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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Vampire bosses: Wt death - part 1


Vampire bosses: Wt death - part 1


The recent, tragic, and needless passing of a young brahmacarii demands both our care and keen review - as it is not an isolated incident but part of a disastrous trend.

Human life is precious, and even more precious are those who have dedicated their lives to the great cause. Rare are those who have heard the call of Parama Purusa and committed themselves to spreading His dharmic teachings. So when a wholetimer Dada dies from neglect, then that warrants our strict attention.

True Wts and dharmikas are our greatest assets, yet the current climate in AMPS is not conducive to their welfare. To prevent further incidents, here we present many never before reported facts about one Dada ji’s death due to insult, humiliation, and neglect in order to show how the recent death of one young brahmacarii did not occur in isolation, but as part of a horrific, ongoing problem.

Sadly, in each and every incident, instead of examining the problem, those so-called top Dadas deceitfully cover up what really happened using false claims and flowery falsehoods.

Case incident: Wt psychically tortured & killed

Then so-called NYSS Dada Vimalananda fictitiously wrote: "Acarya Shantatmananda (Avadhuta) ji breathed his last at Ranchi (JH, India) at about 1:30 PM today on Dec. 16, 2014 due to his health complications arising from age related problems. He was under medical rest for over two years at Ananda Nagar."

Fact Check: While posted in Mexico (2012 / 2013), Ac Shantatmananda ji suffered from a case of serious depression due to the false character assassination attempts by the then so-called SS Vimalananda, who was operating under the direction of Rudrananda and so-called GS Citsvarupananda. They took aim at him because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the sinful land selling of AMPS properties in Mexico. In result, Dada Shantatmananda ji became psychically paralysed and his physical decline started from that very moment. During this period, the then so-called NYSS Dada was feeling rather smug and was quite pleased and very happy seeing how his land-selling enemy might die very soon. So Vimalananda never inquired about the health and well-being of Dada Shantatmananda ji and never spent a single penny or pesos on helping Dada Shantatmananda ji regain his health. Nothing was done - just so-called NYSS Dada left him there to suffer until he finally removed him from Mexico in March 2013 and sent him to USA to die in neglect. By that time, Dada Shantatmananda ji was a mere shadow of the man he used to be.

Cover up sin & neglect to die

When Dada Shantatmananda returned to the US he was staying in the Los Altos Hills jagrti, just outside of San Francisco, California. Dada ji wanted to go to the Ananda Kanan MU in Missouri as he had spent much time there in the past. But the then so-called SS Dada strictly forbid Dada Shantatmananda from going to Ananda Kanan for fear that Dada ji’s health might improve whereby he would more strongly oppose the selling of AMPS properties in Mexico and tell all the Wts how they (Rudrananda & Vimalananda) were illicitly selling AMPS properties and structures in Mexico for their own personal gain. Those days people were not aware about the illicit sales of AMPS land parcels in Mexico. It was being kept under wraps as Vimalananda and Rudrananda surreptitiously embezzled huge monies allegedly from all those land sales and the then so-called SS Vimalananda did not want this to become known to all. So Shantatmananda was forbidden from going to Ananda Kanan and forced to stay in Los Altos (CA) where he would further decline leading to his death due to neglect.

Cause of slow killing

Ultimately, Dada Shantatmananda ji was sent back to India in the first week of May 2013. When Dada Shantatmananda arrived in India he wanted to stay with a senior Dada in order to recover from his depression and ill health, but under the order of Rudrananda, so-called GS Citsvarupananda didn't allow Dada Shantatmananda to stay with that particular senior Dada because they thought that might help Shantatmananda recover and they wanted him to die in neglect. So-called GS ordered him, “You can’t stay with that Dada!” And instead, Shantatmananda was sent to Uttam Nagar, New Delhi and then to Ananda Nagar to die of sheer neglect. And Dada Shantatmananda ji remained In Ananda Nagar from Sept 2013 until his death in December 2014. Over that time Dadaji was effectively ignored. He lived on the ground floor of central office and each day a boy would put roti / chapati and vegetable outside Dada’s room and then walk away, as per the order of Rudrananda because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the sinful land selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. No protein or pulses were provided to Shantatmananda - just the scant, bare minimum was done by the order of Rudrananda. That was the extent of the care Dadaji got. And often that food just sat there as Shantatmananda had no capacity to retrieve it. Clearly, Dada Shantatmananda ji was physically and mentally ill - he needed someone to watch over him. And in India this would not have been difficult to arrange, but nothing was done. All because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the sinful land selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. In this poisonous and desperate living condition, Dadaji’s health and condition just deteriorated.

