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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Krpasundarananda: religious cheat


Krpasundarananda: religious cheat

Note: If anybody offers an educational tour of various places across the planet then that is OK, but here this Wt is doing something completely different. He is befooling lazy people who want to grow spiritually but do not want to do sadhana or follow 16 points. So this Wt is a cheat as he is tricking people into believing he has an easy process by how one can advance spiritually. In thousands of discourses Baba has condemned such religious swindlers and how they befool others. Verily in all the religions such swindlers are present - ripping off their clients. In AM, it is not allowed, but this fellow started this tactic in the mid-1990s and after his death also this dirty thing that he made will continue as there is no dearth of lazy and ignorant people who want to realise God. Such fools will fall in his pocket. This letter explains about this step by step. - Eds


Ánanda Marga philosophy attributes divinity to every aspect of creation. Everything in this created universe is a manifestation of the Cosmic Consciousness. When this is the case, it is a folly to assume that one place is holier than another. It is a mistake to undertake arduous travels to a few so-called special holy places, thinking it would somehow elevate one's life spiritually. Since every place, every country, every continent in this universe is a manifestation of Brahma, one's spiritual elevation and awakening can happen anywhere in this universe, provided that place is conducive for sádhaná and only when one sincerely performs sádhaná in that place. The prerequisite for sádhaná is having a human body. Once human birth is attained, it has to be suitably used to perform sádhaná. Ananda Marga scriptures do not preach traveling to a so-called holy site or undertaking religious pilgrimage to achieve spiritual elevation or Brahmahood. Yet, we see some WTs delude innocent, trusting margiis into believing that undertaking these types of travels leads to one's spiritual upliftment. This is a negative and bogus notion. Sadguru Bába has guided that the real tiirtha or pilgrimage lies in the hearts of His bhaktas, a place where bhaktas can find God and merge into Him. There is absolutely no need of running from one place to another to find God.

Dada K is religious deceiver

This letter addresses the issue of a burgeoning religious tourism industry which some Dadas and Didis are supporting in the guise of leading naive margiis onto the "path of bliss", by taking them on pseudo-spiritual adventure tours to so-called holy sites in India and Nepal. Dada Krpasundarananda of the Path of Bliss faction has been guiding these spiritual adventure tours for many decades now. Just one look at the itinerary of the tour makes it crystal clear that he is cashing in on the already existing religious tiirtha or religious pilgrimage dogma and strengthening this despicable practice. He is taking margiis to popular pilgrimage centers in India and Nepal, most of which are holy sites of the religions in these countries, namely Hinduism and Buddhism. It is concerning that this Dada identifies himself as a whole timer of Ananda Marga and indulges in this type of sick dealing. Not only is Dada Krpasundarananda abetting a dogma and misleading margiis, he is also abetting the growth of other religious tourism businesses by creating an ecosystem for such vile businesses. Many local tours and travel businesses in India and Nepal have started offering similar tourism packages for margiis in competition to Dada K's tourism package. This is a business based wholly on a negative, spiritually-debased, religious ideology. Please read more details about this crime further in this letter to judge Dada Krpasundarananda’s actions in the light of Ananda Marga teachings.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga condemns geo-sentiment (holy land dogma)

Geo-Sentiment is an irrational sentiment one develops due to excessive attachment to a piece of land or a geographical territory, at the cost of developing illogical hatred and contempt for other geographical territories by considering one piece of land holy and others unholy. Geo-sentiment breeds geo-religious sentiments, which in turn breeds the dogma of pilgrimages and religious tourism. Neo-Humanism clearly teaches that these types of narrow sentiments are of no use in one's spiritual life. To undertake a pilgrimage to one particular place which is just one aspect of creation, by assuming that place is holier or more spiritually elevating than other places in the universe, amounts to undermining the significance all other places, which are also manifestations of Parama Puruśa. Ánanda Marga does not support this narrow mentality. Hence, Ananda Marga does not support religious tourism. Dadas and Didis who befool margiis into accepting this type of tiirtha (pilgrimage) dogma should be shunned.

