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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Self-stabbing + 4 more



When diplomacy and deception are used for selfish and sinful ends then one will have to face the consequences, i.e. downfall. That was true back in the Mahabharata era, and that is true today in this 21st century.

Baba's teaching of diplomacy

Here first we examine Sadguru Baba's teaching on diplomacy and deception which we shall apply to examples, both past and present.

Ananda Vanii says, "The most valuable treasures on the path of human progress are honesty, simplicity and spiritedness. In no stratum of life should you allow the standard of honesty to deteriorate. In no situation...should you indulge in diplomacy or duplicity. In other words you must keep yourself straight in all other strata just as in sasta'unga pran'a'ma, and remain vigilant that the fire of your spiritedness is under no circumstances buried beneath a heap of ashes..." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us to lead a clean, simple, and pure life - devoid of any form of duplicity and diplomacy. This should be one’s modus operandi in all personal, family, and professional dealings - always. Those who resort to diplomacy and deception for their selfish ends will pay the price and suffer.

How Dronacarya met his downfall

Baba has clearly pointed out how in the Mahabharata era Dronacarya used diplomacy and deception for his malevolent and narrow-minded agenda and sealed his own demise. Dronacarya was shocked to see that one low-caste boy, Ekalavya, was a skilled and gifted archer, far better than his own son and top student. This made Dronacarya burn with jealousy and fury. He considered low-born people to be despicable. 

So Dronacarya hatched one plot to forever ruin the career of the stellar archer Ekalavya. Dronacarya’s entire intentions was, “I [Dronacarya] want to destroy you [Ekalavya].” So at the opportune moment, in the name of guru daksiina, Dronacarya requested Ekalavya to cut off his thumb. This was the deceptive tactic that Drona employed. This had nothing to do with guru daksina per se, just Dronacarya wanted to demolish Ekalavya, and the young and innocent Ekalavya was deceived by this diplomatic and deceptive maneuver. So he willingly acquiesced and fulfilled Drona’s request.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Shockingly, in the name of guru daksina (sacerdotal fee for the master), Dronacarya demanded the thumb of Ekalavya and thereby spoiled the brilliant career of Ekalavya...And as a result of his discriminatory treatment of his disciples, Dronacarya had a serious fall in the battle." (2)

As expressed above, Dronacarya used diplomacy and deception in a harmful and repulsive manner - based on his own caste dogma and malevolence. In result, he had to pay the consequences in the form of his own untimely death and demise. So, in the end, Dronacarya’s misuse of diplomacy and deception cost him his very life.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The versatile Dronacarya was well known for his diplomacy in addition to his famed mastery of the art of weaponry and different scriptures. It is said that he concealed certain parts of this knowledge of weaponry and scriptures from his disciples but taught them to Arjuna. Supposedly he taught Arjuna diplomacy as well. The sages, saints and learned philosophers never considered diplomacy to be a good thing. It was their firm opinion that it led to the degradation of humanity and the decay of spirituality. In their opinion, just as a thief is caught by a thief, an exorcist is killed by a ghost, a snake charmer dies of snake-bite, similarly a practitioner of diplomacy is destroyed by diplomacy.”
   “This is what happened in the case of Dronacarya. His son’s name was Ashvaththama, and Ashvaththama was also the name of an elephant killed in the Mahábhárata war. Dronacarya was informed of the death of Ashvaththama, the elephant, when Yudhisthira proclaimed ashvaththámá hatah [Ashvaththama is dead]. When he said iti gaja [the elephant] in a soft voice, the drums and tom-toms were loud enough that Dronacarya could not hear that portion. He thought that it was his son, Ashvaththama, who was dead. He became so upset on the battlefield that he was killed in the battle….Thus the death of Dronacarya resulted from his hearing, through a diplomatic stratagem, the bad news of Ashvaththama’s death.” (3)

Dirty history: Dada Sarvatmananda

Now let us see how this takes shape in the post-1990 and present-day era. Many are aware that Dada Sarvatmananda printed "Translated from the original Bengali" on the title page of every Ananda Marga book. Regardless of what language Baba used to deliver His discourse, at the time of printing, Sarvatmananda inserted the phrase "Translated from the original Bengali." Dada's agenda was the complete Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses - and to show that Baba only spoke in Bengali.

