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Saturday, November 6, 2021

AM history & great dadas + 3 more


AM history & great dadas


Some say that if someone has committed egregious errors, and that person has already died, then their actions should not be analysed and reviewed. About this, we can find the correct answer in Sadguru Baba’s approach and teachings. And that is what is discussed below. The fundamental issue at stake is this: What is history, and what gets included in the historical record.

Two Myths

MYTH #1: After death, one must not talk about a person’s character and dealing: This myth is a bogus idea. The proof is that Baba has fully reviewed the deeds and exposed the misdeeds of those during the Mahabharata era. They died long ago but that did not keep Baba from telling their tales etc. Rather Baba recounted all that they did. So the history must be given of those who have destroyed Guru’s discourses, imposed groupism, infused dogma, curtailed margii rights, and broken our AMPS into pieces. It is not that when such persons die then these events can no longer be told, written about, or analysed. That history should be told so the present and future generations can learn from those experiences.

MYTH #2: If Baba pardoned them then their case must not be discussed: This second myth is also a bogus idea. Here is the proof: Baba pardoned Kalicharan, yet He recounted Kalicharan’s entire history as a notorious murderer to his rise as a great avadhuta. The whole history is told; no portion was blacked out because Baba pardoned those actions. Rather, He put it all in the historical record so people could learn.

How some top Dadas betrayed Baba

One example which cannot be overlooked or forgotten is how Rudrananda was and is a CBI informant and that he was busy in anti-AM activity which is why Baba did not allow him in reporting. Verily, Sadguru Baba did not like to see Rudrananda’s face from 1970 to 1990. That black history cant be ignored.

The next case is how in his speech, writing, and action Dada S never repented for deserting Guru during emergency. Rather Dada S bragged about creating Prema Marga etc. Baba accepted him back without his repentance; such is the greatness of Baba. For more about this in the in-depth study section appended below. 

Similarly, the names and actions of those purodhas who unanimously passed so-called mahaprayan divas must not remain hidden. For the record, it will have to be preserved how those people inserted this dogmatic appendix into Caryacarya part 1. Out of fear and terror, most purodhas lent their support and declared this as an annual death day ceremony. Now many of those same purodhas feel ashamed of what they did. But that does not mean that the history should be wiped away. Still it must be told and by that way others will learn.

How history should be rewritten

Here below Sadguru Baba guides us about what should be included in history. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “History has been written and is read – it was written in the past; it will be written in the future. But I suggest that in the writing of history there should be a radical change. The history written so far is a history of kings and monarchs. It should be thoroughly overhauled and completely rewritten – rewritten in the interest of humanity and the universal well-being of the human race. If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The annals of human history should show which communities brought about which amount of progress and prosperity in which area of social life and in which part of the world – only such significant events are worthy of being recorded. History should also maintain special records of the trials and tribulations which confronted human beings, how those trials and tribulations were overcome, how human beings tackled the numerous obstacles to effect greater social development, and so on. Only such history would I call the complete history or complete cultural history of the human race.” (2)


According to Baba’s above teaching, all facets of life should be put on the historical record as that becomes an asset for the further development of our human society. So as Ananda Margiis that is the approach we will have to take. It is not dependent upon whether one is dead, living, or was pardoned etc. It is all part of the historical record for the betterment of humanity.

And verily any community that wishes to progress should adopt a similar approach. And that is why the military educates their troops about the previous wars and how they were fought - both heroes and cowards are studied. No aspect is left untouched. By this way those soldiers are better prepared for their future assignments. 

In Him, 
~ In-depth study ~

Why historical record of Ananda Margii deserters is meaningful

1. History should be written - the glorious moments as well as the times of despair. Otherwise in the future people will be parlaysed when difficulties arise. Whereas if they know the history that so many respected people like Dada Samanvayananda ji, Ac Sarangi ji, and Mangal Biharii became deserters and left Guru to suffer in jail during the Emergency period, everyone will know that in difficult times one must stick to the path of dharma and not be swayed by any particular individual, regardless of their social stature etc.

