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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Flirting disease: Wts + 3 more


Flirting disease: Wts


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our stand on key events. Please read this below letter which addresses the conduct of our Wts. This historical account was first posted in 2011 on one of our related networks - yet these issues remain alive today and need redress.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: this letter was initially posted on 20 May 2011, but not only are similar things still going on today, but sadly such affairs have become more common. That is why this letter has again been posted to this private forum.



As we know, our Wts are full-time representatives of Baba and the AMPS. So their behaviour and dealing are to be proper at all times, both in private and in public.

In particular Baba warns about any kind of mixing & dealing with the opposite sex.

WT conduct rule: "You will protect yourself from sexual weakness and luxury." (1)

WT conduct rule: "One should not look at the face of the opposite sex..." (2)

Unfortunately, an unbecoming scene that took place a few years back at the Jamalpur DMS has only snowballed over the years as more Wts have become involved in these types of dealings. Yet such events are a direct contravention of Guru’s above conduct rules for Wts.

Most know Ananda Da’nvrata’ (WWD Global) is openly lesbian plus she has heterosexual relations as well with Madhu - all done with the blessings of grand master Rudrananda. Actually it is for this reason that she was given the WWD post.

A look back at that Jamalpur DMS: eyeing & alleged flirting

At that DMS, you may recall that Wts were staying in multi-story buildings directly across the street from each other - approximately 70 feet apart. The buildings were basically the same height.

During free-time in the evening hours, some or more Wts were going up to the rooftop to watch what the Didis were doing. Wts were on one rooftop and Didis on the other - and those Wts were waving and gossiping and smiling towards those Didis. Indeed an unsightly scene was created.

Firstly, as we all know, Dadas and Didis should not have been flirting in this way - neither privately, nor publicly. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.

But see how this was done: Our Wts were in very casual garb and they were watching those Didis who were not in their usual office dress. Wts were motioning and signaling towards those Didis.

Those watching stated that: "Allurement was in the air as our own Dadas and Didis were gesturing, texting, and phoning to each other - just like adolescent school kids." It went on like this day after day - morning and evening - during the Jamalpur DMS program. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.

And unfortunately this type of thing is still going on amongst our Wt cadres. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.
Most know Didi Ananda Da’nvrata’ (WWD Global) is openly lesbian plus she has heterosexual relations as well with Madhu - all done with the blessings of grand master Rudrananda. Actually it is for this reason that she was given the WWD post.

Proper conduct needed

Considering these are our dedicated cadre of sannyasis this was quite unbecoming. Our male Wt and Wt Didis are to maintain a strict code of conduct befitting that of a renunciate. They are to set an example. Yet at this DMS, Baba's WT conduct rules were disregarded by many. And they made a public spectacle of themselves. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.

Many of the townspeople watched as these events unfolded. They were astonished and even shocked by this display of some of our Wts.

Is it any wonder then that our wholetimers are not commanding proper respect in the general society. When people see how some of our acaryas behave, they feel aghast. They wonder how could such people be true acaryas when they behave in such an immature and peculiar manner.

Poorly reflects on all workers

All this casts a dark shadow on those Wts who do work hard and are sincere about their conduct and spiritual life. As Ananda Margiis it is our duty to pay closer attention to the way many of our whole timers are busy in dirty dealings. Otherwise how will we ever be to lead the society forward.

Wt praised despite sexual misconduct

As unfortunate as all this may sound, here is further evidence of what goes on these days. Some of you may know about Vipulananda (former RS Chandigarh). Well this Wt had all kinds of illicit relations with the opposite sex until finally he left his Wt ship. When he left he grabbed all the money he collected during his Wt life and used those organisational funds to start his own private business. He now runs a petrol pump in Sitamarhi Bihar. And he is still involved in that illicit affair. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keep on file.

Even more remarkable is that such types of Wts get a lot of praise in the organisation. Rudrananda himself highlighted this Wt in a workers meeting: "Wts should be like Vipulananda...". So this Wt received huge praise and stature within our wt ranks, yet his conduct was loathsome and filthy. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.

This all goes to show how conduct is not the main thing these days in certain WT circles. No doubt some of our Wts are sincere, but their contributions go overlooked. Rather those who give money - like ex-Vipulananda - are praised to the sky and free to do as they wish. This Wt was lauded as being ideal - when in truth his dealing was despicable. Why was he praised? Because he gave big money to so-called top Wts. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.

This type of event sets the tone that one need not worry about their conduct if they are a WT. Tragically, a few take advantage of this. And that is what we see happening at some of our public functions as well as behind closed doors.

Resolution needed

With regards to the scene and that Jamalpur DMS and all such related incidents, it all comes down to one thing: Honouring and adhering to a spiritual ideal in life. When that is done all kinds of great things will unfold in our AMPS and our workers will be proper and respected by all. So long as that is not done, then on a regular basis we will witness this kind of poor conduct that reflects badly on our AMPS. It can easily be verified by checking their phone records / browsing history etc, which the police also keeps on file.

Baba's blessing

Here is Baba's universal guideline for all workers and sadhakas. This is the ultimate solution to all these kinds of problems.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Cakśuńá Saḿvaro Sádhu” O spiritual aspirant! O Bhikśu! O monk! O devotee! You should have proper control over your eyes; whatever will have bad effect on your mind, you must not see it. “Sádhu Sotena saḿvaro”. Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it. “Ghánena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your nose, “Sádhu Jibháya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your taste. “Káyena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your body. “Sádhu Vácáya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your language also; and “Savvatha Saḿvaro Bhikśu.” If you want emancipation, if you want liberation from worldly fetters, you must have all-round restraint." (3)

In Him,

Most know Ananda Da’nvrata’ (WWD Global) is openly lesbian plus she has heterosexual relations as well with Madhu - all done with the blessings of grand master Rudrananda. Actually it is for this reason that she was given the WWD post.