Sarvatmananda tried hard to justify that he (Dada S) and his team were following Baba. However, that was completely false; Sadguru Baba does not approve of falsehood. Baba wants His discourses to be printed "as is" from His original recordings. And the title page should contain factual information - not bogus lies.

It was quite evident that Dada Sarvatmananda’s sole priority was Bangalization - i.e. highlighting Bengali at the expense of other languages. In the section appended below entitled “In-depth study”, the harmful process of Bangalization is explained in more detail. Suffice to say here, that Sarvatmananda was keen to project Bengali as the original language of every discourse, even if Baba originally did not deliver that discourse in Bangla. This was all part of Sarvatmananda’s scheme to make Bengali superior. But this is against Baba's teachings of Prout and neo-humanism and contrary to the code of bhagavad dharma.

Margiis opposed such wrongdoing and petitioned that Sadguru Baba's teachings be printed "as is" with proper reference and presentation of the original language. The appeal made by those margiis was noble and dharmic. In reaction, Sarvatmananda used all kinds of diplomacy and deception to ruin the name and stature of those innocent margiis. Sarvatmananda and his stooges squashed down those margiis by marginalising and ousting them from our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Sarvatmananda thought he (Dada S) could employ diplomatic and deceptive tactics for his own personal and group gain. Ironically, Sarvatmananda and his stooges were ousted by the very weapon they (Dada S and his stooges) had used to suppress and vanquish innocent margiis and workers etc.

Dirty history: Rudrananda & others

And verily, there are so many other examples. For instance, Dada Sambhutyananda resorted to diplomacy and deception in creating the Fake BP Manual for his own groupist and narrow agenda of post, power etc. In addition, Dada Rudrananda created the Jamalpur so-called holy place, while Dada Sarvatmananda made various dogmatic memorials / so-called tiirthas etc.  And they both - Dada R and Dada S - indulged in the rampant misuse of organisational monies and the selling off of AMPS properties.

In the aforementioned cases, groupist leaders mercilessly employed diplomatic and deceptive methods to protect their own status, power, and agenda and push down margiis. Internally, those Dadas were harbouring their own geo-political agenda to grab post and power etc, yet side by side they were painting a rosy picture of doing and dying for Guru and ideology. When in reality they are doing and dying to hold a top post, but they publicly say they are giving their everything in service to Gurudeva. Such is their diplomacy and deception. However, using diplomatic and deceptive measures for one's own gain is not sanctioned by Baba. For this reason, those leaders had to face the consequences - and still they are facing them - just as Dronacarya did in the past.

Conclusion: no diplomacy & deception

Since 1990, those in positions of power in our AMPS - in all the factions - have used diplomacy and deception for their own petty gain. They should beware that they must face the consequences today or tomorrow. They cannot escape prakrti. When they are doing diplomacy and deception for their own group interest then they will have to bear the burden and undergo the consequences for lives on end.

One must not resort to diplomacy and deception for one’s personal or group gain or privilege. In so doing, they will invite negative samskaras and face all kinds of ghastly reactions. For post, power, and mundane gain one must not indulge in diplomacy and deception. That is the distinct warning Baba is issuing in this below Ananda Vanii.

Ananda Vanii says, "The most valuable treasures on the path of human progress are honesty, simplicity and spiritedness. In no stratum of life should you allow the standard of honesty to deteriorate. In no situation...should you indulge in diplomacy or duplicity. In other words you must keep yourself straight in all other strata just as in sasta'unga pran'a'ma, and remain vigilant that the fire of your spiritedness is under no circumstances buried beneath a heap of ashes..." (4)

in Him,
Prabhu Deva

When sincere wts and good margiis around the globe raised the banner of margii rights, scriptural distortion, bhukti pradhan rights, and dogma of mahaprayan, then they faced all kinds of abuse, expulsion, and torment from those at the helm. And sadly, still such injustices are going on in our AMPS.

