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Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Baba Story Must Be Consistent


This email contains two distinct sections:
1.  Posting: A Baba Story Must Be Consistent with Ananda Marga Ideology
4. Links



Every Baba story must be wholly consistent with the dictates of Ananda Marga ideology. If a story goes against the ethics of Baba's philosophical tenets, then we are left to question the veracity of the story itself.

Following we investigate a specific point from Dada D's Baba story. First we shall present the divine teachings of Ananda Marga ideology and then examine the section of the story.



In so many discourses - and in so many ways - it has been declared in unambiguous terms that one must have love for Parama Purusa. This is the basic quality of every sadhaka, of every Ananda Margii.

"The only creed of a spiritual aspirant is to love the Universal Consciousness and the creation. One must not be guided by any national, caste, linguistic or religious sentiment and must not tolerate any fissiparous tendency." (Ananda Vanii #16)

"To love Parama Puruśa and the creation is the only Dharma of spiritual aspirants. They should never be misguided by any sentiment of caste, creed or language and they should never tolerate any sense of discrimination." (Ananda Vanii #17)

"The one Dharma for this earth and the entire cosmos as well, is to love Parama Puruśa and to rush towards Him because of that love." (Ananda Marga Karma Sannyása in a Nutshell,The Duty of a Spiritualist)

"Those who want all their actions to be crowned with success should love Parama Puruśa with all their hearts." (AV-5, Spring Festival)

By all of the above teachings, it is self-evident that His distinct guideline is that every aspirant must have love for the Divine Entity - Parama Purusa.



Yet in one Baba story, Dada D claims Baba said, "I have never asked you to love me [Parama Purusa]."

So this is clearly one flaw. Because Baba's clear-cut teaching is that the dharma of every person is to love the Supreme Entity. But here Dadaji is presenting a so-called direct quote from Guru that leads in the exact opposite direction. According to Dadaji, Guru's mandate is that one need not have love for Parama Purusa.

So this is completely contradictory and will lead readers astray.

Because in Ananda Marga, bhakti, i.e. love for Parama Purusa, is the crowning jewel of human life. All other qualities and possessions may come and go, but through it all one must maintain a deeply devotional, loving link with Parama Purusa.

It is unfortunate that Dada D completely misrepresented Baba's teaching in his book. Not only that, some half-margiis will invariably accuse Baba that in His discourses He says one thing and in His personal talks He says something else. That is why Dadaji's story is a very poor show. It goes against adarsha (ideology) and Ista (Parama Purusa Baba).

The Dada who told this story is Ac Dhyaneshananda Avt. And here is that excerpt from his story for your review. It is in this section of the story that he presents this bogus notion and ascribes this false statement to Sadguru Baba.

"Baba said, "I have never asked you to love me." (Dhyaneshananda, Stories of Baba, #7, pg 10)

In Him,

== Section 2 ==


Earlier Letter About Tip & Bribe

Procession and News from Ranchi Ananda Purnima Program

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Story: Meeting With Dada #2


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. PS #401: With Rhythmic Dance And Enchanting Melody
2. Posting: Story: Meeting With Dada #2
3. End Quote: Quality of Sadvipras
4. Link


Part 2

(Note: This is the second letter in this series - a link to the first has been appended below. - Eds)

I stood there amazed and stunned by Mukunda's replies.

Then Mukunda spoke how Guru gives tests on the more personal level also.


"Citsvarupanandji was basically a good person. The only reason Dada Citsvarupanandji had so many alleged girlfriends and illicit affairs is because Guru was giving him tests. There is absolutely no sin or wrongdoing attached with Dadaji. Citsvarupanandji was fine from beginning to end - only Baba changed his (Dada C's) mind and made things like this by giving him tests. Same is the cased with the alleged sexual affairs of Hariishanandji. Likewise the first Vimalanandji who came to NY sector had so many illicit relations - but that blame goes to Guru and His system of giving tests. No wrongdoing can be attached with these Dadas."

I said, "Really, there is no wrongdoing for such Dadas?"


Mukunda replied, "Certainly not. Another key example is Dada Haratmanandji. He has a long history of allegedly swallowing up younger Didis. First he entices them, then he carries out illicit relations with them, and then he promises them the sun, moon and sky. Those Didis become so enamoured that they want to run away with Haratmananda Dada. Then Dada expresses his delight and tells them to go first and that he will join them in a few months. So the Didi leaves and Dada shuts the door on them - he never leaves. Rather he casts his eyes towards another unsuspecting Didi. Dada Haratmanandji did this with Didi Ananda Japamala and many other Didis like Didi Ananda Maetreyii. Dada Haratmanandji literally ruined their careers as avadhutikas - and most recently he has been involved with a Didi working in Nairboi sector. So always he is involved with someone. But here again, who can outrightly blame Dada Haratmanandji for this, and how can blame those Didis like Ananda Japamala and Ananda Maetreyii. Just Guru is giving them all tests - one test after another, Dadas and Didis. There is nothing more to be said about this."

Hearing this, I said, "Are you sure that Guru gives tests like this?"


Dada countered, "Of course I am sure. I could not be more sure. I am 1000% certain because there are other Dadas in this same boat. Guru gave them tests like this also. Both Paramananda and Mahitoshananda also allegedly got involved in physical relationships with Didis and ruined their careers. In particular, Dada Paramanandji brought one Didi very close and promised to live with her forever. But he never fufilled his promise and she became so distraught that she returned to her laokik family in Bettiah. Then also Paramananda had illicit relations with Didi Kaoverii (DSL Purnea) and personally invited her to come with him to Darjeeling where they will "enjoy life together." But this was just one empty promise and ultimately this Didi became frustrated and left her Wt-ship. But always Paramanandji is pursuing some Didi for such affairs. But he is beyond blame as is Mahitoshanandji and those Didis. All are exonerated. Because when Guru is giving these Dadas & Didis such tests then who can fault them. Rather Baba is behind it all - so it is useless to blame these specific Dadas like Paramananda and Mahitoshananda as well as Didi Kaoverii etc. It is not their fault. They are helpless when Guru gives them these tests."


I was both baffled and shocked by all that Dadaji had to say. I spoke aloud, "Really, these are all cases of Guru giving tests?"

Dadaji told, "I could give you innumerable more examples of Baba giving similar tests to Dadas and Didis. There are endless cases - I could talk all day and night about this.

Hearing thus, I thought, "God save us from this perverted philosophy where Guru gives tests so that disciples fall from the path."



Here is the true teaching from Ananda Marga philosophy.

   Ananda Marga scripture says, "The more microcosms advance along the path of Pratisaincara, the more developed they become, and the more freedom they are granted to act independently. Of course they can only enjoy as much freedom as the Supreme Authority chooses to give them. The amount of suffering caused by reactive momenta depends upon how microcosms use or misuse this freedom. It serves no purpose whatsoever to blame the Supreme Entity for this suffering. After all, you have been given the freedom, the full liberty, to perform the original deeds as you think fit. Since every action contains a seed of reaction you will have to undergo the reactions of your actions. These seeds or reactive momenta are expressed through your non-original deeds (sam'skára múlaka) over which you have no control."
   "A person is reborn in a physical structure and physical environment which are congenial for the expression of the unrequited sam'skáras. The Cosmic Mind directs the disembodied soul to that particular environment where it will get the maximum opportunity for the expression of its latent sam'skáras. Thats why some people live miserable lives in squalid conditions and suffer from poor health while others lead joyful, healthy, and worry-free lives in a comfortable environment. Yet no matter what circumstances one finds oneself in, one must realize and accept that no situation is without hope. For ones psychic expansion, one will have to keep ones mind fixed on the Supreme Entity, one will have to advance towards that Absolute Entity while removing all obstacles from the path." (AMIWL-7, Form and Formless)

in Him,

Note: This was the Dada Mukunda of the Daltonganj incident.

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Quality of Sadvipras

The whole society is in search of spiritually-minded leaders. So spirituality is a basic and essential quality. Baba has graced us and brought us under His shelter and given us the direction to move on the proper path. And that is the only way for our success.

Baba says, "People will recognise Sadvipras by their exemplary conduct...These Sadvipras - those who follow a correct philosophy of life and practice a correct system of sadhana or spiritual practices - will be the leaders of society in the future." (Prout in Nutshell - 18, p.3)

And in the 'Your Mission' discourse, Baba blesses us in the following way;

"Remember You have to serve humanity. You have to dedicate yourself to the cause of humanity as a whole. Your life is valuable; your time is all the more valuable. You should not waste a single moment. The task is glorious. The task is novel...You will be victorious. So march ahead!" (Prout in Nutshell - 18)

== Section 3 ==

~ With Rhythmic Dance And Enchanting Melody ~

"Na'cer ta'le chande ga'ne udvel hese a'ji dhara'..." (PS 401)


Having Parama Purusa very close, today the entire creation is exuberant with joy, and filled with rhythmic dances and enchanting melodies. Those sweet tunes and melodies of by-gone days have come back and divinely intoxicated all.

