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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Margii rights looted + 2 more


Margii rights looted


Our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha is in crisis and one of the main causes is the curtailment and eradication of margii rights. When those rights are duly restored the state of our organisation (AMPS) will be far better. We should all be aware of our rights and know the history and method by which they were removed. This letter serves as and overview and roadmap for this important issue.

(A) Margii rights part 1 has addressed these points - (link appended directly below):

- After 1990, group leaders and their stooges curtailed margii rights by manipulating the BP post and the bhukti committee;
- Key factors to recognise if margii rights have been wiped out in your area;
- Those factors include flatterer Wts campaigning for a particular BP candidate, sincere margiis being stripped of their voting privileges, sycophant Wts imposing the Fake BP Manual-- which Baba forbids, and more;
- Importance of a strong bhukti pradhan (BP).

#1: Ananda Marga issue of margii rights rights

(B) Margii rights part 2 has addressed these points - (link appended directly below):

- How group leaders and their sycophants turned the ACB into a "yes men" committee for ruling faction;
- How some imposed the fake SPB in SUVA in order to suppress  the margii voice;
- How group leaders and their bootlickers made the margii post of PKB defunct.

#2: Exploitation of margiis...

(C) Margii rights part 3 has addressed these points - (link appended directly below):

- How the various factions recruit members into their fold;
- How group leaders and their lackeys use the tactic of 'divide and rule' to control a bhukti;
- On the aforementioned basis, group leaders and their doormats exploit more.

#3: BP rights and ACB system dismantled

Every Ananda Margii interested in upholding Baba's teachings will find this entire situation very concerning. Guru has given specific rights and responsibilities to family people, and now those are being torn down by stooge Wts. Baba has formally given family margiis a voice in the organisation through the post of bhukti pradhan, and the Advisory Committees & Boards (ACB) etc, and those posts are being overtaken and hijacked by lackey Wts. All in all the situation is very alarming.

All must adhere to Baba's order

The response is that this is Baba’s organisation and Wts are bound to follow His divine guidelines. Being in control of the organisation means following Baba’s order - not inventing one's own rules and tearing down His teachings etc.

Clearly, for the many years leading up to 1990, Sadguru Baba granted key rights to margiis and ensured that family margiis had a specific role and voice in running the organisation.

But in the current climate, to keep their own post margiis keep mum. And side by side they cover up the misdeeds of lowly Wts so the general populace does not find out. That way all the corrupt and sinful dealings committed by stooge Wts of Rudrananda and Sarvatmananda remains hidden. And nowadays when the current group leaders are so woefully debased, this gives those factional heads and their stooges tremendous scope to continue their misdeeds. Such sinful Wts know they can do anything and everything and margiis will cover up the mess in order to keep their post and keep the local people in the dark. So such group leaders have not a care in the world and satisfy their degraded desires whenever they please. This is how they capitalise on the sentiment that margiis do not want to report the bad dealing of these corrupt Wrs in public / to the police etc. The problem is that when those same sinful Wts fill the governing boards in AMPS then where is their scope to get our AMPS pointed in the right direction. So this is one chief stumbling block nowadays.

Both sincere Wts and Margiis have distinct role to play. Wts have no right to against Guru's teachings. Rather, Wt Dadas and Didis are to strictly uphold all of Sadguru Baba’s guidelines, rules, and regulations. On this point, stooge Wts must be held accountable. Those negative people who stole margiis rights should be punished.


Due to the exploitation of margiis, only unqualified people are getting the BP post. And such persons cannot run the bhukti properly. All the while, spirited and dedicated margiis keep away to uphold their moral principles. They do not want to compromise with sin so they keep themselves at a distance. This generates a toxic atmosphere in the bhukti. That is why since 1990 our AMPS has been shrinking, what to speak of expanding its programs. And margiis are getting exploited so they are at a loss and Wts are also at a loss because the unit is sick. The very things they are dedicated for are spiraling in a downward direction. And service projects are falling by the wayside. The solution is that we should follow Baba’s guidelines and margii rights should be restored.

