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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Proximity through PS + 2 more

 Proximity through PS


All are aware that Prabhat Samgiita is a gift to help sadhakas develop a closer link with Him. Through the PS compositions, we learn new ways of calling Him and communicating our inner feelings to Him. The mystical lyrics of Prabhat Samgiita express the many ways a bhakta yearns for Parama Purusa.

So truly speaking, Prabhat Samgiita is a gleaming treasure that illuminates the pathway for sadhakas to make that inner connection with Parama Purusa. All have realised this truth in various ways, in their own relation with Him. Even then there are some days that the entire essence of Prabhat Samgiita totally eludes me.

Practical vs theoretical understanding

One margii explained to me that on such occasions my understanding of Prabhat Samgiita is merely theoretical. And he said this is not due to the way the song is sung, just it is a consequence of my own mental state. Then the margii explained that the mind goes up and down. When it is up, one is more apt to realise the true essence of Prabhat Samgiita; and, when the mind is down - less bhakti and more dry - then one just has theoretical understanding of Prabhat Samgiita.

One step further down is when one does not like to even sing Prabhat Samgiita. This also happens. It occurs when the mind is unable to make any link at all with the song and the whole thing seems out of reach. It is then that I understand just how out of the flow I really am.

This margii told the only way to overcome these latter two states is to do more sadhana and ask Baba for His grace. That is the only recourse in such circumstances. If one is sincere then by His grace the cultivation of genuine bhakti will again be aroused in the heart and mind, in which case one will continue to experience the joys and bliss of practically understanding Prabhat Samgiita. Then Prabhat Samgiita will be real. But, for that to happen, sadhana and mystical longing are needed. That is what the margii explained.

In my experiences since, I have found margii's guideline to be very helpful and accurate. When Prabhat Samgiita feels like a sweet extension of sadhana - i.e. when I have a practical understanding of Prabhat Samgiita - it is because, by Baba's grace, my mind is in a flow with bhakti. And when Prabhat Samgiita is a mere theoretical concept or totally out of reach, it is because my mind feels dry and out of the sadhana flow.


A sadhaka's understanding of Prabhat Samgiita can be thought of this way. When a child is young, that infant longs to always be held in the mother's arms and be tightly embraced. The child dreams day and night of mother's closeness and never tires of mother’s love and affection. The baby always wants to be held and caressed by its mother.

Yet 15, or 20, or 22 years later, that same child hardly wants its mother to come close. The child no longer wishes to be cradled in its mother's lap. Rather, that boy now wants to run free and wander in the world. The child does not wish to sit at home in mother's arms anymore. The child is the same child, and the mother is the same mother, yet the relation is different. All because the child's mind has changed.

Same then is the case with Prabhat Samgiita. The bhakta may sing a song one day and feel ensconced in the flow of Prabhat Samgiita, and other days that same sadhaka may sing the same song and not feel any attraction at all. What has changed? Not the Prabhat Samgiita and not the bhakta. So the only thing different in the formula is the psycho-spiritual flow of the sadhaka. Just like in the above example of the child, the bhakta's mind has changed and that alone accounts for one's interest and connection with Prabhat Samgiita.

Conclusion: Baba story

It was the month of December and Baba was giving general darshan. While talking about Prabhat Samgiita Baba said that, “Prabhat Samgiita is the feeling of the heart, and the expression of the heart, and it has been written with the ink of the heart.”

I clearly recall when Baba spoke those memorable words; they struck a deep chord inside me-- back then and today also.

So when our heart feeling is filled to the brim with bhakti then we can best realise the loving communication between the bhakta and God in Prabhat Samgiita. Then when we sing Prabhat Samgiita we will have that very practical understanding of and requisite bhakti for these divine songs. Then they will not just be songs but the expression of our heart-felt longing for Baba. They will be an extension of our sadhana.