O' everyone, adorning your eyes with collyrium, make garlands all around, and fill your flower baskets with fragrant flowers for Him. Colour everyone with the hues of your heart, and make your surroundings aromatic with the fragrance of marigolds.

In the festival of lights, everyone's heart is overjoyed with bliss. By attaining the Supreme Entity, even the pollen of mind is ecstatic with joy.

With the arrival of Parama Purusa the whole atmosphere has become joyous and blissful...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Husband Is Also Female - New Fashion #2


This email contains 4 distinct sections:
1. Posting: Husband Is Also Female - New Fashion #2
2. PS #352; I Got the Ever-New Parama Purusa Very Close
3. Link


~ Part 2 ~

Note: If you already think sex is everything – i.e. the summum bonum of life – and not Parama Purusa, then you need not read this. This letter is for those who have realised that nothing mundane can bring lasting pleasure. Eternal bliss can only be attained by coming in close contact with Parama Purusa. This letter is for such sadhakas.

At present, the various religions – especially Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – are embroiled in a big clash with the gay community.

This letter pointedly addresses how our Ananda Marga is radically different from the religions in this regard.


Almost all the major religions hold that those born into their religion are automatically a member of that sect. That means if your parents are Jewish, then you are Jewish; if your parents are Muslim, then you are Muslim etc. It is all based on one’s birth.

Suppose someone is by birth Christian, or Muslim, or Jewish, and due to certain medical problems or hormonal imbalances, bad samskaras, under-world teachings, bad company, or uncontrolled vrttis that individual is attracted to the same sex upon reaching adolescence. Then that person is going to face tremendous clash from their priests or religious leaders. Because their religion has already taken them to be a member of their place of worship. Yet that adolescent is living a life completely contrary to the tenets of their religion. Naturally then, there is going to be a battle.


In Ananda Marga, membership is not based on birth. It is not like the dogmatic religions. This everyone should keep in mind. Membership in AM is based on conduct.

So if you are the son or daughter of an Ananda Margii, it does not mean you are a margii. To be a margii, one must follow the codes of conduct of AM. If your parents are strict Ananda Margiis and follow all aspects of a sentient lifestyle, while you are smoking, drinking, using drugs, eating tamasik food, working in the red light district, doing opposite of your parents, or involved in other activities contrary to our Ananda Marga way of life, then you are not a margii.

It is similar to the professions: Doctors, drivers, professional athletes, etc. So long as you are involved in that field or trade, then you belong to that profession – otherwise not. It is based on practice, not birth. Being the son of a doctor does not qualify one as being a doctor. Rather one must study, pass the exams, get training, and then practice medicine. Then and only then will one be considered a doctor.

Same is the case with Ananda Marga.

Our Ananda Marga is based on do’s and don’ts. Those who follow are Ananda Margiis; and, those who don’t are not Ananda Margiis. It is extremely straightforward.


In Ananda Marga, sex is only for procreation. Those thinking of using sex as a means of enjoyment are confused, ignorant, and in the wrong place. Ananda Marga philosophy does not support this approach.

So if due to medical problems, hormonal imbalances, bad samskaras, under-world teachings, bad company or uncontrolled vrttis, someone has attraction for the same sex, they can be an Ananda Margii so long as they do not engage in sexual relations with the same sex. Because no matter what, that sexual interaction will not be for procreation. Those of the same sex cannot produce children. So if one has attraction for the same sex, they must refrain from sexual activity and divert the mind toward Parama Purusa. Just as unmarried margiis, if they have any attraction for the opposite sex, must refrain from sexual activity and goad their thought to the Supreme; or just as widowers or divorcees must overcome that allurement if they have any attraction for the opposite sex and refrain from sexual activity by diverting their mind toward Parama Purusa; or just as those who take the vow to remain celibate must refrain from sexual engagement by ensconcing their mind in dhyana sadhana.

Or if someone has sexual attraction towards some animal like cats, dogs, hogs (pigs), horses, bulls, donkeys, and camels, then they must adhere to the same formula as noted in the prior examples. Remember, surrendering to animal vrttis is shameful. One should behave as a glorified human being, not a beast.

Thus everyone must cultivate discipline in this sphere of life, not just only gays and lesbians etc. If any single margii and LFT etc has attraction toward the opposite sex, then they do not encourage this way of thinking – nor should they indulge in this behavior. Similarly, those prone toward gay relations must step-by-step guide their thinking away from sensual or lustful thoughts to Parama Purusa. Simply refraining from physical sexual contact is not the goal.

The greater idea is that one should train the mind not to even entertain the desires of those lower propensities and instead divert the mind towards the Supreme. With proper determination and sincerity, naturally one will gain more and more momentum, such that one day the mind is not even hindered by that propensity and truly all one’s mental capacity is channelized toward spiritual sadhana.

Those who think that they can have sexual relations with the same sex and remain as Ananda Margiis are deceiving themselves; or those who think they can indulge in sexual dealing with animals (cats, dogs, horses, pigs, donkeys, camels etc) and remain as Ananda Margiis, they are befooling themselves. What they are doing is not part of our Ananda Marga way of life.

in Him,

== Section 2 ==

~ I Got the Ever-New Parama Purusa Very Close -

PS Intro: Here in this song the sadhaka is talking personally to Parama Purusa using indirect language, i.e. addressing Him in the third person using the terms Him and Cir Nutan - i.e. the Ever-New. When address Him using direct language, the sadhaka will use the pronoun You, such as O' Parama Purusa I have gotten You very close.

"Cir nu'tanake ka'che peyechi..." (PS 352)


By His grace, now I have gotten Cir-Nutran [1] - the Ever-New Parama Purusa very close. I will never let Him go. By His grace, I have captured that Supreme Charmer within my mind. My delight knows no bounds; my heart exalts in joy.

A withered tree in an arid desert has become the brilliant radiance of green emeralds. By His grace I have realised the One for whom I have longed for - today my life has become fruitful.

I am lost in an ocean of melody drowned in the blissful waves of complete surrender. Beyond the shoreline of the form, I have found the formless. I now realise this mind has been freed from all bondages, by his grace. This mind no longer acceptes any limitations or boundaries.

Today I have attainded the Ever-New - by His grace I have attained Him...


[1] Cir-Nutan: Meaning eternally or ever new. One of the attributions of Parama Purusa is that He is ever-new. When you deal with mundane things again and again then they quikcly become boring. In contrast, Parama Purusa is Ever-New because one never gets bored of Him. When becoming close with Him and ensconced in bliss, then one does not wish to be near anything else. From Him, the sadhaka gets infinite joy. One's whole longing gets satiated. Parama Pursua never loses His charm and that is why He is Ever-New. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What Do You Think About This Photo #2


This email contains five distinct sections:
1. Posting: What Do You Think About This Photo #2
2. Comment: Meeting With Dada: Stories of Guru Giving Tests
3. End Quote: Gay Lesbian: Carnal Pleasures Like A Beast
4. PS #1065: तुम दिव्य संसार से मेरे पास आये हो
5. Links


~ Part 2~

(Note: This is part two of this series a link to part 1 as been appended in the Links sections below.)

As we all know, in our neo-humanistic system of education "of utmost importance is awakening the thirst for knowledge in the mind of the student. That means the classroom must be a medium for cultivating a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness within the student learner. We can say this is one of primary objectives of Ananda Marga education."

So any book about our Ananda Marga system of education must reflect these values in all respects.

See the below book cover and examine the photo. Before reading this letter, note down the plus points and drawback of that book cover. When you have completed your list then read the letter. If you got all the points covered in this letter then you have a keen eye and passed this quiz with flying colours. If you missed certain points then go back and review. And if you have points on your list that were not covered in this letter, then please write in to educate others.


The cover of a book creates a "first impression" so naturally any book about our neo-humanistic system of education must have a cover that represents those ideals.

So it is a great loss that this book has a cover that undermines the very purpose of writing such a text. Please consider the following points.


(1) Books and learning materials: Nowadays, education focuses on reading and writing as well as technology and other important aspects for preparing students for this ultra-modern world. So families select schools that have proper resources and funding for the student supplies. Unfortunately, on the cover of Dadaji’s book, many of students shown do not have any supplies or resources to use. There are two books for upwards of ten kids. It is a scant display. It makes seems like the students utterly lack any type of schools supplies and learning materials.


(2) All in all, the entire scene is painful to look up. Young children have such a sincere desire to learn and follow, but clearly they are not getting any guidance. It reflects very poorly on the Ananda Marga education system. Furthermore, Dadaji is claiming that two of the sections of his book address “the art of teaching” and “child psychology.” Yet by seeing the photo, who can think that Dadaji is an expert in these areas. Who will want to read his book. Rather they will be dissuaded from reading by seeing this photo.



