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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Didi Stays in Hotel with 19-Yead-Old Male #3 + 3 More


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Didi Stays in Hotel with 19-Yead-Old Male #3
2. End Quote: Never Commit This Sin
3. PS #2201: O' Parama Purusa, You Have Come
4. Links


~ Part 3 ~

Note 1: If you are attached to a certain Wt and do not care about Ananda Marga ideology or Guru's given rules and mandates then please avoid reading this letter.


Note 2: This matter is very sensitive. The sole reason for writing this letter and addressing this issue is to help those Wts rectify their conduct and improve the overall standard of our Wt cadre. If this problem is not solved, then some of the newer Wts many also adopt this negative dealing and prolong the dogma. Yet we should not let this problem mount. We must also bear in mind that many Wts - new and old - do not support the practice of boys living with Didis etc, yet they are not in position to rectify the matter. Whatever the circumstance, as Ananda Margiis it is our duty to bring this issue to the fore so it can be properly addressed and resolved.

By now, many are aware that Didi Ananda Dyotana has been keeping the 19-year-old male - Shubham - with her, and still he is living with Didiji in the jagrti. This letter further examines their relationship and outlines the harmful effects this has had both on Shubham and the organisation. Tragically, there are other similar cases which we will also review. We must put an end to this trend - otherwise this negative precedent will ruin our system for generations to come.


Everyone who was paying attention those days knows that Baba strictly forbid Didis from having boys and Dadas from having girls. Boys will be with Dadas, and girls will be with Didis. That is the clear-cut system in our Ananda Marga per Baba's mandate.


While much has been written about Didi Ananda Dyotana keeping the 19-year-old Shubham with her, still there is so much that has not been shared.

For instance, when a Wt goes to any place then naturally they will stay in the jagrti and participate in local activities and help that unit grow. Yet, allegedly, when Didi goes anywhere then 99% of the time she has Shubham with her. And one of the things they started doing is staying in hotels together instead of living and working in our Ananda Marga ashrams.

Last December (2013) they allegedly stayed for four days together at the hotel Ashoka. So even though there was a local jagrti in the area, Didi opted to stay in a hotel - in the same room. But this is not an option for our WTs; Baba has not given the system that Wt's can stay in hotels whenever they wish. Rather our Wts are to live, eat, and work in our Ananda Marga ashrams / jagrtis as far as possible - not live in hotels with the opposite sex, i.e. adult male. Unfortunately, Didi's alleged staying in a hotel with Shubham was not an isolated incident. After the New Year's DMS then again she and the 19-year-old Shubam stayed in a hotel; this time in Patna at the hotel Ananda. And when this has happened twice we can understand that this type of thing might have become their regular practice.


Yet, this is a blatant violation of WT rules and sets a bad precedent. But time and again Didi Ananda Dyotana does like this. Many allege that she even recently took Shubham with her on a summer holiday to Agra. Verily the two are inseparable and wherever they go they violate Ananda Marga policy by either staying together in a hotel or she keeps him with her in the Didis jagrti. But having a 19-year-old male living in the inner chambers of a Didi's jagrti completely spoils the sanctity. About this much has been written.

Here the point is that Didi's extreme attachment for the boy undermines her WT life and is destroying Shubham's character as well. On those few occasions that she travels without Shubham then upon arriving at her destination the first thing she does is phone Shubham and see what he is doing. Such is the extent of her attachment with this boy. Even a regular street-dweller will not be attached like this. What Didi is doing is completely unnatural and sinful.


Blinded by her attachment, Didi has spoiled Shubham terribly. She combs his hair, washes his clothes, and buys him whatever he wants whether it be something special, luxurious, or perfumed etc. Shubham knows nothing except the life of a king. He leads a luxurious existence on all fronts. Didi has completely spoiled him.

Didi allegedly treats her home girls as slaves, and makes them attend to all the chores and all the needed works. They scrub, sweep, clean, cook etc but the boy-king Shubham gets fed on a silver platter. The girls get exploited and the boy gets spoiled. That is the way Didi passes her life. What Didi is doing is completely unnatural and sinful.


I request you to kindly forward this mail to Didi Ananda Dyotana - her address has been appended below. That will force her to reconsider her actions and it will help preserve the purity of our organisation, by not setting a bad precedent for younger Didis.


Here are some of Sadguru's given conduct rules for Wts, which Didi Ananda Dyotana has taken a vow to follow. Yet she herself is defying these very rules. Didiji is hypocritically moving in saffron garb while living a life contrary to basic moral ethics and social codes.

