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Monday, April 25, 2022

Price gouging by P + 3 more


Price gouging by P


Baba says in a special guideline about His books: "Taking into consideration the economic condition of the general public, fix the price of the book." (1)

The very clear message is that the price of our AM books should be well within people's purchasing capacity.

Dada Pranavatmakananda printed a book of Baba's stories. But the book is very costly according to the purchasing capacity of common citizens of India. The price he is charging is well above; a person will have to expend their entire income over a period of many days in order to be able to purchase this book

Religious economic exploiter

It is obvious that this book is extremely costly. Verily, the price of the book represents the religious exploitation of Margiis. And it goes against Sadguru Baba's teaching also. Baba wants that His books should be very cheap and easily affordable by the common people. A book is not the place to earn a fortune and exploit simple people.

Sadly, that's what Pranavatmakananda is doing. On one side he is positioning himself as a mythological Narada; on the other side, he is a religious economic exploiter, who is charging an exorbitant amount of money for a story book which should be extremely cheap.

If one really wants to propagate Baba's glory through stories, then that book should be very accessible so that common folk can purchase the book. By seeing dada P's action, it is obvious that his agenda is to earn huge money in the guise of propagating dharma. His main goal is to acquire wealth.

We should not overlook the fact that while he is charging such an inflated price for his book, he is also extending his hand across the planet for donations. And in the name of this work, he is receiving a lot of financial contributions.

Baba says in a special guideline about His books: "Taking into consideration the economic condition of the general public, fix the price of the book." (2)

Dirt cheap books everywhere

According to Ananda Marga teachings, even if a child says or does something good, we should listen and follow that approach. In that vein, Hindus, Christians, and Jews etc sell their books extremely cheaply. And their rich supporters and rich followers donate 90 - 99% of the publishing and printing costs. On that basis the book publishers for these religions distribute their books either freely, or at a minimum 1% cost to cover the expense of printing only. In result, those materially poor followers can easily have a large book collection on their shelves. On this very micro-point, these religions are following Baba's point of cheap books. But unfortunately a few of Baba's own disciples are betraying Him by going against His guidelines on book pricing.

There is no dearth of very dedicated, kind-hearted, rich Margiis in AMPS. They are giving and can give even more-- such Margiis are ready to pay even 99% of the entire cost associated with the production of Baba's books. But seeing the modus operandi of these senior dadas, they keep quiet. The whole situation is sad.

Dada P's negative approach

Sadguru Baba says in a special guideline about His books: "Taking into consideration the economic condition of the general public, fix the price of the book." (3)

Due to dada Pranavatmakananda's negative approach:
a) Baba's guideline has been ignored;
b) Poor Margiis will have nothing to read;
c) By this story book, a Wt is going to accumulate huge money, and he will lose his dharma by failing to follow aparigraha.


Baba guides us that Ananda Marga books should be very cheap. We should try to follow this guideline. Whatever obstacles arise, by His grace we can overcome them. After all, Baba is with us all the twenty four hours. Our duty is to unmask the hypocrisy of dark forces and make available Baba's books, dirt cheaply. And in this endeavour, we will do that collectively, by His grace.

Dr. Raman

Baba says in a special guideline about His books: "Taking into consideration the economic condition of the general public, fix the price of the book." (1)

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva) 
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva) 
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva) 
4. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You know my everything

“A'lokera' oi jharn'adha'ra'y ke go ele tumi aja'na'...” (Prabhat Samgiita #1115)


Unknown Entity, who are You who has come with the grand flow of refulgence and the golden glow of the Divine world and given me inspiration for my forward march on the path of dharma. 

You know my everything, my entire present and past, and You plan my future. You know all about me and understand all my thoughts, whereas I know nothing about me.

Whatever I do, I do for You. With Your grace I remember only You. My Lord, when will You come within my hold. You know, but I do not know... 

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1115:

[1] Unknown Entity: Here the bhakta is talking with Parama Purusa and calling Him unknown because the bhakta thinks that, "Yes, I know Parama Purusa, but I do not know Him completely." For this reason, the bhakta is addressing Him as "unknown." When one knows Him 100% then that sadhaka actually becomes one with Him. Then one's unit identity is no more. So long as one has their own individual unit consciousness, then one cannot claim that they know Parama Purusa completely. In that case, to some or more degree, He remains "unknown."

[2] I know nothing about me (a'mi ta'r kichu bujhi na'): People generally think they know everything about themselves; but, in fact, there is much they do not know. A person cannot remember what they ate for lunch 10 days ago or what they were thinking in a particular place at a particular time. People cannot recall all their dreams or life experiences of this life, let alone events from past lives. Nor are they aware about what will occur in the future. That is why in a poetic way we can say, "I do not know anything myself." Because people are hardly aware about themselves. Yet Parama Purusa knows everything. That is why Baba would constantly remind sadhakas about what they were doing and thinking at particular times in their life. In comparison to His knowledge about us, we do not know anything about ourselves. 

