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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Book about Baba + 3 more


Book about Baba


We must ensure any book about Sadguru Baba properly reflects His divine personality, as well as His universal teachings. The reason great care is needed is that books are commonly seen as authoritative sources of truth. That is the basic belief about books. When a person reads something that has been printed, published, and bound as a book, they take that information to be substantiated and true. That is the common approach adopted by both the public and experts. Books have a huge effect on a person’s psyche.

Yet tragically, books often contain serious misconceptions and stray far from the truth. For instance, there are numerous books which describe how Lord Shiva smoked hashish, or how Lord Krsna chased after females. And the general public accepts those falsehoods as true because they were published in a book.

Not only that, people generally believe in the existence of mythological characters like Ram and Hanuman. Why do people believe they are real? Because Ram and Hanuman have been written about and printed in a book, the Ramayana. Yet both Ram and Hanuman are imaginary, mythological figures. But because their story has been printed in book form, people think they are real.

The problem does not end there. On Indian soil, thousands have been killed over this issue, even within the last 20 years. Specifically, there have been court cases, rallies, protests, threats, and attacks over Ram's supposed birthplace. Ram's existence is 100% mythological but hundreds of millions of people are ready to die in order to secure Ram's birthplace.

Books have huge influence on human psyche

So see the situation: Ram is an imaginary figure, yet hoards of people are arguing over where Ram was born - and fighting about it. Yet, Ram never took birth on this earth. How did this confusion happen? By reading about Ram in a book, people came to believe he is real. Such is the power that books have over people.

Wikipedia, the popular, free, online encyclopedia, also places huge confidence and credence into books. For instance, if any information is printed in a book then it can be added to a Wikipedia topic and nobody can change or delete it. If it is stated in a book that a particular Guru supported racism or communalism or so many other mistakes, those false claims can be added to the Wikipedia site. All because those falsehoods have been printed in a book. The point is that when someone has written a book about Baba which contains innumerable falsehoods, how can we just sit back and think that it is ok?


If any publication about Baba and Ananda Marga has any mistakes we should point out those errors and go on the public record. Because if any published mistake remains unopposed, that becomes an open, oozing sore. Whereas if we oppose such falsehoods now, then wrongs will be brought to light and corrected. 

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Simple people may say that, "Come on, what this person has written in his JY book is fine. We all know that Baba is most loving and the Divine One, so if there are some errors or misconceptions in the book it is not a big deal. Just let it be."

And some naive individuals mistakenly justify the matter this way: "All margiis know that Baba was and is most loving and this book is for margiis; so if there are mistakes in the book, that is not a problem. We can mentally correct the book as we read it and enjoy. After all, we know about Baba so we will not get confused and misguided by this book."

These types of thinking are inherently flawed. The problem is that in the coming years more and more people will base their knowledge about Baba exclusively on what is written about Him, i.e. what is printed in the books. So when a book makes outrageous claims like the following, readers and the general public will be bound to get a wrong idea about Baba and Ananda Marga. Because see what this person has written in his book. Following are just a few of the many, many errors in his book:

False claims by D about Baba - Part 1

(1) Baba is Bengali (p. 34);

Comment: Sadguru Baba is a universal Personality who has graced us by coming as the Taraka Brahma in human form to dispel all narrow-minded sentiments like communalism and nationalism etc and uplight the entire humanity. So to present Sadguru Baba as being “Bengali” is completely misleading and it undermines His Personality. Naturally, any bhakta who reads this book will think the writer could never realise anything about Baba, while non-margii readers will form a rather pedestrian opinion of Baba. When really the aim of any book about Baba should be to present Him as a divine. So to claim in any book that Baba is “Bengali” is sheer and utter nonsense.

(2) Baba's favourite language was Bhojpuri in His childhood (p. 114);

Comment: In so many discourses Sadguru Baba says all languages are the language of Parama Purusa and that He appreciates every language.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Languages are the common property of the Cosmic Father. We should love all these languages.” (Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout)

Clearly, Baba does not favour one language over any other or express preference of one language over another. It is so appalling then to attach this narrow linguistic sentiment to Sadguru Baba, as if Baba prefers one language over another. In various discourses Baba mocks the idea that Hindus have a special feeling for cows but not buffaloes. That is partiality. Yet here Devashish is openly attaching this negative label of partiality to Baba.

