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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Good lesson to these sinners

Good lesson to these sinners


Over the years, Sadguru Baba took great great efforts to give dictations of thousands of pages of Ananda Marga philosophy and now, one after another, certain dirty people are destroying His divine teachings.

Please carefully see the photo. In this fake Lord Shiva photo, one lady has made her home in the matted locks of Lord Shiva's hair. Those matted locks are so large they became the home of one lady. And her name is Gaunga. That is Hindu mythology.

Hindi Prout Journal (Sep 2020) - page 11

Unfortunately, in the above image the Hindi Prout Journal is promoting this bogus Hindu dogma in the name of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. If those in-charge Dadas had done this in their own names that would have been less devious. But they chose the worst way - they implicated Sadguru Baba and His Prout philosophy in this scandalous affair - and by this way they are trying to destroy Ananda Marga teachings in the minds of innocent readers.

This is just a bag of rotten outdated dogmas

Those educated people who think that Hinduism is just a bag of rotten outdated dogmas will think that AMPS is the same. This whole affair is unfortunate. Here is a point by point listing and analysis.

#1: The lady (Gaunga) in Lord Shiva’s matted locks is a prevalent Hindu dogma. But the deviousness of those Prout Journal incharges does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#2: The above photo shows a crescent moon just in front of fake Lord Shiva’s head. This is also one dogma according to AM ideals. Because the real Lord Shiva does not have a crescent moon on His temple hovering in front of his head. But the deviousness of that avadhuta does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#3: On fake Lord Shiva's right palm, there is a crude, dogmatic Hindu emblem related with the Shiva-liuṋga and phallic worship. This is an age-old dogma rooted in the relatively innocent notion of strength in numbers which then regressed into a lewd and degraded imagery and insinuation. For more about this see addendum.

Baba took great efforts to give dictation of thousands of pages of Ananda Marga philosophy and now, one after another, certain dirty people are destroying His divine teachings.

#4: Next, see how the photo portrays a birth defect where there is a third eye which runs vertically on the forehead of the fake Lord Shiva. This is also one Hindu dogma. Ananda Marga philosophy rejects portraying Lord Shiva in this way. Even then the deviousness of that avadhuta does not end there. Here is the next hypocrisy.

#5: There is a series of white horizontal marks across the forehead of the fake Lord Shiva. This stands as another dogma as it represents the joining of two Hindu sects - Shaevism and Vashnavism. This also Baba condemns. On the real historical Shiva nothing was there - there were no such marks.

#6: Plus the photo depicts the tone of the fake Lord Shiva’s skin is the wrong colour. And the deviousness of these Prout Journal in-charges does not end there.

#7: And verily if one looks at this photo more minutely, they will see countless flaws / dogmas - but I am stopping here...


This is all rotten Hindu dogma. When I saw this done in the name of Marga Guru then at first my heart sank - I thought how these worthless and cunning avadhutas will destroy AMPS. Then after a few moments I got assurance from Baba that there are many right thinking margiis and wts who will give a good lesson to these sinners who are moving around in the garb of an avadhuta and doing this in the name of Prout. This must end - we have to save Baba's teachings.

Seeing this, how will the common people think that Ananda Marga is a dharmic revolution; rather, they will think it is a bogus collection of Hindu dogma.

The name of the Dadas responsible for all of this have been enlisted below.

In Him,
Amiy Basu

Who are the culprits

This entire scene was printed in the September 2020 edition of the Hindi Prout Journal page 11. Vimalananda, Guniindrananda, Paramananda are the culprits trying to destroy AMPS and Prout. They have a very devious agenda, and this type of photo is the proof. All the dogmas which Baba opposed they have introduced into AMPS. And they are agents trying to destroy AM ideology. Just by turning the pages of the magazine one can easily see by the photos that it is filled with rotten Hindu dogma.

Note: If ever such dogmatic photos need to be used in our AM / Prout magazines then there should be a bold caption indicating that this is a dogmatic image that is not condoned by our ideology. But in this case they just inserted the dogmatic image of Lord Shiva whereby casual readers and observers will think this is part and parcel of our AM outlook, otherwise such a photo would not have been prominently shown in our AM / Prout magazine. In that case, the Prout Journal is leading readers astray, and good people will be hesitant to join as young people are not enticed by such religious dogmas etc.

