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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Avadhuta Teaches To Eat Garlic


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Avadhuta Teaches To Eat Garlic
2. Posting: Re: Communist Infiltrated Hindi Prout Magazine

Avadhuta Teaches To Eat Garlic


Ac Vishuddhatmananda Avadhuta’s recent facebook posting is propagating that támasik food like garlic and mustard greens are good for one’s spiritual progress. Dádá V is not an ordinary individual who we can simply ignore. Being an Avadhuta he commands a special position in Ánanda Márga and his conduct has a direct influence over general márgiis.

Bábá says ---​
Static food: “Food which is harmful for the mind and may or may not be good for the body is static. Onion, garlic, wine, stale and rotten food, meat of large animals such as cows and buffaloes, fish, eggs, etc., are static.” (1)
Further, Bábá says - "The milk of a newly-calved cow, white brinjals, khesárii dál, green vegetables of the type of red puni or mustard are támasika."

See Dada’s Tamasik food item:

The below image from Ac. Vishuddhatmananda’s Facebook page contains various food items which he recommends. Among those are:
A. The third column, last photo is Garlic in the below picture;
B. The first column, third photo is Mustard Green.

See below garlic and mustard greens which are támasik food. Vishuddhatmananda Avadhuta may be eating these two items. Otherwise why he is propagating them on his facebook page.

T​he ​above image from Ac. Vishuddhatmananda’s Facebook page contains various food items which he recommends. Among those are:
A. The third column, last photo is Garlic in the above picture;
B. The first column, third photo is Mustard Green.

Wt Supports Garlic Eating

Dada V suggests that garlic is good for one’s “spiritual progress”. It is ironic that the above list includes garlic and mustard greens which are known to be támasik food in Ánanada Márga.

About static food Bábá says, “Food which is harmful for the mind and may or may not be good for the body is static. Onion, garlic, wine, stale and rotten food, meat of large animals such as cows and buffaloes, fish, eggs, etc., are static.” (1)

Further, Bábá says - "The milk of a newly-calved cow, white brinjals, khesárii dál, green vegetables of the type of red puni or mustard are támasika."

Thus, it is clear from above two teachings of Bábá that garlic and mustard greens fall under the category of static or támasik food which according to Bábá are harmful for the mind.

Dádá V however is propagating that garlic and mustard greens are wonder-foods which can help one in one’s spiritual progress. This is blatantly against Bábá’s teachings.

Dádá V should immediately remove this misleading picture from his facebook handle. Please go to his Facebook page and let him know you disapprove of messages which advocate taking garlic and mustard greens, as this is flagrantly against Baba’ teachings. Here below is Dada V’s facebook page link:


(1) “Food, Cells, Physical and Mental Development”,  Ananda Marga Philosophy In A Nutshell,
(2) “Procedure for Eating”, Caryacarya Part 3, 1956, Jamalpur

== Section 2: Posting Re Hindi Prout ==


Re: Communist Infiltrated Hindi Prout Magazine


In follow up to the posting of 14 May, the names and contact details of the editorial team members responsible for allowing a communist-infiltrated article in the Hindi Prout magazine are listed below.

Editor: Ac Govindánanda Avt. (+91-99695371)

Co-editor: Amarnáth Kumar (+91-8084702079)

Editorial circle: Ac Siddhavidyánanda Avt, Tátvik Vinod Kumar Dev, Subhásh Chandra, Advocate Uday Kumar)

The phone numbers of main members are provided. Readers are requested to call the editorial team and let them know of their misdeeds and negative ramifications thereof.

Here is the link to the original post:


Monday, May 23, 2016

Dada C. propagates false thing + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Dada C. propagates false thing
2. Important Teaching: Fake people blame God for their own sin
3. Links

Dada C. propagates false thing

Baba has created Ananda Marga to save the society from the demonic noose of dogma. But unfortunately, in our Ananda Marga still some of our avadhutas and purodhas are propagating those rotten religious Hindu dogmas. Following is the example related with the skin complexion of  Lord Krsna.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The complexion of the historical Krs'n'a who lived in Dva'para Yuga was not black." (1)

But the prevailing Hindu dogma is that Lord Krsna was of black or dark complexion. And one dada has placed this type of dogmatic image of Lord Krsna on his Facebook page. Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The complexion of the historical Krs'n'a who lived in Dva'para Yuga was not black." (1)

So Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us that Lord Krsna was not black in color. But see here below the image from Dada CK’s FB page where Dada Citkrsnananda is propagating just opposite to what Baba says.

See here above the image from Dada CK’s FB page where Dada Citkrsnananda is propagating just opposite to what Baba says.

Unfortunately all this is happening because our “great” Wts and purodhas do not read Baba’s books / literature; rather they devour junk and extravaganza from various dogmatic magazines and pseudo-culture from the internet. If they take the matter seriously and read Ananda Marga books these types of incidents will never happen. This whole episode of propagating Hindu dogma in the name of AM is disgraceful.

We should remember how these great purodhas took the vow before Sadguru Baba to propagate Ananda Marga ideals, but instead they are doing the exact opposite. It is a very painful situation. If we are not going to study Baba’s literature then who is going to study it and guide the society accordingly. It is our duty not to propagate Hindu religious discarded dogma but AM bhagavad dharma.

in Him,
K. Ramalingam

~ In-depth study ~

Suffice to say here that the main aim of becoming a Wt in Ananda Marga is to propagate the ideals given by Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Sadly, Dada Citkrsnananda is propagating Hindu dogma. Here again we must reflect on this guideline from Ananda Marga philosophy. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The complexion of the historical Krs'n'a who lived in Dva'para Yuga was not black." (2)

One should never give way to any prevailing dogma, rather one should boldly and courageously stand for Guru’s ideals in all realms of life - always.

Ananda Vanii states, “The human society of today has advanced considerably in the intellectual sphere. It must no longer sit inert. By applying all its might, the march of universal humanism must be made smooth by hook or by crook. Hence no latitude in procrastination or cowardliness of any sort should be permitted in this regard.” (3)

What if this happened to you

If someone portrayed your own image in a drastically different colour for their own political gain then surely you will not appreciate this. And in the case of Lord Krsna this is not a person point as it is related with the second Mahasambhuti, i.e. Lord Krsna.

To see how this Dada placed this image on his Facebook page, please refer to link #1 appended below in the Links section.

This dogmatic image is propagated as being the true photo of Lord Krsna. But that is false. (Baba has given the answer in His NKS book) So although there are many points at hand, but here we are only focusing on Lord Krsna’s complexion.

1. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita
2. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita
3. Ananda Vanii #52

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

This section is an entirely different topic unrelated to the above material.