(3) Dadaji is not guiding the student during the lesson: The cover ought to convey a positive image, yet the cover of this book shows how Dadaji is not engaging the students in any learning. The children want to learn but Dadaji is not guiding them. Instead he is involved in his own reading when really he should have planned ahead and prepared his lesson beforehand. Instead he is doing his class preparation now. In the meantime the kids became bored and distracted. Clearly they want to learn. But Dadaji himself is immersed in his book – he is not looking at the young learners – and all the kids are looking all around the room. They are not paying attention – period. They look distracted and disinterested. This entire scene paints a very bad picture of our Ananda Marga system of education. Because on the one hand our stated aim is to “awaken a thirst for knowledge” yet clearly this is not achieved in this classroom setting. The photo tells an entirely different story.



(4) Dadaji’s relation with the student: Part and parcel of our Ananda Marga system of education is the great reverence and affection that students have towards their teacher. Yet in the photo the boy that Dadaji is holding onto clearly does not want to be near Dadaji. The boy looks scared, frustrated, and uncomfortable. And in that state of mind, how can a person learn. So although Dadaji is trying to make it look like he has a relationship of love and affection with his student, that is clearly not conveyed via this photo.


(5) Just a photo op: It looks like this could be just a photo-op and Dadaji wanted to show how diligent and studious he is, but he forgot to guide the children. So they look lost and bewildered. So if really it was a photo-op this demonstrates that he was unable to teach or direct the children. Instead at the last moment he grabbed one small child to show how much love and affection he (Dadaji) has for the kids. But he clearly does not treat the children that way on a regular day-to-day basis because the child looks uncomfortable and startled by this display. All in all, this as a photo-op this was very poorly arranged. And if it was not a photo-op then the situation is even worse. Because it depict how this is situation normal for the kids, i.e. everyday they just sit around hoping to be taught but the guidance from Dadaji is utterly lacking. So in turn, those kids innocently look around not knowing what else to do.

(Note: Points 3 - 5 were presented in the first letter as well. For clarity's sake they were added here as well - Eds.)


Here let me emphasize that Dadaji might be a really terrific educator and children might be learning a lot from him. So this letter is not an indictment against Dadaji.


All I will to convey is that our neo-humanistic system of education is unique and ranks far ahead of any other system of education. There are so many sterling aspects: schools, curriculum, student life, spiritual ideals, code of conduct, learning etc. There are numerous stellar qualities. Yet those are all blatantly undermined by the photo that sits directly on the cover of Dadaji book about our AM system of education.

The only practical approach is to change the cover, as well as thoroughly scour the book contents. Because when Dadaji was so care-free in selecting a cover for his book, it may be that the text itself is an injustice to our Ananda Marga system of education. These are the points of critical challenge that must be addresses with regards to Dadaji’s book.

Sadaguru Baba has delivered an ideal system of education for humanity. Our books and materials should be properly representative.



Here are a few of Baba’s many guidelines:

[A] In our Ananda Marga system of education, we are to ensure the growth of the entire human personality – physical, psychic, and spiritual.

“The real meaning of education is trilateral development – simultaneous development in the physical, mental and spiritual realms of human existence. This development should enhance the integration of the human personality. By this, dormant human potentialities will be awakened and put to proper use.” (1)


[B] Here below is that key point where Baba states that a vital role of education is awakening a thirst for knowledge so students may learn and expand their psychic horizons.

“Education must awaken the thirst for knowledge in the students’ minds. The students themselves will create environmental pressure by persistent demands for answers to queries like: What is the answer? Is it correct? The longing, “I wish to know… I wish to understand and assimilate the entire universe” should be created. Such a thirst for knowledge should be created in the minds of students. A learner, in Arabic, is called “tálib-ul-ilm”, meaning “a genuine seeker of knowledge.” So a tremendous thirst for knowledge must be awakened in the students’ minds. They will constantly pry their teachers, their parents and their neighbours with questions like: Why is this so? What is that? Why does that happen? Why does this not happen? etc. They are ready to assimilate the entire universe.” (2)


[C] Another key facet of our Ananda Marga system of education is universalism.

“The sense of universalism should also be awakened in the child. Etiquette and refined behaviour are not enough. Real education leads to a pervasive sense of love and compassion for all creation.” (3)



[D] Here below is Baba’s special acronym about the meaning and aims of education.

“As I have mentioned before, the word E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N itself has special significance:
E – Enlargement of mind
D – DESMEP (D Discipline, E Etiquette, S Smartness, M Memory, E English, P Pronunciation)
U – Universal Outlook
C – Character
A – Active habits
T – Trustworthiness
I – Ideation of the Great
O – Omniscient grace
N – Nice temperament” (4)


[E] While many systems of education strive for the assimilation of worldly knowledge, in Ananda Marga our approach focuses on the development of the human being where morality is placed at a premium.

“In PROUT’s educational system, emphasis should be given to moral education and the inculcation of idealism – not only philosophy and traditions. The practice of morality should be the most important subject in the syllabus at all levels.” (5)


[F] In some social settings, such as capitalism, the aim of education is to prepare people to be good employees, i.e. members of the workforce, or cogs in the capitalist machinery. In stark contrast, in our neo-humanistic system of education, every learner is seen an dynamic member of society.

“Special importance should be attached to children’s education because todays child is tomorrow’s citizen.” (6)


[G] And in His book series – Human Society – Baba thoroughly reviews the below topics in His chapter on education.

The Role of Teachers
The Problems of Students
The Education System
The Ideals of Teachers
The Responsibilities of Parents
Sáhityikas – the Teachers of Society
Media (Cinema, Pictures & Dramas, and Radio etc)
Commemoration Ceremonies

In Him,


After looking at this cover, be sure to read the points noted below.

1. See how Dadaji is just involved in his own endeavour. He is not watching the kids.
2. The children came to school to learn something; but that desire is not being met.
3. It looks like Dadaji is merely posing for photo-op. And at the last minute he grabbed that child to come close. But Dadaji is just doing this in front of the camera. The child is not accustomed to this - the proof is how uncomfortable the child looks.
4. Whether a photo-op or real classroom setting, sadly the children are not being guided in the proper manner. So they are just looking around the room in a distracted and disinterested manner. 
5. The classroom is lacking school supplies: Not everyone has a book and clearly there is a lack of other learning materials.
6. And there are more points - tell us yours.
7. The overall concluding idea is that this photo should be removed as soon as possible.

As you can see from the cover, the Dadaji who wrote this book and approved of the cover is Ac Sarvananda Avt.

1. PNS-18, Talks on Education – Excerpt F
2. PNS-18, Talks on Education – Excerpt E
3. PNS-18, Talks on Education – Excerpt F
4. PNS-18, Talks on Education – Excerpt F
5. PNS-18, Talks on Education – Excerpt F
6. PNS-18, Talks on Education – Excerpt F

== Section 2 ==

Re: Meeting With Dada:

Stories of Guru Giving Tests

Respected Indrajit jii
I agree with you and this is the fact.
now so called Dadas are so called MAHANTs sitting to only fight to dominant other group on a huge cost of Marga collection. They pay crores to advocate to get their supremacy on another. What a shame.  When we go to prachaar, people taunt on this.
They have crossed all limits to de-face our organization.
They are too shameless to even acknowledged what wrong they are doing.
They should be thrown out from organization.
With warm regards
G Kumar

(Note: A link to the initial letter on this topic has been appended below)

== Section 3 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,

completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Gay Lesbian: Carnal Pleasures Like A Beast
"Contentment is not at all possible if the individual is running after carnal pleasures like a beast. As a result of extroversial analysis, the objects of enjoyments go on increasing both in number and abstraction and that is why ones mental flow never gets any rest. Under such circumstances how can one attain perfect peace of mind?" (A Guide to Human Conduct, Santos'a)

Note: Here Baba is warning us how those involved in the sensual pursuits of materialism will never find satisfaction in life. Nowadays in materialistic communities, people are plunged in pornography, gay / lesbian living, and other sex-oriented pursuits. The gay community is particularly notorious - and in some places they even indulge in group sex at night in the public parks. Seeing this, impressionable youths get misdirected. Through films, advertisements, and everyday circumstances, youths are indoctrinated into the false notion that they can find fulfillment and happiness through sensual pleasures. In the end, so many get degraded, contract diseases, and live of life of frustration and suffering, and undergo an early death. This is the tragedy nowadays. People are not taught how to truly satisfy their human longing - how to achieve a real state of contentment and bliss. They never learn how to goad the mind towards Parama Purusa and instead drown in the mire and wasteland of animalistic sensuality.

== Section 4 ==

~ तुम दिव्य संसार से मेरे पास आये हो ~

प्रभात संगीत 1065: अंधार सागर पारे के गो एले.....