~ In-depth study ~

Dronacarya had to meet the reaction of his own bad action

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Dronacarya was neither an ideal man nor an ideal teacher. So it became imperative to eliminate such an acarya from society. That’s why Shrii Krs'n'a resorted to diplomacy and advised Yudhisthira to announce before the assembled people in deceptive language, “Ashvatthama hatah iti naro kunjaro va” – “Ashvatthama is killed. This may be Ashvatthama the man or may be Ashvatthama the elephant.” The Ashvatthama who was killed was in fact an elephant, not Ashvatthama, the son of Dronacarya. But the announcement was made in such a way that Dronacarya was convinced that his son was killed, and was overcome with grief. It was easy for the Pandavas to slay him." (5)

So in this above example, under the direction of Lord Krsna, Yudhisthira purposely employed ambiguous language for the sake of dharma and the well-being of the people. In contrast, it is clear that when diplomacy and deception are used for one’s self-interest, or for the devious motive to harm others, then that leads to one's demise, as in the case of Dronacarya's dealing with Ekalavya. Whereas, when diplomacy and deception are enacted as a great tool of dharma for the welfare of the entire society, then that is completely positive, as in the case of Yudhisthira announcing the name Ashvatthama.

Here we have to remember that diplomacy and satya are for universal well-being. That means diplomacy and deception cannot be done for the sole benefit of a particular group or subgroup, or even for a section of humanity like the Christian society, B group society, or Hindu society. Diplomacy and deception can only be done in the spirit of universal welfare.

The Vanii is about "honesty, simplicity and spiritedness"

Here again is Guru’s teaching:

Ananda Vanii says, "The most valuable treasures on the path of human progress are honesty, simplicity and spiritedness. In no stratum of life should you allow the standard of honesty to deteriorate. In no situation, except during the struggle for dharma, should you indulge in diplomacy or duplicity. In other words you must keep yourself straight in all other strata just as in Sastáuṋga Prańáma, and remain vigilant that the fire of your spiritedness is under no circumstances buried beneath a heap of ashes..." (6)

Baba's above Ananda Vanii is about maintaining "honesty, simplicity and spiritedness" in life. Baba is guiding us that all must adhere to these tenets; our each and every dealing should be truthful, straight, pure, and free of all kinds of duplicity and hypocrisy. Unfortunately, those top group leaders failed to absorb this point. They forgot to be true in life. So they have resorted to diplomacy and deception at every turn. But that is not Baba's teaching. Baba's guideline is that for the sake of dharma (i.e. universal well-being and benevolence), one may resort to  diplomacy and deception to fight against immoral forces, but beyond that one should be very straightforward in their dealing.

Those greedy for power always tighten their grip on power and give way to crooked diplomacy and deception. Indeed some Dadas have employed all kinds of diplomatic and deceptive tactics against countless innocent margiis and Wts.

Never use diplomacy & deception with good people

Baba warns us that those who misuse diplomacy and deception for their own gain or wrongly revert to such tactics against good people will be doomed. That is also part of His guideline.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Do not hurt an honest person even slightly." (7)

That is why today we see many top Dadas facing the boomerang effect and adverse reactions to their own misdeeds. We should be 100% honest in all spheres of life and think a thousand times before resorting to diplomacy and deception. As a community, we need to take a clear-cut look at how diplomacy and deception has been used in AMPS.

The common belief is that since Lord Krsna used diplomacy and deception then, “We in AMPS may do so as well, regardless of our intentions.” This faulty outlook particularly applies to certain workers. Of course as the Taraka Brahma, all Lord Krsna's dealings were dharmic. Nowadays though, in the name of satya, some top Wts spread lies and falsehoods for their own agenda and petty gains. In the name of diplomacy, one commits crimes and sins, yet they remain totally oblivious that they will face ghastly consequences and negative samskaras - now in this life and the next also.

Such is what happens when in the name of “satya” people use diplomacy and deception for their own self-interest. They will have to face the consequences of their selfish dealings.

Example how top Dada misused diplomacy

As you may be aware, Baba issued lengthy purports for all or most of His Ananda Vaniis during the time of DMC. That means the Ananda Vanii would be read in various languages and then an involved explanation would be given. For this particular Ananda Vanii about diplomacy, Baba counseled Vijayananda and what Baba told in Bangla, Dada he repeated in English. Sadguru Baba questioned and corrected Vijayananda to ensure the message was proper. Many senior sadhakas have notes from these occasions in their journals and diaries from DMC. Some of the purports for the Ananda Vaniis may have been recorded as well.