Fake people blame God for their own sin

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Blaming God for the consequences of our only foolishness. One who performs actions will have to bear the reactions also. If you plunge your hand in fire you will surely burn it. To blame God for burning your hand is merely ignorance or stupidity." (1)

Note: According to Ananda Marga philosophy, people must suffer the consequences of their negative samskaras of their past deeds - actions performed either in this life or a prior life. Regardless, one will have to undergo that reaction, i.e. the requital of their past samskaras. In result, they may break their leg, lose their job, fall from the tree, experience the death of a spouse, or be stricken with a serious illness etc. All these types of reactions one may have to undergo due to their own past actions.

Those who are devotees realise they are suffering due to their own bad samskaras. And they take full responsibility and accept their fault. Furthermore, they get the lesson not to harm anybody knowingly or unknowingly in the future.

But those who are naive blame Parama Purusa for testing and harassing them. They accuse Him of putting them in problem needlessly – just for the sake of giving them a test and rubbing their nose in the mud. In their ignorance such persons think they have no fault of their own. They think the culprit is Parama Purusa and Parama Purusa alone. In order to test and harass them, He took away their job and livelihood etc, and made life miserable for them. In short, He created a huge mess. They think that, “Without any rhyme or reason, I had to suffer and undergo this test.” In this way they blame Parama Purusa for giving tests and putting them in problem. That is very bad.

But true devotees never blame Parama Purusa. They always feel their suffering is due to their own samskara - no one else is at fault. So those bhaktas never blame Parama Purusa nor do they accuse Him of harassing them and giving them tests.

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section 3: Links ==

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New dogmas in AMPS

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin. 


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: New dogmas in Ananda Marga
2. A human society based on ideology - Ananda Vanii
3. Important Teaching: Women are not given equal status....
4. Links

New dogmas in Ananda Marga

I am very much agree that, at present, dogma is a problem in Ananda Marga. Actually, you can see dogma everywhere in Ananda Marga. Here are just a few of the many points that come to mind:

1- The way they spend money to decorate the kiirtan pandal is dogma. We do need to create a good vibration by keeping the place clean and some sentient, decent decorations can help people  concentrate their mind. It should be more scientific. Unfortunately, now in Ananda Marga the decorations have become rajasik - like a marriage party decoration. And exorbitant sums are spent on such decorations. When that same money can be used to serve and feed hungry people.

2- Last year I saw in Delhi ashram how margiis were bringing coconut, water, sweets, fruits and keeping in front of BABA's picture to make it microvita prasad. What is this? This is completely dogma. And Dadas are promoting that because this gives them importance. This is happening in many places.

3- Now even margiis had made kiirtan their profession. This is their job now. They charge money to sing kiirtan. They have a fixed price. They even come to DMS. They are paid kiirtan singers. How can they bring devotion if they are paid? The feeling behind is that, “I need to sing well so I can I can get more customers.” You know in some states of India there are rudaliis (mourners) who are paid. When someone dies these rudaliis are hired and paid to come and cry for the deceased. This seems to be the same.

4- Actually BABA never said to keep His picture anywhere in kiirtan place of DC place. He said to put the pratiik. People focus so much on BABA's picture - not on their sadhana and kiirtan during program. This is also dogma. It is the same as happens in those temples. Pujari is so busy putting garland on picture or statue, and the audience comes and see how beautifully statue is and how around the idol the place is decorated. So their mind gets engaged in this external things. 

5- After akhanda kiirtana, I have seen everywhere how margiis and acaryas distribute prasad. What is the need of prasad distribution. If they have made sweets those can be served at / after the meal. There should be sweet after having food anyway according to health tips. Only prasad can be distributed to the children.

6- Acaryas do not focus or train margiiis on how to perform kiirtan correctly. What should be their mudra and bhava etc. There are many other realms where margiis are dogmatic and acaryas are promoting those dogmas.

List is long but I am concluding here.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You boys, you girls, you the spiritual aspirants, must always remember that you must never surrender at the altar of dogma. In the past, dogma committed so many nuisances, dogma created so many fissiparous tendencies in this human society. Your slogan should be “Dogma – No more! Dogma – No more!”" (1)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

"Custom in certain areas of Rajasthan where women of a lower caste are hired as professional mourners upon the death of upper-caste males. These women are referred to as a "rudaali" (roo-dah-lee), literally translated as "female weeper" or "weeping woman". Their job is to publicly express grief of family members." (Wikipedia)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Dogma – No More

== Section 2: Ananda Vanii==

  A human society based on ideology

"With the progress of science, the globe has become smaller to the human eye. No place on the earth is now inaccessible, and this is why it is the most opportune moment for building a universal human society. Set yourselves to task without any further delay. Remember, a human society based on ideology must be built with the help of all the moralists and progressive people of the universe. This is the only way for the survival of human civilization. The task will inevitably be fraught with obstacles, and by combatting them you will have to be victorious." (Ananda Vanii #51)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Important Teaching  ==

Women are not given equal status with men in Islam

   Prout philosophy states, “The second inviolable principle is that people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. People will not leave a religion if it is able to guide them properly on the path of Dharma….”
   “Hinduism will degenerate and people will convert to other religions as long as the caste system exists in the Hindu religion. If Hinduism continues to degenerate, the progress of Indian society will be retarded because Hindus are the majority community in India. Moreover, if there are continued conversions to Islam, women will become second grade citizens, because they are not given equal status with men in Islam. Consequently, there will be further degeneration. Thus, nobody should be forcibly converted from one religion to another.”
   “All religions should be established on a strong foundation of logic and reason, then such things will not occur. If people are forced to violate the teachings of their religion, they should not be excommunicated. Even if people knowingly contravene a religious code without compulsion, they should have ample scope to rectify their behaviour. A religion should not be like a glass container which breaks with a light tap.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

About celebrating Ananda Purnima - This Sat May 21

Grand Preparation


Handling finances

Fresh Start

Why festival Ananda Purnima

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Communist Infiltrated Hindi Prout Magazine


Communist Infiltrated Hindi Prout Magazine

Via the medium of an article supporting the communist agenda entitled, “आन्दोलन के द्वारा छात्र एक नये संविधान की मांग करें” (1) published in Hindi Prout magazine’s April 2016 issue, ideas contrary to Ánanda Márga and Prout philosophies are being propagated. This article reports an incident that took place on the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) campus in India. A communist student organization held protests and raised anti-India slogans in favor of Pakistani terrorists who attacked the Indian Parliament building where 14 people were killed, and so many injured. (see note 1)

In due course, the terrorists were punished in a court of law. And the JNU communist student group opposed that court decision. And supporting the communist party, our Hindi Prout magazine wrote one long article, unfortunately. This posting is about how our Hindi Prout magazine supported the communist secession agenda, by going against Baba’s fundamental teachings.

Prout Says Kashmir is Part of India

All Proutists must know that Prout teaches us Kashmir is part of India. Pakistan’s infiltration into Kashmir, capturing certain areas, is nothing but infiltration and cannot be supported. See the below quote of Shrii Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, where He clearly says that Pakistan is the culprit. In the chapter “Talks on Prout”, it is said--”The Pakistan infiltration into India cannot be treated as a justified move. The planned way in which this infiltration is going on indicates that it is motivated by expansionism”. (2)

The article published in our Hindi Prout magazine (1) supports the left-wing communist protesters demanding secession of Kashmir from India (see the below excerpt from the article and its English translation).  

