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Friday, April 24, 2015

Story: coward, in trying to appease all, he irritates all + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Story: coward, in trying to appease all, he irritates all
2. PS #3609:  हे परमपुरुष! तुमने मुझे अपार कष्ट और वेदनायें दी, अंत में कृपा कर तुम आ गये
3. Links

Story: coward, in trying to appease all, he irritates all

Note: This letter is linked with the letter - "If death ceremony (shraddha) is not done..." - that was just posted. Please find the link below.

Recently, one supposed margii S died. Throughout S’s life, he and his family members always preferred Hindu rituals from A to Z, over Ananda Marga.

So when S died his cremation was done according to the Hindu rituals as per his wish. But from a distance, two indentured Wts (see note 1) - i.e. Dada B & Dada P - tried to coerce margiis in that area to perform an Ananda Marga style cremation for S. But the cremation had already been done according to the Hindu tradition.

Those two indentured Wts (B & P) were goaded by the idea that, “I should follow the law of food loyalty.” So they tried to coax and convince margiis of that unit that at least the shraddha ceremony of the deceased should be done in the local jagrti - even without the participation of the grieving family members. Dada B and Dada P tried hard to convince local margiis; but those local margiis did not wish to impose our Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony on those grieving family members who were already involved in the Hindu death ceremony.

Everybody knows that that grieving person is the one who performs the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony - no other person can do it for them. All others present will merely assist. So it was ludicrous to try to arrange the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony in the absence of those in mourning.

In (death) shráddha ceremony who is really benefited

As we all know, in our Ananda Marga, the shraddha ceremony is done by the grieving family members for their own comfort. The deceased is not benefited in any way by this ceremony. It is exclusively done by the grief-stricken family to gain closure and overcome their pain.

Yet these two indentured Dadas were trying to coerce local family margiis to perform the shraddha ceremony. Yet margiis were not the ones most affected by S’s death. It was S’s family members who were so distraught - yet they were not going to be at the jagrti for the shraddha ceremony. Instead they were busy in their own dogmatic Hindu shraddha ceremony. So those two indentured Dadas were way off base in their attempt.

The AM shraddha ceremony is done by those who are grieving most. In this case of S’s death, there were two groups who were grief stricken: S’s family members and these two indentured wts. So these were the two parties that should have conducted the shraddha ceremony for the deceased’s family.

But neither of these two parties were present at the jagrti. S’s family was at their own house - approximately 50 km away from the jagrti - arranging a Hindu shraddha ceremony, and these two indentured were sitting 2000km from the scene, away from the jagrti. Yet they were trying to coerce margiis to do the shraddha for them in the jagrti. It was a bizarre scenario.

Sadguru Baba says, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony].” (1)

One cowardly avadhuta J reached on the scene

In the meantime one cowardly avadhuta J reached on the scene and saw the tug-o-war that was going on:

(1) On the one side, those two indentured avadhutas, B & P (sitting in Kolkata), wanted to impose the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony upon those grieving non-believers (grieving family members) in order to send the deceased to heaven.

(2) On the other side, those local margiis did not want to impose our Ananda Marga shraddha system on non-believers (grieving family members) who were already involved in the Hindu death ceremony.

To resolve the quarrel, Dada J came up with his own solution in order to appease everyone - i.e. the above two parties. Please go on reading later on it will be clear.

How “moment of silence” created more problem

Ultimately that cowardly avadhuta J decided to do a “moment of silence” in the jagrti. Dada J thought that this would appease all parties. But that was his miscalculation. Because a “moment of silence” is neither the Ananda Marga system nor a Hindu ritual.

So the margiis were wondering why Dada J used this pseudo-culture approach of a “moment of silence” in our Ananda Marga when, “Already we have our own ceremony for the grieving family when somebody dies. And this can be done when the and the grieving party wishes to observe it.”

And those two indentured avadhutas (B & P) were frustrated that this Dada J did this moment of silence - and not the full Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony. So it was not possible to send the deceased to heaven.

Finally, the family members of the deceased were also frustrated. They thought, “When we only want to do only Hindu rituals, why are you imposing something else on the grieving family.

Thus all were frustrated by this cowardly Dada J calling for a “moment of silence.” Why “moment of silence is a nasty dogma and not supported by AM will be discussed further down.

A similar thing Dada Sumantrananda tried to do and he also miserably failed and I will write about this later on - in the future.

Why moment of silence was opposed

Those local margiis were opposing this “moment of silence” because it goes against Caryacarya. Because a “moment of silence” wrongly focuses on the deceased - not the grief-stricken mourners.