Those who use diplomacy and deception for their petty gains invite their own destruction. Diplomacy is only for the universal well-being of all. Now let us examine the case of so-called mahaprayan: In the early post-1990 period, a few wts and good margiis raised the point that the dogmatic mahaprayan program undermines the pre-1990 edition of Caryacarya. So good wts and margiis came forward to oppose the mahaprayan program - not for their own interest or gain but for the removal of the MPD dogma.

In response, certain top Dadas harboured their agenda of mahaprayan based on their own geo-religious sentiment. They waged a veritable war against wts and margiis who opposed the dogma of mahaprayan. Those “big dadas” employed various types of diplomacy and deception against those margiis in order to strip them of their posts, isolate them, expel them, and push them into the ground. Those Dadas took harsh measures in order to protect their geo-religious sentiment of making Kolkata into a Mecca and to bring in huge dollars. In the end, all their diplomacy and deception boomeranged and they got exposed.

How they do Bangalisation

Bangalisation of an English discourse: It is when Baba spoke in English and that English discourse is not directly transcribed and printed in English. Rather, the original English discourse is translated into Bengali. And then from that translated Bengali version it is double-translated back into English and then finally printed in English. This entire process of ruining Baba’s original discourse is known as the Bangalisation / Bangalization of Baba’s English discourse.

Bangalisation of a Hindi discourse: It is when Baba spoke in Hindi and that Hindi discourse is not directly transcribed and printed in Hindi. Rather, the original Hindi discourse is translated into Bengali. And then from that translated Bengali version it is double-translated back into Hindi and then finally printed in Hindi. This entire process of ruining Baba’s original discourse is known as the Bangalisation / Bangalization of Baba’s Hindi discourse.

Bangalisation analogy

By simple analogy, one can understand what Bangalisation / Bangalization is. Suppose you have a white t-shirt that you wish to wear. Then suppose there is a dogmatic belief (Bangalisation / Bangalization) that this shirt should first be placed in a bucket of black charcoal. And by so doing the shirt became filthy black. The original white color became permanently lost. So "via Bangla" is like that. When Baba's original Hindi is filtered through a Bangla translation to make the printed Hindi, then in that process Baba's original Hindi or English words get completely lost. And that is what happened with this discourse.

Note: While top Dadas from various groups have shamelessly resorted to diplomacy and deception to achieve their selfish ends, but many of the above misdeeds were conceived and enacted by one particularly notorious Dada. If you are unable to figure out who that Dada is, write us and we will let you know.

1. A'nanda Va'nii #54
2. Discourses on the Mahabharata, Some Characters of the Mahábhárata
3. Shabda Cayanika - 5, Kut́a to Kut́t́ima (Discourse 28)
4. A'nanda Va'nii #54
5. Discourses on the Mahabharata, Some Characters of the Mahábhárata
6. A'nanda Va'nii #54
7. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #43

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to cultivate universal family feeling

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Human beings also know that Parama Puruśa is their source of impetus, is their Father, and that they are all His children. As His children, they have a brotherly relationship with all other jiivas, or unit beings. Due to this knowledge of brotherhood, the human is superior to all other beings. Parents are greatly pleased when they find that their children have been loved and helped by someone. Similarly, Parama Puruśa will be pleased when you serve His creation – not only human beings, but also plants, animals, and the rest of creation. That is, bhúta yajiṋa, pitr yajiṋa and nr yajiṋa are to be performed. Those who have this feeling are in the real sense of the term  human beings. Just having the body of a human does not make a person a real human being, a rational being. Those in whom this feeling has arisen will be called followers of Bhágavata Dharma. They are doing the sádhaná of Bhágavata Dharma.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All beings are made of the same consciousness. So although we may find ourselves at different stages of psychic elevation, a Bráhmańa and a Kśatriya, an Indian and an Englishman, a sweeper and a scavenger, a Zulu and a Maori, and even a tiny ant, are all linked by the bonds of fraternity. If we remember this fact, if we work for the well-being of all, then undeveloped human beings will be able to develop their spiritual potentiality when they come in contact with us. Even cows, dogs, tigers and bears who come in close contact with us will develop psychic wealth and gradually acquire spiritual treasures.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “He is the Supreme Progenitor, and everything in this Universe is His progeny. He is the Supreme Father, and others are His children. Then, when all are the children of the  Supreme Father, the relationship between man and man is that of fraternal bond. You have got a universal tie of brotherhood because everything created has got the same father. The source is the same. When the spiritual aspirant knows this fact, he cannot get any kind of inferiority complex or superiority complex in his mind. He is not inferior to anyone, as he is one with his brothers and sister.” (3)