Languishing in soiled laungotas

Often Dada Shantatmananda ji would not bathe and would stay in his room wearing soiled laungotas. Or he would sit on the toilet for hours - without eating - with no one knowing what he was doing. Dadaji was sick and confused and could not take care of himself - and no one proactively intervened to positively help him. He was malnourished, dirty, soiled, and left to suffer in isolation and misery. This type of neglect and inhumane condition and abuse exacerbated Dadaji’s health. He declined steadily - but not due to old age as the then so-called SS NY asserted. The shocking truth is that respected Dada Shantatmananda died of abuse in the form of complete neglect. They just let him languish. It was only in the last moment that one Dada took Shantatmananda ji from AN to Ranchi to be under the care of one gynecologist at her free clinic, but by then it was far too late - the damage had been done. Sadly, Dada Shantatmananda died soon thereafter at the Baba's Quarters in Ranchi.

Conclusion: devious hypocrisy

Over the course of those years, so-called NYSS Dadaji never inquired about Dada Shantatmanandji’s health and never offered to bring him back to NY sector in order to revive him because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the sinful land selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. After all, Dada Shantatmananda ji had worked in NY for decades. But no such offer was ever extended. It is a shocking tale of cold-hearted neglect and hypocrisy. Because once Dada Shantatmananda ji died, then so-called NYSS was in a joyous mood wherein he wrote a glowing, yet fabricated, eulogy - as if he lost his dearest brother. That was the display of their devious hypocrisy.

To be continued….

    ~ This concludes part 1; click here to read part 2.... ~

in Him,
Satya Deva

== Section 2: Links ==

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

My group is blessed! + 2 more


My group is blessed!


Today's group fight is 100% about groupism and has nothing to do with ideology. They are not standing up for margii rights, sanctity of scripture, and other dharmic issues. Rather, they are fighting over land, resources, post, power, money, jagrtis, and buildings. Their fight is cent per cent selfish. There is no higher ideal in mind.

Due to their rigid adherence to their groupist battle plan—and not Ananda Marga adarsha—they have also forgotten Ista. Because when one's mind is involved in selfish desires in the form of power and prestige, then it is impossible to think of serving Ista. That is the stark irony of today's group battles. They justify to themselves and others that, "Baba is on my side", yet the tragedy is they have left Ananda Marga ideology and drifted from Ista.

That is the very sad and unfortunate state of affairs going on now in our AMPS. What Baba warned us about in 1971 with those two Buddhist camps has been a living reality in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha  these last several years. The current clash in AMPS has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with factional power. Indeed this has been the running theme of our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in this post-1990 era. Let us hope that things change soon, by His grace.

Past struggle vs. present infighting

We must recall that life in our Marga was not always like this. Rather, in the past, all our struggles with outside enemies were for the establishment of Ananda Marga ideology. By Baba's grace, we fought and were victorious over communists, religious fundamentalists, and so many other negative parties. And our fight with them was never personal; it was for the spread of bhagavata dharma, i.e. Ananda Marga ideology. Thus each struggle and subsequent victory led to the great establishment of universal dharma.

In stark contrast, there is not a shred of ideology or welfare in today's group clash. There is not an ounce of dharma involved. Rather, day by day ideology is on the wane as the flag of groupism reigns. This terrible state spells the destruction of AMPS, if we are not careful and allow it to continue.

Myth: Baba is on my group’s side

Today's group clash has been marked by killings, beatings, sexual exploitation, embezzlement, theft, casteism, nepotism, physical abuse, distortions, thievery and the fight for resources and land. AMPS has turned into a war zone. So much destruction has occurred. Yet all the while, the various group camps think that "Baba is on my side and soon we will get victory." This is their outlook.

