु, संतों, फकीरों, ऋषियों, मुनियों और अवधूतों द्वारा रचे ग्रंथ भक्ति, योग, तंत्र एवं आध्यात्मिक साधना की पृष्ठभूमि पर ही रचे हुए पाए गए हैं लेकिन प्रस्तुत ग्रंथ मानव जीवन के संघर्ष, सुख-दु:ख, जय-पराजय एवं आंतरिक टकराव पर भी अपना दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत करता है। लगता है आचार्य जी सामाजिक जीवन के बारे में उन आध्यात्मिक विद्वानों या सामाजिक विचारकों से अपना अलग दृष्टिकोण रखते हैं जो अध्यात्म की बातें तो करते हैं परंतु समाज से दूर भागते हैं या व्यक्ति का सामाजिक उत्थान तो चाहते हैं परंतु आध्यात्मिक जगत की बात तक नहीं सुनना चाहते।

ग्रंथ का प्रथम अध्याय विस्तृत है। यह पूर्ण रूप से पारंपरिक भारतीय आध्यात्मिक चिंतन पर केंद्रित है। यह अध्याय मनुष्य के क्रमिक आध्यात्मिक उत्थान से पाठकों को विस्तारपूर्वक परिचित करवाता है। यहां ग्रंथ के मूल विषय अध्यात्म पर चर्चा करते हुए आचार्य भारतीय आध्यात्मिक दर्शन की गूढ़ता पर प्रकाश डालते हैं। साथ ही पाठकों को चिंतन के उस गहन मानसरोवर में भी डुबकी लगवाते हैं जो मनुष्य को युगों-युगों से आकर्षित करता रहा है। आचार्य यहां भारत भूमि पर प्रचलित रहे सभी पारंपरिक व पुरातन धर्ममतों की चर्चा तो करते हैं; पाठक के मानसपटल पर पारंपरिक एवं पुरातन आध्यात्मिक चिंतनधारा का चित्र तो उकेरते हैं लेकिन वह उस मत से पाठकों को केवल रू-बरू करवाते हैं, कहीं भी किंचित भर भी किसी विचार या मत की निंदा नहीं करते। यही श्रेष्ठ संतभाव है।

ग्रंथ का अधिकतर भाग आनन्द मार्ग के विशिष्ट आध्यात्मिक दर्शन व सामाजिक चर्या तथा आचार्य जी के लंबे सन्यास जीवन व विस्तृत संस्थागत कार्यक्षेत्र पर केंद्रित है जिसमें धर्म एवं समाज उभय पक्षों में तालमेल बिठाकर कार्य करने का एक सुंदर उदाहरण प्रस्तुत हुआ है। यह सामंजस्य योग साधकों एवं भक्तों के लिए निश्चय ही प्रेरणाप्रद है।

अपने इष्ट का आश्रय, आकर्षण, प्रभाव; उनकी दिव्यता और श्रेष्ठता आचार्य जी की निजी संपदा है जिसके कारण वह अपने जीवन की ऐसी सभी मुश्किल बाधाएं पार कर गए हैं जो साधारण मानव के लिए आकाश से तारे तोड़ने जैसी हैं। सदगुरु पग-पग पर उनके साथ खड़े दिखाई देते हैं।

ग्रंथ का व्यवहारिक पक्ष अति सुंदर एवं शिक्षाप्रद है तथा सधुक्कड़ी भाषा का पुट इसे और रसमय बनाता है।

ग्रंथ में वर्णित आचार्य जी का जीवन अनुभव दर्शाता है कि मनुष्य भले ही साधारण हो या कोई बड़ा साधु-महात्मा; वह परमपुरुष के हाथ की मात्र कठपुतली भर है एवं उनकी दिव्य क्रीड़ा में केवल एक माध्यम है, जबकि इस दिव्य क्रीड़ा में इस जीवन एवं जगत का सारा कारोबार परमपुरुष की दिव्य शक्ति से ही संचालित होता है। पाठकों को अपने सदगुरु की दिव्य शक्ति एवं आपार सामर्थ्य से अवगत करवाते हुए आचार्य जी अपने लिए कहे गए सदगुरु के ये शब्द बार-बार दोहराते हैं - ‘घबड़ाते क्यों हो, मैं हूं न’। सदगुरु के ये शब्द आचार्य कोk सन्यास के कठिन मार्ग पर साहसपूर्वक पग-पग आगे fबढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं और उन्हें हर बार सफलता का सुंदर एवं सुखद उपहार देते हैं।