The editors wrote: “Our first step is to realize that the true goal of humanity, the ultimate goal of evolution, is not the amassing of more and more material wealth but the expansion of consciousness. Through proper education and practical techniques of mental expansion, humanity will come to realize that the hoarding of wealth and all the ills of corruption and scarcity it creates, are nothing but the misdirected longing of the human soul for infinite happiness – a longing which cannot be satisfied by money but only by internal bliss. Thus as human attention and activity is directed more and more toward subtler pursuits such as artistic endeavour and spiritual practice, the selfishness and greed which dominate people’s minds today will be replaced by a new feeling of love and brotherhood. As we expand our minds toward the Infinite and learn to share our mundane treasures, we will realize more and more that we are all indeed one humanity, that we are all the sons and daughters of one Infinite Intelligence Who is guiding us all to perfection. Instead of being based on competition and mutual hostility, society will be operated through mutual cooperation and love.” (4)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets
4. The Great Universe, Introduction

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

External pressure की ज़रूरत

“collective pressure देकर नेकी का degree बढ़ा लो, तब उसको घेर लो, उसी को कहते हैं physical pressure | तुमको अपने अच्छा बनने में time लगेगा | साधना करने में, अच्छा बनने में time लगेगा | किन्तु समाज तो इसके इन्तज़ार में अधिक दिनों तक नहीं रह सकते हैं | उस समय में पापी बहुत कुछ ख़राब काम कर देगा | तो, तुम्हारा काम है क्या ? Under physical pressure, उसको अच्छा बनाकर रखो--भीतर में तो वह नहीं बना | और उसके साथ-साथ internally वह अच्छा बनने की साधना करते रहे | जब internally अच्छा बन जाएगा, तब external pressure की ज़रूरत नहीं पड़ेगी | इसलिए individual के लिए, collective को अच्छा करने के लिए, दो approach हैं | दोनों का value है | एक है, external pressure, और दूसरा है internal urge | और जहाँ external pressure, internal urge दोनों एक साथ काम कर रहा है, वहाँ longing of the great आवश्यक बन जाएगा | "त्यज दुर्जनसंसर्गं"

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित,"त्यज दुर्जनसंसर्गं...स्मर नित्यमनित्यतां" की व्याख्या, Tyaja, NP, DMC (Date, Place unknown)

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

এক পরিবারের

“The entire living world came from the same progenitor. All belong to the same family. You are all of the same family, no black, no white, no tall, no stunted, no pygmy. All of you belong to the same family. তোমরা সৰাই এক পরিবারের লোক | এক পরমপিতার ইচ্ছা-শক্তিতে সৰাই উদ্ভূত হয়েছ | কেউ ৰড়-ছোট নেই | কেউ কালো-ফ়রসার ভেদ নেই, সৰাই সমান | সৰাই সমান আদরে, সমান যত্নে, সমান স্নেহে | No body should develop any inferiority complex or fear complex or any complex of hopelessness or helplessness. কোনও অবস্থায় নিজেদের মনেতে, কোনও রকম এই ধরনের মন্যতা রেখো না | যে “আমি হীন, আমি নীচ, আমি ছোট, আমি অশিক্ষিত, আমি অসহায়, আমার কোনও ভবিষ্যৎ নেই |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, unpublished,18 may 1981, Calcutta

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Parama Puruśa has blessed you...

