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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Reply to Dada Abhidevananda on MPD



Following are three replies that you may have reviewed on another network. For your information we pass these letters directly to you now.
in Him, Eds.

=== #1 ===

Subject: Re: Request for Comment on Abhidevananda's MPD statement
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 08:50:50 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal <>

Re: Request for Comment on Abhidevananda's MPD statement

Note: The following letter is a satire and no malice is intended. Satire is simply a genre of literature to express a particular idea in a humorous manner. Like all literature, it is an art form. - Eds

Re: Happy Mahaprayan Celebration
Namaskar all fellow mourners.

The subject of todays discussion is Ac. Abhidevananda Avdt.

"You are having me in stitches with laughter.  Namaskar Dada Abhidevananda, a VERY HAPPY MAHAPRAYAN CELEBRATION to you too.You are sooo funny. I am rolling on the floor with laughter."

Dada Abhidevananda is so humorous that Chris Rock and other stand-up comedians together with Abhidevananda were scheduled to perform at the Durga pooja in Kolkota on the 21st. October 2013 as part of the (CHRIS ROCK-you must be joking- WORLD TOUR). As you all know, Dada is so passionate about attending MPD that he turned down the invite by Chris Rock. Of course Chris Rock  tickets already sold out) was very disappointed and upset and called off the World Tour. Millions of Abhidevananda fans were in tears.  (In keeping with the Mahaprayan Solemn Festival). Abhidevananda also had a hearty cry but he did invite Chris Rock to MPD festival.

Abhidevananda is highly religious. Although an Ananda Margii, he is often in Israel to celebrate  each and every Jewish festival. On Jewish holidays he takes the day off.

Abhidevananda is also the direct disciple of Swami Bhaskarananda. You all know Dada Bhaskaranada.  Before Baba left His physical body Baba spoke to him personally.

Note: The below quote is not really a quote from Baba rather this is what Bhaskaranandji claims that Baba told him, But it is such an outrageous, preposterous, and absurd claim that everyone makes joke about this becaues Sadguru Baba would never tell someone to join a particular narrow-minded group. That is why everyoe laughts about this. The writer is expressing himself in an artful way. - Eds

Baba said, "Bhaskarananda, you know, Ananda Marga will be divided into two clans, the Ranchi clan and the Bengalii clan and you know that I (Baba) am Bengalii. I love Bengal and Bengaliis more than any other in the world. I want you to join the Bengalii faction. The Bengalii samaj has to take precedent over all other unimportant samajs." These were Babas words. (laughter)

Abhidevananda is one of the very few intellectuals in Ananda Marga. He just cannot be wrong in saying that Ananda Marga is not Dharma but a religion with its own built in dogmas. He must also be correct in saying that Death ceremonies are celebrated by all religious traditions and why should Ananda Marga be different. Babas advent on this planet lacks purpose.There is no need to change anything.

Baba was only joking when he said the period of mourning should not extend beyond 12 days.

Being one of our intellectuals he must also be correct in concluding that dowry, casteism,  division and dogmas are widely accepted by all humans so why should Ananda Margiis be different. CC and Baba discourses should not be taken seriously.

Abhidevananda was with Baba since the very early days. He does not need to read, let alone study, Babas books including CC. Dada is a writer himself so he is entitled to interpret AM philosophy as he desires.

Abhidevananda does not miss a single MPD in Kolkata. In fact he has a permanent jelebi stall strategically located at the entrance of the Memorial (in loving memory of God who abandoned us on the 21st Oct. 1990). All entering this holy thiirtha has to buy a least one jelebi.

All in all Abhidevananda is a very strong supporter of the Kolkota faction. He will soon be replacing Dada Kalyaneshvarananda the spin doctor for the Kolkata faction who has announced his early retirement. Abhidevananda invitation to MPD will become greatly appealing (note that he has a vested interest -selling jelebis). Look out for the invites- collectors item- always keep a copy in your wallet for good luck.

Pilgrimage to this thiirta will definitely increase. Nobody can resist those jelebis.

Even during Babas physical presence the annual Mahaprayan celebration has always been the high for Abhidevananda as you may all know that Baba himself has included MPD in CC.