2. Removing Dada Samanvayananda ji’s story will create one big gap in our Ananda Marga history because he was treated as a very high and important figure - he was the second avadhuta. So when word spread that he left then many became worried and scared and they thought they too should run from the field. If this case study is not part of our history, then the same thing will happen in the future. People will be unduly swayed and they will give up the fight for dharma. Whereas if people are aware about the atrocious mistake that Dada Samanvayanandji made, then they will know not to betray Guru - they will stay the course and hold tight to the path of dharma. 

3. One may or may not like the history, but it cannot be denied, changed, or deleted. No one with any side agenda should operate in this way. Covering up someone’s misdeeds and wiping them from the historical record will not do. Everyone should learn that under no circumstance should one ever betray Guru. That will only bring about their demise and ruin their name for the generations to come.

4. This should be very clear: Recounting all of history, regardless of whether one has died or was pardoned, is essential for the building of a healthy human society. 

Baba is so gracious - Dada S never repented

All know that on one special occasion Baba graciously issued a blanket pardon to those who left, repented, and came back after the Emergency period. But at that time Dada Samanvayananda (aka Shivananda) was still enjoying and basking in his own so-called guruship in Dehradun. So Dadaji missed out on that golden opportunity. And sadly over the years, Dadaji never expressed any repentance for deserting and betraying Sadguru Baba. By his actions, speech, and writing he continued to glorify those times when he was the self-appointed guru. Even after Baba graciously accepted him back and he got the name as a brahmacarii, he would regularly reference himself as being Dada Shivananda, as if that was some glorious moment. Yet it was his actions as “Shivananda” that he committed that gross sin and betrayed Guru. 

Note: After training, his name was changed to Shambhunath Brc which he had for many years and then on one occasion in 1990 when Baba granted general amnesty and restored the avadhutaships to all sinner Wts and at that point his name became Smanvayananda Avt.

Final conclusion

One should not think that just because someone died then their wrongdoings can no longer be reviewed and studied. Rather wrongdoings and all such dealings are a key part of human history and will help others do better and make wiser decisions in the future. 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten
2. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

My life was dominated by staticity

"Ghor timire ruddha ghare ghumucchilum eka' eka'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1723)


My Supreme Entity, I was sleeping alone in the pitch dark room with the doors and windows closed - lost in a sea of materialism. Seeing my sorrowful condition, You suddenly came to this isolated place, broke my slumber of ignorance, gave me Your darshan, and showed the path of enlightenment. Who are You who is most charming and prema personified. 

Refulgence-Personified, that sleepy of atheistic way of life kept me in a prolonged state of depression and sadness. By Your auspicious arrival, You have illumined everything by illuminating the pathway towards satya loka. Parama Purusa, with Your infinite compassion, in a flash, You removed my sorrows by showering me in Your godly grace. For ages and ages I was forlorn; my whole existence was in a drowsy and soporific state. My life was dominated by staticity. Now, instead of being submerged in that Cimmerian darkness, I am immersed and surrounded by Your exquisite love. I can see that You are mine; now there is no question of any frustration in my life.

Parama Purusa, Baba, in this moment everything is filled with Your spiritual brilliance. Not even an iota of darkness remains. I am wholly immersed in bliss. My existence has gotten new pra'n' a - new energy. Please fill my awakened life with nectar of Your unfathomable love and affection.

