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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

See immoralist garlanded + 3 more

See immoralist garlanded

It is sad that these new Proutists do not know that the person they are garlanding is a property seller of AMPS, contravening Baba’s guidelines. These Proutists of Bihar are not aware of the situation. They do not know that the people they are garlanding and venerating are not sadhus.

These wts - Vimalananda & Paramananda - have “exploited” AMPS here in India and across the planet and sold so many properties. Then they kept the money for themselves and gave some to Rudrananda. Look what is going on in the below photo as these well-intentioned Proutists are receiving these “avadhutas” as if they are real sadvipras.

~ Paramananda (left) & Vimalananda (center) Getting Garlanded ~

See in the above photo how these simple margiis are garlanding to Vimalananda and Paramananda. Kindly know that Vimalananda not only harmed AMPS and the Prout organisation in the aforesaid manner but Vimalananda has changed the name of Prout samaj from Proutist Sarva Samaj to Pragatisheel Sarva Samaj. That is also part of his “black portfolio.”

Awake, arise, do not give undue respect to unworthy people, otherwise you are going against the fundamentals of Prout. Baba guides us to raise the voice against immoralists - not garland them.

In Him,

Ananda Marga philosophy warns how improper leadership brings terrible harm to society.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Today there is catastrophe and misery in human society and there is one reason: the defective leadership of society. People blindly follow even unintelligent leaders. The leaders hypnotize and attract thousands with their tall talks, gestures and other dramatics. Understand that the poverty and misery of any people in any country are the sins of the leaders. True leaders should always be vigilant and think how to work best for human society: they must be ever cautious that under their guidance the people are not led to darkness, death and immorality.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Whenever someone commits injustice, you should not succumb. Fight against immoralists.” (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is never proper to extend support to immoralists.” (3)
~ In-depth study ~

History of Vimalananda black deeds

Vimalananda also wrote this eulogy

And the above Vimalananda Dada is the same Vimalananda who a few years ago wrote a eulogy about the tragic passing of Ac Shantatmananda jii. That eulogy was published in one of our Ananda Marga magazines - Prajina Bharati - and circulated around the globe. Let’s take a line-by-line look at the veracity of Vimalananda’s eulogy regarding the untimely passing of Ac Shantatmananda jii.

Vimalananda wrote the following lines in Prajina Bharati magazine. Please pay attention to the highlighted yellow section.

"Acarya Shantatmananda (Avadhuta) ji breathed his last at Ranchi (JH, India) at about 1:30 PM today on Dec. 16, 2014 due to his health complications arising from age related problems. He was under medical rest for over two years at Ananda Nagar, finally hospitalized and was bed-ridden for the past four weeks, under skilled care of Dr. (Acarya) Karuna Shahdev and her team."

The above section highlighted in yellow is very important.

Fact Check

Before his death, when Dada Shantatmananda jii was sent to the women’s health center run by a very good margii gynecologist - Dr Karuna Shahdev -  then he was unable to walk or eat.

As this is a maternity home, the entire staff is trained for childbirth and women’s issues etc. So seeing this monk admitted in this state of severely failing health, all non-margii staff were both surprised and shocked. Actually you can imagine the scene and how awkward it was. Dada jii himself was overwhelmed. Here the margii gynecologist is not at fault.

Actually at that point, Dada Shantatmananda jii needed a strong intervention by the appropriate specialist - not a gynecologist, i.e. not a doctor for ladies. Everyone knows that Dr. Karuna Shahdev, is a gynecologist who runs a maternity home. Her speciality is in gynecological procedures, women’s health issues, pregnancy and the delivery of babies. Here the margii gynecologist is not at all fault.

So Dada Shantatmananda ji was under the care of a gynecologist, hospitalized, and bed-ridden in a maternity ward where all around mothers were crying and wailing in labor pain. So you can imagine the degree of care and comfort Dada Shantatmananda jii got in that maternity home. Here the margii gynecologist is not at fault.

Yet, Vimalananda wrote in his eulogy as if Ac Shantatmananda jii got the finest treatment and care: “finally hospitalized and was bed-ridden for the past four weeks, under skilled care of Dr. (Acarya) Karuna Shahdev and her team.”

Why Shantatmananda jii was not sent to Apollo Hospital (Ranchi)

All know that the best, most professional hospital in Ranchi is the Apollo hospital, but Dada Shantatmananda jii was not sent there. Here’s why.

One tragic point that arises in all of this is that Vimalananda jii did not want to spend any money on Shantatmananda jii’s healthcare and treatment. He was too stingy to spend money to treat him. So Shantatmananda jii was dropped off at a birth center / maternity home as they knew the margii gynecologist would not charge them any money. Here the margii gynecologist is not at fault.

We all know that when PP Dada Shraddhananda jii was in failing health then he received top care and treatment in the appropriate facility - not in any birth center / maternity home. But sadly, that same humane treatment was not extended to Shantatmananda jii.

It is well known how Dada Vimalananda jii and Ac Shantatmananda jii had a cat and mouse relation - due to the Mexico land sale issue. And then after the death of respected Dada Shantatmananda jii, Dada Vimalananda jii is shedding crocodile tears and writing this fake and phony eulogy to make his own image clean.

Vimalananda is trying to show and project the “great care and love” he had for Shantatmananda jii. But all the facts point in the opposite direction. How long did Vimalananda think that he could get away with this by throwing sand in the eyes of concerned margiis by writing this false and phony eulogy.


