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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Only way to unity + 4 more

Only way to unity 


Groupism is an unholy alliance based on a narrow, selfish agenda(s). Sadly, over the years, the rise of groupism has become a raging inferno in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Here is a retrospective investigating how groupism came into existence - and more.

What is the basis for the group clash

Group clash is essentially the struggle for power and control. To date, that clash has manifested in three basic ways: 
(a) the fight for property;
(b) the fight for margiis;
(c) the fight for acaryas. 
The general view is that the side that gets the most in each of the above three categories is the “victor.” Since the 1990’s and certainly after 2000, there have been bitter, costly, and tragic battles over land, buildings, and followers.

Never in any stage of the fight has it been over ideological issues. The groups have never fought over so-called mahaprayan, or Fake Ananda Vaniis, or dogmatic tiirthas, or scriptural distortions, or margii rights, or the Fake BP manual, or anything remotely related with ideology. The fight has been purely over mundane wealth and the lust for power. Their concerns have been selfish. There is no welfare motive, nor any regard for Sadguru Baba's teachings. We have witnessed veritable wars over the control of buildings and property rights in Ananda Nagar. For some years, Ananda Nagar was turned into a battle zone with heavily armed police monitoring DMS etc. The spilling of blood and the destruction of property became a regular affair. All the while, there was also the fight for group membership, i.e. margiis and acaryas.

Each of the groups has equated power with landholdings and numbers: The more land and buildings, the more members, the stronger the group. Up till now that was what the fight has been about.

Looking back: the proliferation of groupism

Still today, there is no clear-cut sign that the groupist battle will subside or that the proliferation of groups will stop. Because of their misguided outlook and endless desire for power, more and more groups are getting created. It used to be Sarvatmananda's gang versus everyone else. Then H group formed. Then NIA / SKY / Shiva Gotra came and went. Then EC spurred onto the scene. And now all the major groups are splitting again into sub-factions. So now instead of there being two groups there are at approximately twenty.

Why has there been so much division? Because all want power. When it comes to groupism, there is no common ideal of service and spiritual value. As soon as one’s group affiliation fails to satisfy their desire for power, another group or sub-faction is formed.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "We have only learned how to divide and subdivide humanity, and we never learned how to unite the people. This is all due to the defective teachings of dogmas." (1)

Groupism is a dogma; it is a defective notion. Yet at present, it is burning sky high in our AMPS. Until that fire is extinguished, we will continue to see the proliferation of more and more groups. If things are not reined in, the day is not far when every sector, or region, or unit will be run by a different group, just as warring mafia families or street gangs divide up and rule city blocks, each competing for supreme control. Right now, the competing factions are pouring gasoline on the fire of groupism.

Recipe for more groupism

Prior to '90, there was no real evidence of groupism in our AMPS. The seeds were there because the same people who lead groups today were also in our organisation (AMPS) those days. But all-knowing Sadguru Baba kept everyone in check. In the early years immediately after 1990, still our AMPS stood as one organisational body. It was a time of transition and all were worried about how they would survive. When times are tough, and one is concerned about their very existence, then even enemies can co-habitate.

For instance, snakes and humans are natural born enemies. But during a terrible flood, when both are scrambling for their own survival, they can live together without attacking one another. Such was the case in our AMPS from 1990 - 94 or so. All the elements of groupism were present, but those Dadas were so worried about how they would even survive, they bonded together. But that bond was not ideological, rather for their selfish survival.

Once they became more confident that indeed life would go on and their extreme concern for survival subsided, then those same people aimed toward something else: power. Then their real colours came forth and the groups began to manifest. As soon as the fear for their own survival subsided, and they understood that they need not huddle together for shelter in order to exist, then - devoid of any higher goal - the fight for power started. They did not just want some power - they wanted all the power. And in that lust for power - more and more groups were formed.

So that is the basic formula or continuum of groupism in AMPS: (a) selfish survival -> (b) lack of higher ideal & quest for power -> (c) proliferation of more factions to satisfy that lust for power. No water or sunlight is needed, the above sequence is enough to create an absolute jungle of groupism. And that is exactly what we have now in our AMPS.

