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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Baba’s secrecy + 3 more


Baba’s secrecy


Those days, we can say that there were essentially two broad categories of bhaktas: Those who were like Sudama, and those who were like Arjuna. Sudama had full feeling and unwavering belief that Lord Krsna is Parama Purusa.

Openly announced about Himself

From hour to hour and year to year, always Sudama held the realisation in his heart and mind that Lord Krsna is God. In contrast, Arjuna did not have full faith that Lord Krsna is Parama Purusa. Arjuna's mind was always riddled with doubt. To remove Arjuna's doubts, Lord Krsna had to show His vishvarupa (universal form). Then Arjuna's mind became convinced.

To satisfy all those bhaktas who suffered from similar doubts, on various occasions, Lord Krsna openly proclaimed Himself as the Divine Entity using very direct language.

Mama vartmánu varttante manuśyáh Pártha sarvashah

"'If people resort to the path that I show they are sure to attain salvation in the end...I will liberate You'." (1)

And in another shloka Lord Krsna has proclaimed:

Paritráńáya sádhúnáḿ vinásháya ca duśkrtám;
Dharmasaḿsthápanártháya sambhavámi yuge yuge.

"'I incarnate Myself in this world from age to age for the annihilation of the wicked and the protection of the virtuous'." (2)

Why Lord Ksna was very direct about His status

Lord Krsna was very forthright and direct in telling those bhaktas about His divine status. In that era of old, the people were very simple. They did not resort to lying or bragging. What they were, they spoke; and what others said, they believed. Because nobody was falsely telling about their own greatness. People were very straightforward; they would matter-of-factly speak of their status. That was the social norm. Accordingly, Lord Krsna told those around Him that He was the Parama Purusa. And the people had full faith and trust on what He told. By this way those Arjuna type of people got the support they needed to be strict on the point of Ista, i.e. accepting Lord Krsna as Parama Purusa. That was 3500 years ago.

Around 2000 years ago, a different era took hold on this earth. In that time there were numerous people claiming to be the incarnation of God, the son of God, or the divine messenger of God etc. There was no shortage of such persons who were indulged in this type of self-glorification. This type of mentality did not exist earlier. But it was this mindset that gave rise to the birth of the Semitic religions - where such claims are the sole basis for the existence of that religion.

All brag about their own inflated greatness

In this present era, the collective psychology has slid further down this continuum of decline and degradation. Everyone is prone towards inflating their own personality. This is the common trend where people eagerly and anxiously speak about their own "greatness" and "extraordinary talents." A person who has read 4 books will proclaim himself to be a scholar; an athlete will proclaim himself to be a demi-god, and verily nearly everyone props themselves up to be something they are not. In turn, others do not believe what a person proclaims. They do not take it at face value, or any value. Because self-glorification and hypocrisy are rampant.

This was perhaps the main reason why Baba did not openly proclaim to one and all that, "I am Parama Purusa." Because society was not ready to take it in the right way.

However, He did graciously present Himself to His bhaktas as being the Parama Purusa - in various ways: dreams, sadhana, personal contact (PC), in dharma samiiksa, reporting, demonstrations, dhyana, discourses, and numerous ways. About this, each and every sadhaka has their own personal story to tell. This was all done exclusively for the welfare of the bhakta. Parama Purusa has nothing to gain in this regard. So this was the unique and special opportunity for each sadhaka to advance on the spiritual path by developing a personal link with Him. In sum, we can say that it was nothing but His ahaetuki krpa (causeless grace).

So the fact that He is Parama Purusa was made known to bhaktas only - not to members of the general society. Higher sadhaka, through their spiritual approach coupled with His grace, can intuitively feel in their heart and mind that Baba is Parama Purusa. And for those new margiis who need external support, Baba has graciously shown them in their heart that He is Parama Purusa. This has occurred through DMC, general darshan and  in front of other margiis etc.

The best way: through sadhana

There are various grades of sadhakas on the path of Ananda Marga. Some have been blessed to intuitively feel in their heart that Baba is Parama Purusa; and, others need external support and evidence, from time to time, to remind them of this eternal truth.

All along, it must be borne in mind that the only way to truly feel that Baba is Parama Purusa is through sadhana. Only with that inner realisation can the mind wholeheartedly embrace this supreme truth. If anyone relies exclusively on external reminders or outer suggestions, that will not work. When tough times arise they will run from the field, and if someone offers a contrary view of Baba and / or Ananda Marga they will easily be swayed. So the only way to be firmly rooted in Ananda Marga tantra yoga is through sadhana. Then only will one truly realise that Baba is Parama Purusa. Keeping this view in mind, please read the following.

