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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Marga children’s home: child abuse case + Mumbai News


This email contains three sections:
1. News: Marga children’s home: child abuse case
2. News: Mumbai children’s home: hungry kids
3. End quote: Believers of fake MPD can’t get it
4. Links

Marga children’s home: child abuse case

Note: This letter has been written with a positive feeling - to “see the bright side” - for how our children’s homes can become disease-free and ailment-free. If there is a children’s home in your area please watch out because this type of problem is not uncommon.

Baba has specially given our Ananda Marga children’s homes for the safe and healthy growth of those young ones. Our children’s homes are meant as a haven of neo-humanistic principles and spiritual ideals. In that environment, those children will grow to be ideal human beings and leaders of society.

Now, however, in one particular children’s home that vision has been shattered. All eyes and ears should be focused on the below scene so the matter can be addressed and resolved. Those children are depending upon your engagement and follow through - allowing this to be swept under the carpet will not do.

Dirty blood and the lowest caste

The current DSL Didi in Ludhiana allegedly abuses and hates kids yet she is running an Ananda Marga children’s home. She yells and screams at them day-long - and she beats them the way police beat notorious criminals. It is a shocking and horrifying situation.

The various neighbours and community members all see and hear what is going on. And when anyone complains about the way Didi is mistreating those young, tender, impressionable children, then Didi justifies her position. She says, “You do not know these kids come from dirty blood; they are of the the lowest caste. They are untouchable and they need harsh treatment. I am not doing anything that they do not deserve.” That is what DSL Didi says. But everyone around knows better.

The BP of Ludhiana and is a very sincere, committed margii. It seems that he is not aware about the situation. Best will be if he  puts an agent or investigator in the neighborhood to document everything and get proof. Then the harsh reality that is unfolding day-by-day, minute-by-minute, will be documented. And a proper course of action can be taken. The way things are now is intolerable. No child should have to live in such conditions.

Repulsive feeling towards  those kids

Didiji allegedly treats those kids like her slaves and servants. They bring her bed-tea in the morning and massage her in the evening. and the whole situation is awful and if those small kids do not perform properly then Didi beats them more.

Really this is quite unusual for a grown female to behave this way towards kids. Mostly females have a very motherly feeling but somehow DSL Ludhiana harbours a repulsive feeling towards those kids. It is sad and tragic - and the ones who suffer are those children. H group posted her there and they have not taken steps to rectify the situation.

It is well known in the local area that Didi loudly yells at and physically hits and abuses those kids. This is not something hidden. The people who live around there see it with their own eyes - and they hear those kids crying.

Finally, when Didi goes and buys sweets then she never shares those sweets with the kids and if ever a child tastes one morsel of those sweets then Didi punishes them severely.

Here it should be noted that all these aforementioned these problems began happening this year, i.e. in 2015.

Against our ethics and Against the Law

The situation under the roof of our very own children’s home contravenes our very ethics and violates international laws on child protection. A fast and effective intervention is needed. Both local margiis and margiis from afar are requested to write organisational and demand action on this important issue.

Solution: mount security camera

The operative query is how to resolve the present crisis and prevent future ones. In this era of modern technology and science the answer is not so difficult. With just a little investment one can install a security camera system - which is common amongst business, institutions, and family homes. Those video cameras will record all activities in the childrens’ home. The Didi on-site and all children will be informed about the surveillance system and this will help them exercise restraint during challenging moments. Since the home in Ludhiana is for girls, the in-charge Didis and female committee members will be responsible for reviewing the video from time to time to ensure all is well in the home. With this system in place, the problem of violence and abuse in our children’s homes will be eliminated.

This entire report and aforementioned solution has been presented here so we may avert public scandal and ensure the safety and well-being of those kids. This type of situation occurring in Ludhiana must be resolved and similar things should be prevented from cropping up elsewhere. To this end, a surveillance / security system will be invaluable.

Here it should be noted that all these aforementioned problems in the Ludhiana children's home began happening this year, i.e. in 2015.

In Him,
Kiran Chadha

Note 1: Responsibility must never be entrusted

to those who are themselves criminals

“Social responsibility should be entrusted to those who are capable of discharging it creditably. If moralism is the starting-point of the journey of society, then those who are at its helm must be moralists. And since society aims to establish universalism, those people must be universalists. And if the gap between moralism and universal humanism is to be bridged, spiritual sádhaná is a must, so those people must practise rigorous sádhaná. Their philosophy of life must be, “Morality is the base, sádhaná is the means, and life divine is the goal.”