“Parama Puruśa has blessed you with hands to work and legs to move; has infused you with the stamina to act; has endowed you with practical intelligence, so make the best use of them in the fight against the demons. You must not sit idle relying on fate. Be vigorously active.” (Ananda Vanii #46)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 2: Links ==

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abortion (4) ACB (5) action-reaction theory (1) After Capitalism (2) Ajana Pathik (1) Akhanda Kiirtan (2) Ananda Sutram (4) Ananda Vanii (10) Ananda Yuga (6) animal rights (4) Animal Sex & Gay (3) archive (3) Artists (3) ASANAS (14) astrology (2) avadhuta (81) Baba Story (32) Baba's praise (1) Bait kiirtan (4) Bait Kiirtana (2) balkanisation (1) Bangalisation (22) barter-trade (2) begging (1) bhakta (19) Bhakta Samaj (9) bhakti-dry (1) Bhaskarananda-jinanii (1) Bhukti Pradhan (20) bigots (2) birthday (8) Blaming Baba (11) capitalism (6) caste (15) censorship (1) Childrens Home (16) circumcision (5) civilisation (1) co-ed education (3) communism (12) consciousness raising (2) cosmetics (2) Court Case (9) culture (1) Dada's hair (2) Dadas Books (76) Dadhiici Divas (2) Death (17) demons (2) devotion (31) dharma (14) dharmashastra (1) Dharmavedananda (2) Didi's Hair (3) diorama (1) disease (4) dms (21) dogma (26) Donations (5) donkey birthday (12) doomsday (2) dowry (6) Dyeing Hair (2) East-West (1) education (4) eulogy (2) expulsion (11) extravaganza-jinanii (3) Fake Ananda Vanii (3) fake yoga (15) fasting (4) fear (1) female exploitation (9) fight (11) Fireworks (1) Fishing (3) food disparity (7) forgiveness (4) Gay (9) gay marriage (4) girlfriend-boyfriend (2) Glossary (2) Goat-Ghost (1) Gopa (1) Greatness (1) groupism (138) Guru's Perspective (7) gut-feeling (1) Health of Wts (29) history (5) homosexuality (17) Human Society (2) human trafficking (1) Hypocrisy (10) Illicit Affairs (2) immigration (1) Islam (1) ista (7) Jai Slogan (3) Jamalpur DMS (13) Janmastamii (1) junior workers (2) justice (2) Kanyadana (2) kaosikii (3) Kiirtan (13) Kiirtan as a bait (4) Land Sale (47) Lesbian Prostitute Animals (2) LFT (3) liberation (2) libertine (1) lust (2) mahaprayan (124) Mahaprayan of Ananda Margiis (42) Maheshvarananda (1) Mandela (4) margii rights (54) marriage (29) marriage tax (2) materialism (9) memorial (4) memory (1) merge in mission (6) microvita (2) mind (5) moment of silence (1) Money to Laokik Family (12) Myths in Ananda Marga (3) Namaskar (3) neo-humanism (6) Nillkantha Divas (1) NYSO (2) opposite sex (46) palmistry (4) Peeping Tom (1) pen name (1) photo (17) pisiculture (2) plagiarism (14) Pointing Out (12) poverty (2) PP Dada (60) Prabhat Samgiita (24) pracara (8) Prajina Bharatii (23) Prakrti (1) pranayama (5) protest (4) Prout (46) pseudo-culture (10) publications (100) race relations (5) religious dogma (157) religious traders (24) religoius dogma (2) Retreat (5) Reverence to Guru (82) sadhana (53) sadvipra (5) Salutations (1) samaj (1) Samanvayananda (4) Sanskrit (1) scaring children (2) scripture (115) self-praise (36) Semitic Religions (8) service (18) Sex Scandals (32) shraddha (10) shraddha ceremony (21) shraddhainjali (15) shravanii purnima (2) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji & Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (5) silent action (4) simple morality (3) sin (8) six spokes (1) sixteen points (5) sleep (3) socialism (2) society (8) stampede (1) tandava (3) teacher (3) tiirtha (26) tips (3) Tomb (3) Touching Feet (1) Training Centre (18) unity (14) urs (1) vishesha yoga (4) Visit with Laokik Family (11) wasted life (2) water bottle (3) writers (5) WT Conduct (364) Yes man (20)


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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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