So many ways Baba reveals Himself to bhaktas

Sometimes a few new Ananda Margiis have doubts about Baba's real identity. To be caught in such a dilemma is not good for any sadhaka.

For this reason, in a very loving and personal manner, Baba graciously shows those sadhakas through dharma samiikas, PC, and reporting etc, how He is always with them, watching them, protecting them. This is the very basis of bhakti: Feeling in one's heart that Parama Purusa is always present, always with me. So for a bhakta to intimately understand that Baba is that very Parama Purusa is everything. By this way one feels that they are never alone or helpless, as Baba is always there, lovingly showering His grace.

And there are countless ways by which Baba brings His bhaktas close. Some see Him in dreams, others in dhyana, and still others gain an understanding of His Divine grandeur through PC, demonstrations, varabhaya mudra, experiences with microvita or dharma samiiksa, kiirtan, blessings, discourses, and so many ways. On this matter, on this journey of finding that inner link with Him, each and every bhakta has their own personal account and experience. Somehow, some way, they came to understand how Baba is always with them, caring for them.

And that He sees everything. He sees their smiles and their tears, their joys and sorrow, their past mistakes and their future glory. Then the entire concept of Parama Purusa as a Personal God is no longer just a figment of philosophy but rather a practical, heart-felt experience.


Verily this is the speciality of Ananda Marga. Every sadhaka feels they have their own special link with the Divine Entity. This is dramatically different from the various religions who feel that God is but a vision in the distant sky who sternly looks down upon them, or the various other paths that state that the divine is nothingness itself or beyond one's reach in this lifetime.

Ananda Marga is the path of bliss: Realising the very practical notion that Baba is the Parama Purusa who resides in the heart, watching everything, showering His love, and keeping us under His divine shelter. Baba did not beat the drum about His divine advent because He did not want worthless people crowding around Him while bhaktas are pushed aside. So He brought bhaktas close and allotted His work to them.

Baba may not have announced His Divine Presence to the world. Yet certainly He has shown Himself to each and every sadhaka. And by this way, His disciples develop firm faith in Ista, bask in His divine bliss, and sit on His lap. It is truly His grace.

In Him,

From general people and the common society, Baba hid Himself through various liilas and played the role of a most ordinary human being whereas for bhaktas He revealed everything in so many ways. Nobody can understand the liila of Parama Purusa.

~ In-depth study ~

Scene at DMC:
Baba shows how He is Supreme Noumenal Entity, Supreme Hub

Here is an example of Baba directly indicating to few margiis that He is the omniscient Parama Purusa. In the following scene from DMC in Timmern, Germany (1979), Baba graciously shows Himself as Parama Purusa, and thus clears the doubts of certain Ananda Margiis. How does He do this? With His all-knowing mind He uncovers what a few margiis thought while decorating the hall - even though He was not present at that time. This shows that He is that Divine Omnipresent Personality - the Parama Purusa.

Here is a closer look at this exact scene from that DMC discourse. On that occasion, Baba told:

"whatever you are doing is indirectly known to Him ... And not only that, He keeps a direct relationship with you also. “Today we will decorate the hall in a very nice way, as is done in the case of DMC.”


COMMENT: At this point in the discourse those present start laughing because Baba has just now revealed exactly what certain margiis thought hours earlier when they were decorating the hall. They were expressing their hope that Baba would declare DMC: “Today we will decorate the hall in a very nice way, as is done in the case of DMC”. Yet just now in the discourse, hours after the fact, He is perfectly replicating what they thought. So it is only because of His all-knowing personae that He is aware of exactly what they thought. By this action, He is directly revealing that He is that omniscient, Divine Entity who maintains a link…., both individually and collectively. He is proving that He is linked with everyone - everywhere. On the occasion of that DMC discourse, Baba told: 

“And when Bábá will see these things, [laughing] He will say, ‘Let there be DMC.’”