~ In-depth study ~

Addendum: warning below is not for all

Warning: This next section contains graphic terms and descriptions. This is only for those dharmikas with a keen interest to eradicate the dogma of phallus worship.

The fake Lord Shiva is doing idol worship. In this photo, the idol is on his right palm. It is a stone phallus which is fixed on top of the female genitalia. The male symbol is vertical and the female symbol is horizontal. In the Hindu religion it is called the Lord Shiva phallus. It is hypocritical and ludicrous that Lord Shiva is worshiping Lord Shiva’s phallus. On the phallus there are two marks and on top there is a flower to show that Lord Shiva is worshiping the phallus. And on the genitalia there are four white coloured flowers and other pink flowers. Together it is the idol of phallus. Dogmatic people call it Shivalingua. So it is obvious that the whole thing is preposterous - can you imagine Lord Shiva worshiping Lord Shiva’s phallus. Yet that is exactly what this avadhuta is glorifying.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Topic ==

Story: bragging by dog & donkey


What follows is a computer-generated English translation of Ac Mantracetanananda's original Hindi reply (appended below) to a story posted by Rudrananda & his stooges. The English translation is quite accurate and enables readers to get the basic idea, but if you find any errors and make any corrections, kindly let us know.

in Him,
News Bulletin Moderators


This is in reply to one message was sent by future GS of Ranchi Divided Group.

Perhaps he [Rudrananda] has accepted the Ananda Marga organization as his legacy. But according to the case number 305/2003 of the Governing Body running in Purulia Court, both Ranchi and Kolkata Group have got "status-quo". Which means that until the final judgment comes from the court, there is neither real nor fake. Neither Ranchi nor the Kolkata group can take such a big decision. Ranchi and Kolkata group can only do daily routine work. Ranchi Divided Group, by not giving the correct information of legal to homegrown people, misleads everyone with their devious intelligence.

In the future, if the operators of Ranchi Divided Group declare themselves as the President of America, then there will be no exaggeration.

Here below are 2 stories that perfectly capture the nature of the messages sent by the Ranchi Group.

(#1) A bullock was going, and a dog was going under that bullock. And that dog was thinking that his (dog) is carrying the burden of the entire bullock cart, and the bullock cart is moving forward because of him. After a short time the bullock cart moved forward, and the dog remained behind. Seeing the bullock moving the dog, he sensed his temper.

(#2) There was a potter / sculptor. And used to make and sell the idol of Shri Ganesh ji. Somebody ordered an idol of large size Shri Ganesh ji to that potter sculptor. But it also involved taking that idol to the person's home. When the idol was completed. So the sculptor placed the statue on top of his pet donkey and proceeded to deliver it to the person's house. There was a market between the person going here. When the donkey was passing through the market carrying the idol. So all the people present in the market were looking at the idol of Shri Ganesh ji with folded hands with great reverence. And some people were even feeding the dish to that donkey.

Seeing such a welcome, the donkey felt that he (the donkey) has great respect and respect in public. And was very happy in his mind. Thus the donkey was filled with arrogance.

When the sculptor supplied the idol of Shri Ganesh to that person, he was going back to his house with his donkey. Then that donkey received the honor which he had got while leaving. Seeing that honor not getting his (donkey), he (donkey) was surprised. So the donkey thought in mind. That may not have attracted the attention of the people of the market. So that donkey began to do hee-haw hee-haw to attract the attention of people. Still, seeing the people of the market not getting attracted and respectful towards that donkey, they kept doing loud and loud for a long time.

The people of the market were disturbed by that donkey's drum-voice. And 4/5 marketers brought poles in their hands. And started kicking the donkey harder. Even after killing that donkey, it was not possible to understand. Why is he being beaten up? Then that idol car told the donkey. While going, when Shri Ganesh was taking him. Then the idol was giving respect to Shri Ganeshji as a marketer. Not you (donkey).

It is intended to say here that the owner of the AMPS (Ananda Marga Pracara Samgha) is Baba himself. But at present the divided group has converted AMPS into Anand Marg Personal Association.

If this is not the case, the divided groups will show the moral courage to tell the true meaning of the status of legal status to homegrown people.

