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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

MPD: Q & A + 3 more

MPD: Q & A


Question: We are observing mahaprayan each year and we have been told it has been approved by Baba. So the question is: Really, has mahaprayan been approved by Baba?

Answer: No, it is not true. MPD (i.e. so-called mahaprayan) has not been approved by Baba.

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Question: Why not?

Answer: Baba has given everything - all the dos and don'ts of life - in Caryacarya. He has addressed each and every matter from sunrise to the next sunrise, and from one's first breath to their last. Sadguru Baba has given His guideline for every occasion and circumstance. Nothing has been left out; no stone has been left unturned; no point has been forgotten.

When all-knowing Sadguru Baba has given a perfect ideology that is complete unto itself, and when He purposely did not include even one syllable about mahaprayan in His teachings, then we can be 100% sure that so-called MPD is not approved by Baba. He does not want us to observe MPD.

Question: But I heard there is one discourse where Baba mentioned this term, i.e. mahaprayan.

Answer: No, that is just the “smartness” of those in Tiljala Publications (TP). The said discourse - “The Coming of Táraka Brahma” - was given overseas in English. And Baba never spoke that mahaprayan word in that discourse. But then those publishers (TP) inserted the term “mahaprayan” in the Bangla and Hindi editions to befool those readers. It was all done in the name of translation. That is the height of their “smartness.”

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

But how could Baba have spoken

Question: But how could Baba have spoken on this sensitive topic? Nobody likes to talk about their death with their close relations. This goes against the basic psychology and ethic. A mother may not sit down with her daughter and tell what should be done when she (the mother) dies. No parent or close relation speaks like this with their children or close persons.

Answer: Here we must bear in mind the special manner of Guru. In His discourses, Baba always spoke about how this world is transitory and that life is short. He constantly discussed the nature of this ephemeral world with His bhaktas. This was a regular topic that was addressed again and again. So there is no question of Him considering this point of withdrawing His Mahasambhuti form as a sensitive topic. Rather He spoke openly on this - on numerous occasions in various ways.

Baba has directly told and given how to do Guru puja when He is no longer in His Mahasambhuti form, as He eternally remains as Taraka Brahma. He has also told how to do dhyana and other practices after He has withdrawn His form as Mahasambhuti and exists across time and space as Taraka Brahma.

On so many aspects He has directly guided us about His withdrawing His Mahasambhuti form wherein He resides eternally as Taraka Brahma. But never did He mention anything regarding so-called mahaprayan. So there is no credence to the statement that Baba did not wish to discuss such sensitive matters. That has no bearing on the situation as Baba regularly discussed this. Remember, every festival that we Ananda Margiis should observe and celebrate has been clearly listed, outlined, and described in Caryacarya. Baba does not want us to observe mahaprayan and that is why it has not been given in Caryacarya.


Baba spoke in great detail about all aspects of life including how to make offerings to Him after the withdrawal of His Mahasambhuti form, whereby He remains as Taraka Brahma in His eternal stance. So if He wished for His bhaktas to annually celebrate "mahaprayan" then He would certainly have included this in Caryacarya. The fact that He specifically did not include it in Caryacarya etc demonstrates that He does not wish for such an event to be observed annually. Ananda Marga teachings are perfectly complete and cover every part of life. So when Sadguru Baba has not included the point of mahaprayan in His teachings then why should it be observed.

in Him,
Satya Deva

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Why some people can’t give it up

There are some who do not feel Baba's presence in their day to day life. And they are the ones who appreciate mahaprayan. My heart goes out to them because they could not realise Baba, even an iota. They do not feel His omnipresence - although such people lived physically around Him pre-1990. It is a sad state. These types of people think Baba is some type of social leader or mortal being. That is why they want to commemorate the annual death day or erect a memorial etc.

The person who feels Baba's presence all the 24hrs cannot even remotely in their dreams think that Baba is no more, let alone observe an annual death day. This is an issue completely based in bhakti.

