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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Few buffoons of Mumbai + 2 more


Few buffoons of Mumbai


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Please read this below letter as an historical account of how certain clowns and naive people line up in droves to receive the stooge PP dada who is a mere pawn in the groupist fight for power. This scene was first reported on in 2016, and still holds value today as it provides a relevant and meaningful teaching. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network in November of 2016.


In India, in the olden times, kings used to keep buffoons in their royal cabinet. The sole duty of those wags was to praise the king in flowery language before all. They would propagate fictitious glories about the king via their tall talks and writings etc. Those days those buffoons were paid. The use of such buffoons is very effective when (a) the audience is stupid, and (b) there is fear of the king. Without these ingredients it will never work. Unfortunately the same thing is going on in AMPS, but it will not gain traction due to a lack of the aforesaid ingredients.

See - designated coerced stooges: Mumbai DMS

See here in the below two photos how some of the coerced clowns are lining up in droves with mala in hand in order to receive and garland PP as he arrived in Mumbai for the DMS.

Good margiis know that PP is a stooge. So no matter how much Rudrananda’s puppets push good margiis to receive PP at the railway station, those good margiis do not go. Rudrananda’s puppets tried hard and made it compulsory for good margiis to meet PP when he travels from point A to point B along the main railway junctions. Those puppets tried to make it a rule that bhukti pradhans, in-charges, and everyone must go with a garland in hand to raise the jai slogan in honour of PP. But it all failed. Then Rudrananda gave all such important posts like bhukti pradhans and in-charges etc to sycophant so-called margiis.

So now a new trend started in AMPS. They have coerced clowns to praise and eulogize PP to the moon. They tell outrageous things to general margiis about PP’s greatness, whenever the opportunity arises, i.e. anytime.

Example of 3rd class people

True disciples give reverence to Guru and those who are fake and pseudo and worthless try to belittle Guru and praise some useless fellows. Mentally they are bankrupt. If their goal was to praise PP they could have done it in all kinds of ways. but here these creatures are trying to belittle Baba. I feel uncomfortable to call such people as being disciples of Baba. That is why I refer to them as people. Even 3rd class disciples do not to such a thing - i.e. belittling their Guru.

Here are more ways how buffoons do their work. They might arrange kiirtan in their home and when margiis arrive those chumps might say things like:
(a) Buffoons say: “When PP talked this time in DMS there was pin-drop silence. In Baba’s presence I never felt that high vibration and pin-drop silence in those pre-1990 days.” 
(b) Buffoons say: “PP’s vibration is more spiritual than Baba’s.”
(b) Buffoons say: “When I visited PP in his room then I almost got samadhi.”

In the above photos, coerced stooges are doing their job of honour PP by waiting in line to garland him. Rational margiis know that PP is a stooge of Rudrananda so those dharmic margiis have no such interest to glorify PP in any way. 

So this extremely dirty trend has started - watch out. There are many motivations of these pierrot - some do for post, some for praise, and some for money also. In your area, you might know many of these buffoons.

Buffoons dirty smell

In addition to the above scene, here are more way how buffoons do their work. They might arrange kiirtan in their home and when margiis arrive those chumps might say things like:
(a) Buffoons say: “PP’s vibration is more spiritual than Baba’s.”
(b) Buffoons say: “When I visited PP in his room then I got almost samadhi.”
(c) Dunces say: “This time PP’s lecture was so high-grade that all the intellectuals praised it a lot. There is no comparison with Baba - PP is far greater.”

Poisoning kids

In this situation, what should a sincere margii do. Here is a 5-step sequence how to handle the situation. 

#1: When a buffoon says such preposterous things against Baba, then it is sinful to keep quiet and not protest. Because then those who never saw Baba physically, and those who do not do sadhana, and new margiis and kids will get a very dirty lesson. They will get duped by the talk of those simpletons. Because you are keeping quiet so those innocent onlookers will take it literally. And in due course when those kids grow they will carry this dogma and propagate this fallacious notion. That is how the various religions established falsehoods. So the first step is that one must not keep mum.

#2: Those buffoon fanatics do not want to hear the truth. So one should protest to their face. That is the ideal approach.

#3: If you cannot adhere to approach #2 for any reason, then the next best tactic is to boycott the event and walk away in protest.

#4: Remember, not doing anything at all is the worst. 

#5: Finally, those who are able to do ksattriyocita seva can do so then and there to the dullard.

In Him,
(Jerome Rogers)

Preposterous way buffoons execute their dirty job

In addition to the above scene, here are more ways how buffoons do their work. They might arrange kiirtan in their home and when margiis arrive those chumps might say things like:

(a) Buffoons say: “When PP talked this time in DMS there was pin-drop silence. In Baba’s presence I never felt that high vibration and pin-drop silence in those pre-1990 days.
(b) Buffoons say: “PP’s vibration is more spiritual than Baba’s.”
(b) Buffoons say: “When I visited PP in his room then I got almost samadhi.”
(c) Dunces say: “This time PP’s lecture was so high-grade that all the intellectuals praised it a lot. There is no comparison with Baba - PP is far greater.”

Those days people were making a lot of noise. They were saying things like, “PP has more positive spiritual vibration. Even in Baba’s presence I never felt like that. It was so blissful…” - blah, blah, blah.

It is so nauseating to hear these buffoons speak. They do not have any common sense. Those buffoons do not realise that the people whom they are talking to are furious and irritated by their nasty behaviour. These are some of the examples you may comes across. These are the types of things those dolts might say. It just varies case by case, person to person, language to language.

