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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Baba audio in Emergency period + 2 more


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Baba audio in Emergency period


It has been wrongly propagated in the 'Publisher's Note' of various editions of Ananda Vacanamrtam and Subhasita Samgraha books from the post-1990 period that Dada   Pranavatmakananda has been instrumental in recovering several hundred lost discourses, mostly from the pre-Emergency / Martial Law period. And it is further wrongly propagated that all the new books of Baba's discourses printed after 1990 have been the result of this recovery.

If anyone reads these Publisher's Notes they will misunderstand the truth of the matter. All should know that the story behind these pravacan, reel-to-reel audio tapes - which were supposedly "recovered" by Pranavatmakananda - is a complete distortion of the facts.

Reality is margiis safeguarded reel-to-reel audio tapes

The reality is that Baba's reel-to-reel audio tapes came in large part from one source: sincere margiis from all around India who were keeping and safeguarding those reel-to-reel audio tapes in a very proper way. Margiis have a lot of bhakti for Baba so they kept Baba's reel-to-reel audio tapes more carefully than their own existence. There was a huge terror during the Martial Law / Emergency period; everyone linked to AMPS was under threat of being arrested by the police. Brave bhaktas secretly safeguarded the reel-to-reel audio tapes - and preserved them.

Let us not forget that those days if even one single cassette was found in any margii's house, that margii(s) would be sentenced to jail. So imagine the situation of Emergency during the regime of Mrs Indira Gandhi and the martial law period in India. Every Ananda Margii was at risk for being arrested at any moment, without any provocation.

Remember, all those reel-to-reel audio tapes collected from margiis' houses were in very good condition. Most of the Ananda Marga books we have been getting since 1990 are the gift of those sincere and courageous margiis who took great trouble to secretly record and safeguard Guru’s holy pravacans.

Margiis protected Baba's discourses
Pranavatmakananda took hypocritical credit

The recording of Baba's cassettes by margiis was never allowed. But those bhaktas never worried about being branded as "indisciplined". With great love, those margiis took a risk and recorded His discourses with their heart full of bhakti for Baba. Then during those dangerous days of the Emergency era, they carefully safeguarded those cassettes with their life. After 1990, with full faith, trust, and sincerity, they handed their cherished cassettes over to Pranavatmakananda.

Why was Pranavatmakananda the beneficiary? Here is the history. For years, Pranavatmakananda was the head of the smuggling team, and he was giving huge money to Dada Sarvatmananda those days. Due to this, he became the right hand man of Sarvatmananda. On that very ground, Sarvatmananda gave Pranavatmakananda the prestigious title of Central Archive Secretary and empowered him with the honoured job of collecting those missing discourse cassettes from those sincere margiis.

Certainly, anyone could have done this; it did not take any skill. Already the margiis had done all the work. But this golden chance was not given to just anyone. Rather one had to be an insider. Pranavatmakananda was the hand-picked choice of Dada Sarvatmananda. And in that way Pranavatmakananda tried to soak up all the glory for saving those cassettes. This was his selfish approach.

But truth be known, the rescue of those cassettes is not due to the greatness or dedication of Pranavatmakananda. He is not worthy of any credit in this endeavour. Rather all along it was those courageous, dharmic margiis who did that work and saved those cassettes. However, in the actual 'Publisher's Note', Pranavatmakananda has written as if he, Pranavatmakananda, was the hero of the day. Absolutely no mention is made about what the margiis did; their names were not placed anywhere. No credit has been given to them. Just Pranavatmakananda soaked up all that false glory for himself by putting his own name in print.

Margiis deserve credit for keeping those cassettes

When in fact all margiis know the real truth. There is zero proof that Pranavatmakananda collected even one single reel-to-reel audio recording during Emergency; he himself made no contribution from that time to preserve any of those recordings. Whereas, countless margiis did everything, risked everything, and saved Baba’s holy pravacans.

