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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Relationships with Parama Purusa


Relationships with Parama Purusa


Here is the philosophical and practical response about (a) why in some discourse it is stated that you have a family relation with Parama Purusa, and (b) why in Prabhat Samgiita (after 1982) there are some songs that are based on Master-slave relation between Parama Purusa and the bhakta.

Ways of relating with Parama Purusa

As you know, in the book Namámi Krśńasundaram, the different types of relationships between bhakta and Parama Purusa are outlined:
(a) mother-child (vatsalya bhava) - where the bhakta is the mother and the Lord is the child.
(b) father-child - where the Lord is the father and the bhakta is the son or daughter.
(c) friend - where the bhakta relates to Parama Purusa as friend.
(d) slave relation (dasya bhava) - where Parama Purusa is the master and the bhakta is slave.
(e) intimate relation (madhura bhava) - where the bhakta relates to Parama Purusa as his most intimate One.

All this is clearly outlined in Namámi Krśńasundaram. This is all part and parcel of the personal approach and spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga. And Ananda Marga philosophy is for all. Ananda Marga philosophy guides us what is the best type of relation to have - i.e. a close family relation; but, not all are ready for this. Due to various reasons etc. Some like a higher relation and some like a lower relation.

According to one’s desire and natural feeling, a sadhaka adopts one of the above relations. Depending on the status of mind, one interacts and relates with Parama Purusa - including as the Master-slave relation. Prabhat Samgiita has also some songs for those sadhakas. And one day they may advance and adopt a closer relation. But for those in a distant bhava / relation, it cannot be changed immediately. Rather, sadhana is needed to change one’s psycho-spiritual flow. And that can take time - even lifetimes. And it can also be very fast.

The following Hindi-Urdu Prabhat Samgiita (#4335) is an example of this type of Master-slave relation song:

“Zamin ásamá tumhárá, tumhárá jahán sárá,
maen bandá hún tumhárá, álamgiir tum hi pyárá
tumhárá jahán sárá…” (PS #4335)

Key difference between PS & AM books

Remember the basic fact that Prabhat Samgiita is the expression of the bhakta. Whatever the bhakta thinks, that is in Prabhat Samgiita. In contrast, Ananda Vacanamrtam and Subhasita Samgraha are Guru’s teachings about what to do and what not to do.

For example, in Subhasita Samgraha, it is told not to blame Parama Purusa. Whereas, Prabhat Samgiita is the heartfelt feeling of the bhakta. The 3rd grade bhakta likes to blame Parama Purusa, so that is why blaming Parama Purusa is present in Prabhat Samgiita.

Prabhat Samgiita is the inner feeling of the bhakta - i.e. the heart feeling of the sadhaka towards Parama Purusa. There are 3rd grade bhaktas who have a master-servant relation with Parama Purusa. They feel very natural relating with Him as banda’ / slave, and feel uncomfortable thinking of Parama Purusa as their own family member. That is why 3rd grade bhaktas use the banda’ / slave relation.

Standard of bhakti can change

So, in Prabhat Samgiita, the bhakta is talking with Parama Purusa. According to their standard of bhakti, some sadhakas look upon Parama Purusa as their Master, and they are His banda’ / slave. They feel very natural relating with Him as banda’ / slave, and are uncomfortable thinking of Parama Purusa as their own family member.

They express their feeling to Parama Purusa, and that is why those bhaktas sing those songs that are based on the banda’ / slave. That is their innate feeling. If they were barred from singing banda, they would not like to sing or associate with any other Prabhat Samgiita. Because they would not be able to express their inherent feeling.

Over time, naturally, by practicing sadhana, asanas, and Sixteen Points, their mind changes and they will adopt a higher relation and they will not like to sing banda songs.

Top of all, Prabhat Samgiita is the feeling of the bhaka. When people enter onto the path of AM, then according to their level of bhakti, some will gravitate towards those compositions of Prabhat Samgiita that are based on the Master-slave relation. Their mind will not view Parama Purusa as their own family member or other types of more intimate relations - at least not at the outset. They cannot view Him as a loving Father etc. They feel most comfortable with the Master-slave relation. So songs of that nature are needed for those with this standard of bhakti.

Remember, Prabhat Samgiita is the inner feeling of the bhakta. Sometimes Prabhat Samgiita is the expression of madhura bhava, and in some songs a lower relation is expressed. Sadhakas can choose accordingly, as per their mental standard.