But now, by His grace we know what is true. Just as Baba points out how the fight between the two Buddhist factions represented the demise of ideology, we are witnessing the same misfortune nowadays in AMPS. The group clash itself means the loss of ideology, and the subsequent loss of Ista as well.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose somebody has no ideology in his life and for a moment forgets his ‘Ista’, he will degrade. So the wise man will always remember that he has to follow the ideology and more important, the ‘Ista’." (1)

Some say that they are doing for Baba, but by the practical expression of their groupist campaigns, it is plain as day that they have fallen from the path of neo-humanism. They are thinking of the victory of their self, their group, clan, caste, not universal welfare.

Group clash is cancerous

While there are many problems and issues in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, this group clash is the worst problem. It signifies the loss of ideology. So this is the biggest issue—the most dangerous disease. For us, this group clash is cancer. It kills.

It should be repeated: The reason why the present group clash is cancerous for us is that it represents the loss of ideology. In the face of group power struggles, ideology is forgotten—and along with it Ista.

The most pressing task at the moment then is to end this groupist conflict. Not by creating a peace proposal and merging the various camps, but rather by bringing Ananda Marga ideology to the fore. When that is done, there will be the victory of dharma.

Group leaders use deception

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Never do anything only to serve the interest of the party. Whatever you do should be for the benefit of the mass, for the welfare of the people in general." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Where there is no propagation of satya people indulge in individual selfishness or group selfishness. The aim or object there is not enlivened with the idea of collective welfare. The only object of the party concerned is how to establish oneself in this material world by means of the use of well-knit language and cunningness." (3)

Baba says, "It is necessary to mention that although through the path of analysis one’s self-interest may be served, and even the group interest may be temporarily served, but the path of analysis [division] cannot be conducive to human welfare on a permanent and comprehensive basis." (4)


I have deep love and respect for all in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. And we have to work together to establish Guru’s mission. That is why it is so difficult witnessing what is going on now. Today is not the time to blame, but to awaken, realise, and march side by side holding the flag of ideology.

For the all-round success of our AMPS, strictness in Ista and faith in Taraka Brahma are highly needed—otherwise spiritual life will just remain as a utopian ideal. Proper adherence to ideology (adarsha) is also needed. If either of these points are missing then the wheels of dharma cannot move ahead—neither in personal life nor collective life. This present group clash has drawn in both margiis and wholetimers. The main problem is that those Wts are involved in supporting a particular group and have wholly forgotten Ananda Marga ideology. The moment one is strict in Ista and adarsha, then any remnants of a group fight will be a thing of the past.

in Him

Factional vs ideological fight

What Baba has recounted in His Purnea DMC teaching from 1971 is highly applicable to what is unfolding nowadays in our AMPS. All the various groups share the same Ista, but they have gone to war with one another for their personal gain—thereby losing Ananda Marga ideology. Instead of adhering to the neo-humanistic principles of Ananda Marga adarsha, such groups have adopted selfish tactics—the race for name, fame, post, power & prestige.

And just as those Buddhist parties were praying to Buddha for their own victory, nowadays in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha the various camps also believe "Sadguru Baba is on my side and therefore my camp shall be victorious". But when any party strays from Ananda Marga ideology, then how can such a party gain Baba's favour. They cannot.

~ In-depth study ~

Group leaders have forgotten AM ideology

At Purnea DMC in 1971, Baba blessed us with a unique teaching that is highly applicable to the state of affairs these days in AMPS.

Baba says, "In [1936], a war was going on between two countries, the citizens of which have the same religion (Buddhist). When the soldiers went to war, their mothers used to pray to Lord Buddha to save the lives of their respective sons. What will Lord Buddha do? Save this man or that man? Both have the same ‘Ista’, but both parties have totally forgotten their ideology. If they were established in the ideology, they would not have gone to war." (5)

All are aware that our AMPS organisation has been divided along factional lines. And all the main parties are thinking that, "Baba is on my side and that I will be victorious", and in that way they continue their fight.

Yet in His teaching from Purnea DMC (1971), Baba clearly warns that if one engages in such battles for post and power then it means they have fallen away from ideology, in which case they will lose Ista also.

That is the very real concern that all in our AMPS should consider—especially those of our brothers and sisters involved in the factional fighting.

Everyone on the path of Ananda Marga loves Baba, but in this era of infighting one must take a moment to reflect on how far they are truly serving Ista and adarsha, or giving way to factional interest.

