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Monday, April 29, 2024

Prout solution: caste & race

Prout solution: caste & race

All margiis know that, according to Ananda Marga ideology, human society is one and indivisible. Yet, all around the world, various groups use numerous justifications and fabricated information to divide society in order to support their vested interests.

Caste & race is disease

The basis for dividing society in India is no exception. In India, casteism is used to divide human society into various levels. One’s caste is inherited by children from their father and is in turn transferred to their children as a lineage. For example, ‘brahmin’ is a so-called high caste and a person born into this caste is considered to be the only one who can perform religious rites and read religious scriptures. A so-called brahmin’s child automatically becomes a brahmin. So, even though the child of a so-called brahmin might be incapable of reading, he is considered high-born or high-caste. Likewise, someone of so-called low-caste is considered only fit for street sweeping. Even if the child of such a so-called low-caste person is intelligent, that child will be treated as a low caste person and fit only for street sweeping, like his father. This irrational idea of a caste-based organization of society has been going on in India for centuries. Although belief in the caste system is now diminishing throughout India, almost everywhere people secretly hold such caste sentiments, and, sadly, casteism is still prevalent in many rural pockets of India.
In western countries, there is no concept of caste. However, in the west, skin colour is often a marker for one’s social status. Skin colour becomes an indicator of superiority or inferiority depending on the colour. Thus, a white-skinned, or caucasian, person may be considered superior compared to a dark-skinned person. An extreme example of such a race-based supremacist movement is the Ku Klux Klan. Again, race supremacy openly exists in many rural pockets in western countries and, almost everywhere, people secretly harbour such racist feelings.
Although caste and race are not the same thing literally, discrimination based on a person’s skin colour in western countries is similar to caste-based segregation in India, such that they both define people on the basis of their birth. Moreover, both racism and casteism provide false justification for segregating and organizing human society in this manner. Hence, in this posting caste and race are treated as similar.
Misguided approach to fight against exploitation
In general society, it is often considered progressive to fight against the exploitation of the so-called “low-caste” or “inferior race” people by the so-called “high-caste” or “superior race” people. There are many political parties, groups, and movements that claim to be fighting against the exploitation of the people who are disadvantaged based on their caste or race. However, the very notion of caste or race based inferiority or superiority is the root cause of the problem of exploitation. Had there been no caste or race based differentiation there would not be any question of exploitation based on caste/race. PROUT philosophy teaches that if we fight against and uproot the caste or race based differentiation itself, then the very exploitation which is based on caste or race will be overcome as a consequence.

Fragmented society breeding ground for exploitation

The very notion of caste/race based differences amongst human beings is highly objectionable and is the cause of all conflicts based on caste/race. In the caste-based hierarchy, one considers others who belong to a lower so-called caste as inferior to oneself, while at the same time succumbing to exploitation at the hands of those in so-called castes “superior” to one’s own. Thus, caste is a system for perpetuating exploitation in all the quarters of society. Likewise, the feelings of race-based differences also fragments the society into the so-called superior races or the exploiters and the so-called inferior races or exploited. The ensuing exploitation causes a rift in the society as people think that their interests are jeopardized due to other people who are of so-called higher caste/race. Each group blames another group of a so-called higher caste/race of exploiting them. The fact of the matter is that everyone’s interests are jeopardized due to the very existence of the caste system. According to Shri P. R. Sarkar, the propounder of Prout, people should acknowledge that the caste system and racial stratification is the cause of their plight. Shri P. R. Sarkar further guides us that people should fight against the caste system, or outside of India that of race, rather than fighting with the people of so-called higher caste/race.
Prout philosophy states, "In Hindu society you will notice that there are many divisions of caste, high and low. You will hear many people saying lightly, “It is the Brahmans who are responsible for all this!” But the same person who holds the Brahmans responsible, will refuse to touch the people of a caste slightly lower than his or her own, so as not to pollute oneself by their contact. Still others hold two or three castes responsible, but they themselves also refuse to touch lower-caste people. A person of the low …[C D E] caste says, ...“[X y z] caste people are lower than me – so I will not touch them!” But the same …. [C D E] caste person complains, “We are ruined by the Brahmans!” In fact these are all expressions of the mental disease I referred to. One who is confined within a certain circle condemns other groups. You should never hold any particular caste or community responsible for the ruin of the society – this is completely false. You yourself are responsible for it." (1)
Documenting caste/race creates more problem
To discuss “caste/race” based discrimination or oppression is to recognize and give credence to the caste system or “race differentiation” itself-- which is against the teachings of Prout. Prout’s view is to form a society which is caste-less or raceless-- as caste/race differentiation itself is the major divisive factor in society. This is the reason why in Ananda Marga, no record or documentation of one’s so-called caste or race is maintained. Shri P. R. Sarkar guides us to build a casteless society having only one race-- the human race. Prout never teaches that we should fight for asking special privileges for the people belonging to the so-called backward, downtrodden, or inferior or superior caste or race. According to Prout, there should not be any caste/race, let alone backward or forward. Instead of discussing caste-based exploitation, articles in the Prout magazine we should fight for economic justice, and for the welfare of all the economically poor people.
Prout philosophy states, “Caste is another important factor which brings disruption in society. The evils of the caste are nowhere better known than in India. For unity in society, there should be no small groupings within society claiming unjustifiable economic and social privileges. In our Ananda Marga where “love for all” and “humanity is one family” are the guiding principles, and where individuals identify themselves as only jiivas or living beings, a caste-less society is the only society which can exist. ” (2)
To discuss “caste” based oppression is to give credence to the caste system itself which is against the teachings of Prout. Thus, the very act of publishing and documenting “caste” based oppression is misguided. Publishing articles in the Prout magazine that recognize caste differences, is an ideological blunder of the Delhi Prout editors.