For translation of the above Hindi Prout magazine excerpt, see note 2.

Disunity In Any Country Is Disastrous

Bábá does not support disintegration of any nation. Referring to the example of separatist tendencies in India in the 1960’s, Prout philosophy teaches us--
“To save India the present leaders should immediately chalk out a policy to convert the people of India into a strong nation...If the leaders do not do this, I am afraid the political unity and geographical integrity of India will be affected at any moment; especially when there are fissiparous tendencies active in the country. We should not forget that in the past it was the want of unity which brought India under the yoke of slavery time and again. If there is lack of unity at present, it should be understood that India has become intellectually bankrupt.” (3)

Baba teaches that unity is required for social and spiritual progress. Lack of unity is the cause of social problems and certainly not the solution. The Hindi Prout magazine article on the other hand contravenes Guru’s teachings by supporting the communist call for secession of Kashmir. This line from the article belies its pro-communist purposes: “Is a peaceful movement for demanding secession from state anti-national? Those who say that it is anti-national are wrong.” (1) Such communist rhetoric supporting secession is a dangerous threat to the unity of India or any other nation. Bábá refers to the nation disintegrating communist tendencies as “fissiparous” and teaches us to counteract against them. The article instead is supporting these tendencies, which goes against His teachings.

Communism & PROUT are Not the Same
Communism Is State Capitalism

Communism is based on the idea of state-controlled economic centralization, which results in hoarding of capital by the communist leaders. Because of this, communism is not different from capitalism in terms of exploitation inflicted on masses. Bábá refers to communism as state capitalism. Prout on the other hand is based on economic decentralization. There is no similarity between communism and our Prout philosophy. Yet the Hindi Prout magazine article which is supposed to propagate the ideals of Prout is supporting communist ideals. The Hindi Prout magazine article is invoking communist leaders such as Annadurai to demonstrate that the leftist communist students’ demands are justifiable. This is completely off-track as the Hindi Prout magazine is not a communist journal. Allusions to the life and teachings of leftist communist leaders like Annadurai have no place in Prout. The Hindi Prout magazine article is supporting secession on the grounds of communistic thoughts which Ánanda Márga does not support.

To make the matter worse, the article sprinkles some Prout teachings to further confuse the readers. The mixing of leftist communist teachings with Proutistic teachings can make the reader think that the article writer is explaining national issues in the Proutistic context. But this is not so. The article is written by a communist Infiltrator pretending to be Proutistic but in reality is attempting to propagate the leftist communist ideals.

The ongoing student movements supporting secession based on communist philosophy are deeply flawed and are a waste of energy of young minds. Instead, these young minds should cultivate national unity based on anti-exploitation sentiment.  Such a fight against exploitation will promote and protect national unity. And once that is achieved, in the long term, developing a positive mindset of spirituality will create to a rock solid proto-spiritual sentiment with which a new world order based on one spiritual inheritance can be established. This alone is the solution.

In Him,

Note 1. The communist student protest against the capital punishment sentencing of 2001 Indian Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru (2). The leaders of this protesting student body were arrested on the charges of sedition. The two issues, namely, anti-India slogans and arrests that took place after that caused controversy.
[Courtesy Wikipedia] The 2001 Indian Parliament attack was an attack at the Parliament of India in New Delhi on 13 December 2001. The perpetrators were Lashkar-e-Taiba (Let) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorists.[1][3] The attack led to the deaths of five terrorists, six Delhi Police personnel, two Parliament Security Service personnel and a gardener, in total 14[4] and to increased tensions between India and Pakistan, resulting in the 2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff.[5]  [Courtesy Wikipedia]

Note 2. English Translation of Hindi Prout Magazine excerpt: “The question is what is and what isn’t anti-national. Is a peaceful movement for demanding secession from state anti-national? Those who say that it is anti-national are wrong.”
Source: Prout April 2016, Page 18.

The Prout Hindi magazine article does not directly mention communism or the term “left” anywhere-- which may make an unsuspecting reader wrongly think that the article’s writer is not supporting communism. However, it is well known that the JNU communist student group is leftist and the students are calling for the secession of Kashmir from India, a platform supported by communists-- and the article is openly supporting this student group. In addition the article refers to Annadurai who was a communist leader and is alluding to his separatist movement as a proper one. Thus it is proved that the article is supporting communist ideas of dividing the Indian nation-- and doing so in the guise of Ánanda Márga (as the article is published in a leading AM magazine Prout).

(1) आन्दोलन के द्वारा छात्र एक नये संविधान की मांग करें (Students should demand for a new constitution via revolution), page 18-19, April 2016, Prout Hindi Magazine.
(2) Talks on Prout
(3) To the Patriots, Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 4, 1st edition

For Further Study

Prout Unmasks Evil Deeds of the Communist Party in India

Prout in a Nutshell 19

“The Government of West Bengal has failed to curb this secessionist movement. Its only business is to divert this movement into animosity against the Central Government to try and procure some advantage in the elections. Whatever may be the objectives of the communists, the people of West Bengal have understood their selfish intentions. The law-abiding citizens of West Bengal are extremely concerned with the rapes, murders, police firings and large-scale violence which has occurred recently.”

“In fact, the Gorkhaland issue is not an isolated political problem of a particular ethnic community, but an artificial issue initially created by the undivided Communist Party of India and their agents. In 1977 the Marxists, with the sole intention of grabbing political power in West Bengal, began to arouse the Gorkha sentiment by demanding autonomy for the Gorkhas and the recognition of the Gorkhali language. The foolish, narrow-minded politcal leaders could not realize that their spurious policies would one day boomerang on them. Strangely, the communists are now trying to avoid the poisonous tree of Gorkhaland which they themselves planted. With their characteristic cunningness, they are trying to mislead the population of West Bengal by claiming that the Central Government is inspiring this secessionist movement.”

“Let the historic role of the communist party vis-a-vis the Gorkhaland movement be exposed! In 1947 the Communist Party, in collaboration with the communal and secessionist Muslim League, raised the slogan for the partition of West Bengal. At the same time they also raised the slogan for the formation of a separate land for the Gorkhas. In fact, the term “Gorkhaland” is 40 years old and was last used by the Indian communists. The communist party demanded that Gorkhaland should comprise Sikhim, parts of Nepal and a few districts of North Bengal, including Darjeeling. This would be the separate homeland of the Gorkhas. In order to create a solid political base amongst the Gorkhas, the communists raised the Gorkhaland issue, but at that time the movement was not very effective.”

