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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Trick to impose language + 2 more


Trick to impose language


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our stand on key events. Please read this below piece that clearly documents an insider’s account of how Sadguru Baba’s original discourses were being grossly distorted by the process of Bangalisation. This piece was first posted in 2007 on this network, yet these types of shocking incidents still abound in AMPS.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: this letter was initially posted in 2007.


Subject: Re: To Gayattrii Didi
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:37:24 -0400
From: Garda Ghista <>

Eds note: Gayattrii Didi was a bonafide member of Ananda Marga Tiljala Publications team and here - in this letter of hers from 27 Oct 2007 - she is expressing her concerns about the way Baba's original discourses are being ruined. She spent years editing the latest English editions of the Ananda Vacanamrtam series, parts 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14. Hence she was an inside member who held valuable insight into the ways Tiljala Publications is handling the printing of Baba books. On her own she confided in us about certain wrongdoings that she noticed. Sarvatmanandji wants to do devious things under the curtain of darkness, and Gayatrrii Didi's letter exposes his wrongdoing. Regarding this work of Guru's discourse distortion and Bangalisation, Sarvatmanandji is the main figure. When he was GS he influenced and ordered the Publications Dept to fulfill his agenda. And later on he himself took on the job of distortions directly by becoming Publications Secretary. Later on, due to health reasons, although not officially holding the post, still Dada Sarvatmanandji is ordering and deciding everything from A to Z with regards to Publications and Bangalisation. Those who do not know the history may be frustrated to hear this but if anyone does the research the answer will be the same - that this is the truth. Externally it looks like other so-called Publications personnel are in charge these days but in reality this is not the case. Such persons are just chess pieces / chess soldiers and not doing anything independently.

We share with you the following. (Note: For her full letter please see the link appended at the bottom of this email.)
Sister Gayattriiji wrote:

- "kirit has done a very thorough investigation and he also has some of the original cassettes fortunately, and he knows there are huge discrepancies or discrepancies that there appears no reason for."
- "the other thing that i was told is that BABA wanted everything translated in bengali first, and then from bengali to other languages.  this is what i have been told again by some old WTs."
in Him,


Books: disease of Bengali superiority


Respected Gayattrii Didi worked as an insider in Tiljala Publications Dept and she noticed two fundamental tactics in vogue:

(1) Indiscriminate editing and deletion of Baba's original discourse;
(2) Treating Bengali as original language even if Baba delivered His discourse in Hindi or English etc. Thus publishers would translate the discourse first into Bengali and then hold that translated Bengali version as the original.

Both of the above points are the imposition of dogmas and are the cause of the ruination and distortion of Beloved Baba's printed discourses. Those at the helm have an ulterior motive of Bangalisation etc, and with that agenda in mind those Tiljala Publications in-charges are systematically distorting Guru's teachings.

The publishers are not free to add or subtract or distort or leave or change the original sentences / matter discussed by Revered Baba. For each and every recorded discourse, the pravacan should be transcribed in the original language. This gives us an original, "as is" version. This is a fundamental requisite for maintaining the integrity of our Ananda Marga scripture.

Yet there are three basic ills we see happening:
- Our Dadas in Tiljala Publications blatantly change fundamental aspects of the discourse.
- Our Dadas in Tiljala Publications have removed, distorted and summarized the lengthy conversation with the audience.
All of the above is highly objectionable. No one has any right to distort / change / modify Sadguru Baba's original discourse, whosoever he may be. The followers have the right to know the 'as is' form of Guru's divine discourses, which include His conversation and interaction with the audience.

If any genuine person is working in AMPS publications committee, please keep these points in mind and remove all the errors committed so far by comparing the published matter with the original "as is" audio form; and if any help is needed regarding translation / transcription / comparing etc, we will gladly render this work for Baba. Bear in mind, the original tapes will have to be used to ensure accuracy.

Our sole objective must be to highlight the glory of Baba's teachings and not any particular language or area because Baba is of all not of a particular section of the society. His teachings are for the welfare of humanity.

As regards the second point - treating Baba’s original Hindi and English audio files as something worthless while viewing Bengali as the original language - it cannot be believed in any way that this statement is given by Sadguru Baba.

Rather it is the absolutely bogus approach of those who are infected by the geo-linguistic sentiment and geo-socio sentiment. 

Dr T.R. Sukul

==> Link to Gayattrii's FULL LETTER CLICK HERE

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

New era is coming: Be ready for the grand ovation 
to that new crimson dawn in every house
Ananda Vanii #69

Ananda Vanii states, The night of cimmerian darkness is bound to disappear seeing the advent of the dawn. That which is ever-true, which is eternal, is destined to be illuminated with the rise of the crimson dawn. Be ready for the grand ovation to that new crimson dawn in every house. Be prepared physically and mentally, armed with the force of righteousness, for the auspicious moment of the enthronement of the ever-new. Be ready to respond to the supra-cosmic trumpet.” (1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #69

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

पतित साधक का पश्चाताप -“हे बाबा! तुमने मुझे पाप कार्यों से क्यों नहीं रोका?”