Neo-Humanism teaches, "All those religious, economic, political or social theories which are based on geo-sentiment, yield to superstition from their very inception. The so-called religions which have mouthed high-sounding ideals but are essentially motivated by geo-sentiment become converted into reservoirs of superstition, into oceans of blind faith." (1)

Neo-Humanism teaches, "All countries are equal; why worship with your face turned only towards the east, or the south, or the west. All countries, all directions, are equal.....“East, west, north, south, northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest, upwards, downwards – my Parama Puruśa encompasses all the directions.” Then why should I give undue importance to any particular direction? To do that means geo-religion; not dharma, but simply a religion. " (2)

The true meaning of tiirtha (holy place)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When Párvatii asked Lord Shiva, “O Lord, which one is the best tiirtha?” Lord Shiva’s reply was:
Idaḿ tiirtham idaḿ tiirthaḿ bhramanti támasáh janáh;
Átmatiirthaḿ na jánanti kathaḿ mokśa varánane.
[Here is one place of pilgrimage, there is another place. People of static nature wander from the one place to the other place. But without finding the real place of pilgrimage within themselves, how can they attain salvation?]" (3)

By the above teaching, it is clearly understood that the concept of tiirtha was introduced by religious charlatans to stupefy innocent people for their personal gains. People of static intellect, those who cannot analyze the world rationally, are the ones who fall prey to the tiirtha dogma and spend their valuable time and resources to undertake such useless pilgrimages. The real tiirtha or the real place of pilgrimage lies deep in one’s heart, within the "I feeling" of one's mind, which is a reflection of the Cosmic Consciousness within one's own mind. To reach this tiirtha all one needs is sincere bhakti for the attainment of the Supreme. A tiirtha is not a physical place one travels to in order to find God.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The word tiirtha means “a place of pilgrimage”. Tiira + sthá + d́a = tiirastha [tiirtha]. Tiira means the shoreline, where the land and water touch each other. The sloping portion of the land which comes in contact with this tiira is called the beach. If a person takes one step from the shoreline towards the beach one will reach the dry land, and if a person takes one step towards the water, then one will enter the water. The tiirtha, which really means a place between the physical and spiritual worlds, is analogous to this geographical tiira. For if a person takes one step towards worldliness, one is likely to be entangled in all sorts of worldly allurements, and if one takes a step towards the “water of spirituality,” one will be carried away by its current. That very point, which is the connecting link between worldliness and spirituality, is tiirtha: Tiirasthaḿ tiirthamityáhuh.” (4)

Dada K's pa’pa (sin): promoting geo-religious sentiment dogma

Note: Sin means going against the commands of the Bible, whereas pa’pa means harming others.

Below is a snapshot of Dada K's trip details and itinerary. Dada Krpasundarananda is leading margiis on this trip to all places of Hindu and Buddhist pilgrimage; Rishikesh, Pushkar, Bodhgaya etc. A closer look at the trip itinerary reveals that Dada K is taking people to Hindu temples in these areas which are of no significance to spiritual life. When the teaching of Ananda Marga is to discard religion as narrow and useless geo-sentiment, why then should margiis be a part of such pseudo-spiritual adventures? It is a travesty of spirituality and abuse of trust naive margiis place in these whole timers. Wt ácáryas have a responsibility to lead the society on the right path, towards its welfare. And here we see, that Dada K is doing just the opposite by encouraging religious dogma that leads to crudification of people's mind. He is a vile religious trader making financial profits out of this negative affair. Also, being involved in such a negative profession is completely against the teachings of Ananda Marga. Margiis must be aware of this! To sell his tourism package effectively to margiis, Dada K has also included places like Ananda Nagar and Jamalpur in the itinerary where there are a large number of Ananda Marga children's homes and projects functioning. These are not places of pilgrimage in Ananda Marga, though they are of social significance to margiis. No one should be deluded to believe one’s inner growth takes place by visiting these so-called places of spiritual enlightenment in India or in Nepal.