“In 1977, when the communists came to power in West Bengal, the old political leaders of the Marxist Communist Party revived the old Gorkhaland sentiment which has now transformed the northern part of the state into a land of utter chaos and bloodshed. Innocent, peace-loving Bengalees are now fleeing from their houses in Darjeeling in terror, and becoming refugees in the adjoining districts of Coochbihar, Jalpaiguri, etc. In their home state, the Bengalees are virtually refugees. But the Gorkhas, who are the real outsiders, are demanding that the Bengalees quit Darjeeling.” (Prout in a Nutshell 19)

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

Monday, May 9, 2016

Why this photo is spurious

© Material 2016 
This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Junk in magazine of Ananda Marga
2. Comment: Re: Faulty sadhana can harm
3. PS #0422: बाबा तुम मेरे ऊपर कुपा करो।
4. Important Teaching: Rich do crime but poor punished
5. Links

Junk in magazine of Ananda Marga

Note: This letter is only for those who care about Baba’s teachings.

All know that Sadguru Baba has blessed us with tantrika diiksa and bestowed upon us the highest system of meditation. Ananda Marga sadhana is the gold standard.

Sadguru Baba says, “You have learnt a well-ordered system of meditation and other spiritual practices based on dharma.” (1)

Sadguru Baba says, “Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (2)

So Ananda Marga sadhana is unparalleled and represents the highest values and attainment in spirituality. And our Ananda Marga magazines are designed to highlight the purity and authenticity of our meditation system and yoga postures. Unfortunately, the Bhakta Samaj magazine failed to live up to this standard. Instead of showing the greatness of Ananda Marga meditation, they have presented Ananda Marga sadhana as just being one more bogus form of fake yoga fashion.

Here below is the photo that a recent Bhakta Samaj magazine selected to epitomise our Ananda Marga sadhana posture. Please continue reading to see how problematic this is. Points are enlisted below the photo.

Bhkata Samaj (Jan 2016) page 38

In case you did not read this prior, the above fake photo was prominently displayed in a recent edition of the Bhakta Samaj magazine, i.e. the Dada Santoshananda magazine. These following points clearly depict how this bogus photo epitomises fake yoga and not the dharma of Ananda Marga sadhana.

B. Samaj magazine spreads rubbish

#1: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo has his legs backwards or opposite in padmasana - with the wrong leg on top.

Sadguru Baba says, “Padmásana (lotus posture): Place the right foot on the left thigh.....” (3)

But in the above photo the fake yoga person is doing it completely backwards. The correct process is to first place the right foot on the left thigh but in the above photo the person started in the opposite manner. First they placed the left foot on the right thigh and that is bogus. When starting with the wrong leg then naturally the second leg will also be wrong. So this is 100% backwards from Guru’s directive. And the Santoshananda magazine editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. Even then the fake yoga display from the photo in the Bhakta Samaj magazine does not end here. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#2: In padmasana the sadhaka should lay their hands in the lap - with the right hand overlapping the left. But in the above photo the persons has his hands on his knees. That is wrong and contrary to the Ananda Marga guidelines on padmasana. But unfortunately the Bhakta Samaj editors have displayed this bogus photo as the ideal way to sit in padmasana.

#3: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is touching the thumb and index finger on both hands. This is a dead giveaway that this is fake yoga. In our Ananda Marga posture of tantric meditation we never put out fingers in that type of position. But the Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. Even then the fake yoga display from the photo in the Dada Santoshananda magazine does not end here. Following is the next hypocrisy.

False info given to Readers

#4: The Bhakta Samaj magazine is in Hindi only so most readers will be from the Indian subcontinent. Yet the editors selected a person with lily white skin to put on display - further infusing a cultural inferiority complex upon Hindi speakers etc. Already, since the British rule, India has surrendered itself to European dominance and western values. And this photo further cements this idea in the minds of Hindi readers.

#5: And verily if one looks at this photo more minutely, they will see countless flaws / dogmas - but I am stopping here...

So for all of the above reasons and more, the above bogus photo which the Dada Santoshananda magazine chose is just fake yoga, not Ananda Marga sadhana.

And the astonishing thing is that it is so easy to get a photo of any Dada, Didi or margii performing tantric meditation. There is no shortage of sadhakas in our Ananda Marga family. And these days it is so easy to take a picture. In that case those Bhakta Samaj editors could have easily created a proper visual representation of Ananda Marga meditation. But this they did not do.

Propagation of false things in the name of Ananda Marga magazine

Instead he Dada Santoshananda magazine editors chose this bogus, fake yoga photo. Those editors can best explain why they did like this. But the truth is that the damage is already done. These magazines are a vital component of our Ananda Marga pracara program. Yet the sincere seeker who sees this fake yoga photo will think that our Ananda Marga is just one more brand in the scrapheap of the fake yoga movement. All because this bogus photo completely betrays our authentic Ananda Marga system of tantra yoga postures / meditation. So it is a real shame. We have something dharmic and meaningful to share with sincere aspirants yet this fake yoga photo shows us as being something else - i.e. something superficial and fake.

When I first saw this done in the name of Marga Guru then at first my heart sank - I thought how these editors could have done like this. They will destroy Ananda Marga. People will think we are just a fake yoga outfit - not a true tantrika movement. Then after a few moments, the idea came that there are many right thinking margiis & wts who will properly convey the authenticity of our Ananda Marga sadhana system and related postures. But such blunders with this Bhakta Samaj magazines should end - we have to save Baba's teachings.

Seeing this photo, how will the common people will think that Ananda Marga is not revolution; rather they will think it is a fake yoga outfit.

In Him,
Ratnesh Singh

Note: (a) Everybody knows, according to Ananda Marga standard and Caryacarya, the bogus image displayed above is a depiction of fake yoga. (b) If you are interested to see the aforesaid magazine page, please write us. (c) By the way, some naive persons claim that Dada Santoshananda is not the real doer and that the real culprits are his staff. Whatever may be, but as long as his name is still listed as the magazine editor, then he will be held responsible.

Fake Yoga Photo: Bhakta Samaj magazine (Jan 2016, p.38)

Ac Santoshananda Avt - Editor - As the editor he is most responsible for this sin.

Partially Responsible Parties

These following post-holders are partially responsible:

Shrii Madhava Pandey - Co-Editor
Shrii Vikesh Beniwal - Associate Editor
Shrii Arjun Narayan Choudhary - Working Editor
Shrii Madhavi Dani - Organising Editor
Shrii Hariprasad Vishwash - Sub-Editor

Shrii Nishant Ketu - Advisor

Editorial Board:
Ac Susmitananda
Shrii Ramlal Dani
Shrii Trilok Singh

Strange - why these sincere margiis are supporting this fake yoga display

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request these below listed good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. This magazine is presenting

So if any margiis supports this magazine, they will have to face the consequences of the cosmic operative principle - so watch out.  Below is the list of some of the names listed on the editor’s page.