How to bring unity

To date, we have all seen how groupism is marked by one group or section exerting its influence and control over others. And infighting begins when the exploited party can no longer tolerate those depraved conditions and they lash out at the group of exploiters. This situation has led to the rise of various groups and factions in our AMPS where each is buoyed by their own narrow agenda - in which case battles are inevitable. The only escape is to bring unity - i.e. strict adherence to Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society. And to ensure this we have to start a new order to safeguard the interests of the exploited masses. So for a proper social synthesis what we require is a common philosophy of life; that is, ideological unity.” (1)

Those ready to follow Sadguru Baba’s teachings will form unity in the true sense of the term. They will rally around the teachings and tenets of Ananda Marga ideology, not the lust for power and control. In that case, the issues of the day will be margii rights, scriptural distortions, the eradication of dogma, and innumerable other common issues that bring our organisation AMPS in concert with the guidelines of Ananda Marga ideology.


At present, there are so many good margiis and acaryas who want to please Baba and build up a shining Ananda Marga society, but till now they could not unite, only the groupists have been able to rally together.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight... there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter [groupists]." (2)

So that is the way things have been moving in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, but with each passing day the dharmic antithesis is on the rise. Margiis and Wts are rallying around the saffron flag calling for an end to exploitation and the spread of dogma in our AMPS. That movement, once it gains sufficient momentum, will lead to true unity. 

In Him,

How to recognise a groupist

These days there are various groups and factions in AMPS. Wherever you attend DC or various programs, if that faction criticises all other groups but hides the sin of their own group members, then that is a typical sign of a groupist mentality. And if they exaggerate the dust of another group’s sin and build it up to a huge mountain, that is another sure sign of a groupist approach. Their modus operandi is to hide their own sin and exaggerate whatever good things they are doing, but with their rival groups they exaggerate that group’s small mistakes and downplay their good deeds. In this way, they try to brainwash their followers so they stay glued to them. 

The question is how to recognise which margii or Wt is above groupism. The straightforward answer is that they do not see the world through the glass of groupism. They see one and all as humans. And they oppose sin wherever it is sprouting. They do not try to hide the sin of their own group. Such dharmic margiis and wts are ill-treated wherever they go. These days being a neo-humanist in AMPS is a difficult job. It is just like how in the ghetto, if you are not a member of one gang or another, then your life is in danger. So to save their life, many citizens join a gang, even though it goes against their own conscience. 

New margiis alert

Unfortunately, a similar situation is present in AMPS. There is no dearth of good margiis and Wts, but out of fear they join some or other group, even though it goes against their own conscience. In that precarious situation, if their group commits some sin they have to keep their mouth shut otherwise they will be kicked out. Those who are beginners in AMPS should know this basic point, otherwise unknowingly they will put their heart in the wrong place and they will repent their whole life. Nowadays, a lot of hypocrisy and falsehood is going on to impress newcomers - so be alert.

~ In-depth study ~

Let there be an open fight

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the society, on the one hand we see the hoards of antisocial elements, and on the other hand we feel a sense of frustration among the moralists. These moralists have therefore developed a tendency to go out of the society. With more wealth and strength, the antisocial elements are in an advantageous position, and the moralists appear to be the culprits. This state of affairs is neither desirable nor behooving, and it should not be allowed to continue.”
 “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.”
  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “So your duty is three-fold. Your first duty is to observe morality and to do intuitional practices. Without this you cannot have mental determination. Your next duty is to unite the moralists of the world, otherwise Dharma will not endure. The exploited mass who do not observe Yama and Niyama – the cardinal moral principles – cannot fight against their own sense of frustration. It is therefore necessary to unite the moralists.” (3)

References1. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *
== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Úṋcii & meaning

Meaning of bhukti if it is spelled wrong = “enjoying and gorging on food”
Meaning of bhúkti if it is spelled right = “area, territory, district”

Bábá’s Guideline - correct spelling of bhúkti

First let us see what the correct way of writing Bhúkti is. In His description of the term Bhúkti provided during a field walk in Pune, in the year 1979, Bábá very clearly provides the etymology. See the following excerpt (and yellow highlighted portion for the etymology) from the As-Is transcription of the audio recording of the discourse.

