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Monday, January 5, 2015

Ongoing Tragedy of Mexico Land Sale + 2 More


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Ongoing Tragedy of Mexico Land Sale
2. PS #2773: "O’ Sleeping People, Awake, Arise"
3. Links


It is well-known that Baba strictly forbid the sale of Ananda Marga land / properties. All are aware that Baba never allowed the sale of any land parcel or jagrti of AMPS. Yet this standard is not being followed in our current AMPS Administration.

Here we examine an ongoing land-selling crisis in Mexico. This all occurred without anyone knowing. It was all done in secret, behind the back.

Reportedly, under the guidance and direction of certain top Dadas, one person has been selling off Ananda Marga lands and properties and allegedly depositing that money in his own personal bank account. It has been found that 7 properties have been sold since 2007. And the concern is that more lands will be secretly sold off in the coming weeks and months. Any day they may be sold, as we see unfolding now with the New York Sectorial office.

This issue has been brought to the attention of concerning in-charge Dadas - up into the highest echelons of the AMPS structure. But to no avail - to date, nothing of any consequence has been done to put a halt to this sinful land selling activity.


Some persons close to the situation allege that the said margii who sold the land was really just a tool in the hand NYSS Dada Vimalanandji. Dada Vimalananda allegedly took a percentage of the funds and paid big dividends to GS Dada Citsvarupananda and Ac Rudrananda Avt, the unquestioned leader of Ranchi Administration. In turn, blanket protection has been extended to the said person, i.e. Yogendra. That's why they didn't take any steps against Yogendra because they were getting a hefty percentage of the sold properties

Whenever any margii or wt confronts and questions these top Dadas about land sales in Mexico or in other places, then those higher authorities blatantly lie. They shamelessly resort to falsehood. They think that nobody will fact-check them and they want to keep their prestige. So they lie. They tell that the land was not sold. When in fact, they themselves approved the sale that Ananda Marga property and that the profits from that sale are allegedly in their own bank account. This is the degree of their hypocrisy. When a genuine point is raised about a particular land sale, then those top Dada blatantly resort to falsehood. This is their standard operating procedure - deny and lie.



In another scenario, Those top Dadas reply indirectly on email forums via one of their stooges or through a naive margii who believes their justification etc. Those top Dadas make their case that the money from selling the land is absolutely necessary for paying the lawyer etc. This is what they claim. Yet, they have no answer when the point is raised that when Baba was in jail there was a dire financial need to pay lawyers. But Baba never allowed the selling of any Ananda Marga properties in order to pay those lawyers. This He did not approve.

Thus, now we must not go against His wish and sell Marga properties in order to pay lawyer fees. The most tragic and hypocritical aspect is that today in the name of payments to lawyers, millions of dollars have been allegedly collected from margiis but that money is not used for paying those lawyer fees. Instead, those funds were used for something else.

in Him,

== Section 2 ==

~ "O’ Sleeping People, Awake, Arise" ~

"D'a'k diye diye bolechile, jege ot'ho je a'cho ghumiye..." (PS 2773)


O' Lord, You gave the clarion call, “Awake, arise,” to those sleeping in cimmerian darkness. O' Lord, You graciously made this resounding call to those plunged in the spell of avidya maya. They were thinking that this material world is everything. With Your divine call, You hastened them to action, "Awake, arise - follow the path of bliss." Your divine call saturated the sky, air, shade beneath the tree, and the desert. That call resonated from the dust of the earth to the top of the mountain, from the height of the hills to the bottom of the ocean, from the burning desert to the snow-filled peaks - everywhere. To all corners, Your voice resounded, “O’ sleeping people, awake, arise”.

That very clarion call of the Divine Entity vibrated throughout the mid-day hot deserts. And that dharmic call reached to the cold dry sand of the dawn, as well as to the green vegetation in the forest and across the seas.That divine clarion call reached to the depths of the heart, and even swayed the decorated flower in the braids of hair. It echoed in all the ten directions. O' Lord, You gave the clarion call, “Awake, arise,” to those sleeping in cimmerian darkness.