If the Ranchi Divided Group is real then it should:

(a) Why do you have to take permission from the court and police to get permission for a permanent DMS (New Year)?
(b) Whether the court has given the right to take a major decision in any central committee in addition to the daily routine work in the organization.
(c) If the Ranchi Divided Group is genuine, then why does the governing body renew the Calcutta Divided Group every year in the Society. And why does the government also accept it?
(d) Institutions have only one PANCARD. Does Ranchi have a PAN card of the organization?
(e) Ranchi has its own PP grandfather. And Kolkata has also declared its PP in the court. Both PP have declared themselves real.
(f) Does the Ranchi group have the right to expand legally?

It is the duty of every member of the organization to consider the institution as their own and do the work of Baba. This does not mean that anyone can become the owner of an organization and mislead others. The founder, or owner of the institution is Baba alone, but none other than Baba. If one tries to become the master of the institution, its condition will be like a dog walking under a bullock cart, and a donkey of that sculptor.


~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp groups ~

यह उपरोक्त मेसेज रांची विभाजित ग्रुप के भावी GS द्वारा भेजा गया।

         शायद उन्होंने आनंद मार्ग संगठन को अपनी बपौती मान लिया है। लेकिन  पुरुलिया कोर्ट में चल रहे गोवेरेनिंग बॉडी के केस नंबर 305/2003 के अनुसार रांची और कोलकत्ता ग्रुप दोनो को "स्टेटस-को" मिला हुआ है। जिसका अर्थ है, कि जब तक कोर्ट से फाइनल जजमेंट नही आ आ जाता, तब तक न कोई असली है, और न ही कोई नकली। न ही रांची  और न ही कोलकत्ता ग्रुप कोई ऐसा बड़ा डिसीजन नहीं ले सकते। रांची और कोलकत्ता ग्रुप सिर्फ डेली रूटीन वर्क कर सकते है। रांची विभाजित ग्रुप, लीगल की सही जानकारी गृही मार्गियो को न देकर सबको अपनी कुटिल बुद्धि से गुमराह करते रहते हैं।

         भविष्य में रांची विभाजित ग्रुप के संचालक अपने आपको अमेरिका का  स्वयम्भू राष्ट्रपति घोषित भी कर दें, तो कोई अतिशयोक्ति भी नहीं होगी।
      समाज मे 2 स्टोरी प्रचलित हैं। जो रांची ग्रुप द्वारा भेजने वाले मेसेज पर पूरी तरह से फिट बैठती है।

1       एक बैल गाड़ी जा रही थी, और उस बैल गाड़ी के नीचे एक कुत्ता भी चल जा रहा था। और वह कुत्ता संमझ रहा था, कि उसके (कुत्ते) ऊपर पूरी बैल गाड़ी का बोझ है, और बैल गाड़ी उसके कारण ही आगे चल रही है। 
     थोड़े समय के बाद बैल गाड़ी आगे बढ़ गई, और कुत्ता पीछे रह गया।  बैल गाड़ी को आगे बढ़ता देख उस कुत्ते को अपनी औक़ात संमझ आ गई।