(3) Baba has a loose tongue like a drunken policeman who is rude and
harshly abuses innocent people and criminals just to irritate and torture them (p. 211);

Comment: Sadguru Baba is love-personified. He blesses margiis and non-margiis alike. There are countless stories how He lovingly showers His grace on all. So the expression detailed on page 211 of the JY book is completely outrageous. Baba would never behave in such a manner. New people not familiar with Baba will form a very poor opinion of Him by reading this book. In the above referenced story, Baba is shown as being very rough and brusque with those innocent youths; in turn, they ran away and the entire train car is horrified by Baba's dealing. Anyone reading this book will be completely outraged. So the book does a terrible injustice to Sadguru Baba.

False claims by D about Baba - Part 2

(4) Baba is merely a saint (p. 166);

Comment: Every bhakta knows that the Catholic church canonizes so many bogus people as being a saint. And not only that, saint is a comparatively lowly term, because Baba is the Taraka Brahma, Sadguru, and Mahasmabhuti. So using the saint term with Sadguru is akin to saying that Devashish is just like a bug or an earthworm. In that case, we will not like that because it is belittling to his human personality. Yet by this same approach Devashish is belittling Baba by referring to Him as a saint.

(5) Kapalik sadhana is a ritual (p. 151);

Comment: Baba is the dharma Guru who has bestowed all kinds of dharma practices to the people for their all-round progress and enlightenment. Baba has given the sublime spiritual practices of Ananda Marga sadhana whereby any human being can reach the highest attainment. Never before in the history of humanity has this been done. Yet, the so-called writer of the JY book equates kapalik sadhana as being a mere ritual. This gives the feeling that our various Ananda Marga sadhana practices are just another form of ritualistic worship akin to what the various dogmatic religions do.

(6) Baba ordered His own book, A Discussion, to be burned (p. 185);

Comment: The teachings of Taraka Brahma are the guiding shastra for humanity. His teachings are timeless, blemishless, and free from defect etc. So it is beyond what any sane person can imagine to think or proclaim that Baba ordered His own book to be burned. This infuses the very negative idea that it is ok to burn Sadguru Baba’s books. During the Emergency period, dedicated Ananda Margiis safeguarded and protected the sanctity of Guru’s books and teachings with their very life. That is the reverence any true bhakta should have. Yet here the writer is giving the false and misleading example that Baba burned His own books. This is a very negative teaching.

False claims by D about Baba - Part 3

(7) Buddha is also Taraka Brahma (p. 179);

Comment: It is completely inappropriate to equate Buddha with Lord Krsna, Lord Shiva, and Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Devashish (D) is unable to differentiate between a normal person who became elevated and the Supreme Entity who came on this earth as Mahasambhuti. In this regard D is ignorant - he is like a blind person who cannot differentiate between a diamond and a pebble. Sadly, D is blind but he is restless to show others the path. It is due to this fatal flaw that his book is so misleading, and why it should and will be pulled from the shelves.

(8) As a Guru, Baba celebrated Durga Puja (p. 263);

Comment: Baba has graciously given the discourses in Anand Vacanamrtam-11 to expose the dogma of Durga puja and all kinds of god and goddess puja. Indeed, AV-11 is dedicated for that very purpose. Verily Sadguru Baba has guided the entire humanity on this point. Yet look what D has written. It is most repuslive; words alone cannot express how terrible this is. Baba opposed Durga puja and all religious dogma and here D is saying that Baba conducted and participated in Durga puja.

(9) And so many other misleading statements and falsehoods. For instance the JY book proclaims:
  • (a) Sadguru Baba used avidya tantra (p. 155)
  • (b) Baba celebrated Christmas (p. 74)
  • (c) Ananda Margiis do namaste (p. 384)

And verily the pages of the JY book are filled with gross errors, misconceptions, and bizarre and faulty references about Sadguru Baba. Making all these types of misleading and erroneous statements is very dangerous. Enemies will certainly take advantage of the situation and turn these misstatements into major, mountainous issues. That is what enemies do. They look for blatant errors, points of weakness, and areas to attack and then use those things to make a huge cases against their foes.

