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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Humans Are Half-Slave And Half-Free


This email contains 2 sections:
1. End Quote: Human Being Are Half-Slave And Half-Free
2. PS #4471: 

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Human Being Are Half-Slave And Half-Free

"Although the Cosmic Mind is the supreme controller of this world of emanation the unit mind also has a certain amount of control over the nerve fibres and nerve cells – the unit body. We cannot call the power of control an absolute power; we may call it “dominion status”. By virtue of this power, the unit mind directly controls the nerve fibres and nerve cells of the unit body. As the unit mind is controlled by the Cosmic Mind, Parama Puruśa controls the nerve fibres and nerve cells of the human body indirectly. If He so desires Parama Puruśa can also control them directly, too. In that case the entire physical structure of a human being will be vibrated by the cosmic vibrations of Parama Puruśa, causing the function of the unit mind to remain suspended for that period. This state can be called the samádhi of non-inferential bliss. During this samádhi spiritual aspirants sádhakas enjoy divine bliss directly from the Cosmic Mind without the help of inferences or tanmátras. Under normal circumstances human beings enjoy blissful feelings in the nerve cells and fibres and later in the mind; but during the samádhi of non-inferential bliss, the blissful vibrations are created directly in the mind because the Macrocosmic mind does not require any fixed medium – He can use anything as His medium." (APH-4, The Samádhi of Inferential and Non-Inferential Bliss)

Humans are freedom - but within a limited scope. For instance, we may walk or run if we choose, but we cannot fly on our own power. That is an inherent limitation; there are some things we cannot do. So according to our given dominion, we are free to act. And as we exercsise our free will we must face the consequences of their misdeeds. There is no scope for blaming others.

In contrast, animals are fully bound; they have no free will. They cannot act independently. Cosmic mind has programmed them in a certain way and those animals live according to their animal vrttis. They have not scope to do otherwise.

== Section 2 ==

~ बाबा! तुम मेरे गीतों को क्यों नहीं सुनते हो? ~

प्रभात संगीत 4471 जे गान तोमाके शोनाई तुमी की शोनो ना प्रियो.....


हेे मेरे प्रियतम बाबा! तुम मेरे गीतों को, जो मैं तुम्हारे लिये ही गाता हूँ  , क्यों नहीं सुनते हो? मेरे हृदय से निकले उन गीतों की  तुम क्यों  उपेक्षा कर देते हो? तुम, मेरी आन्तरिक भावनाओं से भरी , तुम्हारी चाहत को प्रदर्शित   करने वाले उन गीतों  की कोई चिंता ही नहीं करते? कृपया , मुझे बताओ तो कयों?

हे दिव्य सत्ता! पृथ्वी  पर खिलने वाले फूल  जो अपनी सुगंध को  चारों  ओर विखेरते हैं, वे धूल में पड़े रो रहे हैं। इसे अनदेखा कैसे किया जा सकता है- क्या इसे यों ही भुला दिया जाना चाहिये?

हे मेरे प्रभु , मेरे बाबा! यदि तुम्हें यही अच्छा लगता है तो कृपा कर वे सब भौतिक सांसारिक सुख देने वाले सभी उपहार वापस ले लीजिये जो तुमने शब्द  ,स्पर्श  ,रूप, रस और गंध (1) से संबंधित मुझे दिये हैं और उन सब के बदले मुझे तुम्हारे चिंतन में सदैव ही बने रहने का आशीष  दीजिये, मैं तो तुम्हें हमेशा  अपने निकट ही चाहता हॅूं, बस मेरी यही एक इच्छा है।

हे बाबा! हे परमपुरुष! कृपा कर मेरे हृदय से निकले गीतों को सुन लीजिये।

टिप्पणी (1) इस सापेक्षिक संसार से प्राप्त प्रत्येक प्रदर्श  पाॅंच तन्मात्राओं शब्द  ,स्पर्श , रूप, रस और गंध से बंधा होता है। ये सीमित प्रकृति की होती हैं अतः साधक यहाॅं इन साॅंसारिक प्रलोभनों के बदले आध्यात्मिक चिंतन को माॅंग रहा है।

- T.R. Sukul

Here is the phonetic spelling of the above Hindi purport in Roman script:

Bābā! Tuma mērē gītōṁ kō kyōṁ nahīṁ sunatē hō?

Prabhāta saṅgīta 4471 jē gāna tōmākē śōnā'ī tumī kī śōnō nā priyō.....


hēē mērē priyatama bābā! Tuma mērē gītōṁ kō, jō maiṁ tumhārē liyē hī gātā hūm̐ , kyōṁ nahīṁ sunatē hō? Mērē hr̥daya sē nikalē una gītōṁ kī tuma kyōṁ upēkṣā kara dētē hō? Tuma, mērī āntarika bhāvanā'ōṁ sē bharī, tumhārī cāhata kō pradarśita karanē vālē una gītōṁ kī kō'ī cintā hī nahīṁ karatē? Kr̥payā, mujhē batā'ō tō kayōṁ?

Hē divya sattā! Pr̥thvī para khilanē vālē phūla jō apanī sugandha kō cārōṁ ōra vikhēratē haiṁ, vē dhūla mēṁ paṛē rō rahē haiṁ. Isē anadēkhā kaisē kiyā jā sakatā hai- kyā isē yōṁ hī bhulā diyā jānā cāhiyē?

Hē mērē prabhu, mērē bābā! Yadi tumhēṁ yahī acchā lagatā hai tō kr̥pā kara vē saba bhautika sānsārika sukha dēnē vālē sabhī upahāra vāpasa lē lījiyē jō tumanē śabda ,sparśa ,rūpa, rasa aura gandha (1) sē sambandhita mujhē diyē haiṁ aura una saba kē badalē mujhē tumhārē cintana mēṁ sadaiva hī banē rahanē kā āśīṣa dījiyē, maiṁ tō tumhēṁ hamēśā apanē nikaṭa hī cāhatā hĕūṁ, basa mērī yahī ēka icchā hai.

Hē bābā! Hē paramapuruṣa! Kr̥pā kara mērē hr̥daya sē nikalē gītōṁ kō suna lījiyē.

Ṭippaṇī (1) isa sāpēkṣika sansāra sē prāpta pratyēka pradarśa pāĕn̄ca tanmātrā'ōṁ śabda ,sparśa, rūpa, rasa aura gandha sē bandhā hōtā hai. Yē sīmita prakr̥ti kī hōtī haiṁ ataḥ sādhaka yahāĕṁ ina sāĕnsārika pralōbhanōṁ kē badalē ādhyātmika cintana kō māĕṅga rahā hai.

- T.R. Sukul

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