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Friday, December 16, 2022

AM: important history + 3 more


AM: important history

Note: There is a dogma in the general society that if someone dies then people do not analyse the wrongs of the deceased. They think that since that person has already left this world then nothing should be said about their misdeeds etc. But our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji says that history must be taught and studied. If history is forgotten, people will commit the same blunders over and over again. In that spirit, we are obliged to present this historical account of someone who has died, as well as some who are still alive.


Overview: This letter contains two historical documents issued by an undivided AMPS Central in 1995. The first contains the English and Bengali versions, and the second scan is the Hindi translation. 

Scare margiis into keeping mum

The following circular (1995) was widely distributed by Centre with the aim of scaring margiis and issuing a strong warning not to talk about scriptural distortion, Bengalization in AMPS etc. Verily, this circular was an open threat intended to create fear and terror in the minds of margiis.

The enlisted so-called enquiry committee members were appointed to find out the facts about:
(A) who is making a hue and cry about the Bengalization of AM books;
(B) which margiis and Wts are opposing the Publisher’s Note in all AM books that falsely proclaimed, “Translated from the original Bengali”, even when the discourses were originally given in English;
(C) which margiis are raising their voice against the distortion of Baba's books;
(D) which margiis are alerting others that there is groupism in AMPS.

Threatening letter to margiis

The sole focus of this circular was to produce the requisite fear to keep margiis mum and set the stage to wrongfully expel those dharmikas who were raising the banner against scriptural distortion to AM books. 

About enquiry commission

This enquiry commission held its meetings at various reportings and did some prep work to expel those Wts and margiis who opposed scriptural distortion to Baba’s books. To this end, the first expulsion was done on the 30th November 1995. Thereafter, all those margiis who were raising their voice against Bengalization were threatened, punished, or had their post or spot on the ACB snatched away etc. They were also debarred from performing social service. These aforementioned so-called punishments are wholly against the fundamentals of Caryacarya.

By this approach, Centre’s singular aim was to mercilessly crush those whistleblowers opposing the distortion of Sadguru Baba's discourses. Let us not forget that those days all the various factions and groups were working in unison under one umbrella. Those in Centre thought they were well on their way to being victorious. History has proven otherwise. 

Main henchmen of Sarvatmananda 1995

Here then are those henchmen selected and placed on that so-called enquiry commission: 

Acarya Raghunath jii
Acarya Kishan Sood jii
Acarya Pratapaditya jii 
Acarya Amulya Ratan Sarangii jii
Shrii Mangal Biharii jii Ac Tadbhavananda Avt
Ac Jagadiishvarananda Avt
Ac Vicitrananda Avt

The above listed persons were entrusted with the task of rooting out all whistleblowers raising points about the distortion of scripture, groupism, and other ills.  

Alert: false propaganda & lies

Ananda Vanii states, "The purport of Dharma Sádhaná is to look upon every person, every object of this universe as one integral entity. To jeopardize the unity of the human race by creating factions is not the purpose of Dharma. Those who encourage vested interests survive on the mental weaknesses of people and their dissensions, and that is why they are scared of the spread of the ideals of Dharma and exhibit their intolerance towards it in all sorts of immoral ways, such as abuse, false propaganda and lies. People must not be cowed by this, they have got to march ahead. It is to be borne in mind that hindrances are beneficial to human beings on the path of righteousness and to continue to fight against them is what is sádhaná." (1)

The sole focus of this below circular was to produce the requisite fear to keep margiis mum and set the stage to wrongfully expel those dharmikas who were raising the banner against scriptural distortion to AM books.

Authored by Haratmananda

This entire circular (above & below) was authored by Ac Haratmananda Avt on 13 June 1995 and made under the order of the Central Committee on 25 May 1995. But all know that Ac Sarvatmananda was the key force in Centre those days.

Chief aim of threatening circular

The main thrust of this circular was to (a) create the requisite fear to keep margiis voiceless and mum, (b) set the stage for the wrongful expulsion of those dharmikas who were raising the banner against scriptural distortion of AM books, and (c) continue the Bangalization of Sadguru Baba’s books.

