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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Logic can be wrong + 3 more


Logic can be wrong


People often think that if they have logic on their side - then everything is well and fine. Then they feel that their stance is justified and correct. However, this needs our special consideration.

Everybody has their logic

The Sanskrit word "yukti" means logic. The root "yuj" means to unite. And when one unites themselves with a particular thought process, that is their logic. However, such logic can be right or wrong. Because, everyone has their logic - even those on opposite sides of the same issue.

For instance, pro-choice advocates and anti-abortion activists both have their logic. Pro-choice'ers say that a woman has a right to make a decision about her body, whereas right-to-lifers argue that one cannot kill a human life and abortion defies this premise. So both sides have their own logic - and the debate roars ahead in that way.

Another hot topic is gay marriage. Those who advocate  for it proclaim that every human being has the right to marry whomever they choose, while those opposed say that marriage is to be done only between a man and a woman. Here again, both sides have their logic. 

Likewise, politicians "on opposite sides of the aisle" have their own logic about issues from health care to the economy. Meat eaters and vegetarians also have their logic. Convicted criminals and court justices both have their logic. Everybody has their logic.

In the aforementioned cases, both parties are not correct. One may be correct, or neither may be correct. It depends. Yet both have their favoured logic on the very same issue. Here the point is that logic can lead one to the wrong answer. Period. So we have to be careful - logic itself is not to be trusted 100% - we must ensure that our quest for truth goes beyond simple logic.


In each and every case, on each and every issue, we have to see if a particular view is based on rationality and represents universal well-being, i.e. sarva jana hitaya. Then and only then can it be accepted as proper and true. Then that logic is beneficial. We should never be swayed by logic alone.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Same problem in AMPS

At present we have similar issues in AMPS. There are topics on the table for review, and various parties have their logic. So on any given issue - court cases, land disputes, book rights etc - each of the groups has their chosen logic. They all have their ground to stand on, claiming their view or logic to be correct. To escape this predicament - to follow the path of dharma - we have to then go beyond just plain logic.

Bogus logic: many such examples

To get the truth, logic must be grounded in rationality, universal welfare, and spiritual sentiment. Then that logic will lead one in the right direction.

Unfortunately, now in AMPS, each and every group has their own distinct logic, i.e. bogus logic. It is not just that one team suffers from this syndrome with regards to the dogma of mahaprayan. Any individual sympathetic or aligned with any group will give their phony logic based on narrow sentiments. That is the nature of groupism.

1. There are some who will give tons of logic how it was appropriate to change the by-laws in NY sector. Such persons are not guided by any universal welfare motive, but rather by their own group sentiment.

2. There are some who will detail with all kinds of logic how expulsion is a needed and proper tool for keeping our AMPS clean. But such logicians are just guided by their personal desire for power etc. That is the basis of their bogus logic, not Ananda Marga teachings.

3. And there are people who will justify all kinds of things: Fake Ananda Vaniis, scripture distortion, eradication of margii rights, and the Fake BP manual etc. There is no end to their logic. But such logic is not correct and not in accordance with the dharma of Ananda Marga. Their views are just the outcome of group sentiment etc.

In each and every case, on each and every issue, we have to see if a particular view is based on rationality and represents universal well-being, i.e. sarva jana hitaya. Then and only then can it be accepted as proper and true. Then that logic is beneficial. We should never be swayed by the logic of groupists. Theirs is just bogus logic and will not lead one along the path of universal welfare.

Fate of groupists is not good

If a person ideates on Parama Purusa and embodies His teachings in thought, word, and deed, then that sadhaka will merge in Him. There will not be any difference. But if one gets aligned with group-oriented logic, then one will stray far from the universal values of Ananda Marga and become bound to their group. They will bind themselves to the dogmatic logic of group sentiment. That will be their miserable fate. And there will be no escape. No one should meet such a destiny. The only way to save oneself is to wholly divorce oneself from the logic of all group policies and dogmas, and instead follow the great teachings of Parama Purusa in the form of Ananda Marga ideology. Then one's position in life is safe and secure. Then one will float in His bliss, otherwise not.