COMMENT: By this above phrase, Baba again reveals that He knows exactly what those margiis thought about Him hours earlier when they were decorating the hall. That is why everyone is again laughing. Because they understand that Baba is speaking verbatim what those margiis were thinking earlier in the day. By this demonstration Baba is revealing that He is the all-knowing Parama Purusa. Those who were in doubt about His real identity are now convinced that Baba is Parama Purusa. On the occasion of that DMC discourse, Baba told:

"See, these things have got direct reflection on the, what? Not on your apparent noumenal entity, but directly on the Supreme hub, directly on the Supreme noumenal entity. And He will say, “Let me satisfy those little boys and girls—”


COMMENT: Here again those margiis are laughing because they understand that Baba is directly showing them that He is that Supreme Hub, i.e. Parama Purusa, and that the entire mental plate of every apparent noumenal entity, i.e. every jiivatman is reflected in His mind. On the occasion of that DMC discourse, Baba told:

“—by declaring a subject of discourse.”


COMMENT: By declaring a subject of discourse, Baba has formally declared that this will be DMC, thereby satisfying the unspoken desires of those Ananda Margiis who decorated the hall. All are laughing because Baba has perfectly depicted the scene that took place hours earlier and now He is fulfilling their request.  On the occasion of that DMC discourse, Baba told:
"The link, you see, one indirect link with each and every entity, through so many noumenal entities; another direct link with each and every individual, from a mammoth to a blade of grass. So a mammoth cannot move without His grace, and a blade of grass also cannot move without His approval. And this shows that He maintains a link with each and every entity." (3)

COMMENT: Here above Baba is revealing to certain bhaktas that He is that Parama Purusa who maintains a personal link with every unit being, i.e. jiivatman or noumenal entity in this cosmos through His ota yoga. As the Parama Purusa, Baba sees everyone, everywhere all the time. There is not a thought, syllable, or action that He is not aware of - and He has made His bhaktas aware in their heart that on this very occasion by precisely detailing the thoughts and desires of those margiis decorating the hall. This is an example of His subtle way of hinting to His bhaktas that He is that divine, all-knowing Divine Entity.

Printed version of same passage

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "You know, the Supreme noumenal entity maintains the closest relationship with all other apparent noumenal entities, the so-called noumenal entities, and those so-called noumenal entities maintain a link with each and every expression of this universe. This indirect link of the noumenal entity is called Prota Yoga in saḿskrta. That is, whatever you are doing is indirectly known to Him through your direct noumenal entity. And not only that, He keeps a direct relationship with you also."
   "“Today we will decorate the hall in a very nice way, as is done in the case of DMC. And when Bábá will see those things, He will say, ‘Let there be DMC.’” See, these things have a direct reflection, not on your apparent noumenal entity, but directly on the Supreme hub, directly on the Supreme noumenal entity. And He will say, “Let me satisfy those little boys and girls by declaring a subject of discourse.”" (4)

The above yellow italicised section is the "as is" version of the discourse. In the book edition cited directly above, those publishers did not indicate that bhaktas were laughing. I shall leave it to them to explain why they did like this, as that is not the main point of this letter.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
3. 20 May 1979, Timmern, Germany
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Why is marching Your path, confusions come
"Toma'r pathe jete kuya'sha' keno a'se a'nkhite..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2214)


Parama Purusa, You have blessed me with all that I would ever need or want. Then why is it that while marching Your path, sometimes frustration and confusions come, thus making everything foggy. It is not easy to see across. Dilemmas arise in the mind as if the future is dark. Divine Entity, please create more and more effulgence so that all the accumulated blackness vanishes.

My Illumined One, the Polestar of my life, those who lost their course in life, kindly show them the way. Remove their anxiety and ignorance and bring them in the right direction. I humbly ask that You shower Your grace on me so that in Your ideation and in Your dhyana I merge myself in You. Please allow my entire I-feeling to dissolve into You. Without Your krpa all this is not possible.  

Baba, with the force of Your mantra, awaken all, the entire world, from their slumber. I appeal to You to make me Your tool to execute Your task. Bless me so I pass my time in shravana, manana, and nididyasana, and always think about You. Baba, do Your work with my hand - getting Your plans done through me and fulfill Your desire...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How yoga postures keep the spine flexible

The following is an English summary of Baba’s original teaching given in Bangla in Shabda Cayanika part 8:
When calcium builds up and gets deposited in the back it becomes hard. That is why when people are very young then their backbone is quite flexible but due to an accumulation of calcium over just a few years then by the time they are teen-agers already their spinal column has become stiff and rigid.

Doing noakasana, utkata paschimottanasana, and shalabasana etc eliminates the possibility of developing a hunched back. So those doing hard manual labor that demands bending the back for extended periods of time should do these aforementioned asanas on a regular basis. That will prevent them from suffering from hunch-back in the future. (English Summary)

== Section 4: Links ==

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