Something for all grades of sadhakas

At the same time, Parama Purusa always goads and guides sadhakas that they have an intimate relation with Him. So the two aspects are working in complementary fashion. Baba gives His supreme recommendation of what is best, and side by side He gives something for people who have all kinds of spiritual outlooks. That is the greatness of Ananda Marga ideology - there is something for everyone - and there is no question of any kind of contradiction.

It is similar to how Baba talks about their being various grades of bhaktas; He outlines the entire spectrum and philosophy. And then Baba says that A-grade bhaktas are the best, but that does not mean that there are no C-grade bhaktas or that the philosophy / mentality of a C-grade does not exist. And it does not mean that those who are C-grade bhaktas cannot act like C-grade bhaktas. They can do that, and side by side they should try to improve and raise their status - per Guru’s recommendation to be an A-grade bhakta.

Ultimately, Guru communicates with all kinds of people / sadhakas on various levels through numerous relations. So there is no contradiction. Baba gives the entire philosophy and offers His supreme recommendation on what is best. Ananda Marga has many options - i.e. something for everyone - and Guru tells which one is best. At the same time people make their own personal choice according to their own mental standard.

Very unique distinction

Some Prabhat Samgiita compositions are songs whereby the bhakta is blaming Parama Purusa for their various mundane problems. Philosophically speaking, Guru never appreciates this - i.e. blaming the Lord. But He has given a song like that because there are all kinds of people / sadhakas on this earth. And He gives something for everyone. At the same time, He tries to goad them towards a more sentient and refined status - i.e. a better spiritual approach.

In various discourses, Guru is inspiring and encouraging and teaching people that they have a family relation with Parama Purusa. He wants that sadhakas should adopt this approach and come close. And after 1982 Sadguru Baba composed songs for bhaktas of all levels - because the practical reality is that this world is colorful and there are all kinds of grades of bhaktas. And Ananda Marga has something for everyone - even those who have a Master-slave relation with the Lord. And those sadhakas should always try to pay heed to Guru’s recommendation to cultivate a more tender and sweet relation with Him.


Baba recognises that people come from all different levels of bhakti and it takes time for their mind to change. Such persons should be accepted and taught how to proceed in a more refined way. Most of the compositions in Prabhat Samgiita are the expression of the heartfelt feeling of the bhakta.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One of the many bhávas is madhura bháva. Madhura bháva is a very exalted bháva, for this bháva fills the mind with sweetness and bliss and leads the aspirant to the closest proximity of the Lord." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One feels, “Since He is earnestly seeking human welfare it is my duty to do His work.” This is the spirit of dásya bháva. “He is my Master, my Lord – I am His servant.” And the spirit of madhura bháva is as follows: “He is so vast, endowed with innumerable attributes, yet even then He loves me. He is so great, yet He is still my most intimate friend, so very close to me. What joy! What joy!” This is madhura bháva." (2)

1. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Krśńa and Supra-Aesthetic Science (Discourse 27)
2. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy – 2 (Discourse 9)

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are present in every work

“Tumi kato liila’ jano…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0311)


Parama Purusa Baba, You know how to play a grand variety of cosmic liilas. You play so many types of divine dramas. To spiritually intoxicate my mind, You play a gamut of supreme plays with me. Sometimes You make me cry, and other times You make me laugh. Baba, You shower Your exquisite blessing in countless ways.

My nearest Entity,  Baba, there is nothing that can remain hidden from You. You know and see everything. In each action You exist; You are always there. Without Your grace nothing can happen. You are present in every work. Whatever I do, wherever I go, You are there - watching. Nothing can be done secretly. In Your unfathomable play - liila khela - the whole universe is dancing at Your feet.

Baba, You flood the world with Your smile and laughter, as well as with torrential tears of joy. You shower rays of happiness upon all, and side by side You witness the troubles and torments people undergo. My Supreme Guide, Baba, I love You, knowingly and unknowingly. Your songs of love flow throughout this cosmos.

Parama Purusa Baba, You know how to play a variety of liilas….

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0311:

[1] Liila':
 In this universe there are innumerable events taking place. When we know the cause of a particular event then that is kriida. And when the cause is not known then it is liila. If the cause was initially not known, and later on becomes known, then that event becomes kriida. Thus as one's knowledge increases - and more and more events can be rationally explained - then for that person the scope of kriida is increased.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is a subtle difference between liilá and kriid́a. When the cause of an effect is easily discernible it is called kriid́a, but when the cause is unknown and only the effect is easily discernible it is called liilá." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, To Know Him Is to Be Free from All Fetters

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