“Go ahead with courage”

Ananda Vanii says, "The humans of today are possessed of spirited intellect and accomplished wisdom. They are keen to advance with rapid step shattering the shackles of dogmas. They will no longer be entrapped by the illusion of opportunism. The rays of the crimson dawn of a new humanity on the eastern horizon have started weaving textures of colours on their eyelids and in the subtle recesses of their minds. As for those who have been dreaming of keeping humanity imprisoned by dogmas, their days are numbered; their blissful dreams are being shattered to pieces. I call upon all enlightened people and say: “Go ahead with courage. The humanity has been awaiting you. Establish it in the excellence and grandeur of glory.”" (2)

In Him, 
Amar Ganguli

1. Ananda Vanii #4
2. Ananda Vanii #53

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

After crossing the thorny path

"Kan’t́aka patha dhare klesha varan’ kare, a’siyachi prabhu tava tare je a’ji..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1408)

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.


Parama Purusa, I have come to You today, by Your grace, after crossing the thorny path and undergoing so much suffering. Since I started moving on the path of divinity, I have faced so much opposition in the society - both from the status quo and the followers of dogma. There were so many internal struggles as well as much opposition from avidya maya - internal enemies and external bondages. Even then, by Your blessing, I stayed the course, rose to the challenge, held onto Your dharmic ideals, fought against the opposition, came to You by Your grace. Baba, with Your help I have reached Your lotus feet. Please look upon me with eyes full of karun'a - overlooking my demerits and weaknesses. Please accept me, coming in my mind in Your most attractive mohan form. 

Supreme Entity, by Your krpa all kinds of complexes - shame, shyness, inferiority, superiority, fear, and defeatist etc - from which I was suffering have vanished. These mental diseases have been completely washed away from my mind due to Your sweet will. All my feelings and thoughts are surrendered unto You. Today I humbly offer those emotions at Your lotus feet, in Your supreme ideation. Now in my deep meditation, only You and I exist. I have completely forgotten the rest of the world. Just I am dancing in Your holy name and special rhythm.

My Supreme Guide, only this I request of You. Please come in my heart, by lighting the lamp of eternal love and yearning, again and again in my mind. Baba, I ask for Your divine compassion - karun'a. Please bless me with the highest bhakti.

Baba, by Your grace, I have come after facing a lot of torment. Please keep me in Your shelter...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1408:

[1] Mohan Sa'j: This term is used in the original Bengali lyrics of the song and refers to the most attractive form of Parama Purusa. In spiritual life, as the mind becomes more and more pointed, by His grace, the sadhaka feels that Parama Purusa is the most charming Entity. Also in this song the bhakta is indirectly asking Parama Purusa, "Please grace me and heighten my bhakti so I feel that You are the most attractive One."

[2] Lok Laj Sare Geche: This line of the song depicts the state of mind where one is ensconced in a very deeply intimate bhava and they are not aware about their surroundings nor what others are thinking and saying about them. For instance, if one is singing and dancing kiirtan in the streets and the mind is purely focused on Him, then one will not be concerned about public opinion etc. They will continue to dance and sing, regardless what others may be saying. So when the mind is very high, then one is oblivious of the world around them. They are in a very pure and blissful state that leads to Supreme realisation - fully ensconced in His divine bliss.  

[3] Tumi a'r a'mi a'chi jagat ke bhule gechi: When the sadhaka, by the grace of Parama Purusa, is fully immersed in meditation and wholly focused on Him, then they feel that only Parama Purusa exists. That state is known as savikalpa samadhi. When the mind is a little lower but still in a deeply spiritual flow, then one feels that only Parama Purusa and myself exist. When the mind is still lower, then one feels that there is me, my family and Parama Purusa. And when one's mind is completely distracted, then they cannot even concentrate in sadhana and instead plan all kinds of mundane things in life. This particular line of the song depicts the exalted stage where the bhakta thinks that, "only I and Parama Purusa exist."