So these false statements from the JY book are extremely problematic and cannot be overlooked. It is by these types of ludicrous statements that the world came to think that Lord Shiva just smoked hashish or that Lord Krsna just chased after young females. Such dogmas flooded this earth for centuries, and thousands of years, until finally Baba came as the Taraka Brahma and dispelled these myths about Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna.

Enemies will pounce on such falsehoods

The irony is that now a few inadequate writers are creating the same types of problems all over again about Sadguru Baba. If we let this JY book stand as is, without offering any clarifications or corrections, readers will most definitely get the wrong idea about Baba. Not only that, those who are enemies of the Marga, will use this book as ammunition to attack Baba. In that case, once again a Taraka Brahma will have to take advent and clear up such misconceptions about Baba.

Because enemies will take gross errors like Baba is Bengali or that Baba favours Bhojpuri, and use that to defame Him and charge Him as being a hypocrite. They will accuse Baba of preaching about neo-humanism yet at the same time harbouring communal sentiments. Because that is what is written in this JY book. That is what enemies do. They take whatever ammunition they can find in order to take someone down. Unfortunately, this JY book is an entire ocean of ammunition for such enemies. They will have a field day with D’s book.

Nowadays, many think that Lord Shiva smoked hashish, and that one of his sons, Ganesh, had the face and head of an elephant, and that Lord Shiva would pass out in the cemetery completely drunk. These are some of the prevailing myths surrounding Lord Shiva. With regards to Lord Krsna, it is popularly thought that Lord Krsna was a simple cowherd who chased after females and that the gopis were all females. It is also commonly thought that Lord Krsna was a butter thief. These are some of the many myths surrounding Lord Krsna. So there are a plethora of misconceptions surrounding these two great personalities, i.e. Taraka Brahmas.

As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, we should not let history repeat itself. We should ensure the world learns the truth about Baba and His divine teachings. We should not give any scope for the creation of such myths about Baba. And the best way to achieve this is to ensure that any presentation of His divine Personality is accurate and true.

People will accept those false things as true

There are countless mistakes in the JY book. To correct them all we will have to write every day for months on end. If we do not raise this matter then so many falsehoods will emerge. Just as it was propagated that Lord Shiva smoked hashish or that His son was born with an elephant face, similarly so many wrong claims will be made about Baba. And people will accept those as true. This is the problem.All margiis that they should also participate in cleaning-up and addressing this serious issue.

Why the writer could not do the job

How did this sinful result occur? Primarily, because the writer was more focused on his own name and fame and wrote to show off his "knowledge and ability." Hence the book lacks a basic spiritual vibration and makes fundamentally flawed statements about Sadguru Baba. No true sadhaka could ever make such gross errors. In his JY book, the writer has exposed his own lowly understanding, and presented the Supreme Subject in an undesirable manner.

There are countless erroneous and misleading claims in the JY book, and all of them should be unearthed so such injustices are corrected and not repeated. As this process unfolds, margiis are requested to correct and update their personal copies and all pending and future sales of this JY book should be suspended. Sales of the book should only be resumed after a diverse board of established sadhakas and writers ensure all the countless errors had been corrected. If this is not possible, then the book should be discontinued permanently. There is no other way.

Who wrote the JY book: The name of the publication or "JY" book is "The Jamalpur Years", written by brother Devashish (Deva'shiis'a / Devashish / Devashiisa) a.k.a. Donald Acosta, originally of NY sector.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The inner jewel of your mind

PS Intro: In this song Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta and giving him all sorts of guidelines to gain success on the path of spiritual attainment.