It is a shocking case of unbridled arrogance that margiis never got any credit for this momentous task. The whole eulogy in the Publisher's Note glorified the work and efforts of Pranavatmakananda, as if he single-handedly retrieved Baba's reel-to-reel cassettes from a deep, dark cavern. Or, as if he bravely took them out from the demon's mouth, at the risk of his own life.

Here is another part that is more interesting and astounding. It is related with the "discovery” of those Baba's discourse cassettes by Pranavatmakananda. But I should first add that during Pranavatmakananda's and Sarvatmananda's "raj", they glorified Pranavatmakananda's image in so many scriptures: Ananda Vacanamrtam, Subhasita Samgraha, and so on and so on. Whatever he could do to highlight his name as being the great vanguard of Baba's cassettes he did.

Which books contain false Publisher's Note

The following books from the Subhasita Samgraha series and Ananda Vacanamrtam series contain that misguided section in the Publisher's Note where Pranavatmakananda wrongly gives credit to himself for "recovering" Baba's discourses. Such is the audacity of his ego. When in fact credit should go to all those margiis who safeguarded Baba's discourse cassettes during the martial law era / Emergency period in India.

Following are those books which contain the wrong description in the Publisher's Note. Besides these below titles, there may be other books published since 1990 that also contain this same false praise about Pranavatmakananda. After seeing the below list you can compare with your own library editions.

  • Subhasita Samgraha (Hindi) Part 4 (2001 Edn.);
  • Subhasita Samgraha (Hindi) part 5 (2001 Edn.);
  • Subhasita Samgraha (Hindi) part 6 (2001 Edn.);
  • Subhasita Samgraha (Hindi) part 22 (1996 Edn.);
  • Subhasita Samgraha (Hindi) part 23 (1996 Edn.);
  • Subhasita Samgraha (Hindi) part 25 (2000 Edn).
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 19 (1994 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 24 (1994 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 25 (1994 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 26 (1995 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 27 (1996 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 28 (1996 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 29 (1996 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Hindi): Part 32 (1997 Edn.).
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (Bengali): Part- 24 (1994 Edn.).
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (English): Part 23 (1994 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (English): Part 31 (1997 Edn.);
  • Ananda Vacanamrtam (English): Part 34 (2000 Edn.).

What does the false Publisher's Note say

In the Publisher's Note of the above listed books, Pranavatmakananda printed his own name as if he is one golden god from the heavens. As if due to his will those discourses were saved and these books were published. In the Publisher's Note itself, Pranavatmakananda has written his own false glory:

"We particularly wish to thank A'ca'rya Pran'ava'tmaka'nanda Avadhu'ta, the In-charge of Archive Section..."

Indeed, Pranavatmakananda used the pronoun "we" as if some other respected persons are writing this about him. But really this is just Pranavatmakananda glorifying himself and hiding behind the "we" pronoun. When one longs for prestige and is bound by vanity, then there is no end to what they will do.

And like that it goes on to tell what "great" deeds he did by saving and rescuing all the materials. What a bunch of nonsense, arrogant and false dealings. Such a Publisher's Note is just the work of a few fame-hungry villains. Because this type of approach is the same as what Mrs. Indira Gandhi did and the same as what Lalu Yadav did. Both of whom were notorious and their exploits are detailed in the link appended below.

Nasty people always try to establish themselves by falsehood

What Pranavatmakananda has done for himself happened in the past also. Those infamously vain kings of old wrote history highlighting themselves and their own glories. Later on however, the truth was revealed, and the so-called glories of those kings were thrown away in the dustbin forever. A similar thing is going to happen in our AMPS. The history of our AMPS will be properly recounted. The Publisher’s Note will be corrected and rewritten by righteous people to reflect the struggles and efforts of those sincere Ananda Margiis who safeguarded Guru’s discourses.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “I suggest that in the writing of history there should be a radical change. The history written so far is a history of kings and monarchs. It should be thoroughly overhauled and completely rewritten – rewritten in the interest of humanity and the universal well-being of the human race. If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses.” (1)


Any sane person or those who get opportunity should refrain from doing like this because neither dharma can pardon such rascals nor can the society. Just they will be wiped away from history and treated as a demon.