Shrii Ramkesh Choudhary
Shrii Kumar Akhilesh
Shrii Jagadiish Bhala - Kanpur
Shrii Rajiiv -
Shrii Suman Kumar Jha
Shrii Yashpal Singh Chauhan - Uttarakhand
Shrii Tulsi Ram Patel - Chattisgarh
Shrii Shantaram Choudhary - Lucknow
Dr Rakesh - Sahajanavan (Gorakhpur)
Dr Chandreshvar Prasad (Patna)
Shrii Piyusa (Bettiah)
Shrii Praveen (Samastipur)
Shrii Guru Prasad (Banka)
Shrii Ravi Shankar (Bhagalpur)

A call to all margiis: Please ask these above margiis to think twice before supporting this anti-dharmic work, i.e. propagating pseudo-culture which is against Ananda Marga.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Opposition to Dharma Will Certainly Invite Destruction
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
3. Caryacarya - 3, Asanas, point #34

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

== Section 2: Comment ==

Hypocritical display of sadhana can harm you

There is one Dada R who used to position himself in sadhana in the early dawn hours right along the path where people would be walkiing or going somewhere. This was all his superficial show that he was doing great and intense sadhana. Because the reality is that all along he had one love affair going on with one didi. They were dying for each other and in meditation Dada R would sit and plan about her. Ultimately it was all exposed but he was trying hard to maintain his hypocritical approach in hopes that it would work. If you want the full name of this dada then write us. Also bear in mind that he is not the only one who does like this.

This entire letter is about how some do a fake display or show of sadhana. But it does not mean that those who are crude / corrupt are great just because they do not indulge in fake sadhana. They may not be doing any sadhana at all - they may be completely debauched. So fake sadhana alone is not the only factor. To determine the greatness of anyone’s character, then one must see their conduct on a daily ongoing basis. Always be vigilant to review their conduct.

One very important thing to watch is that in India the general populace does not care about the conduct of monks. The general public thinks that wearing a saffron robe is enough, and for that reason those people give maximum money, support, and reverence to those in saffron. But in His teachings Baba condemns this approach. Baba says to see the conduct. If hypocrites and fake wts are worshipped as being great then AMPS will become bed-ridden very soon.

in Him,

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Faulty sadhana can harm

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा तुम मेरे ऊपर कुपा करो।

प्रभात संगीत 422 कृपा करो प्रभु कृपा करो...


हे प्रभु! तुम मेरे ऊपर कुपा करो। अपने करुणामय हाथों  से मुझे डोग्मा (भाव जड़ता ) की इस कालकोठरी से बाहर निकाल लो।

हे परमपुरुष! तुम अपने इस संसार को अधिक सुंदर बना दो, और तुम अपने इस छन्द की मनमोहक माया को नृत्य और लय में और नचाओ। मेरी आॅंखों को अपनी दिव्य आभा का दर्शन करा दो ।

हे बाबा! तुम अपने सार्वभौमिक मन को  और अधिक विस्तारित कर दो । तुम अपनी मधुर रागनियोंको सभी तरफ फैला दो। तुम अपने भाव में  अपने चिंतन में  मुझे और अधिक डुबो दो।  हे प्रभु! मुझ से दूर न जाओ मेरे निकट और साथ में ही सदा रहो।

हे बाबा! मेरे ऊपर कृपा करो और मुझे अपना बना लो। (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 4: Important Links ==

Rich do crime but poor punished

Prout philosophy states, “Most of the evils that occur in society are created due to the exploitation carried out by the vaeshyas. In order to increase the size of their bank balances, the vaeshyas create an artificial scarcity of such items as food, clothing and other essential commodities, and then earn a profit by black marketeering. Those who do not have the capacity to purchase commodities at exorbitant prices steal, commit armed robberies and engage in other criminal activities in order to obtain the minimum requirements of their lives. Poor people deprived of food and clothing work as the agents of the greedy vaeshyas engaged in black marketeering and smuggling. When these poor people are caught, they are the ones who get punished, while the vaeshyas escape thanks to the power of their money. Such ill-fated poor people lose their consciences and descend deeper into sin. Society condemns these sinners, while the rich vaeshyas, the instigators of the sinners, play the role of public leaders. They wear garlands, set off verbal fireworks, and shrilly exhort the masses to make greater sacrifices.” (1)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age

== Section 5: Links ==

Saturday, May 7, 2016

BP post unjustly snatched away + History of destruction of margii rights & 3 more


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: BP post unjustly snatched away
2. Posting: History of destruction of margii rights
3. PS #2227With my own strength I will not be able to get You
4. Important Teaching: Forcibly converted is needed
5. Links

BP post unjustly snatched away


Case #1: BP Mr. Piyush Majhi

Shameful facts of divergence of BP regulations to demolish the margii rights  by avoiding the original BP manual given by Parama Purusa BABA.   
Place: Howrah, West Bengal Year: 2014.

Now we are passing our organisational life in very critical situation of Ananda Marga society where some power monger and groupist WTs are playing ducks & dracks with the jurisdictions of grihii margii. Here is one of the incident of Howrah district in WB. In 2013 BP(G) election, Mr. Piyush Majhi was elected by the voters of Howrah Bhukti. Majhi was / is a very active and devoted margii. But there was the obstruction due to his revolutionary attitude. He protest against the illegal selection of PP (Ac Kinshuk jo) by deviating from caryacarya in spite of stay order given by court. This is the cause of divergence of Mr. Piyush Majhi as a BP in whimsically & illegal way.

Ac Kalyaneshvarananda Avt, Ac Mantreshvarananda Avt, Ac Trambyakeshvarananda Avt and Ac Tanmayananda Avt organised a meeting together at Ranihati, Howrah. There they announced in front of near about 200 margiis of Howrah Bhukti, "From now on Mr.Piyush Majhi was expelled from BP(G) post and from now on Mr. Bakul Roy will hold the BP (G) post.”

The total margiis samaj was astonished by this announcement. Margiis demanded to know by which law, Mr. Piyush Majhi was expelled from BP (G) post. These WTs  argued that Centre (AMPS) can do this. 80% of the margiis supported Mr.Piyush Majhi. So, after that incident there was no BP election held. In 2016, Mr. Subrata Saha was announced orally as a BP(G) of Howrah Bhukti.

So this is the appeal to every margii brothers & sisters: let us come together to fight against this sinful act and to re-establish the margii rights. 

Case #2: BP Shrii Bhabani Sankar Ghosh

Next I highlight on another incident where the bhukti pradhan of Paschim Medinipur (Midnapur) bhukti was to resign forcefully by Ac Kalyaneshvarananda Avt.

In Paschim Medinipur bhukti, at present there are 35 Ananda Marga schools and all are run by Kolkata group. The BP of this bhukti is Shrii Bhabani Sankar Ghosh who is very dedicated and devoted margii. So many times he was awarded as a best BP in DMS. He took the initial steps to build and develop all the 35 schools.

Sri Bhabani Sankar Ghosh has been a margii since 1969 and he has always been very ideological and honest. But he is not a “yes man” of Kolkata group. So Ac Kalyaneshvarananda Avt spread a rumour that the BP of Paschim Medinipur bhukti Sri Bhabaniji is a culprit and who collects money in the name of Ananda Marga schools but he takes this money for his own personal interest.