In Him,

There is no justification for curtailing margii rights. Wts and margiis both have been given their respective roles in the AMPS organisational structure. So those doormat Wts may not contravene Baba’s guidelines by tearing down margii rights and manipulating the post of bhukti pradhan etc.

Those rules and regulations and systems have been graciously designed and implemented by Baba, and every disciple, including all Wts, should follow them.

How sycophant Wts of Rudrananda exploit margiis

One prevailing notion in most units is that margiis want to preserve the reputation of even sinner Wts in their respective communities - at the cost of justice, so they do not pursue the proper legal systems for fear that the ills of those exploiters will become public.

For instance:

(A) When Mukundananda sexually abused the little girl in the margii family in Daltonganj, then those local margiis did not report the incident to the police etc. They did not seek any type of justice or rectification, rather they kept it all hush-hush to keep up the good name of even corrupt Wts in their area. Whereas, in most places when such a sinful, horrific crime like that is done, then the perpetrator will be tried in a court of law and spend the rest of their life in jail. But, instead, Mukundananda casually walked away from the incident as a free man. Mostly because margiis were more concerned with saving their own post and public reputation than the pursuit of justice.

(B) Some years back, Vrajeshananda raped the young maid servant who worked in the home of a margii family. All the margiis in the unit found out what happened and opted to stay silent about the matter. They chose not to report this crime to the police to save their own post public prestige, rather than face the outcry against bad Wts in their local community. So they kept mum about it, and the outcome was that Vrajeshananda never had to undergo any repercussions for his criminal and sinful dealing.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Only for You

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"A’már e gán divase nishiithe,raciáchi prabhu tava tare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1168)


Baba, I have spent day and night composing this special song only for You. By Your grace, all the feelings and emotions of my heart are decorated, layer by layer, in the lyrics of this tune. The affection which my I feel for You in my core is threaded and conveyed through the melodious music.

Baba, my Supreme Entity, the dawn has smiled and left Your sweetness before me. The charm of the early morning is Your exquisite beauty. The expressions of the flowers, leaves, and petals only tell me of Your tales and stories. Now I feel Your presence everywhere, by Your kindness.

Baba, the soft, gentle breeze has come to me. With its sweet, tender touch, it happily conveys Your message and tells me that You are showering Your grace endlessly - pouring Your eternal, sweet, love boundlessly upon me.

Parama Purusa Baba, I surrender at Your lotus feet...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How people see so-called ghosts

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "I had a certain acquaintance whose garden was quite large. One night his wife thought she saw a ghost in a corner of the garden. In Bihar, a female ghost is called `chudel' in Hindi. At the sight of the imagined ghost she cried out in fear, and fainted. She never regained consciousness and died some time later. The next night the same gentleman came out of his house at the same time. He also thought he saw the ghost. `Why should people have to die one after the other in this way?' he thought. Stepping forward to strike at the imaginary ghost with a stick, he suddenly saw that it was nothing but a bush which, in the moonlight, looked just like a human being. His wife had died for nothing, terrified by the deceptive image of a bush. Most so-called ghosts are like this. Towards the end of the rainy season rotting vegetation often gives out a gas, called marsh gas or will-o'-the-wisp, which bursts into flame when it comes in contact with oxygen. This burning gas may easily be taken to be a ghost. This is how a fear complex can develop." (1)

Note: In His various discourses, Baba clearly states that there is no such thing as “ghosts”; so-called ghosts do not exist. Most often, people in their mind imagine that there is a “ghost”, as is the case in the above example. When in fact there is a perfectly rational and logical explanation. People imagine it and become convinced that it is real.

1.  Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Go ahead towards your cherished goal

Original Ananda Vanii states: “The opportunists tried in the past, are trying at present and will try even in the future to fulfil their narrow desires by keeping the human race disunited. By severely reproaching this opportunistic craftiness through your noble deeds, you draw nigh the unknown strangers living far away and build a healthy world-based human family. Ignoring the brute forces, the sky-kissing arrogance, hypocrisy, immorality and glib outbursts of the conceited people, go ahead towards your cherished goal. The blessing of Parama Puruśa shall be with you alone.” (Ananda Vanii #40)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section 3: Links ==

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