In the above teaching, Baba is clearly stating that both Buddhist groups lost their ideology. The proof being that the two camps went to war against each other for their own petty gains—each praying to Buddha to gain victory over the other. Thus, despite being followers of the same ista, they began fighting for their own selfish agendas instead of following the high ideals of Buddha.

Not look behind

By Baba's grace, the call of dharma is being heard all around. Instead of getting befooled by factional propaganda, true Ananda Margiis have set their sight on advancing AM ideology.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "O human beings! be established in the radiance of divinity and the splendour of valour and chivalry, because yours is the path of revolution. Your path is not the path of extra caution and scheduled movement. You are the traveller of a rugged path. You are travellers of an impregnable path. You have to march ahead proudly with the flag of Marga upright. You have no time to stagger or to look behind." (6)

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 20, Ideology, Goal and Devotion
2. Tattvika Diipika - 2, Tattva Sabhá
3. Tattvika Diipika - 2
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Service Psychology and Group Psychology
5. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 20, Ideology, Goal and Devotion
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are my everything

"Toma'ke ca'i a'mi jiivane, a'loke a'ndha're sabkha'ne..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3238)


O' Parama Purusa, in my life I want only You, both in happiness and sorrow. In the refulgence as well as in the darkness, on good days and bad ones, all the time, in all the places - everywhere. You are my everything and have blessed me with the feeling that, "You are mine and mine alone." I want to keep You with me always. Please be gracious and remain in my heart eternally. You are with me now and will stay forever.

O' Supreme Entity, You and I - the two of us - will be in one corner of my deserted heart for time immemorial. We will be there together, permanently. That is my longing and desire. You are my shelter and the base of my life. Baba, I long for You in the depths of my being. Except You, I do not want anything.

Those who went away in the past and come in the future, I also speak on their behalf. I represent the feeling of their mind. Nobody is lowly or insignificant; everyone is Yours. All are part of one divine family. No one is downtrodden; all are Your family.

O' Parama Purusa, whatever right or wrong I do, I always keep You in my mind, in my heart, by Your grace. I surrender unconditionally unto You. In my shravana and manana, I go on singing Your song - Your glory. It is Your blessing. Baba, Your qualities are endless and You have infinite forms. All the flora and fauna - all that is mobile and immobile - everything is part and parcel of Your cosmic expression. You are manifesting Yourself in countless ways, yet You remain mine and mine alone.

Baba, You are the Polestar of my life; You are my everything. Please keep me under Your shelter...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3238:

[1] Manana & shravana: Here Ananda marga philosophy explains both the special meaning and intrinsic value of the spiritual practices of manan and shravan.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudi - 3, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Example: Loopholes in Indian constitution

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There are several fiscal and psychological loopholes in the Indian constitution.“

“The constitution of India proclaims that all are equal in the eye of the law. But in practice, this principle is not followed, and as a result disparity is growing in the arena of law and justice. Such disparity is adversely affecting the different groups of people in the country. For example, there are disparities between the Hindu Code and the Muslim Code. Hindu women and Muslim women, although they are all Indian citizens, do not get equal advantages of law. For instance, according to Hindu law, a man cannot have more than one wife, but a Muslim man is entitled to have more than one wife. A Hindu husband or a Hindu wife is required to approach the court to secure a divorce, while a Muslim man is entitled to divorce his wife without the permission or approval of the court. Moreover, a Muslim husband can divorce his wife but a Muslim wife cannot divorce her husband. Besides, a Muslim husband is not required to show [[any reason for the divorce]].”

“Disparity in the eye of the law is creating all these problems. The root of all these evils lies in the psychological loopholes of the Indian constitution. Why is the constitution allowing the Hindu Code and Muslim Code to stand side by side? Let there be only one code – the Indian Code. This Indian Code should be based on cardinal human values, with a universal approach and Neo-Humanistic spirit. Then only equality before the law can be established in practice, and equal protection of the law for all can be guaranteed. So the constitution should remove the psychological loopholes by eradicating existing disparities in the eye of the law.”

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 8  “Requirements of an Ideal Constitution”

== Section 3: Links ==
Legal Notice: ©2019 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other on-line translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: My group is blessed!
2. PS #3238: You are my everything
3. Links

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Loud Wailing + 2 more

Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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