After this incident BP Bhabaniji submit all the receipt and the documents and as he maintains the account in a nice way so that he proved there was no no mistake or guilt from his side. But this allegation and rumour spread by Ac Kalyaneshvarananda Avt hurt the BP so much that he resigned from his BP post. Actually Kolkata group wanted to select a BP (in 2016 BP election) in Paschim Medinipur who would work for the Kolkata administration like a puppet. So this type of conspiracy was done against BP(G) of Paschim Medinipur.

But the margiis of Paschim Medinipur bhukti protested against this rumour spread by Ac Kalyaneshvarananda Avt, and they demanded justice. So the BP election in Paschim Medinipur bhukti has been postponed till now.

In Him,
Anindya Datta

== Section 2: Topic ==

History of destruction margii rights

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "We should always respect our ideology if we are to become true human beings. The ideologist is a man who always acts according to his ideology. If by following the ideology, the older people become unhappy or condemn me, I will not care. If by following an ideology I die and die again, let it be. I will not care. I will stick to my ideology." (1)

Ideological transgressions by central Wts in Ananda Marga

Here is a comprehensive listing of margii rights and common ideological points that have been perpetrated in our Ananda Marga

1. The destruction of BP rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual by Dada Rudrananda and Dada Sarvatmananda, supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada  Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc.
2. Political expulsion invented and used by Dadas Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda.

3. The ruination of the ACB system by putting “yes men” on the post by both Dada Rudrananda and Dada Sarvatmananda.

4. The curtailment of margii rights with no scope to protest in writing or discussion etc. This was first enacted by Dada Sarvatmananda and later by Dada Rudrananda. Plus this was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc.

5. The agenda to exploit margiis by imposing dogmatic pilgrimages / tiirthas in Ananda Nagar, Kolkata, & Jamalpur. Once again, this was invented by Dada Sarvatmananda and quickly emulated by Dada Rudrananda - and supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda, and Dada Vandanananda etc.

6. The introduction of the dogmatic mahaprayan of Sadguru Baba. This was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

7. The Bangalisation of Ananda Marga discourses spearheaded by Dada Sarvatmananda.
(a) Countless intentional scriptural distortions were done such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if those discourses were given by Baba in English or Hindi.
(b) Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy DMC discourses which were given by Baba in three languages; this was ordered by Dada Sarvatmananda.
(c) H group prints and sells those defective books that were ruined by Bangalisation - by the order of Dada Rudrananda. ===all these A,B,C== have been supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda , Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

8. The victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out. This was standard protocol by Dada Sarvatmananda and Dada Rudrananda, and this was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda, and Dada Vandanananda etc.

9. The physical attacks of Wts ordered by Dada Rudrananda and Dada Sarvatmananda.

10. Not recognising silent action as a fundamental right. This was enacted by both Dadas Rudrananda and Sarvatmananda. And this was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

11. The construction of dogmatic memorials and tiirthas to limit omnipresent Sadguru Baba to a particular land or place, such as Jamalpur, Tiljala, and Ananda Nagar. This was done by both Dadas  Rudrananda and Sarvatmananda. This was supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc

12. The insertion of the dogmatic Mahaprayan Divas into Caryacarya part 1 Appendix - approved of by all Central Committee purodhas - under the terror and threat of gang leader, Dada Sarvatmananda. This was and supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda , Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda, and Didi Ananda Giita  etc.

Ista and Adarsha are the most important things in life. And that is what our svastika flag represents. And that is our victory in life - not the victory of dogma.

Baba’s holy teachings

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Let those well-versed in ethics criticize me or praise me, as they so desire; let Lakśmii, the goddess of wealth, either be gracious enough (because of my activities) to reside in my house, or, if she prefers, go elsewhere; let death visit me today or decades later. It makes little difference to me. Wise people will never withdraw from the path of ideology, the path which they accept as their ideal." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "What am I going to do regarding the mission of life? If logicians and philosophers condemn me, saying, “That is a very bad man,” let them say this. Or if, due to my movement towards my goal, a certain portion of society appreciates my action, let them appreciate it – it won’t affect me. I won’t be assailed by such appreciations. And if, due to my action, Lakśmii (Lakśmii is the mythological goddess of riches) comes and resides in my house, it is good. If Lakśmii says, “No, I will quit you forever, I won’t remain with you.” that is, you will have to suffer from poverty, let Lakśmii quit my house: And if, due to my course of action, due to my ideology, Pluto, that is, the god of death, comes and says, “I’ll take you,” let Pluto do it! I don’t care! Or if, due to my course of action, due to my ideology, I am forced to live here for an indefinite period, I am ready to live here. You know life becomes boring if one lives for a long period, but I am ready to undergo that boredom, that monotony, for the sake of my ideology." (3)

Hold the flag of ideology upright

Ananda Marga ideology states, "O' human beings, be established in the radiance of divinity and the splendour of valour and chivalry, because yours is the path of revolution. Your path is not the path of extra caution and scheduled movement. You are the traveller of a rugged path. You are travellers of an impregnable path. You have to march ahead proudly with the flag of Marga upright. You have no time to stagger or to look behind." (4)


The overall guideline is that we are to hold firm to the ideological fundamentals of Ananda Marga irrespective of any worldly situation. Whether we are praised, whether our friends try to lure us away, regardless of any circumstance we are to remain with ideology and never compromise. Thus in our organisational life we must take a firm stand against those who have undermined and contravened the ideological principles of Ananda Marga. We must not compromise with those few Wt Dadas who have altered Guru’s teachings etc. There is no other option.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,


* All those many Wts in Centre those days were all complicit in the above acts. Because this is a long list and as many have since died, and many not, we are not enlisting all those names. But all were involved and willingly gave their support to such unideological misdeeds associated with the curtailment of margii rights etc.

If anyone compromises on points of ideology

If any person does not understand the fact that ideology is everything in life, then such a person is really just an infant in Ananda Marga - regardless of their worldly age. If such persons want to make a pact with unideological people, then they are going against Baba's fundamental principle of no compromise on points of ideology. 

The issuing of Fake Ananda Vaniis two times per year. This was first enacted by Dadas Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda, and supported by most central Wts of that pre-division era of AMPS like Dada Ramananda, Dada Keshavananda, Dada Parmeshvarananda and Dada Vandanananda etc .

1. 23 November 1971 DMC, Purnea
2. Namami Krsnasundaram Disc: 2
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - part 12
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 1

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

With my own strength I will not be able to get You

"Jyoti-ujjval pra'n'occhal tumi priyo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2229)


O' Parama Purusa, You are the Divine Controller of this vast universe. You are the brilliant effulgence - full of vitality & saturated & with the love. You are my Dearmost. By Your own glory You are glorified. You are ever-adorable. You are my Dearest, You are my Dearest.

