Perverted purodha
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Complaint - Mantrajapanand sexual harassment and his character.Switzerland, 21 December 2024Dear Dada namaskar,We are writing to bring to your immediate attention a deeply concerning matter involving Dada Mantrajapananda who recently became Purodha Board member.We believe that you are aware of a string of serious allegations about his misconduct as an acarya-avadhuta and a gross abuse of his powers and authority he had as a trainer in Davao training centra over a decade. His misconduct, his sexual harassment and abuse of several sisters that were brave enough to testify as well as a lack of appropriate actions for such a long period of time, gives us a serious cause for concern. As a result of trials conducted after a long period of inaction, Dada Mantrajapananda’s titles were temporarily taken away but not for an adequate period of time that would match the level of abuse he committed in the position of a carer and authority for young trainees.Although we are deeply troubled by the fact that someone in the position of authority in Ananda Marga would engage in such conduct that was of continuous rather than temporary nature, we are even more troubled and shocked that this acarya has been recently put for and accepted into a highest function of Ananda Marga governance.This is not only unacceptable from the moral point as showing the disrespect towards victims of his abuse, but it is also a serious violation of ethical and legal standards of the organisation and undermines the authority of all those involved into accepting his application.We, Margiis from Zürich region are requesting:1. Immediate removal of Dada Mantrajapananda from the Purodha Board.2. A clear communication with all stakeholders about the steps being taken to create Safeguarding framework for the organisation that will be binding and obliging for all WTs and margiis to follow in order to create safer environment for all members.3. Creation of procedures of reporting and prompt dealing with any abusive behaviour within organisation that would limit the scope and damage done by such behaviour and give proper support to victims.Furthermore, we should add that no acharyas from the Central Administration or Purodha Pramukha are welcomed to Ananda Marga Switzerland until Dada Mantrajapananda stays a member of the Purodha Board.We will certainly not attend any retreats where they might be present.It is crucial that Ananda Marga responds to this matter with the utmost seriousness, transparency, and respect for the victims involved.This issue is not only a matter of safety, trust and respect within the organization, but also a matter of legal importance. If organisation is unwilling or unable to deal with Safeguarding issues arising within organisation and unable to devise both adequate prevention and adequate punishment, then the only way to deal with prospective problems will be to take it to external agencies.Sincerely,Mira, Sharada, Gopi, Kalpana, Gunavati, Umadevii
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