~ In-depth study ~

Mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

So-called mahaprayan is deliberate slander

Those who are following so-called mahaprayan are doing sin because they are going against Guru's wishes. Such persons must face the consequences.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Not to call a thing what it is, but to call it something else, is known as slander. Therefore those who in the name of the beginningless, endless, formless Brahma worship idols [tomb], are indulging in deliberate slander. You must not give indulgence to this type of Mahapápa (great sin)." (2)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha
1. Caryacarya - II, Sadhana, Point #18


Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2013 10:24:00 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <amrit.lallo,,,,,,,,>


Namaskar all,

At this time of the year the Tiljala campus is a frenzy of activity in preparation for the so-called "mahaprayan diivasa" programmes. The preparation superceeds that of preparation for Ananda Purnima.  Huge scale lobbying for margiis to attend this programme is going on. At the same time there is growing opposition to this programme.

The BIG dilemma:  "Should Margiis attended this programme which is increasingly being labelled as dogma?

Here are a few statements regarding  "Mahaprayan diivasa" . If you agree with the statement say YES and if you disagree say NO. If you are uncertain simply read Baba's books.

The mayaprayan  programme was NOT given by Baba in Carya-Carya.

By adding in the appendix (mahaprayan diivasa) to Caryacarya Part 1 implies that Baba's teaching is incomplete.


The directives given by Baba to His devotees is full of optimism. Mayaprayan (Death) programme is a pessimistic outlook.  It is a yearly reminder that Baba is dead and gone.


The Prabhat Samgeet “Tumi esechile kauke  na bale" was never commissioned by Baba to be the theme song for Mahaprayan.


Mayaprayan diivasa is NEVER observed for Lord Krisna. Krisna is very much alive in the hearts and minds devotees.


Nowhere in Babas numerous books is it stated that a memorial be created for Baba. It is unPROUTistic (a waste of resources).


Prostrating and dancing around "Babas mahasamadhi" is tantamount to tomb worship because this spot resembles a Muslim tomb like the one in Ajmer. The focus is now shifted from Baba's photos and the Pratik to a tomb.


Baba has stated clearly that the mourning period should NOT extend beyond 12 days, yet this “sad” mahaprayan programmes has being going on for 22 years.                            


If the (mahaprayan diivasa) is not removed now from Cc, it will become official  and for the next 20 years, 100 years, 3500 years devotees must observe this day as a solemn (sad) day.


The Tiljala campus can never be a thirtha (place of Pilgrimage) because Baba did not approve of any “holy place” or thirtha


Food should not be be consumed at any shraddha as the food has been infused/prepared with an element of sadness. The "mahaprayan" directive states clearly that this occasion is  solemn as has to be observed as such.


This exercise will help you decide on the question of mahaprayan. Thanks for your time and effort.

In Him who is eternal



Subject: Re: Fw: ~ AMPS News ~ Annual Shraddha Ceremony
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 13:48:57 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>


Note: One margii raised the question - Is mahaprayan against Caryacarya? - and this is the reply given - Eds.


In Caryacarya (I), in the chapter "Shraddha Ceremony", in paragraph of "A Few Directives", point 1: Baba says, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (CC part 1, p.65)

So this goes directly against Baba's teaching of Shraddha ceremony chapter of Caryacarya which is quoted above where Baba says only 12 days mourning.

In Hindu dogma, every year religious priests organise this type of Shraddhainjali for commemoration of deceased person. And there they do kiirtan, also they do (a) mass feeding, (b) katha kiirtan and (c) repetition of their rituals. etc So this Hindu dogma about Shraddha entered into AMPS and is sitting on high pedestal & well respected with new name-- "Mahaprayan".

In Carya'carya part 1, one appendix has been added after 1990 in the very last pages of the book regarding "Mahaparayan". It reads-- "The Revered Marga Gurudeva, in the holy name and form of Shrii Shrii Ánandamurtiji...solemn occasion...Mahaprayan Divas that is 21st October". This quote gives this idea that Shrii Shrii Ánandamurtiji is some mundane worldly figure who had one human form and left on 21st October, 1990.

Now please see following paragraph what Baba says about Himself (Caryacarya II page.1).

Baba says, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained byliving beings-That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii."

With firm voice Baba Himself is telling that Shrii Shrii Ánandamurtiji is God Himself but some of our top-level Purodhas of AMPS wrote the complete opposite in Caryacarya Part 1 Appendix about Mahaprayan. This is the main contradiction about Mahaprayan observation.

Devesh Kumar

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