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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Kumbhaka pranayama is dangerous?+ 4 more

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This email contains five sections:
1. Kumbhaka pranayama is dangerous?
2. IT: Hypocritical dealings of various religions
3. It: How come diabetes patients always drink
4. Comment: Re: Romance of Mantrajapananda
5. Links

Kumbhaka pranayama is dangerous?


Most senior sadhakas know kumbhaka pranayama has three phases known in Sanskrit as (a) puraka (inhalation), (b) kumbhaka (retention of breath), and (c) recaka (exhalation). Kumbhaka pranayama is a very subtle practice that is potentially very dangerous if not done correctly. One may even die from doing this in the wrong way. And shu'nya kumbhaka, i.e. the act of keeping all the air expelled for a period of time before taking the next inhalation, is an even more advanced practice, and demands extra care when performing this lesson. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In the case of respiration also, after human beings inhale, they do not immediately exhale. They retain the breath inside for a while, and then they exhale. Similarly, after exhaling, they do not immediately inhale. They stop for a little while, and then only do they inhale. So in both cases there is a pause for a short while. The first pause, after inhalation, is called púrńa kumbhaka, and the second pause, after exhalation, is called shúnya kumbhaka." (1)

Practiced in fake yoga classes etc

So-called kumbhaka pranayama is very popular in fake yoga or pseudo yoga classes. Tragically, it is incorrectly taught in these various hatha / fake yoga classes. You might have heard about this. Bear in mind kumbhaka pranayama is not the regular pranayama done in “standard” Ananda Marga sadhana by general sadhakas.
Kumbhaka pranayama is practiced by vishesh yogis in Ananda Marga. 

Everyone should know that practicing any type of kumbhaka pranayama without getting the proper guidance from an acarya is very harmful. Sadguru Baba has delivered a stern warning about kumbhaka pranayama. Because if it is done incorrectly then one may puncture their lung, or face other physical and psychic problems. The body and mind can become so adversely affected that the person could die. 

In our regular pranayama, or sadharana pranayama, which common margiis do, is comparatively safe. There is only puraka (inhalation) and recaka (exhalation). There is no stage of retention.

Outlandish claim in Baba story book

The advanced practice of shu’nya kumbhaka (vacuum) pranayama means keeping the air out for an extended period. Yet one story writer claims Baba said dogs do like this when they sleep. As if animals in the dog family just sleep in a state of shu'nya kumbhaka (vacuum) - i.e. they exhale, and keep the air out entirely while they sleep and do not inhale again until after they awaken. This is an outlandish idea. In the real world a dog would die under such conditions. How can a dog do like this. Sadguru Baba would never make such a claim.

Here we address this very serious flaw from a Baba story book wherein the writer attributes this false statement to Baba. The writer claims that Baba told the following:

The writer wrote: "Animals of the dog group perform shu'nya khumbak [pranayama] while sleeping." ("Baba Antarya'mii" (Hindi), p.131)

(Note: Shu'nya kumbhaka means keeping the air expelled after exhalation, and not breathing in again.)

So on page 131 of his book, "Baba Antarya'mii" (Hindi), one family acarya - Shrii Diip Narayanji - has laid claim that during senior acarya classes Baba stated that dogs do shu'nya khumbak when they are sleeping. Here is his exact line from acaryaji's Hindi publication: "Dog group sote samay shu'nya kumbhaka karte hain."

Once again, the English translation is: "Animals of dog group perform shu'nya khumbak [pranayama] while sleeping."

Dogs are unable to practice any form of meditation

This is the statement acaryaji has attributed to Baba. But how can a dog sleep and do shunya khumbak and not take any air while it sleeps. That means that while the dog is sleeping it exhales and then does not breathe in again - the entire process of respiration is halted. The dog stops breathing. Only later on - 20 minutes or 40 minutes later does the dog breathe in again. But in the real world a dog would die if it did this. Indeed, no dog does like this. Yet this is a most erroneous and outlandish claim that is made in this book. Obviously Baba never made such a statement. Clearly, the writer is confused.  Moreover, dogs are unable to practice any form of meditation, let alone shu'nya khumbak pranayama - which is a higher, specialised lesson of pranayama. So this is just a false and bogus claim.