O' Parama Purusa, in so many ways I want to bind You in the bond of affection, but I do not have the strength to catch hold of You. With my little strength and with whatever means I have, I try to catch You - but it is impossible for me. Instead I remain engrossed in my own self - unit "I". This 'unit I' is preventing me from coming close to You. Baba, please transform my 'I-feeling', make it Yours. 

O' Parama Purusa, with my own strength I will not be able to get You. With the thread of the spider's web I will not be able to bind You and hold You. Please grace me, and allow Yourself to get held. This is my only request to You. Baba Please keep this request in Your mind. 

O' Parama Purusa, in my mind & in my heart, I have deep longing for You - to have You. Please grant me this by Your causeless grace. Baba, please come in my shravan, manan, niddidhyasan, & dhyana and make me Yours...

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Forcibly converting is deadly

Prout philosophy states, “The second inviolable principle is that people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. People will not leave a religion if it is able to guide them properly on the path of Dharma. However, if a religion has a narrow outlook or contains some defective teachings, such as supporting the caste system or oppressing the poor, then people will naturally become disillusioned with it. The followers of other religions will take advantage of these defects and forcibly convert them...”

Prout philosophy states, “Such incidents made the priests in eastern India realize that soon all the Brahmans would be converted to Islam. One priest called Devi Bar Ghatak from Mallálpur in the Birbhum district of Bengal, devised a strategy to prevent people being excommunicated. He argued that instead of excommunicating people who had been compelled to violate the tenets of Hinduism, they should be given the status of a special community within the Hindu religion. For example, families from which a girl had been abducted became one community, those who had been forced to take onions or beef became another community, etc. The members of these communities were permitted to marry amongst themselves and engage in normal social relations. This system was called the Melbandhan system, and it saved the Brahmin community of Bengal from conversion to Islam. Although the Kayastha community of Bengal did not accept the Melbandhan system, they accepted its inner spirit, and there after they did not excommunicate any of their members.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

Thursday, May 5, 2016

PK Chatterjee, Candranathji, mahaprayan + 4 more


This email contains five sections:

1. Posting:
PK Chatterjee, Candranathji, mahaprayan 
2. PS #4628: No matter how alluring the worldly attractions 
3. PS #3776:
मैं साॅंसारिक वस्तुओं की चाह में, मरीचिका के मृग की भाॅंति भटकता रहा
4. Important Teaching:
This proves that the people were well acquainted with
5. Links

PK Chatterjee, Candranathji, mahaprayan

Everyone has their own mindset and with that mental outlook they express themselves.

For instance, various people have their own way of describing Baba. Indira Gandhi characterized Him as a violent revolutionary who was a threat to her reign; the communists and political leaders thought He had the black magic to attract followers so they viewed Him Baba was a threat to their party ; bhaktas think He is Parama Purusa; and some groupists have their own style. It all depends upon one's mindset.

Let's look at a correspondence from long ago in order to gain insight into a particular mindset that is still prevalent today.

PK Chatterjee’s use of  mahaprayan

In the post 1990 era, Ac Candranthji requested Pranay Kumar Chatterjee (aka Rtambar) to write him about his experiences with Baba, realisations in sadhana, as well as what circumstances led him to leave the Marga.

As many will recall, PK Chatterjee was the first General Secretary of AMPS who worked tirelessly for AM in the early years. And then, in this Divine liila, PK Chatterjee drifted away from Ananda Marga for many years. Even then, we should not think of him as just an ordinary citizen - he still had devotional feeling for Baba.

So Candranathji wrote him to learn the details and gather the history of those early days with Baba.

In his reply, PK Chatterjee wrote Candranathji about his entire history in Ananda Marga. And when talking about his laukik family, PK Chatterjee wrote in his letter on page 3 about the day that his mother died. To express that event, PK Chatterjee, a native Bengali speaker, used the word "mahaprayan". That was how he described his laukik mother's death - i.e. mahaprayan.

Then, in his book of 2006, Ham Nahin Bhu'lenge (We Will Never Forget), Ac Candranathji recounts this aspect of PK Chatterjee's life, and on page 24 he also used the term "mahaprayan" to refer to the death of PK Chatterjee's laukik mother.

Mindset of Dada Sarvatmananda & MPD

Here the point is that the term "mahaprayan" is the normal word Bengali speaking people use to describe the death of a human being, such as PK Chatterjee's mother. Indeed, PK Chatterjee himself used this word, as did Ac Candranathji.

The mahaprayan term then is not some special devotional term to describe the physical departure of Taraka Brahma. No doubt, Dada Sarvatmananda is selling the term as such and he himself coined the mahaprayan term in Ananda Marga. But the fact remains it is a term used regularly for the death of human being. That is its usage in Bengali.

The fact that Sarvatmananda has used such an ordinary and common term for Baba speaks more about Dada Sarvatmananda's own mindset than Baba's true stature. In his groupist paradigm, Sarvatmananda has less regard for Baba; that is why Dada Sarvatmananda has repeatedly indulged in distorting AM books etc. No one who has great reverence for Baba as being the Parama Purusa would do such a thing like purposefully ruin Baba's original discourses. But Dada Sarvatmananda did. And it is with that same mindset that Sarvatmananda has applied a word, i.e. mahaprayan, to describe the physical departure of Taraka Brahma.

By understanding Sarvatmananda's mindset, we can understand his actions like the invention of the mahaprayan term and function. And we can also understand whether we should support such things, or not.

As disciples of Baba we should think carefully. Just as we do not rally around the way that Indira Gandhi or the communists have described Baba, similarly we should use our viveka before rallying around the way certain groupists have classified Baba by their term, "mahaprayan".

Not to be swayed by dirty agendas

According to Baba, so many groupists and jinanis come onto this earth with their own personal agendas and narrow-minded objectives. The dogma of the mahaprayan program is one such example. Baba warns us about such things again and again.

Maha'jano yena gatah sah pantha'

Baba says, "So many scriptures say so many things, and they are sometimes contradictory to one another. Now what to do? What is an ordinary man to do? Whom to follow and whom not to follow? “Smrtayoh vibhinna'h”. There are so many social codes in the world. Whom to follow and whom not to follow? And amongst intellectuals [and groupists] there are so many – there are diversities of opinion. One intellectual doesn’t [[carry]], doesn’t recommend, doesn’t support, the views of others. And
it is the greatest weakness of intellectuals [and groupists] that they always encourage disunity. They always support heterogeneity. And one spiritual aspirant, once upon a time, remarked that these intellectuals [and groupists] are polished satans." (1)

Life is too short to be swayed by the mindset and agenda of various groupists. They will always try to lure you away from dharma and into their own camp. That is what groupists do. They will take a mundane term like mahaprayan and try to project it as being one great spiritual event. When in fact the term mahaprayan is just an ordinary word. Yet they have hijacked this word for their own agenda and applied it to Baba. We are not to be guided by such persons. We are to follow the practical yogi - those who have dyed their hearts and minds in His colour, not in the trappings of any groupist strategy.


