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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Another false story by Pranavatmakananda + 3 more


Another false story by Pranavatmakananda


Here is an example how Pranavatmakananda propagates false things. Further down, we will ask you to please pay attention to the yellow highlighted section which is the most glaring example of Pranavatmakananda's ignorance.

His grace is needed for liberation & nirvikalpa samadhi

To clearly understand Pranavatmakananda’s mistake, please read Sadguru Baba’s teachings highlighted in green where Baba is guiding us that without the grace of the Supreme Entity one cannot attain nirvikalpa samadhi.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is true that liberation is not possible without the great preceptor’s kindness.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When they cease to take finite entities as their mental object, and direct their entire psychic potentialities towards Parama Brahma, then they attain such an exalted mental state, by His Grace, that they are unable to hear or feel anything. They attain the Supreme Stance. To attain this stance abhedajiṋána (non-discriminatory knowledge) [nirvikalpa samadhi] is indispensable, and then only with His Cosmic Grace.” (2)
By the above teachings in green, it is clear that without the grace of Parama Purusa, one cannot reach the state of nirvikalpa samadhi.

Pranavatmakananda's bogus story

Now see the yellow highlighted lines below where in his fabricated story Pranavatmakananda is spreading the falsehood in the name of Baba that one can attain the stance of nirvikalpa samadhi without the grace of Parama Purusa. Pranavatmakananda has presented a bogus account how Subhas got nirvikalpa samadhi by Subhas's own individual efforts, and that Baba is awed to see Subhas’s enormous achievements.

Kindly see below Pranavatmakananda’s fictitious narration of this fake Baba story where Pranavatmakananda is making the ridiculously false claim that Subhas got nivikalpa samadhi without the grace of Parama Purusa. Unfortunately, Pranavatmakananda is preaching something in the name of Baba that is wholly against Sadguru Baba's teachings.

Bogus story of Pranavatmakananda starts here:

“Baba was silent, and His gaze was fixed towards the sky.
He went on gazing towards the sky. Seeing His seriousness, no one dared to
disturb Him. This must have continued for about 10-15 minutes. Then suddenly
He (Baba) uttered, “sa’bash, Subhas, sa’bash” ("Bravo, Subhas, bravo").
His mood was
very serious, and He was perspiring. Without saying a single further word, He got
up and returned to the car. Even on the way back, He (Baba) did not say anything.

Baba said, That day Subhas attained nirvikalpa samadhi by his own effort. It is
very difficult to attain nirvikalpa samadhi without the help of the Sadguru. In the
case of Subhas, he reached that stage without any assistance
from me. See,
Amitananda, he could have reached the topmost post in the country, i.e., become
the Prime Minister, but he gave it all up to reach the highest spiritual goal. The
standard of renunciation he has shown is exemplary. [Baba said,] What Subhas has done will inspire every human being in the future. If a man so involved in the world can
achieve the highest goal of life purely by his own effort, then why not others.
It is
to be noted here that out of the thirty or forty times that Baba had demonstrated
Subhas to different persons, on all of those occasions, barring two or three,
Subhas was found absorbed in sadhana.”

Bogus story of Pranavatmakananda ends here.


So you see how through the above fabricated Baba story Pranavatmakananda tried to prove that Subhas got nirvikalpa samadhi without the grace of Parama Purusa. On the other side, Baba guides us in Ananda Marga philosophy in green highlight that no one can get nirvikalpa samadhi without Cosmic grace. It is quite evident that Pranavatmakananda is spreading things that are polar opposite to Guru’s teachings. Due to Pranavatmakananda's ignorance, and the medium of his concocted story, Pranavatmakananda has portrayed Baba as being self-contradictory. The whole scene is sad.

In Him,
(Kevin Reynolds)

Note: it is our duty to protect Baba’s grandeur and if someone due to their ignorance or any other reason is painting one shady image that Baba contradicted Himself then we should fight back.

How to recognise good or bad story

Here are a few ways by which you can recognise if a story is fake or real.