हे परम सत्ता! तुम कौन हो जो andhakar ke महासागर को पार कर, दिव्य संसार से मेरे पास आये हो? तुमने आकर असंभव कार्य कर दिखाया। तुमने उन फूलों को खिला दिया जो कभी खिले ही नहीं थे। जिनके मन जड़ हो चुके थे तुमने उनको आध्यात्मिक बना दिया। तुमने अपनी दिव्य आभा की वर्षा कर इस संसार को मधुरता और प्रेम से भर दिया। ए दिव्य, हे प्रभु! तुम आये और आपनी कृपा कर मौत का फंदा [maran’ nigar’] तोड़ दिया, साधना सिखाकर मुक्ति का मार्ग दिखाया। तुमने मुझे अंतहीन जन्मों और मृत्युओं के चक्र से छुड़ाकर मोक्ष की राह दिखाई। हर परिस्थिति में मददकर और अपने पास बिठाकर तुमने मेरा भय दूर कर दिया है। तुमने मेरे हृदय को अपने प्रेम से भर दिया है। तुमने अपनी अहेतुकी कृपा से मेरे मन में दिव्य आनन्द भर दिया है। ए दिव्य सत्ता! तुम को पा जाने के बाद अन्य किसी वस्तु को पाने की चाह नहीं रहती। तुम्हारी  कृपा से तुमको पा कर मैं ने सब कुछ पा लिया है। मेरेी सब इच्छायें पूरी हो गयीं हैं अब और कोई भी इच्छा बाकी नही है। मैं जो कुछ चाहता था सब कुछ तुम्हारी कृपा से पा चुका। हे अपरिमित सत्ता! तुम कौन हो?

हे परमपुरुष! अपूर्णता से पूर्णता की ओर  जाने वाले मेरे मार्ग में, जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में, तुम हमेशा  मेरे साथ रहते हो। तुम  मुझे इतना प्यार करते हैं कि मुझे भय ही नहीं है कि तुम मुझे छोड़ने वाले हो। दिन में, रात में, हर समय तुम मेरे साथ हो, मुझे मदद करने और मार्ग दर्शन  देने के लिये हमेशा  इच्छुक रहते हो। बाबा, तुमने अविद्या का काला पर्दा हटा दिया है और मेरी आॅंखें खोल दी हैं । अपनी कृपा से तुम मुझे गलत रास्ते से खींच कर सही रास्ते पर ले आये। तुमने मुझे वह दे दिया जो मैं सोच भी नहीं सकता था। मैं ने कभी नहीं सोचा था कि मैं परम पुरुष को पा सकॅूंगा , मैं यह स्वप्न भी नहीं देख सका, पर आज तुमने मेरे लिये मेरी आsha’ओं और अपेक्षाओं से भी अधिक दे दिया है। तुम कितने दयालु हो बाबा!

हे मेरे प्रभु! तुमने मुझे आवश्यक  सब चीजें दे दीं। तुमने मेरी भौतिक मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक सब प्रकार की आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति कर दी, है। ए मेरे परमप्रिय! मेरे ध्यान और साघना में तुम हमेशा  आकर ऊषाकालीन लालिमा के साथ मुस्काते हो। यह तुम्हारी कृपा है, यह सब तुम्हारी ही कृपा है। भूत काल में मैं अनेक भौतिक वस्तुओं की चाह रखता था | पर अब तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरा मन एकाग्र हो चुका है और हे परम पुरुष! तुम्हारे अलावा मैं अब किसी को नहीं चाहता। तुमने मेरे मन में तुमको पाने की इच्छा जाग्रत की और हृदय में अलौकिक रूप से आकर वह पूरी भी कर दी। जब तुम मेरे साथ हो तो अब और किस चीज की मुझे आवष्यकता होगी? नहीं , मुझे अब कोई अन्य इच्छा नहीं है। बाबा! कोई बात नहीं कि मैं कितना जान पाता हूॅं , वास्तव में  मैं कुछ नहीं जानता , पर हे दिव्य सत्ता! तुम जो इतने कृपालु और स्नेही हो, कृपा कर अपनी दिव्यता का बखान तो करो?

मौत का फंदा [maran’ nigar’]- सामान्यतः सभी मनुष्य जन्म और मृत्यु के चक्कर में घूमते हैं पर जब वे परम पुरुष के संपर्क में आ जाते हें तो मौत ही ही मृत्यु हो जाती है और वे अन्तहीन जन्म और मृत्यु के चक्र से बच जाते हैं। परम पुरुष को मृत्यु की मृत्यु कहा गया है क्यों कि उनके संपर्क में आकर एक हो चुके व्यक्ति की मौत के बाद फिर से जन्म नहीं होता। अर्थात् मृत्यु की ही मृत्यु हो जाती है। इसलिये मौत के फंदे से बचने का एक ही उपाय है नियमित रूपसे साधना करना।

- Dr T.R. Sukul

Here is the phonetic spelling of the above Hindi purport in Roman script:

~ Tuma Divya Sansāra Sē Mērē Pāsa Āyē Hō ~

prabhāta saṅgīta 1065: Andhāra sāgara pārē kē gō ēlē.....

Hē parama sattā! Tuma kauna hō jō andhakar ke mahāsāgara kō pāra kara, divya sansāra sē mērē pāsa āyē hō? Tumanē ākara asambhava kārya kara dikhāyā. Tumanē una phūlōṁ kō khilā diyā jō kabhī khilē hī nahīṁ thē. Jinakē mana jaṛa hō cukē thē tumanē unakō ādhyātmika banā diyā. Tumanē apanī divya ābhā kī varṣā kara isa sansāra kō madhuratā aura prēma sē bhara diyā. Ē divya, hē prabhu! Tuma āyē aura āpanī kr̥pā kara mauta kā phandā [maran’ nigar’] tōṛa diyā, sādhanā sikhākara mukti kā mārga dikhāyā. Tumanē mujhē antahīna janmōṁ aura mr̥tyu'ōṁ kē cakra sē chuṛākara mōkṣa kī rāha dikhā'ī. Hara paristhiti mēṁ madadakara aura apanē pāsa biṭhākara tumanē mērā bhaya dūra kara diyā hai. Tumanē mērē hr̥daya kō apanē prēma sē bhara diyā hai. Tumanē apanī ahētukī kr̥pā sē mērē mana mēṁ divya ānanda bhara diyā hai. Ē divya sattā! Tuma kō pā jānē kē bāda an'ya kisī vastu kō pānē kī cāha nahīṁ rahatī. Tumhārī kr̥pā sē tumakō pā kara maiṁ nē saba kucha pā liyā hai. Mērēī saba icchāyēṁ pūrī hō gayīṁ haiṁ aba aura kō'ī bhī icchā bākī nahī hai. Maiṁ jō kucha cāhatā thā saba kucha tumhārī kr̥pā sē pā cukā. Hē aparimita sattā! Tuma kauna hō?

Hē paramapuruṣa! Apūrṇatā sē pūrṇatā kī ōra jānē vālē mērē mārga mēṁ, jīvana kē hara kṣētra mēṁ, tuma hamēśā mērē sātha rahatē hō. Tuma mujhē itanā pyāra karatē haiṁ ki mujhē bhaya hī nahīṁ hai ki tuma mujhē chōṛanē vālē hō. Dina mēṁ, rāta mēṁ, hara samaya tuma mērē sātha hō, mujhē madada karanē aura mārga darśana dēnē kē liyē hamēśā icchuka rahatē hō. Bābā, tumanē avidyā kā kālā pardā haṭā diyā hai aura mērī ā̔ĕṅkhēṁ khōla dī haiṁ. Apanī kr̥pā sē tuma mujhē galata rāstē sē khīn̄ca kara sahī rāstē para lē āyē. Tumanē mujhē vaha dē diyā jō maiṁ sōca bhī nahīṁ sakatā thā. Maiṁ nē kabhī nahīṁ sōcā thā ki maiṁ parama puruṣa kō pā sakĕūṅgā, maiṁ yaha svapna bhī nahīṁ dēkha sakā, para āja tumanē mērē liyē mērī āsha’ōṁ aura apēkṣā'ōṁ sē bhī adhika dē diyā hai. Tuma kitanē dayālu hō bābā!