So those naive and innocent margiis who are garlanding Vimalananda at the train station should reconsider what they are doing. Vimalananda is the one who sold so many AM properties; Vimalananda is the one grossly neglected an aging, dying avadhuta; and Vimalananda has done so many ills. Then how can we think he is fit to be garlanded and given huge respect.

Sadguru Baba guides us to always evaluate the conduct of the person. We should see whether the person’s actions are befitting of that of an acarya or not. Undue respect should not be given to unworthy persons, regardless of their dress. By this way we can build a great AM society.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácá ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words.” (4)

Note: If Dada Shantatmananda jii were an expecting mother in labor about to give birth, then coming under Dr Shahdev’s care would have been an excellent choice. Alas, this was not Dadaji's circumstance.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
2. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, The Moral Standard of the Age
3. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Some Characters of the Mahábhárata
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You came with the flood of spiritual effulgence

"Ele álor váne, dolá diye kotháy lukiye gele, sumanda samiire, suvás bhare diye man mátále..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1132)


O’ Parama Purusa, You came with the flood of spiritual effulgence; Your presence transformed my whole existence. After spiritually vibrating me and filling my mind with bhakti, where have You hidden Yourself? I can’t see You. You have saturated the gentle breeze with Your unique fragrance. O’ Supreme One, You divinely intoxicated my mind with sublime longing for You. After gracing me in this way, where have You gone?

O’ Supreme Entity, Baba, everyone yearns for You; all yearn to get You more close. No one wants to leave You for even a single moment. By having You, the heart basks in bliss. Every bhakta wants to surrender unto You and always remain under Your shelter. O’ Cosmic Entity, whatever sweetness exists in their mind, they want to pour at Your lotus feet and satisfy their age-old longing to please You.

O’ Bhavatiita [1], I request You to grace me by coming close. Come in madhura bhava [2] and remove all my imperfections. Make me pure so I can realise You fully. O’ Supreme One, please come, with new rhythm, song, melody, and tunes, and with Your heart-exuberating, soul-stirring new beats. O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, shower Your causeless krpa’ and make my life successful...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1132:

[1] Bha'va'tiita: This is one of the names of Parama Purusa and describes one of His infinite attributions. In His stance of bhava’tiita, Parama Purusa is beyond all thought conception. Bhava means thinking, and atiita means beyond. So bhavatiita means the Entity who is beyond all thought. If one tries to think of Bhavatiita - i.e. the Supreme Entity - then one’s mind gets suspended in His ideation and ceases to function. It is akin to the doll of salt that tries to measure the depths of the ocean. It dissolves before reaching the bottom and becomes one with the ocean. Similarly, the mind cannot reach that Entity who is Bhavatiita. As the unit mind tries to think of Him, the mind actually becomes one with Him, by His grace. That unit mind loses its individuality and merges into Him - it cannot remain separate. That is why He is called Bhavatiita.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Parama Purus'a, the Supreme Reality, is beyond all speech and thought: He is beyond the reach of the vocal cord. So He is bha'va'tiita ["beyond bha'va"]...The more one thinks of His infinite qualities, the more one becomes speechless, the more deeply one becomes absorbed in Him." (1)

[2] Madhura Bhava: There are different spiritual relations / bhavas a sadhaka may have with Parama Purusa. For instance one may view Him as Father, or Friend, or Master, or Loving, i.e. madhura bhava etc. These relations have varying degrees of closeness with Parama Purusa. Of the four, madhura bhava is very intimate and close.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Madhura bháva is a very exalted bháva, for this bháva fills the mind with sweetness and bliss and leads the aspirant to the closest proximity of the Lord. To a person who is predominantly a devotee of the Lord, everything tastes sweet, there is nothing bitter in the creation of Parama Puruśa. He is attracting you through the ectoplasmic world, binding you through the bonds of love." (2)

Ananda Marga teachings state, "The spirit of madhura bháva is as follows: “He is so vast, endowed with innumerable attributes, yet even then He loves me. He is so great, yet He is still my most intimate friend, so very close to me. What joy! What joy!” This is madhura bháva." (3)

So the path of madhura bhava is always blissful.The bhakta wants only His sweet proximity and one gets His intimate companionship by His grace.

Note: If you wish to listen to the audio file of this song let us know.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 19
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 27
3. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 27

== Section 3: Important Topic ==

How poor parenting ruins kids

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Antisocial behaviour is not always caused by lack of money. Where the parents or guardians are evil by nature, they try to infect the other members of their family with their disease. A few days ago I read in the newspaper that an upper-middle-class lady used to encourage her son to steal clothes, etc., from her neighbours by offering him money for cinema tickets if he did – in other words, by applying indirect pressure. When the incident became public, it was discovered that her family was not in financial difficulty. By putting pressure on her son, the lady was infecting him with her own mental disease.”

“There are many parents who, due to miserliness or whatever reason, deprive their children of delicious food and drink. (If there is some reason for this deprivation, they do not explain it to their children.) They serve such food and drink to others in the presence of their children without explaining to them why they are being deprived. As a result, the children, under the pressure of circumstance, steal to try to satisfy their natural desires.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Justice

== Section 4: Links ==

Legal Notice: ©2017 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: See immoralist garlanded
2. PS #1132: You came with the flood of spiritual effulgence
3. IT: How poor parenting ruins kids
4. Links

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