Dogmatic people observe a “moment of silence” to bring peace to the deceased, whereas in AM philosophy once the person dies there is nothing anyone can do for them.

That is why those margiis opposed the “Moment of silence ritual.” And their approach was dharmic.

Remember, the unit soul of the deceased is neither benefited nor harmed by the type of death ceremony etc.

Why “moment of silence” is pure dogma

Some wrongly calculate that the unit soul will be benefited by that moment of silence. But this is obviously not true. So margiis opposed this idea of bringing peace to the deceased by observing a moment of silence. Actually this dogma of a moment of silence is based on the common irrational approach shared by the major religions that one can help the deceased who is just wandering around. That is why ignorant, dogmatic people think that, “Since Mr X has died then I should help him for a moment so he will feel at peace.”

Actually, some margiis who are not aware of Ananda Marga philosophy think , “What is the loss in doing a moment of silence for the dead - it will just take a minute. Let everyone just close their eyes and help the person who died.” Sadly those dogmatic & confused margiis cannot understand that by doing this they are validating the dogma of crafty priests that the deceased can be rescued and saved from suffering. They think that by thinking of the deceased they are consoling that soul and taking him out of trouble. And as Ananda Margiis we must not indulge in this dogma - not on any level. It is very obvious - no living person can help or hurt the deceased. In order to exploit the deceased’s family, crafty priests invented this exploitative tool, i.e. dogma of securing the future of the deceased. In various religions it has different names but the overall theme and import is the same.

So this “moment of silence” is just a dogma.

Cowardly avadhuta J frustrated everybody

That is the story how this cowardly Dada J tried to appease everyone by conducting a “moment of silence”, in the end he frustrated everyone - no one liked or approved of what he did.

Q & A What is the best solution

The question then arises - “What is the best solution?”

Answer: The ideal solution is to follow dharma. Do not care who is happy or frustrated - don’t try to appease anyone, just follow the dharmic code. In result, in due course, all will be satisfied. That is the beautiful outcome when one adheres to and implements dharmic practices. 

And in this particular case, the dharmic approach is not to impose the AM shraddha ceremony upon the grieving family members that wish to observe dogmatic religious rituals etc. According to Caryacarya, we must not impose AM customs on others and go against their religious sentiments.

The ideal in AM is to psychologically convince others and bring into AM - not coerce others like terrorists do.

Who is who in this entire episode

Now is time to identify:
(a) who is the cowardly avadhuta J,
(b) where this incident took place,
(c) who was the deceased, and
(d) which two indentured avadhutas.

To get the answers please scroll down beneath dotted line

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

(a) The cowardly avadhuta J who tried to appease everyone by observing a “moment of silence” is Ac Jyotiprakashananda Avt. In the end, he frustrated everyone.

(b) This incident took place in Vishakhapattanam (Andhra Pradesh) India.

(c) The deceased is Shrii Gopal Shastrii; it was he and his family who always preferred Hindu rituals over the dharma of Ananda Marga.

(d) Those two indentured avadhutas of diseased Shastrijii are Ac Bhaveshananda Avt & Ac Pranavatmakananda Avt. They were the ones who wanted to go against the wishes of the family and impose the AM shraddha ceremony on non-believers (grieving family members) in the local jagrti. 


There are two main takeaways:
#1. Those who try to appease everyone will just make everyone upset.
#2. The only way to satisfy all is to follow dharma.

in Him,
A. Venkatraman

Note 1: Indentured Wts

The deceased margii S was as always giving Dadas B & P money and in return those Dada’s were always carrying out S’s wishes. That is why we say that Dada B and Dada P are indentured Wts. And now they want to carry out S’s final wish of going to heaven. That is why Dadas B & P were so involved and invested in this episode.

Note 2: Why not impose our AM customs on others

There is a key central reason why we do not impose our Ananda Marga customs on others.

Ahimsa - we do not want to wound the sentiments of others.

Suppose a communist leader died who held a high post in the locale of our AM jagrti. And suppose we made his effigy and performed the cremation according to the Ananda Marga system; then communists might become furious and livid. One day we might find that Muslim mullahs might did a similar thing with our of our avadhutas and made a tomb of an effigy of our avadhuta according to the tradition of the Koran (Quran). Then we Ananda Margiis would be displeased.

Note 3: Why were those two avadhutas so keen to perform the shraddha ceremony

against the will of those family members in mourning

Why were those two avadhutas so restless to perform the AM shraddha ceremony against the will of the grieving family members. Because since their childhood they were raised to believe that such ceremonies benefit the deceased. Those two avadhutas could not comprehend that the shraddha ceremony has nothing to do with the comfort or welfare of the deceased.

