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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Exploiter Wts + 2 more


Exploiter Wts


This letter addresses the bitter truth related with some so-called central and so-called sectorial level Wts; it is only for those who care about Baba’s teachings and have reverence for Guru.

It is alleged that to collect their false taxes (so-called dues), so-called senior wts of AMPS threaten, abuse, and harass their juniors. Verily, those junior workers are besieged by filthy language from their so-called seniors. And juniors cannot reply in that same tone and manner - otherwise they will just get harassed. If some of those junior workers attempt to explain their problem in a genuine way to those so-called ruling Wts, then those “big bosses” have no patience or interest in listening. All in all, it is a pathetic situation.

So those “big” Wts holding so-called high posts already have huge illegal monies assets in their private accounts in their own name and lead luxurious lifestyles. For instance, while general Wts travel on Indian trains in unreserved, lower class compartments, these so-called top , exploiter wts travel in the highest class, reserved top tier, AC coupe - where the cost of a ticket is more than a seat on an airplane. And this is just one example of many. Yet still those so-called senior Wts want to suck the blood of those lower-posted Wts. They allegedly harass, abuse, and humiliate those economically destitute Wts. It is a grotesque and intolerable scene. And this is all going on by the grand OK of so-called Rudrananda. He has given his approval for his stooge Wts to lead degraded lives as by his way he (so-called Rudrananda) can best control them.

Why most of our Wts leave

For this reason, 99% of our Wts leave - gone forever. If you count all those who arrive at Wt training centre, and compare that figure with how many have remained after 5 years, you will find that more than 99% have disappeared. Those remaining either unjustly pay huge taxes to their so-called seniors to stay out of their wrath, or they tolerate ongoing filthy abuse and nasty behaviours. Sadly, this ugly scene has been handed down from one generation of workers to the next. It is a systemic issue.

Those notorious so-called bosses sitting on the top remain in their post up to their death - and they just harass others. The following is something we should all bear in mind as it aptly describes the severity of the situation of those junior workers.

Mosquito instinct: so-called bosses

Because of their strong dedication and love for Baba, youths (boys and girls) join AM and become wts. They want to spend their life serving Baba and spreading His ideals. But It is alleged that so-called central and so-called sectorial Wts think that, “Because these idealistic young workers can't leave that is why we should suck their blood and make them half-dead.” This is their vampire psychology: The next person cannot run away so you suck their vital energy by beating, overpowering them with filthy abuse, and threatening them.

It is just like when tantrikas go to do sadhana then mosquitoes are happy and suck their blood because the tantrikas cannot run away from the cemetery. Their commitment to sadhana is exploited by the mosquitoes. Similarly, our general monks and nuns have love for Baba and feel inspired to serve Him forever; they cannot think of leaving the organization. In turn, these Wt so-called bosses capitalise on their dedication and whip them. These people in Centre exploit the bhakti and dedication of junior workers for their own selfish agenda.

Fear of retaliation by thugs

But those junior workers do not tell all this to family margiis because those junior Wts know that if they tell margiis then those margiis will feel sympathetic and protest those so-called bosses about the deplorable situation of junior workers. In turn, those so-called bosses will levy an even heavier hand on those juniors. It is a type of thug psychology. When thugs terrorise people they threaten them not to tell anyone otherwise, “I will destroy your entire family and relations.” So those victims do not tell anything to anyone.

That same psychology is working with our junior workers. And those so-called big so-called bosses are aware about this - that is why they do not show any mercy. I think those so-called big so-called bosses learned this from thugs on the street. These Wts have learned their psychology.

This situation is repugnant. On the one side those big Wts deliver big lectures on neo-humanism and universal fraternity etc, but in their own day to day life their own character and behaviour is despicable.