[4] Karun’a’: This is when one is pained by seeing another's suffering and feels, "I should help them.” This type of empathetic feeling is karun'a'. For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is suffering. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that, "I should help him and remove his suffering. This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'.

Similarly, suppose a bhakta is suffering and unable to move ahead in the physical, psychic, or spiritual realm. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch His bhaktas go through so much suffering. When devotees are helpless and trying hard to move ahead on their forward journey and they face all kinds of obstacles, complexes, bondages, and suffering due to their own samskaras - and the situation arises where they can no longer move ahead - seeing this unbearable scene, Parama Purusa feels He must rescue them immediately from their suffering. With His deep empathy and mercy, Parama Purusa removes their suffering, so that once again they can move ahead in all realms of life. This entire liila is called His karun'a'.

Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta from their suffering. With krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a baby is sick and with great empathy a neighbor selflessly gives that infant more attention without expecting anything in return. That neighbor just lovingly places the sick baby on her lap in a very special way and serves the baby. That is the neighbour’s karuna on the baby. Because the neighbor is moved and motivated into action by seeing the sick child's suffering. In contrast, if that same baby is not sick, and the neighbor just wishes to bring the baby on her lap to serve the baby, then that is the neighbour’s krpa on the baby.

Similarly, when out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of His suffering devotee to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is the karuna of Parama Purusa on the bhakta; and, if that same devotee is not suffering devotionally, yet Baba still bestows His blessing, that is Parama Purusa’s krpa on the bhakta.

So there is a distinct difference between krpa (grace) and karuna (compassion).

When Parama Purusa showers His karuna He helps that suffering person and relieves them of their pain and agony - in all spheres of life.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How some struggle in sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Most people are well acquainted with the fourth state of mind (eka'gra). In this state the human mind sometimes becomes exalted with divine sweetness; and sometimes becomes as debased as an infernal creature. Sometimes it keeps company with good people and takes a resolve never to tell lies, accept bribes, get intoxicated, or become characterless; and sometimes it thinks that honesty and virtue are sheer folly, for happiness lies in falsehood, taking bribes, stealing, promiscuity, and the like. The mind is continuously tossed between good and bad. But when the practice of sa'dhana' inspires one to accept shreya (path of benevolence) as one’s ideology, one attains the true state of eka'gra bhu'mi. In this state waves upon waves of citta emerge." 

Sha'ntaditao tulyapratyayao cittasyaeka'girata'parin'a'ma 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Every newcomer to the path of sa'dhana' suffers from a lack of concentration of mind. After repeating the is't'a mantra a couple of times hundreds of undesirable thoughts flood the mind. The newcomer thinks, “I am unable to attain the One on whom I meditate, and instead am pestered by those objects I do not want.” The hand counts the beads, the lips mutter the name of the is't'a, but the mind roams in the filth of hell. When all the undesirable waves are removed from the mind, one blissful wave begins to flow, and the sa'dhaka attains the state of eka'gra bhu'mi." (1) 

Note: If in sadhana a person is not one-pointed (eka'gra means "one-pointed") it means they are not repeating their mantra in a proper manner. It means they are lacking sincerity and regularity of practice.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Cognitive Force and Psychic Practice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why only individual salvation

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “To continue the flow of His divine play, it is not desirable that all entities of the vast universe should attain the Supreme stance at one time; neither is it the natural process. Thus human beings must strive to attain individual salvation. If Parama Puruśa is pleased, they will surely succeed in their efforts.” (1)

Note: Many things can be done collectively like bhajans, sadhana, meal, bath, and kiirtan etc. These can all be collective endeavours. But not everything in this universe can be done collectively. For instance, collective salvation is not possible. Because then creation will cease to exist and Parama Purusa does not want creation to end. Those who are fortunate will use their free will to do sadhana. Unit beings will get salvation on an individual, case by case basis, not collectively.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Equalization of Saḿskáras

== Section 4: Links ==

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