Hē mērē prabhu! Tumanē mujhē āvaśyaka saba cījēṁ dē dīṁ. Tumanē mērī bhautika mānasika aura ādhyātmika saba prakāra kī āvaśyakatā'ōṁ kī pūrti kara dī, hai. Ē mērē paramapriya! Mērē dhyāna aura sāghanā mēṁ tuma hamēśā ākara ūṣākālīna lālimā kē sātha muskātē hō. Yaha tumhārī kr̥pā hai, yaha saba tumhārī hī kr̥pā hai. Bhūta kāla mēṁ maiṁ anēka bhautika vastu'ōṁ kī cāha rakhatā thā | para aba tumhārī kr̥pā sē mērā mana ēkāgra hō cukā hai aura hē parama puruṣa! Tumhārē alāvā maiṁ aba kisī kō nahīṁ cāhatā. Tumanē mērē mana mēṁ tumakō pānē kī icchā jāgrata kī aura hr̥daya mēṁ alaukika rūpa sē ākara vaha pūrī bhī kara dī. Jaba tuma mērē sātha hō tō aba aura kisa cīja kī mujhē āvaṣyakatā hōgī? Nahīṁ, mujhē aba kō'ī an'ya icchā nahīṁ hai. Bābā! Kō'ī bāta nahīṁ ki maiṁ kitanā jāna pātā hūĕṁ, vāstava mēṁ maiṁ kucha nahīṁ jānatā, para hē divya sattā! Tuma jō itanē kr̥pālu aura snēhī hō, kr̥pā kara apanī divyatā kā bakhāna tō karō?

mauta kā phandā [maran’ nigar’]- sāmān'yataḥ sabhī manuṣya janma aura mr̥tyu kē cakkara mēṁ ghūmatē haiṁ para jaba vē parama puruṣa kē samparka mēṁ ā jātē hēṁ tō mauta hī hī mr̥tyu hō jātī hai aura vē antahīna janma aura mr̥tyu kē cakra sē baca jātē haiṁ. Parama puruṣa kō mr̥tyu kī mr̥tyu kahā gayā hai kyōṁ ki unakē samparka mēṁ ākara ēka hō cukē vyakti kī mauta kē bāda phira sē janma nahīṁ hōtā. Arthāt mr̥tyu kī hī mr̥tyu hō jātī hai. Isaliyē mauta kē phandē sē bacanē kā ēka hī upāya hai niyamita rūpasē sādhanā karanā.

- Dr T.R. Sukul

== Section 5 ==


Here below is a link to the first letter about Sarvanandji's book on Education

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic:
Meeting With Dada: Stories of Guru Giving Tests

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Meeting With Dada: Stories of Guru Giving Tests


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Meeting With Dada: Stories of Guru Giving Tests
2. Comment: उच्च पदों पर बैठे पुरोधा ---अपने स्वार्थसिद्धि हेतु संस्था को कोर्ट कचहरी में उलझाकर रखे हुए है।
3. PS #379: मैंने प्रारंभिक वर्षों में तुम को नहीं तलाशा  इसके लिये मुझे गहरा अनुताप है।
4. Links



In the early months of 2012, many came to know about the alleged sexual crime committed by Dada Mukunda.

Some time later I happened to come across Dadaji and got opportunity to speak with him. After exchanging common courtesies, we began to speak about his past - and how and why it happened.


I asked Dadaji, "Do you have repentance for your wrongdoing."

Dadaji responded, "Repentance? Why repentance, I did not do anything wrong."

Hearing thus, I was surprised: How could Dadaji deny any wrongdoing for such heinous acts on such innocent, defenseless victims.

Dada Mukunda could see that I was incredulous, so he began to explain more about his perspective.



"Before all that happened, my mind was fine. Then one day, Baba gave me a test and shifted my mind in another direction; and then I began doing all those misdeeds. So you see - that was not me - per se. Rather, Baba made my mind like that. He was purposely giving me a test - to see how I would respond."

Dadaji continued, "Well, clearly I failed that test. But that was not my fault. Baba put my mind in that condition. That was His test. So I have no repentance. Guru creates the situation and gives tests. That all occurred on Baba's desire that I should undergo one test - which I clearly failed."


Then I asked him, "Did Baba do this type of test only with you, or does He test others in this way also?"

Dada Mukunda replied, "Oh yes, this is very common. Baba is always giving tests to people in this way. Don't you know?"

"For example, take the alleged case of Dada Tiirthanandji. Dadaji became infatuated with one Didi and together they left their acaryaships etc. That was a test. Tiirthanandji was doing fine then Baba decided to give him a test. On this matter, Tiirthanandji is completely innocent - the whole blame goes to Baba. We cannot blame Tiirthanandji - no way."

My curiosity was peaked. I asked if Dada Mukunda had any more examples.



"Yes, yes, there are many more examples - some famous and some not famous."

"Take the classic case of Dada Madhvananda in 1970. At the time he was a first-class avadhuta and an A-grade person. He was the chief of VSS and very obedient. Then Baba gave him one test. In result, Madhavanandji became a defector and brought one murder case against Baba. This was not Dada Madhavanandji's fault - this was just a test given by Guru. So when everything was done by Parama Purusa then why blame Madhavanandji. It is Baba's fault."

Then I said, "Okay, that was long ago, what about a more recent example."

Dadaji replied, "I will certainly answer your query but first you must know that Dada Tapeshvaranandji was also given test by Guru in this way. In those days of 1970, Dada Tapeshvaranandji completely lost his faith in Guru and became a defector. But it was not his fault. Guru was giving him a test and Guru was accountable for this. Because verily Guru realised He gave too strong a test and brought back Dada Tapeshvaranandji. This proves that it was not Tapeshvaranandji's fault for defecting against Guru. Similarly, no blame can be attached to Madhavanandji. The only difference is that Guru gave the test to Madhavanandji but never undid it. Whereas with Tapeshvaranandji, Guru brought him back. So these types of defections are not sin - the person involved did no wrong - rather Guru was giving tests."

I nodded and before I could again ask my question, Dada Mukunda ventured forwards.



Dadaji said, "Now let address your query of more recent examples. Sure, take the case of B group Dadas who  allegedly murdered Ac Abhipremanandji Avt. That murder was not the fault of those Wts. They were undergoing a test given to them by Guru. Guru made their mind in that way and a fight ensued. So it was not their fault. All is upon the shoulders of Guru. He gave them that test. At the time, Guru was also giving Abhipremanandji his test. So all played their roles given to them by Baba."

I interjected, "Really, do you have other examples?"

Mukundanandji added, "Sure - Take the situation of Dada Sambhutyanandji with the Fake BP Manual and decimation of margii rights. No one can rightly blame Sambhutyanandji for any wrongdoing or injustice. He was always a good Dada and then Baba gave him a test and made his mind in that way. So it was not Dadaji's fault; rather all blame goes to Guru and His test."

"For that matter, the same can be said of B group and their ongoing distortions of Ananda Marga scripture. Baba gave them a test and made their mind in that way. So here again no blame should be attached to B group / Tiljala for the mass distortion of Ananda Marga books."

At that point I became really curious and asked, "Is Parama Purusa only doing this with Wts? Is that the special system?"



Dadakji quickly retorted, "Absolutely not. All are involved in this."

Then Mukunda explained that this same theory of Guru giving tests applies to non-margiis also.

"Those Delhi gang rape perpetrators are merely under test from Parama Purusa. They did not decide to commit any vile act. Only Parama Purusa put them in test and changed their mind. That is the first and last cause. So the courts have it completely wrong. Those gang-rape assailants are innocent and not to be blamed."



After listening in disgust, I inquired, "Dadaji, about this philosophy of yours,do you have any supportive proof of this from Ananda Marga teaching?"

Dada Mukunda stated, "Most certainly. You must have heard that avidya maya is controlled by Parama Purusa. So whatever wrong anyone does is the work of avidya maya so ultimately Parama Purusa is responsible. Avidya maya is a blind forces and therefore cannot work without the help of the Supreme Controller - Parama Purusa. So Parama Purusa is 100% responsible - He is the ultimate cause. Numerous professors, philosophers, and engineers have reasoned in this way."

Immediately, I thought that this was a complete misinterpretation of Ananda Marga philosophy because any rational sadhaka knows that Parama Purusa cannot be blamed for a person's wrongdoing. Even then I was curious to hear more from Dadaji.


Awed by what I heard, I asked, "Who first told you this philosophy that Guru gives tests whereby disciples commit crimes?"

Mukundanandji replied that, "It is commonly known and has been highlighted in Tapeshvaranandji's book - in the chapter "The Seven Tests of Guru." Don't you know about this book. It is so famous and every sincere Ananda Margii knows that Guru gives tests. Professors, intellectuals, engineers, all know that Guru gives tests. He creates the situation and Guru gives tests. So everyone is aware that when any seeming wrongdoing occurs then Guru is to be blamed for giving tests."

I was both baffled and shocked by all that Dadaji had to say. I spoke aloud, "Really, these are all cases of Guru giving tests?"

Dadaji told, "I could give you innumerable more examples of Baba giving similar tests to Dadas and Didis. There are endless cases - I could talk all day and night about this.

Hearing thus, I thought, "God save us from this perverted philosophy where Guru gives tests so that disciples fall from the path."



Here is the true teaching from Ananda Marga philosophy.