All said and done, Abhidevananda is always a disciplined WT following every instruction given by his superiors. He never ever wavered on TP and RDS and especially MPD.  Just ask his superiors.


Dada Abhidevananda is a self-confessed, sorry, self- proclaimed pseudo-intellectual who really does not honestly believe in what he, in this instance, is advocating. He is having great fun at the expense of MPD and Kolkota faction. He is having a field day - note the use of words "happy mahaprayan celebration" despite the MPD directive saying that it a solemn occasion. His arguments are flimsy incoherent debris - devoid of substance - very unlike Abhidevananda.

Dada is a known loyalist of the Ranchi faction.  Being in the same category as Dada Bhaskarananda, his trademark is Argument for the sake of Argument. Ironically, though, Bhaskarananda and he belong to opposing factions.

Abhidevananda CANNOT and must NOT be taken seriously.

In Him who is Eternal

=== #2 ===

Subject: Reply to Abhidevananda Dada on Mahaprayan
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:38:22 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: anandamarg <>

Reply to Abhidevananda Dada on Mahaprayan

Namaskar Abhidevananda Dada,

We are surprised to learn that you have compared our beloved Baba (Tarak Brahma, Mahasambhuti,  Param Purusa, Cosmic conciseness) with so called human beings of religious belief like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and wrote example of St. Patrick's Day, which occurs annually on the month and day that St. Patrick died. (

Whether you consider our Taraka Brahma as human being? How do you dare to compare our beloved Baba with human St. Patrick. You should feel ashamed. In Sixteen points, we are taught to follow “Non compromising strictness” for “Ista” and “Adarsha”. How can you compare our “ISTA” with such a human being? Shame! Shame! Shame! BABA can only be compared with Mahasambhuti “Lord Krishna” and “Lord Shiva”.

Secondly, you raised question about celebration of Baba’s Birth Day and compared with Mahaprayan. Have you studied Caryacarya? BABA HIMSELF instructed to celebrate “Ananad Purnima” in Caryacarya which happens on “Advent day of Mahasambhuti  Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiijii” on earth. BABA never instructed to observe or celebrate “death day”.

Baba has clearly instructed in Caryacarya, Baba Says- “…..The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days…..”. Then why we have been observing “Mahaprayan” mourning for last 23 years? Why we are not following Caryacarya?

In CaryaCarya, in the list of festivals, death day observation is not included. Baba says,” The soul of the deceased does not get any advantage from Shraddha (Death Ceremony)”. That is why; there is no use of celebration of “Death Day”.

Devotees always enjoy the Kirtan. But….. Do arrange kirtan to support HIS presence, not to support Baba has gone forever like you do in Mahaprayan. Why don’t you arrange six days kiirtan on Ananda Purnima? The preparation of Mahaprayan observation by Kolkata group supersedes that of preparation for Ananda Purnima.  Huge scale lobbying for margiis to attend Mahaprayan programme is going on. Why same effort is not being exercised for Ananda Purnima celebration.

World do not observe physical departure day of “Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna”. Never ever once did Baba comment on the exact day, time, or place of Lord Krsna's passing away day. Never did Baba highlight this occasion as a point of remembrance or celebration. Rather He carefully avoided this matter. Not even in His books, Namami Krsnasundaram and Namah Shivaya Shantaya, does He mention the day or date.

In Hindu dogma, every year religious priests organise this type of “mourning / celebration” for commemoration of deceased person. And there they do kiirtan also they do (a) mass feeding, (b) katha kiirtan and (c) repetition of their rituals. etc So same Hindu dogma about “Death ceremony” entered into Kolkata AMPS and is sitting on high pedestal & well respected with new name-- "Mahaprayan". Please remember what Baba Says, “Dogma No More….Dogma No More….”

At HIS Lotus Feet,
Devesh Kumar

=== #3 ===

Subject: Re: Request for Comment on Abhidevananda's MPD statement
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:58:04 +0800 (SGT)
From: narayan panda <>
To: Ananda Marga Universal <>

Re: Request for Comment on Abhidevananda's MPD statement


I agree with Devesh dada's reply.

N. Panda

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