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Friday, September 28, 2018

Daze about bhakta + 5 more


Daze about bhakta


There is a prevailing myth in the general society, especially in India, about bhaktas. People have the misconception that bhaktas are those who keep quiet and do not concern themselves with the problems and exploitation in society. They believe that those “bhaktas” will not say anything or voice any opposition, even if some injustice or exploitation is going on before their very eyes. This is the misunderstanding some have about how a bhakta will behave. We should be aware about this misconception and not give any credence to such fake bhaktas - i.e. coloured jackals.

Who is a true bhakta

In each and every era, there are those who suppress and exploit others. In such an atmosphere, many fall prey to the unjust ways of those exploiters. At the same time, throughout the ages there have been strong, courageous people who have risen up to oppose those wrongdoers who take advantage of innocent people. In result, these brave bhaktas were tossed aside and labeled as troublemakers by those exploiters and the so-called leaders of the day.

And instead, certain meek people were embraced and touted as 'great saints' or 'seers' or 'bhaktas' of that era - all because these goody-goody type of saints were keeping mum about injustices and exploitative behaviours. By this scenario, a wrong picture was painted about who is a bhakta and who is not.

In this below teaching, Baba clearly tells us that bhaktas always take a strong step against wrongdoing and exploitation.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "By observing people's conduct one will easily notice those who are absorbed in divine love...Those who have attained Iishvaraprema can never and will never exploit others. They will raise their voice against all sorts of tyranny, injustice, and exploitation. Those who do not possess that kind of honest courage to oppose all wrongs are nothing but fakes-- they are never genuine [devotees]." (1)

By Baba's afore-cited guidelines, it is perfectly clear who is a bhakta and who is not. So all  should should be aware about and know this point. Those who keep mum in the face of injustice(s) cannot be hailed as true bhaktas. Rather they are fake, hiding behind their own false facade. Such duplicitous souls should never be trusted.

Myth in AMPS:
cowards are great bhaktas, sadvipras are troublemakers

Nowadays, certain some yes-men Wts / margiis are trying to suppress dharmic discussions by putting forth their own bogus definition of who is a bhakta. In the name of bhakti, some are trying to breed a legion of meek and spineless followers who keep mum at every turn. But we should not be swayed by their propaganda and instead hold firm to Sadguru Baba’s clear-cut teaching of who is a true bhakta.

According to Baba’s divine teaching, those fighting all sorts of injustices are bhaktas and sadvipras also. This is a new and revolutionary concept. Most are prone to the old dogma and think in the opposite way. They treat cowards as great bhaktas and label those fighting against injustice as troublemakers. We have to correct this misunderstanding and propagate Sadguru Baba’s teaching so all are benefited. Various examples are illustrated in this letter to explain this important issue.

With half-closed eyes cowards overlook injustices

Since 1990, in our AMPS there has also been some confusion as to who is a bhakta. So this misconception is not limited to the general society. This concerning scenario has entered into our Ananda Marga family as well. Essentially, some mistakenly think that those who are quiet and walk around with half-closed eyes are the great bhaktas of our Ananda Marga family. Yet we find that they passed their days as tools of the leading regimes. They were mentally weak and fearful of losing their post.

Our duty is to recognise who is a true bhakta by seeing their actions. So many wrongs have been committed in our AMPS: Margii rights have been curtailed, innocent sadhakas have been harassed, marginalised, and expelled, dogmatic tiirthas have been invented, Fake Ananda Vaniis enacted etc. There is no shortage of the ills that have been imposed. Yet there are various Wts who sit with half-closed eyes as if nothing is wrong. They portray themselves as deeply spiritual and wise sages, and they speak not a syllable of such these wrongdoings. And they praise and hail those up to the sky who also keep mum and propagate so-called bhakti sayings etc. Such persons are not great bhakas; they are fakes and hypocrites.

In the face of those group leaders they are cowardly and frightened; They act like drenched cats, wholly without any prana or confidence. Even they act as mouthpieces of those exploiters. They deceive good margiis about the truth and paint the names of the exploiters as being great sadhakas and leaders. Such type of pawns are the real demons because people place their trust in them yet these Dada just create a false facade. They pretend to be wise and realised when in fact they are the weak and cowardly messengers of exploiter Wts. We should recognise these fakes by their conduct, i.e why are they not pointing out the injustices.