Excerpt of Bábá’s audio file transcription
Fieldwalk Pune - 2
26 November 1979 Pune

[बाबा बोले--] हरित से हरा | हरित धान्य the land of green vegetable, vegetation | हरित धान्य माने "vegetation, not paddy" | Paddy का संस्कृत व्रीहि | तो, land of green vegetation | चारों तरफ़ हरा भरा देख रहे हैं | Central Asia के आदमी आए | Dry area के...वाह हरा है | तो, हरित धान्य → हरिया हन्य → हरि हाना → हरियाना |              

[मार्गी---"हरियाना |"]


[बाबा बोले--] भूक्ति-प्रधान---तो भूक्ति spelling भ में बड़ी ऊ, दीर्घ ऊ |हाँ | "भूञ्च्‌" धातु क्तिन्‌, प्र minus धा plus अन‍ट्‌ = भूक्ति प्रधान |
[Editor---बाबा पैदल घूम रहे हैं, जिसकी ध्वनि सुनाई दे रही है |]

[बाबा बोले--] रामानन्द !

[PA---"हाँ, बाबा !"]
Excerpt of Bábá’s audio file transcription ends here. ~

Explanation in English:
Bábá’s teaching on the spelling of “bhúkti”

For those who cannot read Devanágari script, the translation of Bábá’s explanation of the spelling of the word bhúkti is as follows:

Bábá says: "In the spelling of bhúkti, following “bh” is a big “ú”, long “ú”."

As per Bábá’s explanation:
Wrong spelling of the term bhukti = bhukti
Right spelling of the term bhúkti = bhúkti

Meaning of bhukti if it is spelled wrong = “enjoying and gorging on food”
Meaning of bhúkti if it is spelled right = “area, territory, district”

Bábá goes on to explain the technical etymology of this word bhúkti, as further proof of why there needs to be placed an úṋcii on the “u” so as to make it long. Bábá says:

“Bhúiṋc” dhátu ktin, pr minus dhá plus anat = Bhúkti Pradhána

Bábá is explaining that the root verb itself from which the word bhúkti is made, has a long “ú” in it. And so the word bhúkti -- in order to carry the sense “area, territory, district” -- must also have a long “ú”.

The essence of Bábá’s explanation is “In the spelling of bhúkti, following “bh” is a big “ú”, long “ú”.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When democracy is harmful

Prout philosophy states, “There are occasions when majority decisions do not create unity in society because people are more or less divided on an issue. In such circumstances, the leaders should be very cautious when making their decisions, and take special care to safeguard the interests of everybody. In particular, they should select a course of action which does not harm the sentiments of any group. For example, suppose there are seven brothers in a joint family, and these brothers are divided on an issue. Four brothers may be on one side and three brothers on another. If the head of the family takes a decision based on the wishes of the majority, the family will be divided into two groups. Therefore, a decision should be taken which safeguards the interests of all the brothers.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Multi-tasking yields negative results

The typical person has numerous aims. For example, they want to be the king, president, billionaire, film hero, sports star, musical icon etc. In that sense the average person is multi-purpose. But at the same time living beings are unilateral. We can only do one work at one time. People talk about multi-tasking, but it is an impossibility for unit beings. The mind cannot do two works at the same time. And if one tries to multi-task, their mind will become bifurcated and ultimately degenerated.

Best is to do one task at one time. By cultivating that quality in sadhana humans become one with Parama Purusa. By doing sadhana and with his grace, the aspirant does become one with Parama Purusa. And then, after losing their individuality, they can work multilaterally - i.e. in all directions. Till then, do not try and do so many works at one time.

Only in one direction, at one time

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Microcosm is multipurposive but its flow is unilateral. On the other hand, Macrocosm is uni-purpose but its flow is multilateral. There is no end to the desires of microcosm. Sometimes it desires fame and sometimes it desires money. But it can make itself travel at one time in one direction only. His mind cannot be simultaneously engaged in a book and in a football game. While reading, if he thinks of the football game his mind is diverted from the book. Similarly, he cannot enjoy the football game if in the football game he begins to think about his books. Hence, the flow of the unit is unilateral. It travels only in one direction, at one time, whereas Macrocosm is uni-purpose but multilateral. There is only one thought of Macrocosm and that is the well-being of all. This is His one sole purpose. Yet Macrocosm is a multi-lateral flow. He does many things simultaneously. He is feeding you, creating the world, making rivers, canals and birds. Everything is being created in His mind. Hence there is much variety in His mind.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings Other topics of interest

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Only way to unity
2. IT: Úṋcii & meaning
3. Links

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