So they were restless to put their departed friend in heaven - even if that meant going against the wishes of the family. Those two avadhutas, B & P, wanted Shastri to get into the AM partition of heaven - not the Hindu section. They were thinking that Shastriji was looking down upon them from the sky and wondering why they were not helping him get into heaven by doing the shraddha ceremony; rather Shastri is just stuck on the doorstep. That is why B & P were trying hard to coax the margiis to help get Shastrii firmly placed in the AM side of heaven. Such is the degree of the ignorance of those two WTS - Ac Bhaveshananda Avt & Ac Pranavatmakananda Avt. They both wanted to impose our Ananda Marga shraddha system on non-believers (grieving family members) who were already involved in the Hindu death ceremony.

Unfortunately, those two avadhutas could not comprehend that the shraddha ceremony has nothing to do with the comfort or welfare of the deceased. 

1. Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony

== Section 2 ==

हे परमपुरुष! तुमने मुझे अपार कष्ट और वेदनायें दी, अंत में कृपा कर तुम आ गये

प्रभात संगीत 
3609 अनेक वेदना दिये अनेक ऑखी झाारिये, निठुर देवता मोर....

परिचय- यह गीत प्रथम श्रेणी के भक्त द्वारा अपने हृदय के भाव व्यक्त करते हुए, अपने इष्ट के प्रति प्यार भरी शिकायत का भाव प्रदर्शित  करता है। यह भावना तब आती है जब इष्ट के प्रति असीमित प्रेम और एक निष्ठा से शुद्ध  भक्ति होती है। जब भक्त उन्हें निकटता से पाने के लिये पुकारता है, और वे नहीं आते हैं, तो वह सोचता है कि उसका यह अधिकार बनता है कि उन्हीं के पैरों में अपना निवेदन सौंप दें।

 हे मेरे परमप्रिय परमपुरुष! आज लंबे समय के बाद तुम आये हो । हे दिव्य सत्ता! तुम कितने अकरुण हो, तुमने मुझे अपार कष्ट और वेदनायें दी हैं। मैं तुम्हारी चाह में रो रहा था, आॅंखों से आॅंसू बह रहे थे। मेरे लगातार रोने और गहरी व्याकुलता  के कारण अंत में कृपा कर तुम आ गये। हे प्रभु! तुम्हारी शिक्षायें मेरी समझ से परे हैं, मैं तो केवल यह जान पाया हॅूं कि तुम मुझे चाहते हो।

हे प्रभु! मैं नहीं जानता कि तुम कितनी दूर हो कि, मेरे रोने चिल्लाने की आवाज तुम तक नहीं पहॅुच पाती है। यह हो सकता है कि तुम बहरे होने का बहाना करने की अपनी लीला कर रहे हो, या यह भी हो सकता है कि तुम अन्य किसी को भी यह नहीं बताना चाहते कि, तुम अपनी योजना के संबंध में सोच रहे हो। मैं नहीं जानता कि तुम दूर हो या पास, परंतु मेरी आवाज तुम्हारे कानों तक नहीं पहुंच पा रही है।

हे परमपुरुष! बाबा! तुम एक के बाद दूसरी दृश्यावली बनाकर अपनी लीला कर रहे हो। यह भी हो सकता है कि, तुम अनजाने में ही अपनी सोच से ये नई-नई रचनायें करते जा रहे हो। बाबा! तुम चिंतन के संसार में, और उससे चिंतन के परे भी, ऊपर रहते हो। तुम्हारा कोई आदि मध्य और अंत नहीं है ।  तुम अनन्त हो। तुम हमेशा  सविशेष और निर्विशेष में मुस्कुराते हो, और पहुंच की सीमा में भी हो, और सीमा से परे भी हो।

टिप्पणी- जब किसी खेल का कारण नहीं मालूम हो तो उसे लीला, और जिसका कारण ज्ञात हो उसे क्रीड़ा कहते हैं। लीला शब्द परमपुरुष के लिये ही प्रयुक्त होता है। वास्तव में पुरुष ही मूल कारण हैं,  जिनके आधार पर प्रकृति अपना निर्माण कार्य कर, अनेक आकार प्रकार और रूपरंग निर्मित करती जाती है। एक ही पुरुष बहुत आकार ले लेता है। इस कार्य को लीला कहते हैं क्योंकि परम पुरुष इसे क्यों कर रहे हैं, इसका कारण किसी को ज्ञात नहीं है।

Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

== Section 3 ==


Here below is a link to companion piece to this above posting

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