Bhaktas are brave souls ever-ready to uphold the call of dharma

In unambiguous language Baba has cleared up any and all misconceptions about who is a true devotee and graciously given firm guidelines as to who are the real bhaktas. Here below Baba pointedly reveals how true bhaktas will act.
Samyauṋmasrnito svánto mamatvátishayánkitah.
Bháva sa eva sándrátmá budhaeh premanigadyate.
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Those who have Iishvaraprema - inner love for God...Say things clearly: 'No, I am unable to do it. I shall not support you'. Talk straight. Do not say things like, 'It's good to see you again. Yes, of course I shall think it over'. Say immediately, 'No, I won't support you. Your actions are not proper. You are not following dharma. You are immoral, unideological and inhuman. Why should I support a person like you? You won't get any support from me, you can be sure of that'. But do not say, 'Come back tomorrow or the day after to give me a chance to think it over.' Close the chapter without delay. Do not linger. To do this, what do you need? You need a little courage, that is all. Every devotee possesses enough courage. Those who pursue the path of bhakti automatically acquire such courage-- they are not timid." (2)

By Baba's above explanation anyone can easily understand that bhaktas are brave souls ever-ready to step forward and uphold the call of dharma.


Those who fail to point out the injustices of the day are fakes and cowards. They maintain the status-quo and do terrible harm to the society. While those courageous sadhakas who bravely point out the wrongs committed by the exploitative elite are the true bhaktas. They never fear any retribution and sacrifice everything for the propagation of dharma. Only such true bhaktas can lead the society forward.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

तुम हिम्मत के साथ बोलो; बहुत लोग तुम्हारे ख़िलाफ़ चले जाएँगे

This following quote from Beloved Baba states that courage is needed to come forward and fight injustice and dogma. Those who are cowards never oppose wrongdoers; they will always remain meek and quiet in the face of injustice. Only brave persons can come forward, and lead society on the proper path.

Note: The below quote is an "as is" transcription directly from Baba's original Hindi discourse. This discourse has also been printed as chapter 10 in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 15, but it was very poorly done.
Ananda Marga ideology states, “आचरण ठीक नहीं है, विचार नहीं है, बुद्धि नहीं है, त्याग नहीं है; और समाज में प्रतिष्ठा का लोभ है | तो, भगवान बुद्ध उनके ख़िलाफ़ लड़ाई किए | अपने को बनाने का प्रयास नहीं है; और, आग में घी डालकर, घी को बरबाद करना | जहाँ देश में हज़ारों ग़रीब आदमी हैं, जिन्हें पौष्टिक खाना भी नहीं मिलता है, उस देश में आग में जलाकर घी को बरबाद करना; युक्तिपूर्ण है ? [मार्गी लोग---"नहीं बाबा !"] कभी नहीं है | घी, चावल, क्या-न-क्या जलाया जाता है | अरे, तुम्हारे पास अगर अधिक घी हो, अधिक चावल हो; ग़रीबों में बाँट दो | तू ख़ुद खा ले | अगर कन्जूस हो, (कुछ लोग कन्जूस होते हैं) तो ख़ुद खा ले | [हँसी] हाँ, तो पेट में भी तो आग जल रही है | आँऽ ? उसी आग में स्वाहा कर दे | [हँसी] क्या जी | आँऽ ? तो, सो नहीं करेगा | कन्जूस है तो, सो नहीं करेगा | किन्तु, वही यज्ञ करेगा | और क्या करेगा ? और, जितना घर में सड़ा हुआ घी था, उसी में डाल देगा | [हँसी] हाँ | तो, यह सब ढोङ्ग है | तो, भगवान बुद्ध इसका विरोध किए | विरोध करने में काफ़ी हिम्मत की ज़रूरत होती है | उनमें वह हिम्मत थी | युक्ति से तुम लोग देखो | एक विशेष नदी को अगर हम पवित्र मान लिए, और विशेष नदी को नहीं; क्या यह युक्तिपूर्ण है ? Municipality की जितनी गन्दगी है, गङ्गा में गिरती है | तो, क्या “गङ्गाजल” शुद्ध रह सकता है ? यह किस तरह का logic है ? किन्तु तुम हिम्मत के साथ बोलो; बहुत लोग तुम्हारे ख़िलाफ़ चले जाएँगे | इसलिए, हिम्मत नहीं रहने के कारण तुम बोल नहीं सकते हो | तुम ख़ुद महसूस करते हो, मगर बोलने की हिम्मत नहीं है | तो, भगवान बुद्ध में वह हिम्मत थी |” (3) (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 15, chapter 10, बुद्ध और अष्टाङ्ग मार्ग  Buddha aor Astaunga Ma’rga, MGD 16 October 1979 Nagpur)
Note: The above quote is an "as is" transcription directly from Baba's original Hindi discourse. This discourse has also been printed as chapter 10 in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 15, but it was very poorly done.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 15, chapter 10, बुद्ध और अष्टाङ्ग मार्ग  Buddha aor Astaunga Ma’rga, MGD 16 October 1979 Nagpur