प्रभात संगीत 1050 आमि तोमाय भूले आन्धार तले , तलिये कोथा गिये छिनु .. ...

परिचय-  इस गीत में उस भक्त की दशा  के संबंध में बताया गया है जो कभी भूतकाल में बहुत ही अच्छा था परंतु बाद में अनेक पाप कर्म किये , जघन्य अपराध किये और अब अपने कृत्यों पर पछता रहा है... परंतु यह गीत उनके लिये नहीं है जो ध्वंसात्मक कार्यों में लगे हैं और उन्हें कोई पछतावा नहीं है।


हे दिव्य सत्ता ! तुम्हें भूलकर मैं आधारहीन अंधकार भरी गहरी गंदी खाई में डूब गया। मैंने स्थान, जाति ,समाज और भाषा केन्द्रित भावनाओं और सिद्धान्तों का प्रचार करना प्रारंभ कर दिया। तुमने जो पाठ मुझे धर्म और नव्यमानवतावाद का पढ़ाया था उसे दूर फेक दिया । मैंने अपनी महानता स्थापित करने के उद्देश्य से लोगों के मन में  भाषा-भावप्रवणता और भू-भावप्रवणता से जुड़े समूहों का निर्माण करने और भावजड़ता के पोषण करने का कार्य कर उन्हें मूर्ख बनाया । इतना ही नहीं मैंने तथाकथित पवित्र स्थानों-तीर्थों का भी निर्माण किया, हे बाबा! तुमने मुझे इन निकृष्ट पापमय कार्यों को करने से क्यों नहीं रोका?

हे बाबा! मैंने अपनी मृदुलता और दयालुता खोकर अपने को एक दुष्ट दैत्य बना डाला। मैंने अपने अनेक निरपराध भाई बहिनों को सताया, धमकाया, अपशब्द कहे और नुकसान पहुंचाया। मैं ने अपनी मूलभूत मानवता को खो दिया। जो मूल्य तुमने मुझमें भरे थे वे सब मैंने त्याग दिये और पाप       के रास्ते पर चल पड़ा। हे बाबा! तुम इतनी शान्ति पूर्वक मेरे इन कुकृत्यों को क्यों सहन करते रहे?

मैं परमपुरुष की आभा की ओर बिलकुल केन्द्रित नहीं था और न ही विवेकपूर्ण रास्ते पर चलता था। अपने पद , शक्ति और प्रतिष्ठा के गहरे आकर्षण से  अहंकार में अंधा होकर मैं सोचने लगा कि मैं तो सर्वश्रेष्ठ हॅूं और मैं कुछ भी गलत नहीं कर सकता। जिन्होंने मेरा विरोध किया उन्हें मैंने नष्ट कर देना चाहा। दूसरों की विवेकपूर्ण आपत्तियों को मैंने अनसुना कर दिया। इतना ही नहीं उन्हें कष्ट       पहुंचाया और तुम्हारे सिखाये गये आचरण नियमों , आदर्शों  और नीतियों के विपरीत ही चलने लगा। मैं एक अंधे व्यक्ति की तरह अपने ही अहंकार में डूब गया , बाबा! हे प्रभो! तुमने मुझे इन पाप कार्यों को करने से रोका क्यों नहीं?

बाबा, हे परमपुरुष! मैं ने अपनी गलतियों को नहीं सुधारा। अपनी इच्छापूर्वक मैं और अधिक पाप कर्म करता रहा। मैं यह मानने लगा कि मैं तो आचरण नियम  से ऊपर हॅूं। मैं अपने आप को सदा न्यायसंगत ठहराता रहा कि मैं तो धर्माचरण कर रहा हॅूं। मैं यह अनुभव करने लगा कि मैं सही गलत जो कुछ भी करता हॅूं वह सब कुछ धर्म  है। मैं यह अनुभव करने लगा कि मैं तो भर्तस्ना  से ऊपर हूँ  मैं कोई पाप कर ही नहीं सकता। अपनी पतित अवस्था में मैं सोचने लगा कि मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हॅूं, इतना कि अपने स्वार्थ के लिये दूसरों की जान भी ले सकता हॅूं।मैं आक्रामक रूप से इन सभी कार्यों को सही ठहराता रहा। मैंने अपनी गलतियों को छिपाया , परन्तु दूसरों की छोटी छोटी त्रुटियों के लिये मैंने उन्हें  गालियाँ दी, हंसी उड़ाई, आलोचना की, और छोटी छोटी सी गलतियों को बड़ा बनाकर बदनाम  किया। प्रभु! तुमने मेरे इस प्रकार के वर्ताव को क्यों नहीं रोका?

बाबा! तुम्हें भूलकर मैं दुख भरी अपार गहरी खाई में गिर गया हॅूं ,तुमने यह क्यों होने दिया?

== Section 2: Links ==

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