[3] Whatever I do, I do for You (yata ka'ja kari tava kari): This is the expression of bhakti. In the worldly sphere, people commonly do everything for their own self-satisfaction and ego. This is what happens most of the time. People eat, drink, work, play, shop, and interact for their own unit gain and pleasure. This is the way most ordinary humans behave. And to be honest, animals also follow this pathway; they do for their own self. 

Those who are bad people are motivated by self-interest but by their actions they inflict harm on others. For this reason they are worse than ordinary humans and worse than animals as well. 

Elevated beings, i.e. bhaktas, do each and everything to please Parama Purusa, not for self-interest. True Ananda Margiis do not even want to harm their enemies. Rather the aim is to rectify wrongdoers and not take vengeance against them. That too is a service to Parama Purusa because those depraved people are also expressions of Him. 

Here the whole idea is that only bhaktas are motivated by the aim of serving and pleasing Parama Purusa. Ordinary and crude people cannot think in this way - nor can animals. 

[4] By Your grace, I only remember You (toma'ya krpa'ya tomarei sma'ri): When people read Baba's books and Ananda Marga philosophy, or get inspired by attending a retreat etc, then they think, "I should always remember Him and repeat my ista mantra all the time." Indeed people get all kinds of good ideas. But how easily they forget those good ideas as well. Their inner desire is to remember Him and always do mantra japa, but the next moment, hour, or day they forget. That is why it is said that His grace is needed in order to remember Him all the time. Without His krpa no one can get success in this endeavour. 

[5] Overall Theme of Song: 

In the first stanza, the central idea is that when Parama Purusa comes then He gives tremendous inspiration. Any and all feelings of frustration, depression, and dejection automatically slip away. When Parama Purusa comes then everything in life becomes blissful. One's days become full of exuberance and inspiration. 

The second and third stanzas of this song represent the feeling of prapatti vada, or surrender theory. Parama Purusa is controlling everything while the bhakta merely surrenders to His sweet will. Parama Purusa knows and manages everything. What He plans, that happens. 

So the sadhaka thinks: "I should work according to the energy He has instilled within me. Whatever I do for the betterment of society is His work. With his energy I am completing my allotted tasks. The ultimate doer is He. My duty is to do sadhana and totally depend on Parama Purusa. It is up to Him when I reach the Goal. He will certainly be gracious."

This is the high degree of surrender expressed in this song. 

Here the main idea is that the sadhaka is doing sadhana with a deep longing of getting Him but ultimately it all depends on the grace of Parama Purusa. Without His grace, nothing happens. When He showers His grace then people gain realisation, otherwise not. That is why it is said, "Guru krpa hi kevalam" and "Brahma krpa hi kevalam", i.e the grace of Guru / Brahma is everything. Only Parama Purusa knows when the bhakta will reach the Goal. One must surrender to His will and follow His teachings; all the rest is up to Him. 

In Him 
Ananda Bhus’an’a

== Section 3: Links ==

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key point of parenting

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In some families the parents have lost their peace of mind due to poverty or some other cause and oppress their children with or without reason. Naturally the children lose respect for their parents, which further aggravates family indiscipline. The parents have to put up with more unrest, adding to their lack of peace."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Parents who are middle- or high-level officials in the public works or police departments have to get work done through others or supervise manual labourers or subordinates, so they often forget to talk sweetly. Some become accustomed to using abusive language, and some to issuing commands. Due to this their children do not have an opportunity to learn to speak with restraint. Such children suffer from a superiority complex, even within their circle of friends. In their future lives it will be extremely difficult for them to love people and create a congenial social environment."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Some parents may claim that it is impossible to maintain a balanced life in an age full of problems, where they are extremely busy with numerous activities. I maintain, however, that it is possible for an intelligent parent to avoid the mistakes I have discussed. If parents fail to carry out their basic duties, I am compelled to say that, although they live in society, they are guilty of encouraging an antisocial mentality. By encouraging their children to develop a criminal psychology, they give unnecessary trouble to the police. The main point is this: for want of a little care, children are deprived of the opportunity to become complete human beings, even though they have a human structure." (1)

1. Discourses on Neohumanist Education

== Section: Addendum from 2017 ==

Re: Video: eye-witness account of Trainer Mantrajapananda’s 'orgy'

Here below is an eye-witness account from one sister who was a trainee at the Davao TC and she directly witnessed how Dada Mantrajapananda sexually harassed sister trainees. And one of the victims has given an interview, which is available as a video in the following link: Click here to view the video.

