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Saturday, July 7, 2018

A’rati dogma in AMPS + 4 more


A’rati dogma in AMPS


The general dogmatic Hindu tradition is that when a dogmatic guru dies then a new dogmatic guru takes the place of the old dogmatic guru and becomes the guru of the sect. But, on the tantric path of Ananda Marga, only Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is the Sadguru.

A similar dogma in AMPS

Here in the below photo the worshiper is doing a’rati to the mythological deity elephant god. With both hands, the worshiper is offering a gold plate containing a cup of ghee with a lit wick, or candle. This is a traditional Hindu ritual. And on the puja table there is a lit candle inside a cup to protect the flame that is fueled by ghee, or clarified butter. On the puja table itself in front of the mythological deity there is an offering of flowers and coconuts. And on the far left side of the image there is an a’rati stand comprised of multiple layers of lamps.

~ A’rati to mythological deity elephant god ~

This type of dogmatic arati worship is being enforced by Rudrananda in our AMPS to show godly reverence to PP and / or seminar trainers etc. Margiis are coerced to perform these same rituals as done to the mythological Hindu deity. Yet this is contrary to Ananda Marga philosophy, but this Hindu dogma has been forcibly injected into our AMPS.

Rudrananda: stooge PP treated as Sadguru

Now, unfortunately, a strange, dogmatic metamorphosis is taking place: Margiis are forced to show maximum reverence to PP Vishvadevananda as if he is the Sadguru. First of all, this has been Rudrananda's long-standing strategy: He wants margiis to become indoctrinated into this dogma whereby in each and every unit and bhukti, margiis receive Purodha Pramukha with a’rati. So it is Rudrananda who has initiated this dogma where in PP is revered as a god so that Rudrananda can gain more authoritative power because PP sits in Rudrananda’s pocket.

Rudrananda’s devious ploy

Rudrananda is injecting this to get the power from PP. The more PP is revered, the more power PP will wield. And since when Rudrananda is himself the controller of PP all that power comes directly into his hands. So Rudrananda’s stature rises with the rise of PP.  It is just like how exploitative religious priests plot their course. They give their orders in the name of God. They tell: "This is not me saying this - I am not speaking - this is God's command - and if you do not follow, then you will face the consequences." Such priests use the power of God to get their followers to abide by their ghastly orders.

False things imposed: in the name of Baba

Rudrananda sings the lullaby that, "Baba was PP and now He has bestowed that spiritual power unto PP - so we should all pay heed and follow Baba by giving maximum regard to PP as we do to Baba." This is Rudrananda's lie. And his underlying motivation is that if this a’rati dogma is implemented and PP is honoured up to the sky, then all other orders of Rudrananda in the name of PP will also be followed. That is Rudrananda's chief aim. It is just like how by invoking the name of God, those dogmatic Hindu priests garner more power and respect from their followers. It is a direct relationship. Same is the case with Rudrananda and PP. By citing Baba and putting PP up on a pedestal, Rudrananda gains more power over margiis because PP sits in Rudrananda’s pocket..

We should also keep this fact in mind: As many may know, PP Vishvadevananda is basically a stooge of Rudrananda. So in true sense all power gets routed to Rudrananda.

Your grandchildren will be harmed

This type of dogma is antithetical to the Guru-disciple relation. Spirituality will be just a dream if one is always busy in highlighting oneself and boosting one's ego. In that case the mind will be barren like the dry desert. When PP is following in the footsteps of those Hindu dogmatic gurus and feels satiated by the prestige, then that is disgraceful. It is opening the door of his spiritual demise. By his own behaviour he is misleading countless people by encouraging them to believe that he is their dogmatic guru, and Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is their Guru's guru.

If we ignore all this and keep quiet then our children and grandchildren will not understand what the real spiritual path of Ananda Marga is. They will see all the dogma going on in AMPS and mistake that as being the real dharma of Ananda Marga teachings. They will not know that it is all dogma and hence they will never be able to advance one inch along the path of spirituality. We should never let such a scene come to pass.


This dogma of doing a’rati to PP Vishvadevananda and treating him as God is a stepping stone to fully embracing the Hindu dogma of placing the gurudom into the hands of PP, and hence Rudrananda. The underlying motivation is that if this a’rati dogma is implemented and PP is honoured up to the sky, then all other orders of Rudrananda in the name of PP will also be followed also be followe because PP sits in Rudrananda’s pocket.