Baba, You are my everything. Please accept my surrender...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How half of humanity was repressed

Ananda Marga philosophy, “The social and religious rights of women were curtailed in numerous ways so that they would be kept forever in thrall to the men. They were even forbidden walking in the open space under the open sky. Covered in burkas and veils, they were reduced to the status of caged birds living on seeds and water. It was decreed that they were not entitled to their ancestral property. The girls were given much less than the boys. It was categorically declared that they were not entitled to mukti or mokśa; that women go to heaven, it’s true, but the men get all sorts of privileges there that women cannot get. These rubbish ideas have died out due to various circumstances. In some places they are in the process of extinction, and in other places they are totally extinct.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 10, “Kramalaya”

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Deceiving animals

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If mango glue is kept in a container and bird seed is put on it and a bird fearlessly alights to take that food and then cannot fly away because its feet are stuck in the glue, and if a fowler takes this opportunity to put it into a cage, then that would certainly be called cheating. So since ancient times people have condemned both catching fish with a fishhook and the fowler’s way of catching birds. No honest man should do it. It is not cheating when fish are caught with a net. For this reason the fisherman’s profession was not considered as despicable as the fowler’s, because they do not kill innocent creatures by making them swallow bait. Under no circumstance can harming a person or a creature after winning their confidence by tempting them with food be considered the deed of an honest person.” (1)

Note: As human beings develop the rules of ethics also become more refined. In World War Two, the military destroyed neighborhoods and cities of opposing countries. They did not make a distinction between civilian and military targets. Later on they made the rule that civilians should not be targeted. That will be a war crime. In the past criminals and those detained were also tortured. But in civilised countries this has stopped. The ethical rules of today also will develop tomorrow and become more refined. So ethical human beings should not deceive animals. That is the central guideline of the above teaching.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 5, Kut́a to Kut́t́ima (Discourse 28)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The next step is a world government

Prout philosophy states, "With advances in technology, the mastery of human beings over space and time will continue slowly to increase, so the necessity of a world government, also, will be profoundly felt. Gradually the people in one region of the world will have to interact more with the people in various other regions, and in the course of this interaction they will have to try to understand one another better." (1)

Note: Here Baba is teaching how in a gradual and natural course the world government will be established on this earth. And in a mundane way things are already moving in this direction. For example, there are millions of international and global organisations. Similarly, hundreds of thousands of corporations have a global administration. And in many families, their relations are working and living in multiple continents. And that is growing every moment. On a daily basis, tens of millions of people are crossing borders and traveling across the planet for various reasons. By this way individuals, corporations, and NGO’s are already global. And the political level will take place very soon. Not only that there is hardly any country that is not connected with another country. So there is a need. The European Union is an example of uniting various countries together. This is a step in its own way on this issue. And we have already a dysfunctional United Nations organisation and the formation of the world government will be the next step.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #20

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Basic Differences Between Ananda Marga & Hinduism


Ananda Marga

No caste and creed. All human beings are one.
Statue worship
GOD is formless (Nirakar Brahma), No statue worship.
Millions of GOD, Godess
GOD is only one
Studded with various dogmas
Dogma no more, Dogma no more
Sacred thread (Janeu)
No bondages, free from entire sacred type threads
Priest- Only Brahman can be priest, then their sons would takeover
Only Acaryas performs as per Crayacraya, Theirs sons are not necessarily be Acarya
Fear of Hell & heaven
Hell & heaven do not exist
Marriages in Caste
Revolutionary Marriages
Dowry system
No dowry at all
Untouchability- Harizan, Scheduled castes are not allowed to touch higher caste Brahaman, Rajaput, etc
All are sons and daughters of GOD. No untouchability
Prayers - Aarati, Archana, Stuti
Parama Purusa can only be realised through spiritual Meditation. No prayers
GOD exists in each and every particles. Entire places are sacred.
Death Ceremonies- One will have to feed hundreds of people, donations to Brahmans, etc. Performers sometimes carry loans for years due to heavy expenses
Death ceremonies - Feeding to people is prohibited. Only one small pot of water is enough to perform Shraddha. The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony. So, it is free from dogma and unnecessary expenses
After death of dear ones, hair is cleaned, head shaved. They undergoes penance, etc
No head shaving. No mortification or ostentatious penance.
A dip in Ganga river, Kumbh will clean, remove sins
Sinners will have to suffer as per their Samskara. No shortcut.
In Him, Devesh

== Section 4: Links ==

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