Now it is the duty of the publisher to correct this mistake. This is a grave error as it is done in Guru's name. It should not be in print that animals from the dog family practice shu'nya kumbhaka (vacuum) pranayama. This is a complete misnomer.

And there are other gross inaccuracies in the book. When Shrii Diip Narayanji tries to explain Ananda Marga philosophy or wrongly cites Baba, then he goes far from the path. And verily that defeats the whole purpose in writing. The book is meant to serve as a clarification of Ananda Marga ideals, but, often the author is steering things in the other direction. Such explanations misguide the reader. That is the problem.

By directly addressing such flaws, the book can be corrected and made better; and, most importantly, Sadguru Baba will be presented in the proper light. Then the publication will be cured of its ills. In contrast, if an incorrect  philosophical tenet is put forth in story form, then the whole society can be led astray. This happened in the past with Mahasambhuti, i.e. Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna. For instance, the public believes Lord Shiva smoked hashish and that  Lord Krsna dances with young women. Such events should not be repeated.


The practice of general pranayama is extremely beneficial for all sadhakas. It can give a big boost to one’s dhyana practice. And it is an essential part of our sadhana system. Everyone should be keen to practice this lesson regularly as per the instructions given by their acarya. 

In Him,
Madhava Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Sadharana pranayama as described in Carayacarya

Following are some of Baba's teachings about sadharana pranayama. Here below Baba is describing the pranayama which is a standard lesson of Ananda Marga sadhana.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Closing the eyes, sit in either siddhásana, padmásana or bhojanásana. Do bhútashuddhi. After doing ásana shuddhi, concentrate your mind on the point that the ácárya will fix. Then, after doing cittashuddhi, ideate on the first syllable of your Iśt́a mantra, press and close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand, and draw in a deep breath through the left nostril. During inhalation, ideate that infinite vital energy is entering the point from the infinite Brahma who is existing all around. After taking a full breath close the left nostril with the middle, ring and little fingers, and, taking the thumb away from the right nostril, slowly let out the air (Ideate that the infinite vital energy is returning from the point to that Infinite Brahma). During exhalation ideate on the remaining syllable of your Iśt́a mantra. When the breath has been fully expelled from the right nostril, inhale as fully as possible again through the right nostril. Afterwards, closing the right nostril with the thumb and removing the fingers, exhale the air through the left nostril. This completes one round." (2)

How to maximize your strength & become strong

Next Baba explains how those competent in the various practices of kumbhaka pranayama can cultivate tremendous physical strength and endurance.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was flowing through, and depending on whether the id́á or piuṋgalá or suśumná channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further instructed when and in what circumstances one should do ásanas, práńáyáma, dhárańá, dhyána, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was known as svara shástra or svarodaya [science of breath control]. Prior to Him, the world was not aware of this science. Shiva also gave clear instructions how this science could be applied by people in the practical field of action. In fact, this svara shástra did help the people later to solve many problems in their mundane as well as spiritual lives. When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties – perhaps one’s limbs might be broken – but in a state of baddha kumbhaka, or púrńa kumbhaka [with the lungs full], one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shúnya kumbhaka [with the lungs empty] one might even die."
   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shúnya kumbhaka, you will have great difficulty – you may even collapse. If, on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in púrńa kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijiṋána. You might have read in the Rámáyańa that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijinána." (3)

Non-sádhakas not to injure by práńáyáma

Here is one of the many places where Baba advises that non-sadhakas should not practice pranayama as without the proper training they may harm themselves.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Práńáyáma is meant for sádhakas – it is better for non-sádhakas not to take the risk of injuring themselves by doing práńáyáma." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The practice of dhyána [meditation in which the psyche is directed towards Consciousness] becomes a time-consuming affair if práńáyáma is not adequately practised.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, You will have to transform your idea of “I am Brahma” into Self-realization through the process of dhyána. In order to establish oneself in dhyána, one will have to do ásanas, pratyáhára, práńáyáma and dhárańá.” (6)

So pranayama is a key and integral part of our sadhana practice. It is especially helpful to practice it before doing dhyana. But, the practice of pranayama is dangerous for non-sadhakas.