This is a dogmatic and dastardly plot that should be nipped in the bud, i.e. stopped immediately.

In Him,

On the tantric path of Ananda Marga, only Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is the Sadguru.

PP is bound by avidya maya

Why does PP not oppose this? Well, as stated above, he is basically following Rudrananda's mandate. Plus we have to remember that PP is an ordinary human being bound by avidya maya, and by the asta-pashas (8 bondages) and sad-ripus (6 enemies). PP likes having prestige. So he is ok with being revered as the dogmatic guru even though he knows it is sinful to do this drama. Because when someone treats him as the dogmatic guru, his ego is satisfied.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (1)

Hindu dogma in AMPS: transferring guru-ship

The dogmatic Hindu ritual is that the guruship is handed down from one generation to the next. That means a guru will have all sorts of disciples and when that guru dies one of those disciples will then be anointed as the next guru. So the new dogmatic guru will get the same importance as the previous guru who died, and the new dogmatic guru will have full control and undisputed authority. That is the way it works in Hinduism etc. But that is not the case in the tantric teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy.

In Ananda Marga, no one else becomes the Sadguru

Our Ananda Marga philosophy is not based on Hindu dogma - our system is different.
3-9 Brahmaeva gururekah náparah (2)
Cosmic Consciousness is the Guru - none else.
On the path of Ananda Marga, only Braha is the Guru. So whether Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is in physical form or not, He is the Sadguru. He is guiding all the time, every moment. Baba remains with every disciple, all the time, and guides them. No disciple is left alone. That is the quality and characteristic of Sadguru. That is why still today, when an acarya initiates anyone, that acarya is not the Sadguru of that new initiate. The Sadguru is Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. That is the unique, tantric system. It is unlike Hindu dogma.

History: a’ratii to PP

After the DMS held in Ahmedabad, Purodha Pramukha reached Himmatnagar to visit an Ananda Marga school. Upon his arrival, various lady margiis were doing arati (ceremonial reception) per the Hindu system with diipam and flowers in front of PP Vishvadevananda and treating him as God. And PP was standing there with folded hands accepting the arati in his honour, as if he is the deity. So PP was honoured as dogmatic religious institutions do for welcoming a deity. So Purodha Pramukha was essentially being treated as the deity, by the order of Rudrananda. Since Rudrananda is the controller of PP, all of PP’s authority and clout comes directly into Rudrananda’s hands.

As you will read down below, this is all part of Rudrananda's grand plan to lay claim to more and more power. If the margiis revere PP as a deity by receiving him with arati, then certainly margiis will abide by each and every order given. That is the motivating factor.

And verily this is coming into form. Purodha Pramukha was received with arati by margii didis in Himmatnagar. Some of the many present who witnessed this were: Dr. Chunibhai Patel (BP of Himmatnagar), Dwarakajii (BP of Ahmedabad), Manojkumar (Himmatnagar), Suresh Lagate (originally Marathi, but settled in Ahmedabad), and many Wts and Didis.

This is the new dogma taking shape: In various places where Purodha Pramukha Vishvadevananda visits, new and naive margiis are encouraged to do a’rati to PP. And Purodha Pramukha acts as if he is worthy, or as if this is the system in  Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. But we know, a’rati is only done for God. No one else. Yet now we see that PP is given a’rati by the order of Rudrananda.

(For those not familiar with the Hindu tradition of a’rati - or ceremonial reception for the Lord - see the above photo and its description.)

This dogma was started because new people saw PP not raising the jai slogan which means he is Baba. In this next phase Rudrananda coerced attendees to do a’rati to PP. That is how this dogma of PP being the Lord, has been imposed. Until we oppose this, it will continue - and grow. Such is the danger.

Please bear in mind that just as the dogmatic worshiper is honouring the dogmatic, mythological elephant god in the above photo, similarly at the reception in Himmatnagar, the lady margiis were honouring and worshiping Purodha Pramukha as the focal point. PP was the one in the centre, and all the ladies were dancing and swaying around him. Those ladies were serenading PP with their heart-felt longing and lit candles. They were doing arati to him - considering PP as the Revered One. And in the background, the singer or singers are chanting a hymn in the praise of PP as a deity. So if you exchange the deity in the photo for PP, then you will get a sense of what transpired in Himmatnagar. The aim is for PP to be revered as a god so that Rudrananda can gain more authoritative power as PP sits in Rudrananda’s pocket.