“One should not look at the face of the opposite sex.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #15)

"Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted." (32 Rules for Avadhu'tikas, pt #30)

"...Avadhu'tika shall not engage his ears in any obscene language or songs, touch any tamasik articles, see any depraving entity or pictures, go through any story, novel, or fiction having even the slightest bit of sexual importance..." (32 Rules for Avadhu'tas, pt #32)

"You will have to protect yourself from sexual weakness..." (WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12)

In Him,


For Didiji's overall well-being, please forward this letter to her.

Didiji's email address is:

(Note: If you have a more recent address for Didiji kindly let us know.)

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Never Commit This Sin

"The pratiika [emblem of Ananda Marga] should be placed in an elevated place in the marriage hall." (Caryacarya - Part I)

In His above order, Baba gives clear reference that the pratiika must be given a prominent place in the hall during our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies. At the same time, there is no mention in Caryacarya of having Guru's photo on display.

The reason is that many non-margiis may be attending the marriage and Baba's photo should not be displayed in front of those who do not have utmost reverence for Him. Due to their ignorance and lack of understanding, those non-margii attendees may think or say something disrespectful about the photo. Seeing His picture, they may find it strange and offer a distasteful comment - which is tantamount to sin. Or at the very least they may be curious about the photo and murmur something negative about it and create bad samsakra due to their ignorance. Whatever the case, the situation is not desirable. That is why we should strictly follow Guru's mandate and not put His photo on display during our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies. 

Whereas, with the pratiika, non-margiis will positively accept it as a tantrika symbol and will have respect for it - just as every religion and organisation has their own symbol. So even if they do not know the full significance of the pratiika, they will accept it at face value and not degrade it. But that is not the case with the photo.

So to preserve the sanctity of the photo, at our Ananda Marga marriage ceremony we must not put Guru's pratikiriti [photo] on display. On this matter, we must strictly abide by the dictates of Caryacayra, and not show the photo.

Note: Those who placed the photo at the marriage ceremony will have to face the consequences. Because they created the situation where non-margiis began thinking and commenting negatively about the photo.

== Section 3 ==

~ O' Parama Purusa, You Have Come ~

"Tumi je esecho, a'lo sa'the enecho..." (PS 2201)


O' Parama Purusa, You have come and brought Your divine effulgence with You. By Your august presence, the blackness of the mind has been removed. You have graciously wiped away the staticity and cimmerian darkness from everyone’s existence. O’ Divine One, You are so gracious – You love everyone equally. You never give credence to desha’ca’r or loka’ca’r [1]; You never pay heed to worldly rituals and traditions. Overlooking all superficiality, You have come and showered Your grace.

O' Dear Lord, in the vast, infinite sky You are that single divine star that attracts everyone. Your divine rhythm makes the entire creation dance around You. The ekta'ra' (one-string instrument) of everyone's mind is being played to fully satisfy You and satiate Your heart. That sweet resonance also fills everyone's heart and mind with the thought of getting You. By Your grace You have poured hope into everyone's life.

O' Parama Purusa, please come closer and closer in new and newer form and color. O' Nutan, the eternally New One, You have given language to those who are mu'k [2] (dumb) and unable to speak. You have made everyone capable of singing and chanting the glories of the Supreme Entity. In this way You have blessed one and all.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, Your greatness and magnanimity is beyond imagination. Please remain eternally in my heart...


*Desha'ca'r & Loka'ca'r: The particular traditions of an area, country, or land are known as: desha'ca'r; and the popular or commonly followed customs of the people are known as: loka'ca'r. As we have all seen, in various countries and places there are so many social norms and rules which govern the social life. For example in some areas one can only go to someone else's house if they have an oral or written invitation, or if it has been arranged ahead of time by phone or email etc. Because with many people it is needed to inform them beforehand that you are coming. Then with that foreknowledge they can prepare everything and make all necessary arrangements such as cleaning the house, cooking nice food, and threading a garland etc. Furthermore, in some areas showing up without an invitation is disrespectful. And on the top, important people usually do not like to show up without an invitation. So there re various customs and traditions, and they all fall within the dual categories of desha'ca'r and loka'ca'r. But Parama Purusa never pays heed to such things. He is the most important One and He never cares about such social rules. Rather just by the loving heart of the devotee He gets pulled towards them-- and in that way He comes.

*Mu'k: Literally means dumb or non-verbal. In the above Prabha't Samgiita this allegory is presented. The basic meaning is that those who are mu'k or dumb who were crude or not spiritually inclined prior, but now by Baba's grace He has filled the hearts of such people with spiritual zeal and granted them devotion. So now those who were mu'k have graciously been given 'a voice' and with that they are spreading and singing His name.

== Section 4 ==


Here is the first letter in this series about Didi Ananda Dyotana & Shubham:

Here is the second letter in this series about Didi Ananda Dyotana & Shubham:

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