The wrong information has been placed in the Publishers Note of our Ananda Vacanamrtam, Subhasita Samgraha books. Pranavatmakananda projected the matter as if he, Pranavatmakananda, is the vanguard who retrieved Baba's precious cassette away from the demon's mouth. When in truth it was courageous margiis who did all the work and put forth the dharmic effort, not Dadaji.
Now everyone understands the reality of how those audio files came from sincere margii bhaktas. In a hypocritical way Pranavatmakananda took the credit and printed and glorified his name throughout our Ananda Marga books. So this concludes the narration of incidents regarding the falsehood of Pranavatmakananda.

In Him,
Madhumita’ Roy

~ In-depth study ~

Distortion of history - how false things get propagated & exposed: the case of Indira Gandhi

When Indira Gandhi was in power then she had some spoons or some puppets glorify her. And in their official meetings they were chanting, 'Indira is India and India is Indira'. They were chanting the kiirtan of Indira, yet she was such a demonic person who did nefarious activities.

She created one falsifying history and glorified herself up to the stars and stuffed all those rotten lies into one time capsule (kalpatra) and buried that in the old Fort in Delhi. In that way she was dreaming that in the future people will find it and read all the golden histories about her kingdom and how she was so grand. So the praised herself as a demi-god and at the same time pushed down others. But in a very short time she met her demise and the time capsule was dug up and exposed.

So this is another example how demonic people paint the history in order to make themselves immortal. But in doing their selfish antics the exact opposite happened. If you want to know more about Indira Gandhi's time capsule kindly let us know.

Distortion of history - how false things get propagated & exposed: the case of Lalu Yadav

This case of ruining the Publisher’s Note and misleading others is not an uncommon affair. This often happens when various political leaders come in power. They misuse the power and exploit the situation in their own favour and own party interest. This is the common theme and one classic example is when Lalu Yadav was the chief minister of Bihar.

When Lalu Yadav’s party was ruling he paid some puppet writers to eulogize him and craft some glorified concocted tales about him. They wrote one book titled, "The Glory of Lalu”, and they created songs as well. All this nonsense was inserted into the primary school books of government-run schools. All those children were indoctrinated into the notion that Lalu Yadav is one great hero.

So the people were feeling suffocated because in truth Lalu Yadav is such a corrupt and trustless person. Someone who embezzled 250 million worth of public money. Because he cheated a huge percentage of the entire treasury of the Bihar Government. So this is one classic example of how people in high posts misuse their allotted power.

And indeed Lalu Yadav's glory did not last long as the next party in power removed his name from all the school books. In this way he was publicly shamed and embarrassed. As The Indian Express reports:

"'RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav will no more be a part of school education in Bihar. From the academic session beginning April, the chapter eulogising Lalu will be deleted from the Hindi textbook of class VIII students."

For info about Lalu Yadav dealings let us know.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let History Be Rewritten

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Bill of rights in Prout government

Prout philosophy states, “The formation of a World Government will require a world constitution. A charter of principles or bill of rights should be included in such a constitution and encompass at least the following four areas. First, complete security should be guaranteed to all the plants and animals on the planet. Secondly, each country must guarantee purchasing power to all its citizens. Thirdly, the constitution should guarantee four fundamental rights – spiritual practice or Dharma; cultural legacy; education; and indigenous linguistic expression. Fourthly, if the practice of any of these rights conflicts with cardinal human values then that practice should be immediately curtailed. That is, cardinal human values must take precedence over all other rights. All the constitutions of the world suffer from numerous defects. The above points may be adopted by the framers of different constitutions to overcome these defects.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Requirements of an Ideal Constitution

== Section: News (22 Oct 2018) ==

Sinful programme: Annual death day ritual 


It is unfortunate that non-margiis are chosen as bhukti pradhans. And here is the example. He is observing an annual death ceremony and performing a ritual that is done by dogmatic Hindu believers. That which is wholly forbidden in Caryacarya, this below so-called margii is doing and incurring sin.

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