- #1: It is important for us to consider what is needed to write a proper Baba story. First and foremost one must ensure that the Baba story is itself true. After carefully making this assessment, these following criteria are needed: (a) deep bhakti for Baba, (b) pointed understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy, and (c) literary skill.

- #2: Bhakti allows a person to write with proper flow and prana. Ideology brings right direction and philosophical consistency. Literary skill brings artistic value and beauty.

- #3: Of these three characteristics, if one has only bhakti and lacks philosophical understanding and lacks writing skills, then sometimes their story will not have philosophical support. And in some cases the story may even be dogmatic. And, certainly without literary skill, the story will be rough and jagged and will lack proper expression. If one has only philosophical understanding and lacks bhakti and is shy on writing skills, then their Baba story will be dry and poorly expressed.

- #4: So if there is a proper degree of bhakti along with ideological understanding, then one's literary skill will help make that story shine. While if one uses all their literary talent on a story that lacks the inner feeling of bhakti and philosophical understanding, then that story will be a mess - i.e. useless and poisonous.

- #5: Unfortunately, nowadays there are some who fall in this last category. They may or may not have the writing skills, yet utterly lack proper spiritual, heartfelt feeling and ideological understanding. In that case, the intimate component of the story is ruined or left out entirely, or one will write something contrary to the ideological fundamentals of Ananda Marga. If one has bhakti then that literary skill give a proper spiritual flow to the story, but if one does not have bhakti then that literary skill is meaningless. So when those lacking both bhakti and philosophical understanding write a story, then the outcome will be like applying cosmetic make-up to a dead person - there will not be any charm. It will be useless and dogmatic.

- #6: Best is to cultivate or have all the qualities: (a) requisite bhakti, (b) understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy, and (c) literary skill. Then one can write a beautiful and loving account that will inspire so many readers across the ages. And again, the first and foremost point is to ensure that the original material - i.e. the Baba story itself - is true and accurate.

The lame, fabricated story which Pranavatmakananda presented in yellow highlight is bogus because it goes against Ananda Marga philosophy.

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga ideology states, “If someone has pride inwardly that he is moving on by dint of his own strength, he is wrong. How little strength human beings possess! And with that little strength, how far can they move forward!...Because of His grace, they will get energy or strength from Him, and with that strength they will move forward. Without His grace, no one can move even a single step forward. And for this people should always remember that by their own efforts they do not make any progress.” (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Everything depends upon His Grace. Human beings are very weak; without His Grace nothing can be done.” (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When they cease to take finite entities as their mental object, and direct their entire psychic potentialities towards Parama Brahma, then they attain such an exalted mental state, by His Grace, that they are unable to hear or feel anything. They attain the Supreme Stance. To attain this stance abhedajiṋána (non-discriminatory knowledge) [nirvikalpa samadhi] is indispensable, and then only with His Cosmic Grace.” (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Any action, whether for self-preservation or spiritual practice, is not possible without the grace of the Supreme.” (6)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “When anyone becomes one with the culminating point, one attains salvation. So the Lord of the culminating point is the liberating personality – without his Grace, without His help, no one can attain salvation.” (7)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Human beings should always remember that their entire existential faculty depends on the grace of this Supreme Controlling Authority. It is due to His grace alone that they get the opportunity to continue spiritual practice. They could never know Paramártha without His divine grace. (8)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In philosophical parlance, samádhi means unification of the unit mind with the Cosmic Mind, or merger of the unit mind into the Cosmic Mind...Samádhi is not possible merely through one’s own efforts.” (9)

The bogus story which Pranavatmakananda is presenting is diametrically opposed to Baba's aforesaid guidelines. By this way Pranavatmakananda is spreading falsehood and incurring sin.