In Him

Dhyana & Prabhat Samgiita

The whole essence of Prabhat Samgiita is based on one's dhyana, one's inner mental flow. Dhyana is that unique lesson of sadhana where the bhakta makes that very personal link with Parama Purusa. When dhyana is dry one may feel fearful of Parama Purusa or even worse, disinterested. Then surely one will think that Prabhat Samgiita is just one fairy tale type of song. Whereas, when one is in a good flow of dhyana the time will pass in sadhana as one yearns to go closer and closer in Him and delve deeper into His bliss. In that circumstance, in that mental state, Prabhat Samgiita will feel like a melodious expression of one's own heart feeling.

To deepen one's link with Prabhat Samgiita one must deepen their sadhana. The two are inextricably interlinked. Because both Prabhat Samgiita and dhyana are based on having subtle feelings for Him - love for Him. Without that love, one cannot do dhyana, and one will not be attracted to Prabhat Samgiita. That is why te margii would tell me again and again that if one wishes to experience that golden world of Prabhat Samgiita then there has to be true spiritual yearning. And that intimate feeling of bhakti is a result of one's efforts in dhyana and asking for His grace. Hence, the margii's maxim, “Dhyana is the pre-requisite of Prabhat Samgiita.”

Best way of learning Prabhat Samgiita: word by word

Also I wanted to touch on how to go about learning Prabhat Samgiita. Because without knowing the song, then how is one going to make a link; it would be the same as doing sadhana without knowing the meaning of one's mantra. In that case, it is basically futile. So learning the meaning of the Prabhat Samgiita is essential.

This has been quite a challenge, but, fortunately, by Baba's grace, many have given me some excellent guidance along the way. And certainly the most significant aspect is developing a word by word understanding of each line of the song. That way one will have pointed understanding of the song and be able to link with the inner spirit of the song. Without word by word understanding, the song remains mostly an unsolved mystery.

So when approaching any song, try and get a word by word translation, and then sing the song again and again until the understanding of each word and each line is clear in the mind. Once this occurs, one will easily be able to apply one's feeling of bhakti and immerse in the real spirit of the Prabhat Samgiita.

Personal link with Parama Purusa

We are all extremely blessed to have a Sadguru who has given the pathway for coming closer and closer to Him in a personal way through the world of songs. That is truly His unfathomable grace.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "One feels kinship to those with whom there is a relation of mutual love and affection, a relation of close intimacy. Where there is lack of intimacy, we call a person as Mr. X, Mrs. Y, etc.; but where there is a feeling of intimacy, the relationship of brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, etc. grows. Obviously where there is no close intimacy between human beings and the Impersonal Entity, no kinship can grow at all...Human beings want a personal God who will understand their joys and sorrows, who will have love for them, and to whom they can express love and feel kinship...They want an Entity who will sympathize with them cent per cent in their prosperity and adversity alike... He [Parama Purusa] is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inner world of kleptomaniacs
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Another type of crime occurs occasionally. This is a temporary criminal urge, a special type of mental disease which suddenly appears in a certain type of environment and again subsides after a short time. Kleptomania is an example of this kind of mental disease. After committing a crime kleptomaniacs feel ashamed and are anxious to return the property that they have stolen to the owner. They have sudden fantasies about stealing, abducting people, becoming drunk or indulging in decadent activities. But analysis shows that they do not in fact have the slightest personal interest in such things.”

“Usually weak-minded people who have witnessed larceny, murder or any other crime, are deeply affected by their experience, and due to the ensuing extreme agitation that occurs in their minds, they deviate from the path of common sense. If the feeling of mental agitation recurs due to the influence of temporal, spatial or personal factors, they will immediately commit a crime.” (1)


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a person who is not actually a thief constantly thinks about stealing and about the various techniques that can be used to steal, it may happen that he or she will begin to talk in a way that will give people the impression that he or she is really a thief. After witnessing a brutal murder, sometimes such weak-minded people begin to think of themselves as criminals.” (2)

1. Human Society 1, Justice
2. Human Society 1, Justice

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