If you hear such things, you may get so irritated by the behaviour of those fools. You might want to punch their jaw so hard that they become paralyzed. But you might not do it due to your self-control. But to that degree they irritate bhaktas.

~ In-depth study ~

Sadguru Baba says, “You should develop some Shraddhá for your Ideology. What is Shraddhá? In Saḿskrta, Shrat means the authentic spirit of veracity. When truth has got universal recognition, then that truth is called Shrad, and the mental movement towards that Shrat, towards that Supreme Truth is represented by the word dhá. Shraddhá means acceptng the Ideology as Supreme Truth, and moving towards that Truth is Shraddhá. A spiritual aspirant must have Shraddhá for his goal. This is the second requisite. The third one is Gurupújanam. One should have proper respect for one’s Guru. What is Guru? The Saḿskrt word Guru has got two parts. It is a compound word. The first portion “Gu” means darkness. “Ru” means dispelling entity. He who dispels is called Ru. Guru means the entity who dispels darkness from the mind.” (1)

Names of a few buffoons

So this extremely dirty trend has started - watch out. There are many motivations of these pierrot - some do for post, some for praise, and some for money also. In your area, you might know many of these buffoons. Here I am giving you the name of one buffoon. Scroll down - in the last line the name of one such buffoon has been given.

Suppose some grand gathering is going on. Then at that time they will not come on the stage and start praising PP. Then they will be exposed. So sometimes they do a softer approach. For example, suppose some wags organised a kiirtan gathering and invited selected margiis. Then that is the best moment / opportunity for a numbskull to execute his job of praising PP and say outlandish things in favour of PP. That is the mission of those buffoons - to jack the image of PP as being a divine messenger.

But you have to be careful, because such jesters will not introduce themselves and say, “Look I am a buffoon and my duty is this to boost PP’s image up to the sky.” Rather they will try all kinds of soft or hard approaches to get their point across.

The list of such WT buffoons is long. All those key central post holders are coerced buffoons. They are “bribed”, not in cash but in kind, i.e. post. If they do not diligently do their duty of falsely praising PP , they will be kicked out from the post. With that fear they are very sincere in doing their job of buffoonery. A few names are: Hariishananda, Madhuvratananda, Nabhatiitananda, Raganugananda, Rakeshananda, Ragamayananda, Ananda Danavrata, and Ananda Kalyanshrii etc. And there are so many - watch out for these chameleons,. Inside they have not an iota of respect for PP but externally they show huge respect to PP. That is why they are chameleons; they are born sinners. They have taken the vow to befool as many margiis as they could for their post. It is disgraceful. 

Margii Buffoon Name: Dhyanesh (Mumbai); and also few fake family acaryas. 

B group is not immune to this disease - they have their own buffoons and that is the subject of another day.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में अनगिनत बार अपना सब कुछ समर्पित करता हॅूं।

प्रभात सङ्गीत 1300 तोमारे जानाई प्रणाम शतो शतो…

(जो साधना का 6th पाठ नहीं करता, वह यह गाना नहीं समझ सकता )


हे परमपुरुष ! हे चिर महान ! मैं तुम्हें सैकड़ों बार, बार बार प्रणाम करता हॅूं। हे शुभव्रत ! तुम वह सत्ता हो जिसका सङ्कल्प हमेशा शुभ प्रयासों में लगे रहने का है। हे मेरे प्रभु ! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं किसी प्रकार के अहङ्कार में नहीं फँसा। न ही मैं अपने उस घमण्ड से सम्बन्ध रखता हूँ। इस प्रकार के घमण्ड भरे सभी गुणों को एक किनारे करते हुए  मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में समर्पण करता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हें बार बार प्रणाम करता हूॅं।  मैं तुम्हें सैकड़ों सैकड़ों साष्टाॅंग प्रणाम करता हॅूं। मैं अन्य लोगों के सामने जैसा कैसा भी रहूँ  पर तुम्हारे सामने तो बिलकुल लाठी की भाॅंति सीधा ही रहता हॅूं। मेरे लिए तो तुम ही सब कुछ हो, मैं तुम्हारे लिए अपना सब कुछ सौंपता हॅूं।

हे चिरनिर्मल ! तुम तो “वह” बिलकुल शुद्ध और दोष रहित सत्ता हो। हे अनासक्त ! तुम किसी दुनियाबी चीज़ की लालच से ऊपर हो।  तुम तो अपने वैराग्य और त्याग में परिपूर्ण हो। तुम शुभ चिंतन और विचारों के स्रोत हो। तुम सभी आशाओं और इच्छाओं के आकार जैसे ही हो। हे मेरे परमप्रिय ! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में आसरा पाने की इच्छा रखता हॅूं।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! तुम अपने ओत योग से सबके हृदय में रहते हो। हर जीव के साथ निजी सम्बन्ध बनाए रखते हो। तुम मेरे हृदय की गहराई में आये। बाबा ! तुम अपने प्रोत योग से सभी की एकसाथ देखभाल करते हो। तुम हर समय पूरे संसार पर अपनी नजर रखते हो। बाबा ! तुम्हारी करुणा और अकारण प्रेम प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के साथ रहता है।

हे प्रभु ! हे बाबा ! मेरे लिए तो तुम ही सब कुछ हो | हे परमपुरुष बाबा ! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों में अनगिनत बार अपना सब कुछ समर्पित करता हॅूं। (1)

1. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 2: Links ==

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