“This great responsibility must never be entrusted to those who are themselves criminals. Unless and until such people correct themselves, they will not be given any social value, though in no way will they be denied human value. At present social value is given importance, but those who are selected to discharge social responsibility do not possess the aforesaid qualities. They have occupied their posts on the strength of their money or on the basis of patronage, but this has not resulted in any collective welfare. That is why there is an instruction in our social scripture.” (1)

Note 2: Looked at the helpless face of the child

“Every man must realize the duty which he owes direct to the babe in his family, and on which depends the developments of the child in all spheres. This duty may be demanded from every man by every child of the world. Hence, thinking in favour of family babes only will not suffice. Even if it were not possible for particular persons to discharge properly the duties towards each and every child of the world owing to crude worldly reasons, they must always be conscious of their duties towards children within their acquaintance. The oath taken on the occasion of Játakarma will reawaken the sense of that duty again and again. Any grown-up person or any father shall not forget his duty when he has once looked at the helpless face of the child. It does not end here. In pursuance of the mantra of Játakarma in Ánanda Márga, a child has not simply been regarded as a child only but also a manifestation of Brahma in the child. So, serving the child, shall be a part of Sádhaná (Brahma-Sádhaná) to him. The credit for his services to the child will not create pride in him. The same feeling will recur in mind when the child is bathed with water consecrated with the mantra. The persons taking part in the function will think anew that the child is once again being bathed with their blessings and that they must take fatherly responsibility of the child.” (2)

Note 3: Spirit: You belong to a company of pilgrims

“You must remember that the newcomer who comes to your society for the first time is fraught with every human prospect, potentiality and possibility. Hence, it is useless to think what treasure he possesses and to what extent. Any question as to the superiority or inferiority in respect of wealth, caste, quality and beauty or education does not arise at all. You belong to a company of pilgrims. Why should you then allow anybody among you to starve or to lag behind? You shall not allow such a circumstances to creep up in any way, as it will mar the very charm of pilgrimage.” (3)

1. AFPS-2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)

== Section 2 ==

Mumbai children’s home: hungry kids

- Mumbai. Here the children’s home is run by Ananda Giita’s group. At this home, the in-charge didi always keeps the kitchen locked - except during meal times. Didi herself suffers from stomach problems so she rarely feels hungry. But those kids are young and growing and need to eat much more frequently. This Didi cannot understand so she is essentially torturing those children by keeping the kitchen locked.

And when she does open it then those children overeat for fear that they will not be able to eat again soon when they are hungry. By this way, Didi is instilling a sense of greed in those children because in their mind they feel there is a perpetual shortage of food. So they eat whatever they can get their hands on. Sadly, this type of greed for food will scar those kids and the problem will remain with them their entire life.

In the true sense however there is no reason for any shortage. The margiis of Mumbai are very generous in their donations, as are members of the greater society. So there is plenty of money and food donations. Only Didi likes to allegedly pocket those funds - that is the cause of the shortage.

Talking with this Didi directly will not solve the problem - she is an expert orator. If any margii asks Didi then she convinces them. So just believing on Didi’s statement will not solve the purpose - rather it will be useless. She is like a lawyer: She can prove wrong as right and right as wrong. So here the only solution is to install surveillance cameras.

Because asking those kids will not help as they are scared of Didi because she warns and threatens those them not to reveal the problems to others. She “trains” those kids to always give a false positive reply to others.

Only if those kids come in your confidence will the real story be told. That is why only a surveillance camera can justly convey what is happening. It is sad that those kids are hungry and denied such a basic requirement like food.

in Him,
Archana Khare

== Section 3 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Believers of fake MPD can’t get it

“In each and every action you will have to try to realize the Supreme Entity; then and only then will those actions not be binding. When you think He is here, He is nearer than here. He is so near that it is difficult to measure the distance. You search Him in the caves of the Himalayas and wander here and there and He is nowhere. But when you attain awareness of Him, you know that He was along with you in your search and that He was seated in your heart. He shares your joys and pains, as He is with you through thick and thin. He never leaves you even when all others have abandoned you.” (1)

Note: When the mind is influenced by avidya maya, a sadhaka may start thinking that, “Parama Purusa is not along with me.” In that depraved state, the mahaprayan dogma sprouts in the mind. Just as night and day cannot co-exist, similarly the mahaprayan dogma (i.e. “Parama Purusa is no more”) and the above the cited idea - that “Parama Purusa is always with me” - cannot co-exist. When a person keeps their mind pure with Brahmabhava then the mahaprayan dogma will not brood in their mind. To understand fully, please read the above quote again.

1. AV-23, God Is With You

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