Questions and answers on pranayama

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Question: What is the meaning of recaka?"

"Answer: Recaka means “emptying”. When one exhales completely and keeps the breath out during the process of breathing, it is called recaka." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Question: What are the differences among recaka, púraka, and kumbhaka?"

"Answer: At the time of práńáyáma, when one exhales the breath completely, it is called recaka; when one inhales completely, it is called púraka; and when one retains air inside the body, it is called kumbhaka." (8)

Story books should be corrected 

It should be known that there are a number of other problems, fallacies, and inconsistencies with this book; please come forward with others that you have found. In brief, to improve this publication the need of the day is to point out any and all places where the book does not match Ananda Marga ideology. Since 1990, various Baba story books have been written by Dadas etc and many have serious flaws - i.e. poor expression and wrong explanation of Ananda Marga ideology. 

It is very important to share draft editions with various senior sadhakas etc to ensure that every word and expression within the book is consistent with Ananda Marga ideology. By having numerous proofreaders ahead of time, it is sure that the final publication will be of a higher standard. Unfortunately, the way things are going these days, many such publications are wrought with inaccuracies, including the book by Shrii Diip Narayan ji, Baba Antarya'mii. Greater care must be taken before publishing a Baba story book.

In Him, 


1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Dhruva and Adhruva
2. Caryacarya - III, Pranayama
3. Namaha Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything (Discourse 3)
4. Caryacarya - III, Pranayama
5. Ananda Marga Caryacarya, part 1, Sádhaná, point #4
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam, Psychic Development and Karma
7. Yoga Psychology, Q & A #14
8. Yoga Psychology, Q & A #15

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Hypocritical dealings of various religions

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Átmánátman viveka will teach you that the Singular Eternal Entity in the form of Consciousness should be your only object of ideation. You will see the colours of religion fade before your eyes as the pure white effulgence of dharma shines with ever-increasing brilliance.”

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All the “isms” prevalent in today’s world can easily be included in the category of religions. All the defects of religions exist in the “isms” too. None of the political, social or economic “isms” are free from superstition none are straightforward; all are full of rampant hypocrisy. In all “isms”, doctrines and religions, the scriptural authority is supreme. There is no scope for the functioning of the five types of conscience, no place for service, love or devotion. With the help of falsehood and immorality, these “isms,” doctrines and religions slander and make accusations against each other. They make attractive promises to the people while hiding their own internal sins. In fact, false piety is not the path of dharma, leading to welfare, but the opposite of dharma, the negation of welfare. They can be likened to asses wearing lion skins: take away the lion skins and their their true form will be revealed. They have no other purpose than to grab votes and usurp power. The mentality to grab the votes first and then serve the people is not the true spirit of selfless social service; rather, it is the mentality of power craving materialists.”

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You will have to advance with the true spirit of genuine social service, because the very characteristic of dharma is to promote the cause of welfare. Dharma and welfare are inseparable.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - part 7, p. 533

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How come diabetes patients always drink

