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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Dada blames Baba for his own mistakes… + 2 more


Dada blames Baba for his own mistakes…


Here Baba guides us that people undergo suffering due to their previous bad actions. There is no question of blaming Parama Purusa for one’s sin.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Blaming God for the consequences of our only foolishness. One who performs actions will have to bear the reactions also. If you plunge your hand in fire you will surely burn it. To blame God for burning your hand is merely ignorance or stupidity." (1)

So it is clear that the troubles and tragedies one faces in this world are due to their own negative prior actions. People are solely responsible for their own suffering. And it is sinful to blame God. Now take a look at what Dada Parmeshvarananda has written in his book. 

Dada Parameshvarananda blames Baba for Parameshvarananda’s sin

Here is the gist of what Parmeshvarananda is saying in the Hindi edition of his book:

Today is Diipavali and I (Parameshvarananda) do not have money to get something to eat, and I (Parameshvarananda) do not know anyone in this town. Now it is late and since morning I’ve been hungry. People all around are celebrating and enjoying and I (Parameshvarananda) am starving. If I (Parameshvarananda) had not been a monk then I (Parameshvarananda) would have been eating dainties and delicacies and blasting firecrackers. But instead now I (Parameshvarananda) am starving. I (Parameshvarananda) then started accusing and blaming Baba that, “What heck you (Baba) are doing here with my life.” 

That is the central idea and spirit of Parmeshvaranada’s accusation towards Baba. Here below is a scan of Parmeshvarananda’s book, “Divyambhuti” (Hindi Edition) where he is blaming Sadguru Baba for his own sin. See the red underlined words below:

Parmeshvarananda Book - Blaming Baba.jpg

In the above red underlined section, Parameshvarananda is accusing Baba for being the cause of his (Dada P’s) suffering. But we know it is very negative and sinful to blame God in this way. No true Ananda Margii could ever blame Sadguru Baba for their own sin.

Parameshvarananda does not like to admit his own sins

Ananda Marga scripture says, “Karttrtva karma karmaphala ["Doership, action, result of the action"]. Human beings do the actions, and the results come according to the law of nature — the Lord has nothing to do with it. So when people are in trouble, they say: “Oh God, what have You done to me? What put this into Your mind?” But the fact is that Na’ra’yan’a, God, has done nothing, and had nothing in His mind. You have done something and are suffering the consequences. You are in trouble and you are crying out. Many people are like this. But Na’ra’yan’a has done nothing. As you have sown, so you now reap. This is the plain truth.” (2)

Some people unfortunately do not like to admit their own sins and faults. And in due course when they face the negative samskara (negative consequence or reaction), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa for their wrongdoing – thereby committing evil. And sadly that is exactly what Parmeshvarananda has done in his own book - he blamed Baba for giving him (P) trouble. Such is his debased mental outlook and lowly mindset.

Difference between true and fake bhakta

Everyone has to undergo their negative and positive samskaras according to their good and bad deeds. Bhaktas realise that they are facing the reaction of their past actions. They also know that the action and reaction theory helps save jiivas from harming others. Bhaktas realise this and when they are suffering they become more alert not to harm others in future. 

Those who are third-class or low-grade bhaktas blame Parama Purusa without rhyme or reason: “Sadguru is giving tests and putting me in trouble.” By this way, third-rate sadhakas push themselves further into sin. Even after knowing this, they do not want to recognise the fact that they are facing the reactions of their own sin.  

By the grace of Parama Purusa, when one grows spiritually then they never blame or say Guru give tests. Rather when facing any problem they say or feel that this is due to their past samskara. This is basic difference between bhaktas & crude people. 

In Him,
Vijay Prabhu

Blaming God for their own misdeeds

Ananda Marga scripture says, "Humans out of their ignorance only blame Him for inflicting pain and suffering. Blaming God for being partial and unkind and for inflicting pain and suffering...are not the correct courses to adopt. The wise take the pain and suffering as a lesson through which the Great Benefactor teaches them to refrain from evil actions and develop in them discrimination. Hence abstaining from evil action is the action of the wise and the duty of every human being." (3)

In the following teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy it is clear that any bhakta should stand in favour of Parama Purusa. What to say about unnecessarily accusing Him, if anyone is blaming Parama Purusa then you can understand the depth of their bhakta.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You know, it is the nature of the bhaktas, of devotees, that they hold brief in favour of their Lord. They always plead for [defend] their Lord. Even if there is predicament they won't charge the Lord, rather they will hold the whole brief in favour of the Lord. They will plead for [defend] their Lord. They will say: “No, no, my Lord is not at fault.”" (4)

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
2. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, “You Have the Right to Action Only”
3. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Cosmological Order

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

New dawn

"Prabháter ravi bole, ghumáye, ghumáye theko ná ár..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4703)


O’ human beings, the sun of the new dawn is giving the message: Don't remain asleep in slumber anymore. You have a huge amount of work to do. A whole mountain's worth of commitment is in front of you; remove your lethargy. Don't remain drowsy any longer; do something for suffering humanity.

O’ sadhakas, since ages and ages you have been dozing in darkness. The whole night you were dreaming. Now do not snooze anymore; this is not the time for sluggishness. Get up. Serve and help those who are shedding tears and being tortured by removing the heavy load of their pain and suffering.

O' living beings, look, the crimson panorama is spreading refulgence; everything is shining. That bright and glorious day is not far any longer. The time has come when people will be liberated from all bondages; there will not be any exploitation. All will enjoy a blissful life. On the peak of the mountain, on the forest trees, birds are chirping and spreading this divine message that all will be blessed. 

O' brothers and sisters, the crimson daylight is knocking at your door; the era of neohumanism has come....

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why some in human form are worse than animals

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Animals are guided by instincts. They do not know the why and the how of things. Human beings, on the other hand, are led by the mind. Animals cannot go beyond their instincts. In case of [great] intellectual clash, however, the animal mind, like the human, gets more subtle. This is generally found to occur with those animals who remain in contact with humans. But the development that is discernible in this case is not spiritual, it is simply intellectual. Dogs and monkeys who are trained, for instance, can be made a bit [more intelligent] than other ones."

"Human beings, on the other hand, have the capacity to develop even in the spiritual realm. Those who do not pay heed to this special gift are animals, nay, even worse than animals. Animals are unable to make efforts for their spiritual development, whereas humans do have this ability." (1)

Note: Here above Baba is pointing out some of the basic differences between humans and animals. Animals are dominated by instinct, whereas humans are mind dominated and have the capacity to grow spiritually. Even then, tragically, some degenerated human beings surrender this cherished human quality and foolishly submit their existence at the altar of instinct. Even though they possess a human mind they live like animals - always in the grip of their baser propensities. Verily they are worse than animals. By Baba's causeless grace we are fortunate that to have been blessed with a human body and mind, and with the tools of spiritual sadhana so that we can progress and become divine.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section 3: Links ==

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