==> Please forward this email to Pranavatmakananda to open his eyes.
1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Intuitional Practice and Its Necessity
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Abhedajiṋána and Nirvikalpa Samádhi
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Path unto the Abode of Beatitude
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, His Reflections Are Everywhere
5. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Abhedajiṋána and Nirvikalpa Samádhi
6. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Abhedajiṋána and Nirvikalpa Samádhi
7. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Who Is the Liberating Entity of Human Society
8. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 6, The Primordial Cause of Creation
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Samádhi and Mrtyu

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Adverse effects of artificial sterilisation

Prout philosophy states, "Vested interests do not favour population growth because this will mean sharing mundane property at the cost of their hoarding. Capitalism would like the extinction of the intellectual class as this would give it free scope for exploitation. The intellectual class usually belongs to the middle income group. Capitalists encourage family planning and birth control to check the growth of this middle class, thus these measures are a creation of the capitalist order."

"Due to age-old superstitions the common people does not take help of these measures. It is the middle class intellectuals who adopt these practices and become the victims of them. A Proutistic order would vehemently oppose this move. There is immense potential for maintaining the population of the world. By scientific advancement it may be possible for human beings to live on tablets. The real glory of humanity lies in creating conditions for adjustment with natural processes rather than in curbing normal processes by artificial measures."

"Artificial sterilisation means making males or females artificially sterile. This has certain adverse effects on the mind and body of human beings. Sterilisation brings glandular changes and changes in the hormone secretion of the glands which ultimately affects mental expression. Due to these changes a man may become like a eunuch. According to PROUT only severely handicapped people and born criminals should be sterilised." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Origin of the various religions

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Behind the origin of a religion lies the inborn fear psychology of human beings. Human beings started religious practice to appease the different natural phenomena – the hills and mountains, the rivers and oceans, the forests, thunder and lightening, the morning and evening, and so on. Such religious practice was based on the instinct for self-preservation: the only intention being to propitiate the gods and goddesses of diverse moods. Some kind of imaginary faith worked in the back of people’s minds. Such psycho-sentiments arose after human beings came in contact with the different natural phenomena. The roots of most religions lie in the worship of a particular natural phenomenon. Some religions centered around the moon, some the sun, and others a stone image."

"The roots of most religions lie in the worship of a particular natural phenomenon. Some religions centered around the moon, some the sun, and others a stone image. Later on people created an improvised philosophy to support the worship of that physical phenomenon. They advanced the philosophical argument that it was possible to attain the unlimited by worshipping its limited form. They declared their temples, mosques and churches made of bricks as sacred places. A strong sentiment developed for the worship of different deities. So blind were their sentiments that they refused to listen to rationality. Take the case of cows: Hindus worship cows as something holy, apparently because they give us milk. But if cows are revered as mothers for giving us milk, shouldn’t buffaloes be given a similar status? Actually, buffaloes give more milk than cows. Unfortunately, the blind religious followers refuse to listed to logic as their religious sentiment for cows has taken root deep in their minds. People are fed these ideas since childhood, so later on it becomes impossible for them to discard them. Science students understand the reason for a lunar or solar eclipse. They know that the eclipse does not occur because the sun or moon has been devoured by the mythological demons Ráhu and Ketu (Umbra and Penumbra). Yet due to the deep rooted Saḿskaras in the mind, they rush to take a holy bath in the Ganges during the eclipse. This is the result of blind faith."

"When the wave of physical sentiment becomes stronger than the wave of logic, we call it blind faith or religious bigotry." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How great rsis saved the Vedas

Ananda Marga teachings state, “Even though the preservation of the Vedas through memorization was made somewhat easier by this tripartite division, it was still a difficult matter. Thereafter the song-predominant portions were collected together and arranged according to their relative antiquity. In many cases, in addition to this time-wise division, an attempt was made to classify the songs according to their metres. Despite making it easier in this way to preserve the Vedas by memorization, they were still on the verge of being erased from the canvas of memory. At one point, after close examination, it was found that many important portions had disappeared – permanently disappeared, never to return again. At that time, a group of pandits from Kashmir disregarded their age-old inhibitions in order to save the Vedas from destruction and set them down in writing for the first time in the old Sáradá script of that region.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 3, Disc: 15

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