-- श्यामलाल शर्मा, हिमाचल प्रदेश ।

Fought against exploiters and got victory

Now please see in the below teaching, Baba guides us that cheats and swindlers, those who are controlling the society with their terror, or via fear or reward, these coerce some cowardly intellectuals to write volumes of books in their favor. So the public should be very alert; such books are poisonous. Rudrananda's so-called book falls in that category. And Baba also says the duty of moralists is to write the real history of how common people fought against exploiters and got victory phase after phase. That history helped the society to move forward.

Study of this biased history is detrimental to society

There should be proper arrangements for the study of history. But that history must be real history, not the history of a particular class, king or minister.

Unfortunately, the biased history is always written according to the dictates of the ruling class of different countries. The study of this biased history is detrimental to society. It should not occur.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "You people of today are more enlightened. Your intellectual capacity is no less than anyone else’s. That is why you should write a new history of the human race by your collective endeavour. The history that you will write in future must unequivocally reflect such important factors as how human society has evolved through trials and tribulations; what difficulties were confronted and how human beings overcame them and moved towards their goal with firm steps; and how even today they are advancing by solving numerous problems." (1)

In Him,
Dayal Singh

Evil Avadhuta 

Dear brothers,
It is very disappointing to know about Rudranandaji to have crossed all limits as alleged.I know him ever since he was a student at Patna who was initiated by Ac Tarkeshwarji into the great socio-spiritual order"Ananda Marga" as founded first of its kind in the world by our Baba demolishing all dogmas & superstitions & the age old social prejudices & barriers, giving the inherent right to all people to emancipate themselves stressing along with to emancipate the entire human society as found shattered.

I earnestly wish about Rudranandji immediately to realise the very purpose of renouncing his all before it is too late for him even to repent.

I am confidant that nobody can ever harm our Great Mission. I am equally confidant if any one tries to harm it,would get perished. However,I earnestly pray & wish for all of us to remain united so as to march together on the great path as laid by our Baba.

Yours ever,
Er. Suresh   


pataki rudrananda has insulted marga guru by displaying himself in Pratik. i condemn him from my heart
- ac pradip kolkata

== Section  ==

Re: In this situation what to do, dance in joy?

Dear brothers & sisters,
It is very unfortunate to know as to how some workers be so cruel  even to resort to bucher their fellow workers only to satisfy their demonic whims. Such demonic actions are deliberately done by the vested interests only to publicly discredit & disgrace our great socio-spiritual order "Ananda Marga" as founded by our Baba with clear message to all to emancipate their self along with the entire human society.

It needs the immediate attention of our PP to come out to as the ardent volunteer of Baba to squeeze out such demons if still hidden among us & to unite all including all workers without any prejudice under one banner to take forward the great mission as laid down by our Baba.

Yours ever,
Er. Suresh

Some details of the Ac. Lokotorananda Case when all groups
were united under Sarvatmananda’s kingdom (pre-2000 era)

On 20th January 1994, Ac. Lokotorananda Avt threw himself in front of a running train in Hosangabad railway station, in Madhya Pradesh. He was seriously affected by the long-term abuse, humiliation, torture, and terror allegedly created by the then GS Dada Sarvatmananda and the then ERAWS Secretary Ac. Mantreshvarananda Avt, with the backing of the entire B group. Remember, those days in the pre 2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda.

Ironically, the only fault of Ac. Lokotorananda Avt was that he was very strict in 16 pts. When he was leaving Ananda Nagar on 8th January 1994, then he told to so many workers that "Neither I can leave strictness in 16 pts, nor I can leave AMPS and go outside. And also I cannot bear the torture which our supervisors are giving. So it is very difficult to survive." While he was expressing this feeling he was in a sad mood, and had tears in his eyes. And Remember, those days in the pre-2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda..