   Ananda Marga scripture says, "The more microcosms advance along the path of Pratisaincara, the more developed they become, and the more freedom they are granted to act independently. Of course they can only enjoy as much freedom as the Supreme Authority chooses to give them. The amount of suffering caused by reactive momenta depends upon how microcosms use or misuse this freedom. It serves no purpose whatsoever to blame the Supreme Entity for this suffering. After all, you have been given the freedom, the full liberty, to perform the original deeds as you think fit. Since every action contains a seed of reaction you will have to undergo the reactions of your actions. These seeds or reactive momenta are expressed through your non-original deeds (sam'skára múlaka) over which you have no control."
   "A person is reborn in a physical structure and physical environment which are congenial for the expression of the unrequited sam'skáras. The Cosmic Mind directs the disembodied soul to that particular environment where it will get the maximum opportunity for the expression of its latent sam'skáras. Thats why some people live miserable lives in squalid conditions and suffer from poor health while others lead joyful, healthy, and worry-free lives in a comfortable environment. Yet no matter what circumstances one finds oneself in, one must realize and accept that no situation is without hope. For ones psychic expansion, one will have to keep ones mind fixed on the Supreme Entity, one will have to advance towards that Absolute Entity while removing all obstacles from the path." (AMIWL-7, Form and Formless)

in Him,

Note: This was the Dada Mukunda of the Daltonganj incident.

== Section 2 ==

उच्च पदों पर बैठे पुरोधा ---अपने स्वार्थसिद्धि हेतु संस्था को कोर्ट कचहरी में उलझाकर रखे हुए है।

Re: Dogma: “X Is The Only Son Of God”

दादा नमस्कार,  बहुत दुःख होता है ये देखकर की अपने ही गुरु के बनाए हुए संस्था को अपने व्यक्तिगत स्वार्थ के लिए अलग अलग ग्रुप में बांटा गया और उसके बाद भी आदर्श प्रचार छोड़कर एक दुसरे के कुप्रचार में हम लगे हुए है,परम पुरुष बाबा हमेशा अपने व्यासासन से कहते थे की समय बहुत कम है खूब साधना करो खूब कीर्तन करो जन कल्याण करो आदर्श का प्रचार करो। और आज उच्च पदों पर बैठे अपने को पुरोधा और आचार्य पद के हकदार समझनेवाले सीनियर लोग शायद इन सारी बातों को भूलकर अपने स्वार्थसिद्धि हेतु संस्था को कोर्ट कचहरी के चक्कर में उलझाकर रखे हुए है। परम पुरुष बाबा ने कहा है कि अपने जीवन को विपन्न करके भी anandamarga की रक्षा करोगे। लेकिन अपने को परम पुरुष बाबा के करीब रहने का दावा करनेवाले लोग आज संस्था को विपन्न करके अपने व्यक्तिगत जीवन की रक्षा में लगे है। आज की इस परिस्थति में आनंदमार्ग के लिए इससे बड़ा दुर्भाग्य और क्या हो सकता है। आज गृही और कुछ सच्चे wt जो परम पुरुष बाबा के निर्देशों को मानते है वो भी चाहे तो कोर्ट में जा सकता है लेकिन परम पुरुष बाबा के निर्देशों को मानते हुए चुप है क्योंकि anandamarga ही ऐसे लोगों का जीवन है। । लेकिन इसे कुछ लोग मार्गियों की कमजोरी समझते है। वैसे लोगो से अनुरोध है की परम पुरुष बाबा के बताये तरीकों से आत्ममंथन करे। और अपने में सुधार लायें तो यूनिटी के लिए अलग से कोई प्रयास नहीं करना होगा स्वतः सारी problem परम पुरुष बाबा की कृपा से खुद बखुद solve हो जायेगी।

In His service,

Ucca padōṁ para baiṭhē purōdhā ---apanē svārthasid'dhi hētu

sansthā kō kōrṭa kacaharī mēṁ ulajhākara rakhē hu'ē hai.

Dādā namaskāra, bahuta duḥkha hōtā hai yē dēkhakara kī apanē hī guru kē banā'ē hu'ē sansthā kō apanē vyaktigata svārtha kē li'ē alaga alaga grupa mēṁ bāṇṭā gayā aura usakē bāda bhī ādarśa pracāra chōṛakara ēka dusarē kē kupracāra mēṁ hama lagē hu'ē hai,parama puruṣa bābā hamēśā apanē vyāsāsana sē kahatē thē kī samaya bahuta kama hai khūba sādhanā karō khūba kīrtana karō jana kalyāṇa karō ādarśa kā pracāra karō. Aura āja ucca padōṁ para baiṭhē apanē kō purōdhā aura ācārya pada kē hakadāra samajhanēvālē sīniyara lōga śāyada ina sārī bātōṁ kō bhūlakara apanē svārthasid'dhi hētu sansthā kō kōrṭa kacaharī kē cakkara mēṁ ulajhākara rakhē hu'ē hai. Parama puruṣa bābā nē kahā hai ki apanē jīvana kō vipanna karakē bhī anandamarga kī rakṣā karōgē. Lēkina apanē kō parama puruṣa bābā kē karība rahanē kā dāvā karanēvālē lōga āja sansthā kō vipanna karakē apanē vyaktigata jīvana kī rakṣā mēṁ lagē hai. Āja kī isa paristhati mēṁ ānandamārga kē li'ē isasē baṛā durbhāgya aura kyā hō sakatā hai. Āja gr̥hī aura kucha saccē wt jō parama puruṣa bābā kē nirdēśōṁ kō mānatē hai vō bhī cāhē tō kōrṭa mēṁ jā sakatā hai lēkina parama puruṣa bābā kē nirdēśōṁ kō mānatē hu'ē cupa hai kyōṅki anandamarga hī aisē lōgōṁ kā jīvana hai. . Lēkina isē kucha lōga mārgiyōṁ kī kamajōrī samajhatē hai. Vaisē lōgō sē anurōdha hai kī parama puruṣa bābā kē batāyē tarīkōṁ sē ātmamanthana karē. Aura apanē mēṁ sudhāra lāyēṁ tō yūniṭī kē li'ē alaga sē kō'ī prayāsa nahīṁ karanā hōgā svataḥ sārī problem parama puruṣa bābā kī kr̥pā sē khuda bakhuda solve hō jāyēgī.

In His service,
== Section 3 ==

मैंने प्रारंभिक वर्षों में तुम को नहीं तलाशा  इसके लिये मुझे गहरा अनुताप है।

प्रभात सँगीत  379 प्रथम जीवने  तुमि आशो निको ,तार lagii मने कोनो   क्लेश  नाइ


ए परमपुरुष, मेरे प्रियतम! मेरे जीवन के ऊषा काल में तुम मेरे निकट नहीं आये। परंतु मेरे मन मे यह दुख नहीं है कि--तुमने मुझे उस समय अपने संरक्षण में क्यों नहीं लिया, मेरे निकट आकर मेरे अभिन्न क्यों नहीं हुए। इसके लिये मेरे मन में कोई क्रोध या मानसिक कष्ट नहीं है। परंतु मेरे मन में पछतावा अवश्य  है कि मैने  उस समय तुम्हारी खोज क्यों नहीं की। यही कारण है कि मेरा हृदय पूरे समय रोता रहता है जलता रहता है।  मेरी सचमुच गलती है कि मैंने प्रारंभिक वर्षों में तुम को नहीं तलाशा  इसके लिये मुझे गहरा अनुताप है।

ए पुरुषोत्तम, उस समय तुम मेरे कितने निकट थे हमेशा mere dil me साथ-साथ रहते, तब भी मैने तुम्हें न तो पुकारा और न ही साधना सीख कर तुम्हारी खोज की। उस समय मैने कोई चिंता ही नहीं की | मेरे जीवन के सभी प्रारंभिक रात और दिन, व्यर्थ के विभिन्न कामों में नष्ट होते गये। अब इस जीवन के मध्य में उन दिनों की बहुत याद आती है और मैं अपार कष्ट का अनुभव करता हूॅं।

ए परमपुरुष ! इस धरा पर सभी लोग बहुत कम समय के लिये ही आते हैं | अनेक काम करते हैं, और फलहीन होकर समय व्यर्थ नष्ट  होने पर तुमको, अपने दुर्भाग्य के लिये कोसते हैं | पर इसका कोई लाभ नहीं है | सबको अपने संस्कारों का परिणाम भोगना ही पड़ता है। जब वे अपने अहंकार का cha’ta’ अपने सिर के ऊपर से हटा लेते हैं तब उन्हे पता चलता है कि तुम्हारी कृपा बृष्टि तो सदा ही सब पर होती रहती है। ए परमपुरुष ! Baba,  तुम तो सदा कृपालु हो, तुम वही करते हैं जो मेरे लिये सर्वोत्तम होता है, मेरी केवल यही इच्छा है कि सदा तुम्हारी शरण में ही बना रहॅूं।

- Dr T.R. Sukul

Friday, July 11, 2014

Infighting in B Group + 4 More

Note: For those who have come here to read the Purulia Court rejection of Kolkata petition, scroll all the way down....