O' Lord, Your clarion call is carrying the nectar of the river of love. It flowed along the horizon, towards the eastern sunrise, and that divine call spread into the red hue of evening sun also. Baba, O' Parama Purusa, Your divine call has touched every iota of creation, and transformed everything from staticity to divinity. O' Lord, You gave the clarion call, “Awake, arise,” to those sleeping in cimmerian darkness...


When the divine vibration of Parama Purusa touches the devotee's heart then it feels like Parama Purusa is directly calling the devotee with His own voice. These below passages from Baba's discourses echo the theme of the above Prabhat Samgiita - wherein His clarion call is resounding everywhere.

[1] “The devotees say that Parama Puruśa is an embodiment of love. They say that out of His infinite love for the microcosms He eternally plays His sweet flute, vibrating this vast universe with its divine sound. When spiritual aspirants attain a certain degree of spiritual progress, they are able to hear that divine sound. This divine sound is called oṋḿkára. All the sound waves of this universe have their source in Him. They emanate from the point of beginninglessness to the point of endlessness, and will continue to emanate eternally.”

“The kulakuńd́alinii shakti (serpentine power) rises upwards in accordance with the divine sound. As it rises through successively higher stages one hears the sound of crickets, ankle bells and the melodious sound of the flute. This is called the sweet sound of Krśńa’s flute. It is neither a dream nor a fantasy. All of you will hear it one day. A mystic poet said,”

Chut́e ye jan bánshiir t́áne
Se ki tákáy pather páne

“For those who listen to that melodious flute sound, nothing is an obstacle. They will move irresistibly towards the Supreme.” (1)

[#2] Baba says, "Ignoring all the obstacles on the way, you must rush towards the real destination-- Parama Purus'a. His sweet call rushes towards you since eternity. Can you disregard that Supreme call and keep yourself engrossed in the petty world created by Ma'ya'?" (2)

[#3] Baba says, "From time immemorial you have been listening to the sweetness of His divine call. Can you remain oblivious to it, engrossed in your little world created by Ma'ya'?" (3)

"With cosmic ideation set out from the starting point of moralism and advance towards supreme realization. Your feet may bleed, cut by the thorns scattered on the road, the sky, rent asunder by the lightning and crashing thunder of the fearful storm, may fall on your head, but proceed you must. You are a born fighter, To flee the battle in fear and hide like a corpse in the hills is ultravirous to your existential vitality. You must advance towards the Supreme Entity, your original abode, smashing all obstacles on the path." (4)

[#4]  Baba says, "O' human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an inert being and waste your time by clinging to old skeletons and bemoaning them? The Supreme Being is calling you in the roar of the ocean, in the thunder of the clouds, in the speed of lightning, in the meteor's flaming fires. Nothing good will come from idleness. Get up and awake the clouded chivalry of your dormant youth. It may be that the path is not strewn with flowers and that inferiority complex will be attempting to hold fast your each advancing step, but even then you have to proceed onwards tearing the shroud of darkness. You will tear the thick darkness of despair as you advance in the racing chariot radiant with the Sun's brilliance towards the attainment of the Supreme state." (5)

[#5] Baba says, "In the crimson rays of the early dawn floats the trumpet sound from the distant blue void. The call resounds: Arise, awake and waste no time in sleep. Tear off the fog of dogma and march on smashing under your feet the sky-kissing challenges of the rocky mountains. Remember that victory does not come by itself. Victory has to be invited and welcomed with sweat, the warmth of the blood and the fiery flames of hard labour. The task you have undertaken has to be brought to its consummation. When the mission is noble victory is sure to come. So do not sit inert wasting your valuable time. Be ready to give a fitting response to the clarion call of the cosmos. Be ready from this very moment." (6)

1. AMIWL-10, Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti
2. Tattva Koumudi - 2
3. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life-6
4. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life-6
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 1
6. A'nanda Va'nii #70

== Section 3 ==


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