Krpasundarananda spreads poison in name of spirituality

Sadguru Baba emphsizes the necessity of having a proper profession in one's life. Any profession or occupation should be based on just and fair means. It should not be an occupation that harms other people physically, mentally or spiritually. Yet Dada K’s livelihood is one that decimates people's spiritual vitality by infusing dogmas in their mind. Dada Krpasundarananda - just like any dogmatic religious trader, priest, rabbi or mullah - is swapping dogma and superstition for financial gains. He is obstructing margiis' spiritual progress. This is an unconscionable act and should be strongly condemned.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches, "Then the fourth one is samyak ájiiva, proper occupation. You may earn money by stealing, by doing so many – by engaging in so many antisocial activities, but it is not samyak ájiiva. Your occupation should be harmless. It must not go against the interest of any good people. This should be your occupation." (5)

Wt befools & brainwashes naive margiis / non-margiis

It has come to our attention that travel agents in India and Nepal are creating tourism packages along the lines of travel itinerary prepared by Dada Krpasundarananda to attract margiis. They are now offering competitive prices to attract naive margiis who are made to believe in the false notion of "spiritually elevating places". Our Sadguru Baba has blessed every nook and corner of this universe with His special vibrations. One does not have to visit Jamalpur, Ananda Nagar or Kolkata to feel Baba's special presence in one's life. It is one thing if one undertakes travel to these places just to visit or know more about the place, its history etc. But it is a totally different matter when one considers travel to these places a spiritual journey. There is nothing spiritual about visiting such places. These types of tours and travels degrade the tourists' mind and serve only to financially benefit religious traders and money-minded capitalists. Both these groups of people, religious traders (vipras) and money-minded capitalists (vaeshyas) work shoulder to shoulder to deceive the masses and profit from a mass hysteria created by tiirtha dogma. This is a type of exploitation in the psychic sphere. Margiis are urged not to support this, nor should they be a part of such exploitative voyages.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "There is an unhealthy collusion between vaeshyas and those who trade in religion to try to prevent human beings from forcefully asserting their rights. They try to persuade people that exploitation, the sucking of blood, by vaeshyas, is not an outrage but a law of nature; that it is useless to try to bring about social welfare by establishing human rights. The exploited people should forget about the world and support those who trade in religion in order to enjoy unlimited happiness in an imaginary heaven." (6)

Here below is a picture of an advertisement floated by a travel agent in India offering a cheaper tour program in competition for Dada Krpasundarananda’s deplorable religious tourism business. This is a disgrace to Ananda Marga, a negative business venture growing under the banner of Ananda Marga.


Margiis in India, who support this activity by hosting Dada Krpasundarananda and his entourage, should be made aware of the negative consequences of this trip. This is an unholy adventure, not a spiritual adventure. This trip is not spiritually elevating for anybody, rather it is bloating a very negative industry based on religious tourism and dogma. It seeks to exploit those margiis who innocently seek spiritual guidance from Ananda Marga WTs. Margiis beware and do not support this dogmatic business endeavor! Spirituality is a sublime personal journey we humans need to embark on through deep sádhaná and service to suffering humanity. It is not a physical journey one must undertake from one place to another. Waging a ceaseless war against the negative extroversial forces and realizing the Supreme within us is the real spiritual adventure. The real tiirtha or pilgrimage lies covert in one's own heart. One has to search for the Supreme in the core of one's mind, not in temples, mosques, churches or external places of pilgrimage.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "One has to search for Him in one’s guhá. Guhá has a couple of meanings – “cave”, and the “I”. Here the second meaning applies. One has to search for Him in one’s “I”. The one who is inside your “I” is you yourself. Search for your self – you will find Him. As long as the [real] you is there, the Lord is also there." (7)

(1) The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Geo-Sentiment
(2) The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Geo-Sentiment
(3) Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 34, The Best Tiirtha
(4) Namah Shiváya Shántáya, SHIVOPADESHA 11
(5) Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Lord Buddha's Cardinal Principles
(6) Human Society Part 1, Various Occupations
(7) Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1

== Section 2: Links ==

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