Why they get respect as hooligan

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Many knaves in the garb of sádhus are being worshipped in today's society. Their bestial mentality that is well-hidden behind their ashes, matted locks, tiger-skin and kuańdala, the common people cannot and do not want to discern. They merely remain awe-struck at the sight of a sanyásii's saffron gard. What to speak of ignorant people – even so-called intellectual and refined people under the spell of superficial charm, very often become involved in crude, antisocial activities." (1)

Varieties of shampoos & attract opposite sex

It is alleged that if you go and see Wt H’s bathroom you will find 51 varieties of imported scented shampoos from Europe and 98 varieties of imported scented cologne from USA / Europe to spread on the body and attract females. In addition, this same Wt puts other man-made chemicals (pheromone) on him to attract the opposite sex. This is a look at the degraded and luxurious lifestyle of some Wts. Yet, according to Baba’s given conduct rules for wholetimers, Wts are not allowed to use artificially scented products.

It is also alleged that some of the others leading this type of luxurious dirty lifestyle include things that are forbidden for monks:

So-called Madhuvratananda: He is the biggest tail-wagger of so-called Rudrananda so his situation is like a wild street dog as he is one of the worst. So-called Madhuvratananda tries to project himself as a tyrant, regardless of with whom he is communicating, i.e. margiis or Wts. He is like a wild dog who pounces on all comers. Verily, so-called Madhuvratananda verbally accosts and harasses one and all. He does this for two reasons:

#1: To keep distance from others and give himself private time to spend with his girlfriend Danu, so-called Madhuvratananda will talk with her for hours in a lewd, sexual, and erotic manner. He never tires of this. Check his phone records. That is why he wants to keep distance from everyone.

#2: So-called Madhuvratananda also wants to keep distance from others so that no one will inquire about his large, auto rickshaw business, money laundering activities, and the account of Delhi bhukti.

PP is impotent and has no authority; he openly tells everyone to go and get approval from so-called Rudrananda. So no need to mention PP's name here. The ring-leader is so-called Rudrananda.

List is very long so many more are also involved. For instance, while general wts travel on Indian trains in unreserved, lower class compartments, these top, exploiter wts travel in the highest class, reserved top tier, AC coupe - where the cost of a ticket is more than a seat on an airplane.

Warning about donating to Wts

Baba has directed us in the chapter on Tapah in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if donated money is not utilized for a just and worthy cause, then the donor is also responsible for that misdeed(s). The donor will incur negative samskara - that is Baba's strict warning. Thus, always be alert that your donation does not go in the wrong hand.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Tapah devoid of knowledge is bound to be misused. The opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real sufferers of their due services from you. A rich miser approaches you with a tale of woe and entreats you to give him relief. Being moved with pity, if you do what is needed to relieve him of his suffering, the very purpose of tapah will be defeated, as it is without any knowledge or reasoning. The end result of your service will be that the rich man whom you have served will become more miserly and more selfish and will, in the future, try to deceive in a greater way people who dedicate themselves to the service of humanity. Secondly, as you will, to some extent, know his inner motive, you will become mentally depressed and you will also develop a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, while following the principle of tapah you should ascertain fully well whether the person you are going to serve, really needs your service. Only then should you engage yourself in service...Therefore, you will have to ascertain with discrimination where your responsibility lies and to what extent; otherwise all your time, energy and labour employed in tapah will be in vain...because in such cases you do not make the proper use of objects." (3)

We should all pay heed to Baba's above guideline about tapah and serving others. If our donations do not reach the right person or party, and instead some Dada or Didi is using those funds for superficial beauty appointments etc, then we ourselves are to be held accountable. If we fail to ensure that our donation is used to serve those in need, then that service or donation is meaningless. With a good heart many in Ananda Marga wish to serve those in need, but unfortunately their efforts will be in vain if their donations do not reach suffering humanity. Verily those kind-hearted donors are responsible - in part - for this impropriety. That is Baba's warning.


Check for yourself. Whenever a seminar or program is held then find out their departure time and go and look at their style of travel as they board the train. Or simply look at the reservation chart and the listing of names. It is like feeding the devil - these Wts get donations from margiis to travel in the highest class. And margiis themselves would never think to travel in that way. That is why it is akin to feeding the devil.

It is also alleged that in the name of court cases and the creation of a dogmatic holy land, some so-called senior Wts collect large sums of money that is never accounted for in any way, i.e. black money. This is how margii donors get exploited by these so-called Wts.