2     एक कुम्हार मूर्तिकार था। और श्री गणेश जी की मूर्ति बना कर बेचता था। किसी व्यक्ति ने उस कुम्हार मूर्तिकार को एक मूर्ति बड़े आकार की श्री गणेश जी का आर्डर दिया था। लेकिन उस मूर्ति को उस व्यक्ति के घर तक पहुंचाना भी शामिल था।
        जब मूर्ति बनकर तैयार हो गई। तो वह मूर्तिकार उस मूर्ति को अपने पालतू गधे के ऊपर रखकर उस व्यक्ति के घर पर डिलेवरी देने के लिए चल पड़ा। उस व्यक्ति के यहाँ जाने के बीच मे एक बाजार पड़ता था। गधा जब मूर्ति को लेकर बाजार से गुजर रहा था। तो बाजार में उपस्थित रहने वाले सभी लोग श्री गणेश जी की मूर्ति को देखकर बहुत ही श्रद्धा से हाथ जोड़ कर नमस्कार कर रहे थे। और कुछ लोग तो उस गधे को पकवान भी खिला रहे थे।
       इतना स्वागत देख कर उस गधे को यह महसूस हुआ, कि उसका (गधे का) पब्लिक में बहुत सम्मान और इज्जत है। और अपने मन मे बहुत ही खुश हुआ। इस प्रकार वह गधा अहंकार से भर गया।
          जब वह मूर्तिकार उस व्यक्ति को श्री गणेश जी की मूर्ति सप्पलाई करने का बाद अपने घर जाने के लिए अपने गधे को लेकर वापस जा रहा था। तब उस गधे को वह सम्मान जो जाते समय मिला था। वह सम्मान अपने (गधे) को न पाते देखकर उसको (गधे) आश्चर्य हुआ।
         तो गधे ने मन मे सोचा। कि शायद बाजार के लोगो का ध्यान उसकी (गधे) तरफ न पहुंचा हो। तो उस गधे ने लोगो का ध्यान अपनी तरफ आकर्षण करवाने के लिए  ढेंचू-ढेंचू करने लगा। फिर भी बाजार के लोग उस गधे की तरफ आकिर्षित और सम्मान न पाते देखकर  जोर जोर जोर से ऊंची आवाज में  ढेंचू-ढेंचू बहुत देर तक करता रहा। 
       बाजार के लोग उस गधे के ढेंचू-ढेंचू आवाज से परेशान हो गए। और 4/5 बाजार वासी अपने हाथ मे डंडे लेकर आ गए। और गधे को जोर जोर से मारने लग गया। 
         उस गधे को मार खाने के बाद भी संमझ नहीं आ रहा था। कि उसकी पिटाई क्यों हो रही है। तब उस मूर्ति कार ने गधे को बताया। कि जाते समय जब श्री गणेश जी को ले जा रहे थे। तब उस मूर्ति श्री गणेशजी को बाजार वासी सम्मान दे रहे थे। न कि तुमको (गधे को)।

        यहां कहने का आशय है, कि AMPS (आनंद मार्ग प्रचारक संघ) के मालिक तो स्वयं बाबा है। लेकिन वर्तमान समय मे विभाजित ग्रुप ने AMPS को आनंद मार्ग पर्सनल संघ में परिवर्तित कर दिया है।

       यदि ऐसा नहीं है तो विभाजित ग्रुप, गृही मार्गियो को लीगल स्टेटस जो स्टेटस-को मिला है, उसका सही अर्थ बताने का नैतिक साहस  दिखाएंगे।

       यदि रांची विभाजित ग्रुप असली है तो उसको:-

1      परमानेंट  DMS (न्यू ईयर) के परमीशन लेने के लिए कोर्ट और पुलिस से परमीशन क्यों लेनी पड़ती है?
2    क्या संस्था में डेली रूटीन वर्क के अतिरिक्त कोई सेंट्रल कमेटी में मेजर डिसीजन लेने का अधिकार कोर्ट ने दिया है।
3        यदि रांची विभाजित ग्रुप असली है, तो सोसायटी में गवर्निंग बॉडी का रिन्युवल हर साल कोलकत्ता विभाजित ग्रुप क्यों करवाता है। और सरकार भी उसको क्यों स्वीकार कर लेती है?
4       संस्था का एक ही पैनकार्ड होता है। क्या रांची के पास संस्था का पेनकार्ड है?
5      रांची का अपना PP दादा हैं। और कोर्ट में कोलकत्ता ने भी अपना PP घोषित किया हुआ है। दोनो PP ने अपने को असली बताया है। 
6      क्या रांची ग्रुप को किसी को  लीगली एक्सपेल करने का अधिकार है?

         संस्था का हर सदस्य का कर्तव्य है, कि संस्था को अपना समझकर बाबा का कार्य करे। इसका मतलब यह तो नहीं, कि कोई भी संस्था का मालिक बनकर दूसरों को गुमराह करता रहे।
        संस्था के संस्थापक, या मालिक सिर्फ-सिर्फ बाबा हैं, बाबा के अतिरिक्त और कोई भी नहीं। 
         यदि कोई संस्था का मालिक बनने की कोशिश करेगा, तो उसकी हालत बैल गाड़ी के नीचे चलने वाले कुत्ते, और उस मूर्तिकार के गधे जैसी होगी।

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp groups ~

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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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