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Why I was sad & depressed

“Ghor timir ghan niviŕa nishiithe…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3202)


O’ dear Parama Purusa, in that pitch dark and lonely night, after silently opening the doors, You came in my abode to remove my misery. I could not hear Your footsteps because I had closed the doors and windows and was lying there isolated, sad, and depressed.

Baba, in that moment, the sky was covered with dense clouds yet Your refulgent image was shining brightly in my heart. Outside there was a deadly storm as if Bhairava was dancing with his wild hair. Yet, You came to me and, within a flash, completely removed the heavy load of my pain and suffering.

Baba, all the dark clouds of sin that had accumulated in the mental sky of my citta vanished in the blink of eye with the rising of Your soft, moon-lit brilliance. All the insults and frustrations were gone forever, and my mind realised Your infinite karuna...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Why important to protect the head during sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology, ““The demonstration further showed that while the samádhi experienced remains in the subconscious, sádhakas may manage to keep some control over their bodies; they may stand in the beginning and sit later on without help. But the unconscious helps only slightly and indirectly in the subconscious mind; therefore, once the subconscious fully gives way to the unconscious, the control is lost and the body falls. That is why sádhaná has to be performed sitting in a firm ásana (posture) and on a blanket or other protection, so that, should the body fall, there may be the least possible injury to the head.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Sálokya, Sámiipya, Sáyujya, Sárúpya, Sárśt́hi

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Reason behind all the conflict around the globe

Prout philosophy states, "Human longings are infinite. If these infinite human longings are allowed to run after objects of worldly enjoyment, conflict among human beings is bound to take place. As material wealth is limited, over-abundance for one leads to crippling scarcity for others. These infinite human longings can be fulfilled only through psychic and spiritual wealth. Brahma has generously arranged infinite psychic and spiritual wealth for human beings; humanity will have to properly utilize that wealth." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #37

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How cancer develops

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Cancer is a disease of the whole body as well as a tridośaja disease [involving disturbances of váyu, pitta and kapha]. This disease is a combined effect of many different factors. It is ordinarily observed that persons who suffer from constipation as a result of violating the health rules, and who likewise are lazy, lack self-restraint, sleep during the day and keep late nights, are most likely to be attacked by cancer."

"When due to constipation, the blood and the muscle-fibre become worn out by the contaminated digestive fluids of the body and the contaminated air produced by them, cancer sets in. Parts of the internal organs of people who are extremely self-indulgent become weak. As a result of the attrition of shukra, their body loses its vitality. When such people eat too large a quantity of non-vegetarian food, their blood turns acidic and the disease gradually breaks out in the weaker parts of their bodies."

"With those people who shun physical labour but take acidic food, chillies, or intoxicants and especially tobacco and similar things – there is every possibility that the disease will attack." (1)

1. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Cancer

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #3202: Why I was sad & depressed
2. Posting: Daze about bhakta
3. IT: Why important to protect the head during sadhana

4. Links

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