1. WT Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, pt #12
2. 37 Workers Rules, Point #15
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam, Part 14, The Fundamental Principles of Life

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I am searching for You

"He vishvajit he sarvabhrt namo namo namo namo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4935)


My Supreme Entity You are omnipotent and omnipresent. O' Vishvajit, O' Sarvabhrt, with full reverence, I humbly pay my salutations and do sastaunga pranam to You again and again - thousands of times. Baba, Virat, Anupam, in Your divine way, You go on swinging from the tiniest blade of grass up to Brahma the Creator - everywhere.

Baba, You have sent me here on this earth to do Your work, i.e. sadhana, service, sacrifice, and to serve and please You - not just waste my time in vain and lethargy. You showered Your blessing and sent me here so that each and every moment I should strengthen my vivek, determine what is right and what is wrong, and follow the path of divinity. But I failed to live up to those expectations. Please be gracious and forgive me for this very blunder.

Baba, now by Your grace I have understood why I have come onto this earth. Today, I am searching for You in the deep core of my heart. My dearmost Icchamaya, I want to hold You in my lowly mind, eternally.
Baba, please accept my prostration - sastaunga pranam...

End Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4935:

[1] Vishvajit: This is one of the countless names of Parama Purusa. In this role He is executing His divine quality as 'Controller of the Universe'.

[2] Sarvabhrt: Of His infinite attributions one of His heavenly characteristics is that of Supreme Helper. So it is in His role of Sarvhbhrt that He is the Helper of everyone-- lovingly guiding all to progress in every sphere of life. 

[3] Virat: Another of His innumerable epithets is that of Virat-- the Greatest One who is absolutely boundless.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Anything big but having boundary lines is known as visha'la in Sanskrit; and anything big having no boundary lines is known as vira't'a in Sanskrit. Parama Purus'a is vira't'a, but this universe is visha'la, not vira't'a." (1)

[4] Anupam: In His role of Anupam He is the Incomparable One - He who is beyond all comparisons: Anupam tava caran' phele.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When a bhakta begins to analyse Him, he finds that He is unique in gandha tanma'tra. He is extraordinary in rasa tanma'tra. He is unparalleled in ru'pa tanma'tra and He is exquisitely sweet in the softness of sparsha tanma'tra. Regarding shabda tanma'tra, the sound of His flute is beeyond our capacity to comprehend. Being overwhelmed by the musical resonance, devotees exclaim: Anupam tava caran' phele." (2)

[5] Icchmaya: ('Iccha' means 'will power'; and 'maya' means 'composed of'.) This is one of the names of Parama Purusa because He is made out of His own desire to create Himself. And accordingly He does whatever He wants.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, 'Unit Spirit, Cosmic Spirit'
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc 25

== Section: Prout ==

If they become widowed

Prout philosophy states, “It may be asked, how should the property of a father be distributed among his children? While the Dáyábhága system should be adopted everywhere, the rights of female children have to be safeguarded by giving them equal shares with their brothers so that they may not have to lead a life in penury if they become widowed. However, daughters may only enjoy this property during their lifetimes and they should not have the right of ownership. If they have no children they die after the property should revert back to their brothers or their brothers’ children.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

এ কথাটাও যত সত্য

“কোনও দুজন কি হুৰহু এক রঙা ?

[মার্গী---"না |"]

দুজন পাশাপাশি এক রাঙা নয় | আৰার এক জনেরও সর্বাঙ্গ এক রঙা নয় | তাকিয়ে দেখো না |

[মার্গীরা---”হ্যাঁ, ৰাৰা |”]

কি অদ্ভুত ! কি, মানুষের হাতের প্রতিটি আঙ্গুল যে সত্য, ও সমান নয় | এ কথাটাও যত সত্য, তেমনি কোনও দুটো entity, কোনও দুটো মানে even iota of two existences are not the same, not the equal | Here in the expressed world, diversity is the law of nature | Here, diversity is the law of nature |

তাই যারা ৰলে “সৰকে equal করে দৰ”, তারাও ভুল ৰলে | তাদের, ৰুদ্ধিমান মানুষ ৰলৰে---Let them live with their diversities and let me serve everybody according to their requirement, according to the requirement of each and every entity | And that’s the proper ideal, that’s the proper philosophy |" (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, ১৯৮৯ দিঘা

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Sole fight befitting a human being

“The prehistoric human beings remained involved in group and clan clashes. The present humanity is involved in crude wars for dogmas. Then how far have they advanced? Let the marching ahead towards the supreme desideratum, taking all together, be the only mission for today's human race, and let the pauseless fight against any and all opposing forces on the way to fulfilment of this mission be the sole fight befitting a human being. Let this very struggle be reckoned as the Supreme Expression.” (Ananda Vanii #50)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Lowly Wts display alluring video


Thanks for alarming email. In addition, sisters have to follow "Dress" Code written in Caryacarya. Baba Says in Caryacarya part one,"...While going out of their house, women should wear simple and decent clothes and cover their bodies properly......"

Baba has stressed to use "Simple" & decent dress and to "Cover their bodies properly". In photo, all sisters are wearing against Baba's dress Code. This point was missing in your email.

Devesh kumar

- Here is a link to the initial letter - Lowly Wts display alluring video

== Section 3: Links ==

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