For confirmation, please confirm with very senior Margii of South India Smt. Manjula Dhayanand, Alandoor, Setikopa, Post Office N.R. Pura District Chikmanglur, Karnataka. Or Shrii Ganesh Bhat, Devikere Circle, Sirsi, North Karnara, Karnataka.

Other death and murder cases

Under Dada Sarvatmanandaji's regime so many respected whole time Workers (WTs) were allegedly tortured to death. In good faith they were brought to Ananda Nagar and executed in the dark - in the name of going out for night sadhana. Ram Prasad Brc is one of the examples - and another is Dada Ranaviiranandaji who was killed in Baghima Master Unit in Gumla District, Ranchi region. Here again we are talking about the 1990’s when Sarvatmananda held unquestioned authority and so many big Wts like Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna, and Ananda Giita were ready to carry out his every order. Remember, those days in the pre-2000, all “big” dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda..

Ac Adidevanandji suicide

In addition, Ac. Adidevananda Avt who was Asst Trainer in Benares TC was allegedly severely tortured and exploited by the Head Trainer. He ended his life by hanging himself. And those who protested in support of Ac. Adidevanandji and cried for justice were severely punished. In this case of torture of Ac Adidevanandji, H and B groups both were involved. And those respected Avadhutas who protested Centre in favor of Adidevanandji were punished.

For more about this see links below.

== Section 3 ==

बाबा, मेरे बचपन में तुम मेरे पास नहीं आए  इसके लिए  मेरे मन मे दुख नहीं है...

प्रभात सँगीत
  379 प्रथम जीवने  तुमि आशो निको ,तार lagii मने कोनो   क्लेश  नाइ


ए परमपुरुष, मेरे प्रियतम! मेरे जीवन के ऊषा काल में तुम मेरे निकट नहीं आये। परंतु मेरे मन मे यह दुख नहीं है कि--तुमने मुझे उस समय अपने संरक्षण में क्यों नहीं लिया, मेरे निकट आकर मेरे अभिन्न क्यों नहीं हुए, इसके लिये मेरे मन में कोई मानसिक कष्ट नहीं है। परंतु मेरे मन में पछतावा अवश्य  है कि मैने  उस समय तुम्हारी खोज क्यों नहीं की। यही कारण है कि मेरा हृदय पूरे समय रोता रहता है जलता रहता है।  तुम मेरे इतने निकट ही थे, परन्तु मेरी सचमुच गलती है कि मैंने प्रारंभिक वर्षों में तुम को नहीं तलाशा  इसके लिये मुझे गहरा अनुताप है।

ए पुरुषोत्तम,  बाबा, उस समय तुम मेरे कितने निकट थे हमेशा मेरे दिल में साथ-साथ रहते, तब भी मैने तुम्हें न तो पुकारा और न ही साधना सीख कर तुम्हारी खोज की। उस समय मैने कोई चिंता ही नहीं की | मेरे जीवन के सभी प्रारंभिक रात और दिन, व्यर्थ के विभिन्न कुकामों में नष्ट होते गये। अब इस जीवन के संध्या  में उन दिनों की बहुत याद आती है, और मैं अपार कष्ट का अनुभव करता हूॅं।

ए परमपुरुष ! बाबा, इस धरा पर सभी लोग बहुत कम समय के लिये ही आते हैं | अनेक काम करते हैं, और फलहीन होकर समय व्यर्थ नष्ट  होने पर तुमको, अपने दुर्भाग्य के लिये कोसते हैं | पर इसका कोई लाभ नहीं है | सबको अपने संस्कारों का परिणाम भोगना ही पड़ता है। जब वे अपने अहंकार का छाता अपने सिर के ऊपर से हटा लेते हैं तब उन्हे पता चलता है कि तुम्हारी कृपा वृष्टि तो सदा ही उन पर भी तो होती रहती है। ए परमपुरुष ! बाबा,  तुम तो सदा कृपालु हो, तुम वही करते हैं जो मेरे लिये सर्वोत्तम होता है, मेरी केवल यही इच्छा है कि सदा तुम्हारी शरण में ही बना रहॅूं।

- Trans Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: एक चमचे द्वारा कपटाचारी रुद्रानन्द की झूठी प्रशंसा
2. Posting: Monster Rudrananda equates himself with Baba

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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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