On the tantric path of Ananda Marga, only Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is the Sadguru. He is eternal Entity who guides us and showers His blessing. We should also keep this fact in mind: As many may know, PP Vishvadevananda is basically a stooge of Rudrananda. So in true sense all power gets routed to Rudrananda.


Here in the below photo is the scene of arati. Sikh followers are performing the arati ritual by folding their hands and paying respect to the deity who is inside the gold temple. And the person who is leading, has one gold plate supporting a lit lamp. So with reverence they are doing arati, which is the ceremonial waving and swinging of the arati plate in circular motions before the god in the temple. And in the background, the singer or singers are chanting a hymn in the praise of the deity.
A similar dogma in AMPS
The way the followers of Sikhism or Hinduism pay reverence to their deity, in the same way Rudrananda started the dogma that PP is also receiving a similar type of puja, via this arati ritual. So the performers and onlookers, everyone thinks that PP is the object of ideation of Ananda Margis.
This scene related with Arati, Rudrananda, and PP treated as the deity of Ananda Marga, is disgraceful.
If you missed the description of this photo which was given above, here again it is presented: Here above is the scene of arati. Sikh followers are performing the arati ritual by folding their hands and paying respect to the deity who is inside the gold temple. And the person who is leading, has one gold plate supporting a lit lamp. So with reverence they are doing arati, which is the ceremonial waving and swinging of the arati plate in circular motions before the god in the temple. And in the background, the singer or singers are chanting a hymn in the praise of the deity.
1. Caryacarya, part 2, Sadhana, point #1a
2. Ananda Sutram, 3 - 9

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Fountain of songs is flowing eternally

"Ga'nera jharn'a' boye ja'y, bela' abela' na'hi ma'ne..." (Prabhat Samgiita.#4868)


Baba, the grand fountain of Prabhat Samgiita is flowing eternally, completely independent of the normal cycle of time. These blissful songs float according to their own schedule and routine - not caring about day or night, summer or winter. The divine tune and sweet melody of Your musical compositions are dancing on the jagged path. They lead one towards that vast Cosmic Ocean of refulgence, the Supreme Entity...

== Section 3: News ==

Sad plight of Wts under Rudrananda


I came to know that total 17 WT (Ranchi AMPS) left due to dictatorship of Rudrananda core team. In addition, in WT training centre, only one or two trainees are there.

Liilabodhananda dada had hot discussion with Rudrananda Core team last year in October month. After this hot exchange, dada Liila decided not to work with them and quit. He is now staying at Begusarai native home with parents wearing civil dress. His parents are creating pressure to get married.

In WhatsApp discussion is going on that in the future Ranchi group will disappear because new WTs are not being created and many WT will die due to old age and some would leave due to dictatorship of Rudrananda core team. After 25/30 years, Kolkata group would automatically take over entire AMPS.

By this way, the dominant religion of Iran, Zoroastrian, became almost extinct and replaced by Islam. Their main flaw was that they were expelling their followers left and right. And the demographers have already declared that if this trend continues in a few decades it will vanish entirely. The case of H group is similar.

in Him,

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Using asanas to cure laryngitis

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are some diseases – and their number is not negligible – which are carried by the inference of smell. Most of the skin diseases and boils which have a bad smell are carried by the smell inference. The disease of the laryngitis (in which the voice becomes hoarse and ulcers in the throat emit a foul smell) is invariably carried by the inference of smell. Those who sing for long periods of time or deliver lengthy speeches are likely to be attacked by laryngitis which is carried by negative microvita. This disease can be avoided or cured if sarvauṋgásana (shoulder stand) and matsyamudrá (fish pose) are practised regularly in ascending and descending order, then cloves and betel leaves are boiled together and the warm water is drunk through the nose, and the portion of the tongue near the uvula is then cleaned with the middle finger of the hand while the water is still in the throat. Finally, the water should be ejected from the mouth."
   "Negative microvita also attack the human mind through the smell inference. If a person sits in a wine bar or pub and the smell of different alcoholic beverages enters one's nose, the smell will influence one's mind. One may also order a drink from the bar!" (1)

1. Microvita in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt A

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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This email contains five sections:
1. PS #4868: Fountain of songs is flowing eternally
2. Posting: A’rati dogma in AMPS
3. News: Sad plight of Wts under Rudrananda
4. IT: Using asanas to cure laryngitis
5. Links

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