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The debility of the mańipura cakra is the main cause of diabetes. Amongst the pancreatic juices, one secretion helps in the digestion of food, and another separates the sugar content from non-vegetarian and starchy types of food. The sugar is then stored in a particular section of the liver and according to body requirements it is dissolved to generate heat and vital power to run the body mechanism. Chronic indigestion, constipation (here also the stool usually turns into pellets), mental exertion without any physical labour, use of intoxicants, and excessive seminal waste – all weaken the vitality of the liver. When such weakening takes place, the sugar contents of the food, failing to find a storage place in the liver, are assimilated into the blood and gradually accumulate. As a result, the blood gets polluted and loses its immune properties to a great extent. The natural reaction of the body in such a situation is to try to purify the blood by separating out its sugar content and expelling it with the urine. To dissolve the sugar, the human body needs plenty of water, and that is why diabetes patients suffer from a continuous thirst. Sugar emitted with the urine in a large quantity gradually reduces the vital energy of diabetes patients." (1)

1. Yogi Treatments, Diabetes

== Section 4: Comment ==

Re: Romance of Mantrajapananda


There is one more piece to this puzzle that I would like to comment on. About 15 minutes after Mantrajapananda posted his drunken message about romance with Didi to the Wt What’sApp forum, then the moderator Madhuvratananda removed Mantrajapananda’s number from the list. By all perspectives, that is what the moderators should do when someone grossly violates the rules and sanctity of any forum. But then something else happened. 

In fairly quick succession, Madhuvratananda added a new number to the forum. This number had a different country code from the number that was deleted. But it turns out, Madhuvratananda subscribed Mantrajapananda to the same forum via a different number. So the whole maneuver was a ploy, sham, and cover-up. 

The optics would have been bad if as moderator Madhuvratananda did not do anything; he had to remove Mantrajapananda’s number for posting that perverted message. But it was all a farce. Madhuvratnanda had no interest in kicking his friend Mantrajapananda off the network. Because both are bound by their debauched behaviours. 

So, in a cover up, Madhuvratananda merely subscribed Mantrajapananda via a different number. This is the type of backdoor, good ‘ol boy antics that are ruling the roost in AMPS these days. Morality and integrity are nowhere to be found. 

In Him, 

Recently, one serious henchman of Rudrananda, Mantrajapananda, after sleeping and having romance with one Didi, in his drunken state ended up writing a few lines about his romance on What’sApp: 

+91 78570 92311: Mantrajapananda: “Last night it was after talking dd Haladini. I went in very romantic Relationship. Don't know Whose was what.”

The above was posted to the What’sApp Wt forum on 04 March 2017. And the Dada who wrote this is Mantrajapananda, the Wt Trainer in Davao Philippines. 

== Section ==

क्यों हठयोग हानिकारक

 ईश्वरतत्त्व-विहीन, भक्ति-विहीन योग, इसको लोग संस्कृत में कहते हैं---हठयोग | हठयोग मानवता के लिए लाभदायक नहीं है, हानिकारक है | "ह" माने है "सूर्य-बीज" | और, "ठ" माने है "चन्द्र-बीज" | अर्थात्‌ सूर्य-नाड़ी और चन्द्र-नाड़ी | अर्थात्‌ इडा-नाड़ी और पिङ्गला-नाड़ी को ज़बरदस्ती रोध कर लिया, तो, वह हुआ ह-ठ योग | "ह" को "ठ" के साथ ज़बरदस्ती मिलाकर रुद्ध कर दिया, तो---हठयोग | शक्ति-प्रयोग के द्वारा अचानक जो होता है, उसको हठयोग कहते हैं | हठ से जो काम होता है, हम लोग संस्कृत में उसको "हठात्‌" बोलते हैं | "हठात्‌ हो गया"---माने "ह" और "ठ" से हो गया, ज़बरदस्ती हो गया; हमारा हाथ नहीं था | “हठात्‌” बोलते हैं न, हम लोग अचानक को ? हाँ | तो, हठेन---हठेन कुरुते कर्म | वह कभी मुक्त नहीं हो सकता है, जो हठ से काम करता  है | हम लोग निन्दा करते हैं, हठकारिता की  | हठकारिता की निन्दा की जाती है | [यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। सर्व विदित है कि आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं] (1)

1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित, Transcribed ver. GD 13 September 1978 Patna

== Section 5: Links ==

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