Intuitional vision should be guiding ideology

Baba has given us perfect and pure teachings in all the realms of life. His ideology leads us to the goal. One should keep all group logic - i.e. bogus logic - off to the side. We should only follow His teachings, the ideology of Ananda Marga - the path of divine intuition.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Logic is a psychic survey. Such a survey may or may not be correct, therefore it is futile to follow logic blindly...This psychic survey, embedded in relativity, may or may not be correct. Intuitional vision is the best logic. Intuitional vision should be your guiding ideology." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the Vedas there is a ritual portion (karmakáńd́a, composed of mantra and Bráhmań [regulations for yajiṋas]) and a philosophical portion (jiṋánakáńd́a, composed of Árańyaka and Upaniśada). Although the ritual portion may be used to increase ignorance or exploitation, the knowledge portion cannot be so easily utilized for that purpose, and should not be rejected outright. Many profound human values are embedded in these scriptures. Moreover, even if there is any philosophical controversy, one will have to establish one’s position through logic and rational argument, through váda, jalpa and vitańd́á. Rude and indecorous language is not at all tolerable.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “But is the theoretical knowledge enough? Is it sufficient to know, only in theory, or through logic, that all children of all parents are equal? No, through theoretical knowledge one can only understand what one should or should not do in sádhaná and nothing more. To turn this academic love into universal love one must colour the molecules and atoms of this dusty earth with one’s love. This is not possible for an ordinary follower of the cult of knowledge. Such people can be very pedantic, but unless certain effective ways are adopted to become one with the Supreme Entity, this knowledge will become barren. Sádhakas know that to become one with Him they will have to remain absorbed in constant ideation on Him, and then only will He appear in their hearts in His most attractive form.” (3)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva in the Light of Philosophy (continued) (Discourse 18)
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Highest Category of Devotion

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your lotus feet

"Tomáke saompechi go paráń, tumi ki cáhibe phire..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0278)


O’ Parama Purusa, I am offering and surrendering my heart, mind, and whole existence unto Your lotus feet. I have only one desire: Please look towards me with Your sweet smile. Will You not look at me with love and affection? Today all my hopes and all my love that are centering around You have been fulfilled by having You as my own.

1st stanza: expanded meaning

O’ Parama Purusa, I have so much yearning for You. I am offering and surrendering my heart, my mind, and my whole existence unto Your lotus feet. My Lord my whole life is for You - I only want You. I have only one single desire: Please look towards me with Your sweet smile. Will You not grace me by looking at me with love & affection? Lord, You are so gracious; today all my hopes and all my love that are centering around You have been fulfilled by having You as my own. You have granted me everything by coming close.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, my whole life revolves around You. Since ages, day and night, I have remained awake, waiting for Your august arrival - keeping my ear toward Your path in hopes of hearing Your footsteps. My Lord, each and every day I have threaded a new garland with fresh flowers to offer unto You. Yet, due to my melancholic longing, those garlands became drenched with my tears. 

2nd stanza: expanded meaning

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, my whole life revolves around You. You are my everything. Since ages, day and night, I have remained awake, waiting for Your august arrival. My  Dearest, I have kept my ear toward Your path in hopes of hearing Your footsteps. I have been waiting anxiously - attentively. Lord, each and every day I have threaded a new garland with fresh flowers to offer unto You. Yet, due to my melancholic longing, those garlands became drenched with my tears.

Alas, I see in the crimson dawn of the eastern horizon, a glow is slowly appearing with a gentle smile. Parama Purusa, that smile is Yours. It is filled with forms and colours. I see You are coming towards me.

3rd stanza: expanded meaning

Alas, in the new crimson dawn of the eastern horizon, I see that a glow is slowly emanating with a gentle smile. Parama Purusa, that smile is Yours. It is filled with forms and colours. Your blessed smile satiates all my hopes and longings. Baba, You are so gracious - I see You are coming towards me.

O’ Parama Purusa, I am offering my mind unto You. Please look towards me with Your passionate eye. Please look at me with love and affection...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Offering fruit

“Prárthanárcaná mátraeva bhramamúlam.” (1)

Note: If one makes an external offering (fruit, garland, sweets etc) to Parama Purusa with the hope or expectation of getting something mundane in return, then that is the dogma of arcana. Arcana is forbidden in AM.

Whereas, when someone offers something material (fruit, garland, sweets etc) to Parama Purusa with love and affection and does not desire anything in return then it is not arcana. Rather, that is in accordance with AM teachings. And indeed, this type of offering is quite common and natural in mundane relations as well. 

1. Ananda Sutram, 3-11

== Section: Important Teachings ==

Brilliant future

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As life becomes increasingly easy, there will be greater opportunities for intellectual pursuits. A day will come when there will be hardly any need for human beings to work. This may sound strange today and perhaps we might not like to hear such a thing, but that day will surely come. Physicality will be transformed into more and more intellectuality, and intellectuality will be transformed into the culminating point of spirituality." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities

== Section 3: Links ==

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