The ways that both PK Chatterjee and Ac Candranathji employed the term mahaprayan in their writings show that this word is just meant to depict the death of human beings only.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Whenever dharma comes into a secondary position, a degraded position, a depraved position; that is, dharma is being defeated by adharma in that temporary phase of the war – finally dharma wins, but you know, a war is divided into several phases, and each and every phase is known as a battle. So in one battle, adharma may win, in another battle, dharma may win, but finally, as a result of the final fight of the war, dharma wins. Hence, O human beings, do not get scared, light is sure to come after darkness." (3)

In Him,

How do you feel about their ignorance

When our avadhutas acaryas give initiation, or revise anyone’s lessons, or give further lessons of sadhana, our Dadas say, “I am just a medium - Sadguru Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you and He is ever-present."

So in one breath our Wt dadas say that Sadguru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is guiding you and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan. That is both hypocritical and sinful. Hypocritical because they are telling one thing and doing something else. They are telling that Guru is no more in their mahaprayan program, yet when teaching sadhana they are relying on Him. And it is sinful because it is abusive against Guru.

It is similar to your own children playing before you and talking among themselves that, “My mother is dead.” As a mother, how will you feel. And not only that, they go one step ahead, before your eyes they started commemorating your annual death day ceremony

How do you feel about their ignorance?

True bhaktas never participate in the dogmatic annual death day ceremony / mahaprayan of the ever-present God. That is against pre-1990 Caryacarya.”

How long will we allow Guru to be insulted and put down in this way.

Muslim & mahaprayan

According to the Muslim perspective, the Lord resides in the 7th sky, i.e. 7th heaven. Going to that place is very far. That means leaving the earth's atmosphere, through the stratosphere, and far beyond the moon deep into outer space to the very imaginary, top of the sky. It is a grand journey - far beyond any other. So that journey they call mahaprayan. Thus when any Muslim dies and they begin the journey to that distant abode of God, it is called mahaprayan.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Advent of the Lord

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

No matter how alluring the worldly attractions & attachments may be

"Bha'lobesechi a'mi toma'y, jar'ata'r yato a'hva'n..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4628)


O' Parama Purusa, No matter how alluring the worldly attractions & attachments may be; no matter how much they call out to me and try to pull me, in my heart I know that this is not Your divine attraction, because  I love You. By Your grace, I understand that these fleeting temptations will not bring me under Your divine shelter.

Whatever flowers are blossoming today, tomorrow they will wither away. The mala which was smiling in vibrant colours, tomorrow it will become one with the dust. This is how this changing, panoramic universe unfolds; this is the way this transitory world works. This is Your divine liila. Nothing in this world is permanent. O' Parama Purusa, You have graciously made me understand this spiritual truth.

O' Parama Purusa, when the dark night ends then the shining and glittering moon sadly becomes faded and faint. It loses its charm. Baba, in the most loving and beautiful way, in the end ultimately everything gets its place at Your lotus feet. That is the final stance of this grand creation.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, You have made me understand that all these worldly attractions do not lead unto You. You have graciously given me samvit [1] and awakened me to the fact that these worldly allurements are not meaningful. Baba, all this is Your unfathomable divine grace...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4628:

[1] Samvit: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Brahma Cakra

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मैं साॅंसारिक वस्तुओं की चाह में, मरीचिका के मृग की भाॅंति भटकता रहा

प्रभात संगीत 3776 प्रियतम अमार घरे एशो , आलोय पूर्ण कोरे...


हे मेरे परमप्रिय! हे परमपुरुष! कृपा कर मेरे घर आओ, और मेरे  मन की युगों पुरानी इच्छा पूरी कर दो। मेरे ऊपर कृपा कर दो और मेरी चाहत को परितृप्त कर दो। कृपा कर अपनी मधुर मुस्कान और हृदय-स्पर्शी आकर्षक होठों के साथ आ जाओ। मेरे हृदय को अपनी कृपा से भर दो।

हे परम सत्ता ! मैं तुमसे कुछ नहीं चाहता , मैं तो अपना सब कुछ तुम्हें ही देना चाहता हॅूं, अपने आप को देकर तुम्हारी सैकड़ों प्रकार की राग रागनियों में तुम्हारे ही ध्यान में डूब जाना चाहता हॅूं। मैं तो उस रास्ते पर चलना चाहता हॅूं जो तुम्हें सबसे अच्छा लगता है। हे परम पुरुष! मैं तुम्हारे श्रवण ,मनन, कीर्तन, ध्यान, जप और निदिध्यासन में डूबा रहना चाहता हॅूं। हे परमपुरुष! कृपा कर मेरे घर आओ, और मेरे मन की युगों पुरानी इच्छा पूरी कर दो।

 इसके पहले मैं साॅंसारिक वस्तुओं की चाह में, मरीचिका के मृग की भाॅंति भटकता रहा, और बहुत सा समय व्यर्थ ही खर्च कर डाला। मैं अनेक प्रकार की भावजड़ता से प्रभावित होकर, अस्थायी और क्षणभंगुर प्रलोभनों को स्थायी समझकर उनके पीछे भागता रहा। हे बाबा! मैं अनेक प्रकार की भावजड़ताओं को प्रचारित भी करता रहा। कुछ लोगों को छोटा, कुछ को बड़ा मानकर ऊंच-नीच की भिन्नताओं और असमानाताओं को प्रचारित कर, जाति-भेद  को अनावश्यक महत्व देता रहा।  इस प्रकार मेरा समय और धन ही नहीं, पूरा जीवन ही नष्ट हो गया। हे प्रभु मेरी कुटिया में आकर मेरी युगों पुरानी चाहत को तृप्त कर दो।

हे बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं समझ गया हॅूं कि तुम ही यथार्थ सत्य हो, कृपा कर मेरे पास आओ , मैं तुम्हें ही चाहता हॅूूं।

टिप्पणी- श्रवण अर्थात् परम पुरुष के नाम को लगातार सुनना। मनन अर्थात् परम पुरुष के नाम का ही लगातार चिंतन करना। निदिध्यासन अर्थात् उन्हीं का सदा सर्वदा ध्यान करना। वे  गूढ़ हैं और मानव अस्तित्व की गहराई में छिपे हैं। इस लिये उन्हें पाने के लिये गहरी अंतरदृष्टि विकसित करना चाहिये।

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

This proves that the people were well acquainted with

Baba says, "There is a very interesting example of surgery. The cousin of Krsna (the son of the sister of Lord Krsna's father) was Jarasandha, the king of Magadha, with his capital at Rajgir. At the time of the birth of Jarasandha, the child bad to be cut out of the womb. People saw this child and threw it in the cremation ground. Then there came a very famous non-Aryan (raksasii) lady doctor known as Jara. She stitched the child in a proper surgical operation and saved it. Since the lady Jara joined (sandhi) the pieces of the child's body, the name of the child became Jarasandha. This proves that the people were well acquainted with surgery." (1)

1. Discourses of the Mahabharata, p.24

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