Below is a Hindi translation of the video

मन्त्रजपानंद की गंदी अश्लील हरकतें

नमस्कार।  मैं दीदी लोकातीता हूँ, फिलीपीन की । मैं फिलीपीन के “डबाओ” नगर में ट्रेनिंग सेंटर में पिछले मार्च से दिसम्बर २०१६ तक रही हूँ । मैंने ट्रेनिंग सेंटर छोड़ दिया क्योंकि मैं ट्रेनर दादा मंत्रजपानन्द के दुर्व्यवहार से मैं परेशान गई थी ।  विशेष रूप से बात यह थी कि वे महिला दीदी प्रशिक्षणार्थियों ट्रेनियों के साथ वे गंदी गंदी बातें करते हैं | जी हाँ ! मैंने अपनी आँखों से देखा और सुना है । अनेक दीदियाँ दादा की मालिश करती हैं। दादा अपने पेट के बल लेट जाते हैं और वे उनकी  पीठ से जाँघों और पैरों की ओर मालिश करती हैं। मैंने नयी बहनों को उनके पैरों और हाथों के नाखून काटते  हुए भी देखा है। कभी कभी नई ट्रेनी दीदियाँ भी दादा मन्त्रजपानंद का नाखून काटा करती हैं । जब हम यात्रा करते, तब कोई न कोई दीदी अपने हाथ से दादा मन्त्रजपानंद को भोजन कराती। दादा हमेशा किसी एक दीदी के साथ अकेले देर रात तक अन्धेरे में बाहर  घूमते हैं । दादा मन्त्रजपानंद दीदियों से फ़ोन पर भी देर रात तक गंदी गंदी बातें करते हैं । और दादा दीदियों को अश्लील प्यार भरे नामों से पुकारना पसंद करते हैं। अनेक दीदियाँ तो दादा मन्त्रजपानंद से यह पूछ बैठती हैं "कि दादा क्या आप मुझ से प्यार करते है" आदि । मैंने दादा मन्त्रजपानंद को दीदियों से शारीरिक संपर्क करते भी देखा जैसे, नाक को प्यार से दबाना, दीदियों का सिर थपथपाना, दीदियों के गर्दन को पकड़ना  और दीदियों के बहुत नज़दीक जाकर उनके कान में फुसफुसाना | ऐसा देखकर लगता है कि दादा मन्त्रजपानंद दीदी को चूम रहे हों |

वियतनाम की एक ट्रेनी दीदी ने मुझे बताया कि जब वह ट्रेनिंग सेंटर से पास होकर निकली, तब मन्त्रजपानंद दादा ने तुरंत उस दीदी का हाथ चूम लिया। मन्त्रजपानंद दादा ने उस दीदी से पूछा कि उस दीदी ने, दीदी बनने के पहले के बॉय फ्रेंड से कितनी बार सेक्स किया। मैं दंग रह गई, मेरे मुँह से शब्द ही नहीं निकल पा रहे थे। यह सब बातें मैंने अपने कान से सुना और अपनी आँखों से देखा। जी हाँ ! जो मैंने कहा, वह बिलकुल सही है । दादा की हरकतें बहुत कष्टकारी थी ! इन्हीं सब कारणों से मैंने ट्रेनिंग सेंटर छोड़ने को मजबूर हो गई । जी हाँ ! और मैं अपनी तकलीफ़ का क्या वर्णन करूँ ? लगता है कि दादा मन्त्रजपानंद अपने गन्दी वृत्तियों की सन्तुष्टि के लिए नई युवा ट्रेनी दीदियों का किस प्रकार से गन्दे और अश्लील तरीके से तंग करते हैं | यह सब मैंने ख़ुद अनुभव किया । जी हाँ !  (Trans: Dr. T.R.S.)


Below is a transcription of the video

Namaskar. I am Lokatiita’ from Philippines. I was in Davao training center last March to December 2016. I left training center because I was disturbed with the behaviour of our trainer, Mantrajapananda. Especially with how, how, how, Dada interacting with the sister trainees. Yeah, I saw with my own two eyes. Several sisters massaged Dada. Dada was lying on his belly. I saw [he was] massaged from his back, from his back to his thighs and his legs. Also I saw new Didis cutting his hand nails and toe nails. And also sometimes the sister trainee did to cut. When we travel, I saw some sister feeding Dada, hand feeding. Dada often goes out with one sister alone until late in the night. And also Dada likes to call over the phone, talk with the sisters and didis, till late in the night also. And he likes to call them intimate names. And also several sisters asked him, “Dada, do you love me?” like that. Also I saw the physical contact, his physical contact with the sisters like pinching their nose, tapping their head, holding their neck, the back of their neck and whispering with the sisters very close to each other, their faces were very close to each other like they were kissing, like that. One trainee sister from Vietnam expressed to me when she went out to the training center, and when Dada found her Dada immediately kissed her hand. He wanted to start from Europe. Dada asked her how frequent, how frequent she had sex with her ex-boyfriend before. I was shocked. Like I don’t know what to say. All of those things I heard and I saw with my own eyes. Yeah like that. Too much pain. That’s why one of the reasons I left training center. Yeah. And my feelings was, uh, how to say, Mantrajapananda exploit the young trainees sister by their emotional needs. Yeah. That’s what I feel. Yeah. (Transcribed by Bhaskar)

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - 'Orgy'   

== Section 3: Links ==


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