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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

H group: slow death + 3 more


H group: slow death


A family can only endure when new babies are born. The older generation dies and the new generation carries on. In any organisation a similar cycle occurs. New people join, and old people retire. For this reason, Baba has created many, many training centres. TC is the gateway for youths to enter WT life.

New Wts are not entering & old Wts are dying fast

These days H group has zero training centres. Whatever TCs they have are defunct. So you can imagine what is going to happen. Slowly Dada Rudrananda has destroyed everything. Youths who reach TC are harassed and beaten. All kinds of torture is done so those youths do not stay. In result, at present H group has nothing going on in their TCs. So when new Wts are not entering and old Wts are dying fast, you can imagine what will happen. This is this story of the H group male Wt cadre. If we do not intervene and the current trend is allowed to continue, then all the male Wts will die in due course and H group will only be a female organisation.

Side by side, sadly these days torture of Dids is multiplying. The freedoms and rights didis had in Baba’s time are gone and now they have been forced to become servants of Dadas. They are harassed, abused, and beaten by male wts. The number of didis leaving or dying is more than the ones coming. They are perishing fast due to natural and unnatural deaths, due to abuse and tension. Many others are leaving due to harassment by male wts. With their ill treatment and exploitation, male Wts are forcing Didis to go away.

The conclusion about H group is that it is on the verge of extinction. Now it is the duty of every sincere margii to come forward. We should not allow Rudrananda to fulfill his desire. We should save the organisation. In this extinction scenario, H group is not alone. Here is the next story about Didi Giita’s group which is also moving down this same path. Unfortunately that is Didi Ananda Giita’s well thought-out suicidal program. Let’s come and find out.

Giita group: old dying fast but no TC of new didis

Right now with the Ananda Giita group, there is also no influx of new members as they do not have a training centre for inspiring and creating new didis / Wts. Indeed, not only does Ananda Giita and her team not have a training center but nor do they seem to be interested in it. They do not want to create more Wts. They are more involved in matchmaking marriages for all their home girls and margii sisters and brothers.

In any family, the older people eventually die and a new generation is born, and by this way the family lives on from age to age. And the same is true with any organisation. Older members age, become less active, retire, and later on die, yet side by side new, younger people join. That enables an organisation to endure and even grow.

Conniving way to devour property

But absolutely no recruitment is going on in their camp for making new wholetimer Didis. Yet, all their didis are slowly becoming more aged. And certainly within 60 - 65 years at the very most, all their current Wt Didis will have vanished from the earth. Yet, the chief strategy that the Ananda Giita group currently pursues today is collecting money from margiis and donors and purchasing land which they register in their laokik name. Then with more donations they build and schools - using the monies collected from margiis and the general public. And eventually when all those Wt didis die, then those properties will go to their laokik families. This is their deviousness - but simple margiis cannot see this. Some margiis are so emotionally attached to certain groups that even if you try gently awaken them to the truth, they will attack you.

So those in slumber will remain asleep until the complete and final evaporation of the Ananda Giita group. Then abruptly and suddenly their slumber will end and they will be utterly shocked and aghast at what happened. That will be unfortunate. They see that what they were in denial about all those years was actually the golden truth.


That is the suicidal tendency that is in vogue nowadays. It is a clear ticket to extinction. For any organisation to survive and thrive, there must be a tried and true gateway to draw in new, younger people and increase membership. Failing that, their demise is certain. This should not come as a surprise to anyone; best is to open one's eyes to the facts and gain a clear vision of this reality, lest one be overcome with shock when it is too late.

In Him,
Sus’ama’ Devi

Note: Didi Ananda Giita herself is doing the same exact thing that is described above. And by seeing her example, the other didis are also doing what is described above.

Thrown into the dustbin of history

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “With the change in the movement of atoms and molecules, space also changes. That is why numerous rich and beautiful cities of the past are now buried under the earth. Many splendid palaces and mansions, many churches, temples, mosques and synagogues, and many pyramids have been reduced to rubble. With the constant change in the flow of time, how many major changes have occurred in the universe? Similarly, with the change in time and space, people also change. A small two-year old child becomes a smart and active twenty-five year old youth. And the same energetic youth becomes an infirm, inactive, old person in due course. Thus, nothing in this universe is permanent. Many gigantic animals in the past have become totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Royal pomp and opulence, the pride of power, the vast knowledge of mighty scholars have become things of the past, thrown into the dustbin of history. Many objects emerged in the past, remained on earth for a short time, and then disappeared according to the inexorable law of nature.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your supreme liila is not easy to understand

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a devotional vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Toma'ke ka'che peyeo cena' da'y..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2288)


Parama Purusa, even after getting You near it’s difficult to realize You. Often I think that I have understood You completely; but, when I contemplate more deeply I understand that I know not. In spite of having You very close, it is still not possible for me to fully realise You. My Supreme Entity, You are my very intimate and closest One: Your mind can’t be understood. You smile softly and say You have so much love for me. Yet when I long for You, You don’t respond. Then I think that I do not properly understand Your mind. Baba, alas, I do not know how to satisfy You completely.