“Cir nútane yatane mánas ratane, paráńa bhariyá sájáye dáo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0577)


O’ bhakta, exquisitely decorate the Ever-New Divine Entity, the inner jewel of your mind, up to your heart’s content. By your kiirtan, japa, sadhana, and dhyana, prepare a place for the Supreme One in Your Guru cakra and serve Him. Forget about the sludge of the past; do not think about those dark days of old. Welcome the new refulgence, and warmly embrace this bright new era of neo-humanism.

O’ sadhaka, those old worn-out dogmas are like torn rags. Shake off those dirty blankets like illogical ideas and cast them away from your mind. Leave all those isms and irrational beliefs. The call of the Ever-New’s message of radiant beauty is resonating. Dye your mind with the sweet call of the Supreme, and then colour the whole world. Spread that eternal message to all the four corners. Let everyone bask in the song and bliss of the Divine.

O’ spiritual aspirant, do not try to bring back the rotten ideas of those lost, bygone days. Give up the dream to be intoxicated by that old wine. Why waste your time thinking about those good and bad recollections of the past. The vibrant sun rays are like a new tonic. Arouse and awaken one and all with this brilliant new vision of neo-humanism.

O’ spiritual soldier, the journey, which began in the past, marches forward and will never stop. It goes on and on. In the blissful new joy of the rhythmic waves of t'al, fill your heart with the melody of the Ever-New by singing the glory of Parama Puruśa - that Eternal Entity...

== Section ==

সেই মানুষের দ্বারা বিশ্ব মানবের কল্যাণ হতেই হৰে

আর এই তান্ত্রিক cult, এই যে সাধনা, তান্ত্রিক cult, আর তাণ্ডব, এই দুটোতে যা হ’ল, তা তো হ’লই | এবং তার সঙ্গে আরও যোগ করে দেওয়া হ’ল, সোনায় সুহাগা করে দেওয়া হ’ল কি ? না, পাঞ্চজন্য আর সদাব্রত | অর্থাৎ তোমাদের যে তান্ত্রিক সাধনা---... এই যে চারটে জিনিস, এ মানুষকে উপরে তোলার পক্ষে প্রয়োজনের চেয়েও ৰেশী ৰলতে পার | সুতরাং এই চারটে জিনিসের কঠোর থাকলে, আর ভাবৰার কি আছে | মানুষের মানুষ হিসাৰে প্রতিষ্ঠা হৰেই | জয়-জয়কার হৰেই | এবং সেই মানুষের দ্বারা বিশ্ব মানবের কল্যাণ হতেই হৰে |”

1. MGD, 3 January 1982 Ananda Nagar

== Section ==

परमात्मा तुम तो जानते हो, मैं तो तुम्हारा हूँ 

“सामान्या भक्ति, हर जीव में है | और, कोई जीव जो सत्यवादी हैं, जिसे हम साधु कहते हैं, वे क्या करते हैं ? न, यह जो उनकी स्वाभाविकी मुहब्बत है परमपुरुष के लिए, वे खुलेआम कहते हैं, कि---"मेरे मन में परमात्मा के प्रति परमपुरुष के प्रति, प्रेम है, गहरी मुहब्बत है | मैं यह मानता हूँ, और मैं यह मानता रहूँगा |" और कुछ लोग हैं, जिसको psychology की भाषा में hypocrite कहते हैं, वे कपटाचारी | वे लोग क्या कहते हैं, वे भी तो इनसान है जी, उनके मन में भी तो परमात्मा परमपुरुष के प्रति मुहब्बत है | किन्तु वह है कपटाचरण | वह दिल का यह जो भाव है, यह जो दिल का सही भाव है, उसे छिपाने की कोशिश करते हैं | कहते हैं---"मैं परमात्मा को नहीं मानता हूँ | परमात्मा के लिए मेरे मन में प्रेम नहीं है |" तो, मुँह में तो ऐसा ही कहते हैं | वह क्या हुई---न, मुँह की भाषा |
और, मन में कहते हैं---"परमात्मा तुम तो जानते हो, मैं तो तुम्हारा हूँ | और, अगर ऐसा बाहर में कहता हूँ, तुम तो क्षमा ज़रूर करोगे |"

[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं] 

1. 1 January 1981 DMC Ananda Nagar

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