The disease of the caste system has existed in Indian society for millennia. The result of the caste system is an incessant exploitation of the so-called low-caste people by the so-called high-caste people. Many feel that the so-called high-caste people are responsible for the plight of the so-called low-caste people and a fight against the high-caste must be waged. Ananda Marga ideology, however, points out the root cause - the existence of the caste system itself.
In a similar fashion, in many countries of the world, people are differentiated and regarded as superior or inferior based on their skin colour or their so-called race. Due to one’s so-called race, one either gets exploited or perpetuates exploitation. Again, the root cause of the exploitation and the social evils is the very recognition of race and not the people belonging to the so-called races. Shri. P. R. Sarkar points out that it is not just the so-called upper-caste people or the people belonging to a so-called superior race who are to blame for the plight of the people belonging to a so-called lower caste or an inferior race. The passive acceptance by the so-called lower caste people of the caste system itself, or by the members of so-called inferior races of race differentiation, have to be equally blamed, if not more.

Thus the solution is to abolish the caste system and race-based differentiation. However, the English Delhi Prout magazine is publishing articles that give credence to the ideas of caste-based exploitation. Ironically, such ideas go against Prout and should not be a subject matter of the Prout magazine. The editors of the English Delhi Prout magazine should not publish articles that encourage the ideas of caste-based discrimination; rather the Prout magazine should teach and guide people in the direction of abolishing the caste system and race differentiation altogether. Instead of discussing caste-based exploitation, articles in the Prout magazine should fight for economic justice, and for the welfare of all the economically poor people.
In Him,

The English Delhi Prout magazine should teach and guide people in the direction of abolishing the caste system altogether. But they are doing just the opposite.
The word ‘dalita’ is a Samskrta word for ‘pressed down, oppressed, crushed’. It is also the name of a so-called low caste of downtrodden people in India and Bangladesh. Baba condemns the usage of such terms as ‘Dalit;’ as they falsely divide the human society into groups. Yet unfortunately, English Delhi Prout is using these very terms and thus going against PROUT philosophy.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although according to perfect logic the culture of all humanity is one and indivisible, the exponents of isms do not understand this. They prefer to assert that the different sets of script and language, behaviour and habit, and local variations in expression, are actually the constituents of human culture.” (3)

Don’t identify yourself race & caste etc

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Members of a particular race who consider themselves superior to others also very frequently inflict injustices on other sections of society. The expulsion (see note *) of the Jews from Germany by Hitler’s so-called superior Aryan race is a glaring example of racial injustice in society. In this country, also, injustices on Harijans by the so-called superior races have caused a tremendous amount of disruption in society. To obviate this type of social injustice, the first attempt should be to do away with racial distinctions in society. In Ananda Marga the first step that one takes is to forget one’s race or sect – to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect – regardless of whether it was superior or inferior.” (4)

Below please find this page from English Delhi Prout: an article based on the idea of exploitation of so-called dalits (low caste people). The below scanned article is going against PROUT as it highlights caste divisions among the exploited masses.

On the below page there are numerous references to the exploitation of the so-called dalits and their further subclassification and division by religion; these references are highlighted using red-coloured rectangles. Please pay attention to the red rectangles in the below scan.

See Below Defective English Delhi Prout Magazine


See Above Defective English Delhi Prout Magazine

Please pay attention to the red rectangles in the above scan, where the English Delhi Prout editors have written anti-Prout things, which they should not have done.

Above please find the page of English Prout, part of an article which recognizes and highlights caste divisions among the exploited masses. 
(*) “Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.” (Wikipedia)

Delhi Prout is a very old Prout magazine that is the mouthpiece of various PROUT organizations. It is supposed to be dedicated for publishing Prout philosophy. But unfortunately, the editors are doing just the opposite. The magazine is published in English from Delhi.

The name of Ácárya Santosánanda Avadhuta can be spelt in various ways as listed here - Dádá Santośánanda, Dádá Santoshananda, Santosánanda Dada, Santoshananda Dada. Ácárya Acyutánanda Avadhuta, Acyutánand, Acyutananda, Acyutananda Dada, Dada, Acyutananda, Ácárya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta, Vedaprajinanand, Vedaprajiṋánanda, Vedaprajiṋánand. Tarak Ghista is also known as Tiki, Taraka, Tárak, Táraka, Tarak.

1. Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture (Discourse 7), The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism
2. Social Psychology, Prout in a Nutshell Part 3
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress
4. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology

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