This letter contains five distinct sections:
1. Posting: Infighting in B Group
2. Comment: Re: Be Careful About Food
3. Comment: Dogma: “X Is The Only Son Of God”
4. PS #2055: Baba, O Lord, You Have come
5. Links


Here is an overview of the deep division and infighting that is occurring within the Tiljala faction. Many are aware about this - for those who are not, here is a summary.


First of all we should know some basic facts about Dada Sambhutyanandji. Dadaji is not some great sannyasi dedicated to the ideals of neo-humanism. Remember, this is the same Dada Sambhutyananda whose name appears on the cover page of the Fake Bhukti Pradhan Manual (1997). So Dadaji is directly and indirectly responsible for so many crimes and violations against margii rights. And he has never expressed an iota of repentance about this.

Keeping this in mind - read through this step-by-step summary.



1. The fighting began with the coronation of Kinshukji as PP.

2. Dada Sambhutyanandji and Dada Japanandji both opposed Kinshukji's coronation as PP because Kinshuk is a family man.

3. To this end, Dada Sambhutyanandji filed one case in Purulia court claiming that only a sannyasi can be Purodha Pramukha.


4. Thereafter, those at the helm of Tiljala immediately ousted Sambhutyanandji from their campus. Indeed, you may have heard some time ago how Dada Sambhutyanandji was complaining how his belongings were tossed out of the Tiljala compound. Ever since then he has been residing in North Bengal.

5. All the while, Tiljala has been trying to defend their selection of Kinshuk as PP. Their aim was to delay the case for as long as possible.


6. But on 21 June 2014, Tiljala / Kolkata's petition for a dismissal was rejected by the Purulia court. So in the near future, the real case will begin.

7. But none should be confused. This fight is not based on their dedication to a high ideal, but is born out of narrow, selfish, petty interest. Both Sambhutyanandji and Tiljala are just concerned with their own post and power - period.

8. Remember, Dada Sambhutyanandji is not some great sannyasi dedicated to the ideals of neo-humanism. Dada Sambhutyananda’s name is printed in bold letters on the cover page of the Fake Bhukti Pradhan Manual (1997). Dadaji is directly and indirectly responsible for so many crimes and violations against margii rights. Yet, he has never expressed an iota of repentance about this.

9. Furthermore, this is the same Dada Sambhutyanandji who steered the ship for B group to create their own governing body and split from the main organisation.

10. And now Dadaji is proclaiming that only a Wt can be PP, not a family margii.


11. It is well-known that over the years, Ac Sambhutyanandji has held great pride in his involvement in separating B group from the main structure and in working as Sarvatmanandji's right-hand man in creating the Fake BP Manual etc. Dadaji proudly speaks of these accomplishments. Yet now he is at odds with Tiljala over the appointment of Kinshukji as PP.

12. Those governing B group felt that appointing Kinshuk as PP was the best way to bring glory to their group. They are using Kinshuk as a pawn to grab more power for themselves. By this way they can befool margiis, as those margiis will think they are being represented and listened to since Kinshuk is PP. But in reality, Kinshuk is just a stooge - he is a rubber stamp for B group leaders to push through their agenda. That is why Tiljala personnel feel that Kinshukji is the ideal person to be PP.

13. So both parties - Sambhutyanandji and Tiljala - are standing on the basis of their own self-interest. They are both driven by their own egos. Theirs is a selfish battle - nothing more. There is not a shred of dharma or ideology at the center of their fight. Just it is a petty fight for power. 

in Him,

Note 1: Purulia Court's Dismissal of Kolkata Petition

For those who wish to read the letter about the Purulia Court rejection of Kolkata's petition should scroll all the way down...

== Section 2 ==

RE: Be Careful About Food

Your recent posting, "Be Careful About Food" (link appended below) is useful and needs to be resent from time to time for new margiis, non-margiis, and older margiis who have become relaxed about16 points.
As an addendum, strict vegetarians have to be very careful and buy only non-GMO produce, at least in the U.S.A. Many foods are cross-bred with a specific fish gene to help the produce stay fresh during colder weather. Such foods as corn, soybeans, strawberries, and some tomatoes are known to have this animal gene in it. Apparently, this has been going on since 1996. So, buyer beware. Below are a couple of very reliable sources about the biotechnology.

in Him,

== Section 3 ==

Re: Dogma: “X Is The Only Son Of God”


"B group leaders, are moving from village to village across West Bengal to introduce Kinshukji as the only son of God."
The B Group is joking, right? I can't believe what I have just read about what is spoken in India?!!!

This is absurd. They are forgetting he was adopted by Baba, too.
This has to stop now. We must call for the immediate step down of Kinshuk as PP. We must do it now!

== Section 4 ==

~ Baba, O' Lord, You Have Come ~

"Tumi ele prabhu ei abela'y...
krpa'-bharasa'y dekechi toma'y" (PS 2055)


Baba, O Lord, You have come unexpectedly. It is Your grace. I am calling You from the deep core of my heart, please grant me parabhakti...

== Section 5 ==


To read the Purulia Court Rejection of Kolkata Petition

Scroll Down Below

Read Letter- Be Careful About Food

Read Letter: Dogma: "X Is The Only Son of God"

Kolkata’s dismissal petition  dated 30.08.2013 rejected by Purulia Court on 21.06.2014 

Begin forwarded message:

From: saveistaadarsha saveistaadarsha <>
Date: June 25, 2014 7:14:29 AM GMT+05:30
To: saveistaadarsha saveistaadarsha <>

Kolkata’s dismissal petition  dated 30.08.2013 rejected by Purulia Court on 21.06.2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dismissal petition dated 30.08.2013 filed by defendants Ac. Kingshuk Ranjan Sarkar and 13 others praying in the Court of Civil Judge(Sr. Divn.), Additional Court, Purulia to dismiss the Title Suit No. 178 of 2012 filed by Ac. Sambhutyananda Avt. and others against Ac. Kingshuk Ranjan Sarkar and 13 others on the point of maintainability has been rejected by the Ld. Court at Purulia on 21st June 2014 on contest without any cost.                                                                                                                                                                                                        It may be recalled here that on 23.12.2012 Ac. Sambhutyananda Avt. and others filed Title Suit No. 178 of 2012 in the Court of the Ld. Civil judge (Sr. Divn.), Purulia on the points of violation of “Carya’carya”, Constitution of AMPS, Court Order and election norms and rules praying, among others for declaration that defendant No. 1 (Ac. Kingshuk Ranjan Sarkar) is not the Purodha Pramukha and the President of Central Committee of Ananda Marga, the President of AMPS and that the so called election or selection of defendant No. 1 and the P.P. of Ananda Marga on 25.03.2011; formation of Central Committee of Ananda Marga by him on 25.04.2011 and his declaration of himself as the President of Governing Body of AMPS and any formation of United Administration by defendants are illegal and null and void ab-initio and further declaration that all the acts and/or any order or declaration made by defendant No. 1 or by any of his secretaries or officers or agents or men on and from 25.03.2011 onward  be declared as illegal and null and void ab-initio.                                                                                                                                                               &nb sp;                                                     Along with the aforesaid suit an application for temporary injunction restraining defendant No.1 from acting as Purodha Pramukha and President of Ananda Marga and Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha and other relevant reliefs was also filed in the Ld. Court.                                                               But ever since filing of the suit, the defendants, afraid of facing the truth in the Court of Law, have been evading and adopting dilly-dallying dilatory tactics to unnecessarily delay the due process of law.                                                                                                                                                            After a long avoidance, under the pressure of the Law court, when the date for hearing of injunction application was fixed then the defendants applied their last resort to further delay the hearing, on the last 30.08.2013 they filed an application on the point of maintainability on flimsy ground stating that the suit is not maintainable, hence, the suit be dismissed. After having undergone much topsy-turvy and delay of almost 10 months, the said dismissal application filed by defendants came up for hearing and after hearing the parties the Ld. Court of the Civil Judge (Sr. Divn.), Additional Court Purulia on 21st June 2014 rejected the dismissal application of Kolkata and accordingly has fixed the next date for further proceeding of the suit.                                                                                                                                                                                                      ;                                                     All the foregoing in the case prove that the defendants are afraid of facing the trial in the Court of Law and in principle they are already defeated and thus suffering from defeatist mentality. Ultimately truth will triumph.                                                                                                                                              

“Yato dharmah tato iśt́ah, yato iśt́ah tato jayah”.                                                        “Where there is Dharma, there is Iśt́a, and where there is Iśt́a, there is victory.”     

--- On the basis of Court news.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -- Circulated by “Save Ista and Adarsha”.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dogma: “X Is The Only Son Of God”


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Dogma: “X Is The Only Son Of God”
2. End Quote: Quiz: They Have Confined Them Within A Small Dungeon
3. PS #895:  हे प्रभु! सभी तुम्हारी निकटताचाहते हैं।
4. Links



These days B group is broadcasting two central claims:
1. Kinshukji is the only son of God;
2. We - B group - are the blessed ones because we have Kinshukji.