Just when I think I have fully understood You and come to know Your desires and inner feelings, then with Your liila You shower even more of Your supreme love, and I become restless to get You. I feel so much prema for You in my heart that my eyes constantly rain and shower tears when I think of You. Even after getting You as my own, it’s difficult to realize You. 

Baba, the Parama Purusa, due to Your infinite compassion I have come to know what is the essence and goal of life, and what is a mirage. I realize that only Parama Purusa is the truth. By Your grace, I have forgotten all those transitory allurements; they can’t give me eternal bliss. I no longer run after the ephemeral objects of this mundane world. Your supreme liila is not easy to understand - now I surrender at Your altar. I only say and sing: "Forgiver of the mistakes, Lord please forgive me for my wrongdoing and bad deeds and shower Your causeless grace on me." Baba even after getting You as my own it’s still difficult to realize You….

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2288:

[1] To understand You fully, the unit mind must lose its individual identity. As long as one is cognizant of their own unit existence, then You cannot be realised.

[2] "Toma'r liila'y ha'r ma'niya'chi": This phrase from the third stanza of the above Prabhat Samgiita is neatly represented by these below teachings.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Surrender yourself to His will. Shake off your load of self-conceit. Lighten the burden of your life and float yourself on the waves of His will. It is He who is teaching you the sa'dhana' in the guise of a Guru (preceptor); it is He who is strengthening your knowledge and faith in the guise of a philosopher. You are plundering His mercy in everything day and night. Go on working as a machine, leaving the doership to Him. How little can your poor intellect comprehend or analyse His unfathomable sport (liila')! So, instead of trying to comprehend or analyse keep the bearing of that inscrutable juggler aglow before your eyes." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama Puruśa is beyond the scope of relativity. Why is He making the world dance? Why has He made Paramarasa-Samudra? The answer to this cannot be known in the world of causality. Why Paramátmá has done something has no answer because He is beyond the scope of causality. Hence that which is non-causal, that which is beyond the scope of causality is Liilá. Whatever Paramátmá does is Liilá, but what Jiiva does is Kriidá. The wise will do Kriidá in such a way as to adjust their waves with the waves of Liilá. They will not try to know why Liilámaya has done an action. They will simply try to know Liilámaya Himself. If you cannot know the cause of a trifling thing like dancing, how can you know the cause of the action of Liilámaya? Jiiva has a very small brain and a very small cranium. It is not possible for it to know the action of Liilámaya. Suppose someone is an MA in 20 subjects. If he or she is asked suddenly to appear in the MA examination, he will not pass – he will have to read again, then he will have to appear. This proves that the Jiiva fails even to succeed in its own Kriidá. So how can it understand the cause of the Liilá of Liilámaya? It cannot. The best approach is to love Him, is to join His party. If there is true love the Master Magician will certainly make you understand everything because the more the members of His party know, the more convenient it is for Him." (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 4, The Primordial Cause of Creation
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Parama Puruśa

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Special plant remedies


The following is an English summary of the original Bengali from Shabda Cayanika part 20:

The roots, barks, leaves, flowers, branches and seed of the drumstick plant, are all very good. In winter and spring when you get opportunity then you should take drumstick*. By this way the liver, kidney, blood, and skin will be healthy and better. When acne starts appearing on the face of boys and girls of adolescent age then that very time by eating even a small amount of drumstick flower, bark, leaf, branch, or seed, then the acne will be fully controlled. Another good medicine of acne is to mix ground red lentil with pure butter and then apply it on the affected area. Or rub the roots of the silk cotton tree with pure butter. That also will control the outbreak of acne. These two latter treatments are external whereas the use of drumstick is internal. (1)

* Drumstick: In India this is called sahajan, shojane, shobha’injan, and munga’.

1. English summary of Shabda Cayanika (B) - 20, disc. 157, pt 20, p. 87

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Approach of ignorant people 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Very often, ignorant of real spirituality and goaded by religious dogma, people undertake long and hazardous journeys to places of pilgrimage, sometimes even selling their earthly possessions such as houses and cultivable land to make the trip possible. They hope to attain virtue by taking a holy dip in sacred rivers. Needless to say this not only causes a loss of energy, time and money, but also causes much trouble and brings no spiritual gain." (1)

1. Pramá – 1 / Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise)

== Section 3: Links ==

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