So long as those stooge Wts in so-called top posts protected by so-called Rudrananda continue to exploit, ransack, and cheat common wholetimers and margiis, there will continue to be a high attrition rate of sincere Wts and our AMPS organisation will remain entrenched in mire.

In Him,

How long will you keep quiet. Your Guru's organisation is getting ruined day by day.

~ In-depth study ~

Wt conduct rules - luxuries not allowed

- Wt conduct rule: “One should leave all sorts of luxuries.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #6)

- Wt conduct rule, “You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life.” (Fourteen Points, Point #6)

- Wt conduct rule, “You should always think that you are to see the Cosmic brotherhood, so your voice should be as sweet as honey. You should also try to cultivate the cult of hospitality.” (Fourteen Points, Point #6)

- Wt conduct rule, “We are all the children of the same Father, we are all the members of the same family. By fighting against all kinds of evil forces, we will establish the glory of our Father and the glory of our family.” (Fourteen Points, Point #13)

- Wt conduct rule: “Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of their supervised stuff in all respects.” (Six Additional Rules, Point #2)

Wt conduct rules: sexual opposite sex

- Wt conduct rule: “You will protect yourself from sexual weakness and luxury.” (Fourteen Points, point #12)

- Wt conduct rule: “Under no circumstances should the purity of the mind and body be polluted.” (32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #30)

- WT conduct rule: “Avadhuta must not engage his ears in hearing obscene language or song, touch any rajasika articles, see any depraving entity or picture, or go through any story, novel or picture having even a slight bit of sexual importance... All avadhutas should learn this mantra by heart: O Bhiks´u, O monk. Control your eyes, hearing, smell, tongue (taste), body, lips (speech) and mind. You should have all-round restraint, then you will overcome all pain (32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #32)

- Wt conduct rule: “One should not look at the face of the opposite sex except at the time of nursing.” (37 Workers Rules, point #15)

Note: The above conduct rule contains an exception. Here is the explanation. Suppose there is an accident and the injured party is of the opposite sex; the patient has a wound on the face, and a Wt is on the scene to help. When serving the patient of the opposite sex and tending to the wound, that Wt will have to look at their face in order to offer the requisite care needed. Only in this case: while nursing the victim’s facial wounds. That is the only exception.

WT conduct rules: no black money allowed

By their tactics, he/she has certainly contravened Guru's teachings and conduct rules on black money. Following are Baba's mandates for wholetime workers:

- Wt conduct rule: "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a)

- Wt conduct rule: "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1b)

- Wt conduct rule: "Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1c)

- Wt conduct rule: "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1d)

- Wt conduct rule: "Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1e)

WT so-called bosses threaten, abuse, & harass their juniors

Sadly, this disease is very common within our AMPS whole timer cadre. Actually, this type of degrading and vulgar behaviour is mostly done by so-called central as well as so-called sectorial wts.

1. Human Society - 1, Education
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Is religion worthless or worthwhile

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You will have to advance with the true spirit of genuine social service, because the very characteristic of dharma is to promote the cause of welfare. Dharma and welfare are inseparable. Religion and intolerance have created enormous harm in the world, have caused torrents of blood to stain the rivers red. In the present twentieth century, religions have assumed the form of “isms”."
   "The people of medieval times fought among the clans and communities, and the people of today are fighting over their “isms”. Just as religions did in the past, the “isms” are criticizing each other today, betraying their spirit of intolerance as they try to gag each other’s voices. It seems that they have no other goal than carping, criticizing, and slandering each other. They are befooling the ignorant masses by painting rosy pictures of service, peace and happiness. On the other hand they themselves are going far away from the path of selfless service and welfare. To emancipate the masses from the unhealthy influence of “isms” there is no other way than universalism. Only universalism is free from the defects of any narrowisms because every thing of this entire universe comes within its vast periphery."
   "It is only with the help of átmánátma viveka that the human beings can emerge from the mire of the present century and move towards universalism with firm steps. By virtue of átmánátma viveka people can realize that Brahma is the Eternal Singular Entity, pure Consciousness." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience

== Section 2: Links ==

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