Here following is more about what's going on.



Verily, now Kinshukji and his team, as well as other B group leaders, are moving from village to village across West Bengal to introduce Kinshukji as the only son of God.

Hearing this propaganda, margiis became surprised - because every Ananda Margii thinks of themselves as the child of Parama Purusa. This is the common feeling. And Baba has always stated how all are His children.

"All are children of the Supreme Father, all are progeny of the Supreme Entity, children of the same Father." (1)

So, for Ananda Margiis, it is quite odd to the ears to hear that only Kinshukji is child of Parama Purusa. Because they feel in their heart that He is the Cosmic Father and all His progeny.



Yet now B group is trying to erase this devotional feeling from their minds and introduce the false and bogus idea that only Kinshukji is the son of Parama Purusa and everyone else has no familial relation with Supreme Father. Besides Kinshukji, all others are step-sons and step-daughters, or distant neighbors etc.

This is the type of indoctrination that is going on. It is reminiscent of the dogma associated with one of the Semitic religions that preach that their saviour is the only son of God and all else have no direct relation with the Divine. B group is following in the footsteps of this religious dogma and forgetting the highly unique and devotional aspect of Ananda Marga that all are the progeny of Parama Purusa.



In addition to claiming that Kinshukji is the only son of the Supreme Father, B group is also broadcasting that they themselves are the blessed ones because the have brought Kinshukji into their camp. So B group members are blessed and all others are wretched and cursed. That is their essential claim.

To this end, they are moving from village to village, unit to unit, in the western part of West Bengal to present Kinshukji to all the margiis. In each place, Kinshuk is surrounded by his entourage as B group is bent on "tutoring" margiis about Kinshukji's grand stature, as well as why B group is the blessed faction. So in each location, there is big pomp and show along with a feast and other celebratory events etc. This is how B group is getting the word out in hopes of establishing themselves as unparalleled.


Seeing the grand scene that B group is making, rational margiis are frustrated and wondering why they are being asked to donate funds for this purpose: "It is just a waste of money." Instead margiis want their funds and donations used for social service projects. After all, in West Bengal itself, there are countless villages that do not even have clean water etc. So that is why margiis are thinking that B group's promotional tour is just a big waste of resources, time, and energy.


Even then, B group is working endlessly to boost their image and impose an inferiority complex on all others. Such pseudo-dharmic leaders want to establish their own guruhood by stating that the word of their group is the word of God and the final truth.

Needless to say, every sadhaka should be 100% cautious when they hear such dogmatic claims: Really Kinshukji is the only son and everyone else is an alien; really B group is the blessed faction and all else are heathens. No rational Ananda Margii can think in this way.


Here Ananda Marga philosophy strictly warns us about the fanatical rants of extremists who claim themselves to be the blessed ones while all others are lowly and despised. Such persons can never to anything good for humanity.

"“Your God is the only God. You are His blessed sons and daughters, and others will burn in hellfire.” By these sermons, unity among human beings can never be achieved." (2)


Hearing the two preposterous claims by B group, most margiis are not swayed. Because for years and years sadhakas have been meditating on Parama Purusa as the Supreme Father, and have thus realised they are His children.

The only answer to this matter is that margiis and Wts should double-up their efforts in reading and studying Baba's books, and doing more meditation as well. By this way the idea will set deeper in the mind that they are the children of Parama Purusa. And they will not get sway by "loose-canon" types of claims as B group is doing these days.

Everyone should be alert and remember in their depths of their heart that they are the blessed child of Parama Purusa.

"You know that you are the loving sons and daughters of Parama Puruśa." (3)

"All the microcosms are part and parcel of Parama Puruśa: all are His progeny, His dear children...Parama Puruśa dearly loves His children...[and] wants them to progress physically, mentally, and spiritually." (4)

in Him,
Surabhi Benerji


One other dynamic that is functioning here is that both H and B group are holding maximum programs with margiis around India in order to strengthen their position in court. Both want to stand in the courtroom and present evidence that they are the ones that margiis have embraced as the real AMPS. For this reason, both H and B group are going around, taking photos of all their gatherings with margiis, videoing their processions, and recording how the Jai slogan is being raised for their party. Each group is aiming to present anecdotal evidence to the court that they are accepted as the true leaders of AMPS. For this reason they are holding one DMS after another. Yet this is all one game for their courtroom drama and quest for power. Is this not shameful.

1. AV-30, Parama Puruśa within Everyone
2. AFPS-4, The Ever-Expanding Domain of the Microcosm
3. AV-22, Kiirtana – the Panacea for All Afflictions
4. SS-11, What Are the Noble Truths?

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.


They Have Confined Them Within A Small Dungeon

Intro: Kindly read the below quote from Baba's teachings. At the end of the quote a question has been posed. If your answer to the question is correct then it means you read Baba's books carefully; and, if your answer is wrong or you do not know the answer, then it signifies that you need to pay more attention when reading Guru's teachings. After all, if sadhakas are not diligent in studying Baba's books then who is going to read them - non-margiis?

Confined Them Within A Small Dungeon

"They have taught people to view each other with suspicion. By restricting social welfare activities to their community, they have kept the rest of the people in the dark about the true state of affairs. They have not let the people know whether they were actually the promoters or detractors of human welfare. By raising an iron curtain, a veil of dark ignorance, before them, they have taught people to chatter a few chosen, tutored sentences. They have confined them within a small dungeon, with its doors and windows locked – they have converted them into owls of darkness. This is the inevitable outcome of those pseudo-philosophies." (Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14)

Quiz: Who is Baba referring to in the above quote?

Most probably, as an Ananda Margii, you know what the answer is. However to fully satisfy your curiosity and get the complete answer, kindly read the section directly AFTER the below Ananda Vanii.

Ananda Vanii

   "The humans of today are possessed of spirited intellect and accomplished wisdom. They are keen to advance with rapid step shattering the shackles of dogmas. They will no longer be entrapped by the illusion of opportunism. The rays of the crimson dawn of a new humanity on the eastern horizon have started weaving textures of colours on their eyelids and in the subtle recesses of their minds. As for those who have been dreaming of keeping humanity imprisoned by dogmas, their days are numbered; their blissful dreams are being shattered to pieces. I call upon all enlightened people and say: “Go ahead with courage. The humanity has been awaiting you. Establish it in the excellence and grandeur of glory." (Ananda Vanii #55)

Ananda Vanii

Answer: In His above teaching, Baba is primarily referring to communists - they keep the common people in a dark state of repression and oppression. There is no scope to see things in the light of day - everything is hidden under cloak of darkness. The free and open exchange of ideas is not permitted. The media is wholly controlled by the state and the people have no idea what is happening in the world around them. Only they know the spoon-fed slogans given by those communist leaders.

Some dogmatic religions like Islam also adhere to this type of censorship where the people are forced to blindly follow their religious codes, without question or reason. Basically wherever the priest, or mullah etc is leveraging tremendous control over their community and not allowing open discussions, then that is also applicable here.

First and foremost however, this teaching is an indirect reference to communism and those exploitative communist leaders.

== Section 3 ==

हे प्रभु! सभी तुम्हारी निकटताचाहते हैं।

प्रभात संगीत 894   प्रभु , सबाई तोमाय काछे चाय


हे प्रभु! सभी लोग तुम्हारी निकटता और कृपा चाहते हैं। तुम सब जगह हो। तुम इस विश्व  के प्रत्येक कण, प्रत्येक चिन्ह और अणु परमाणु सब में छिपे हुए हो। सिद्धान्ततः तो मैं यह समझता हॅूं पर इस परम सत्य को अनुभव करना सरल नहीं है।

अपनी अपूर्णता के कारण कभी मैं तुम्हें दूर आकाश  में ढूंडता हूँ  तो कभी मधुर सुगंधित वायु में और कभी तारा मंडलों में। इस प्रकार मैं अपना समय तुम्हें बाहर खोजने में नष्ट करता रहता हॅूं। यह सब व्यर्थ ही चला जाता है क्यों कि मैं तुम्हें अपने हृदय के भीतर नहीं खोजता हूँ  जहाॅं तुम हमेशा  अपने दिव्य ‘‘श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति के रूप‘‘ में रहते हो।

तुम्हारे इतने आकर्षक और प्यारे स्वरूप को मैंने अपने भीतर नहीं खोजा इसलिये निराश  होकर तुम्हारी चाह में रो रहा हूँ , चिल्ला रहा हूँ ,
बाबा! तुम्हारी लीला अमाप्य है।  तुम महान हो, मैं तुम्हें अनगिनत बार प्रणाम करता हॅूं।

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

== Section 4 ==

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