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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Religious exploitation in AMPS + 2 more


Religious exploitation in AMPS


Here is how it works: “This special prasad is charged with positive microvita and will cure you of all your ills - just eat this prasad and all your ailments will be gone.”

This is the type of special sermon Dada Savitananda delivers after akhanda kiirtan programs, at retreats, after dharmacakra, and at DMS etc. To bolster his case, Dada also gives anecdotal accounts: “There were three patients with stage-4 terminal cancer. Their situation was hopeless. The doctors and medical professionals had given up. But one-by-one they came to me and with this microvita prasad we were able to save them and cure them fully.”

Such tales help generate a thirst - a market - for his microvita prasad. By this way his message is juicy and alluring, especially to those who are infirmed and vulnerable. And Dada jii capitalises on this to sell his product, collect donations, and generate more revenue.

MV prasad: following in religious dogma

Dada Savitananda, his cohorts, and select others, along with some general margiis place food and drinks under the puja table and in and around the akhanda kiirtan hall. The only rule is that the edible item must be close enough to receive the sound waves of the kiirtan. In this regard, the general rule is: The closer it is the better. They place bottles of water, juice, dried fruit, and candy and turn it into “cure-all” microvita prasad. Which they then market to margiis all around the globe.

So in making his so-called, “cure-all”, microvita potion, Dada S is just following in the footsteps of the dogmatic religions.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In most cases religions took advantage of human weaknesses, crippled the people’s rationality, and sapped their strength, thus facilitating their exploitation by the religious traders. When the vitality and strength of the masses remains unexpressed, the exploiters will be able to exploit them in the economic and other spheres of life for a long time with relative ease. In the annals of human history it can be seen in all ages that the various exploiters were the patrons and the preachers of religion.” (1)

How Savitananda’s business model has grown

Five years ago this business was just getting going and now it is gaining momentum. Dada S brings in huge bags of candies so that he can provide other Dadas with supplies for their travels. That way they can spread the word. At present, their business model aims at bringing as many people as possible into the fold, generating as many customers as they can. They are no different from those who bottle up water from the Ganges and sell it all around the world as a holy balm to heal your troubles and fulfill your dreams.

Nowadays, to generate a market, Savitananda and his team are distributing their supposed microvita prasad to as many as possible, while a few others can also bring and place food in the kiirtan pandal. But slowly Savitananda is taking more control of the situation. And soon only special designated persons will be able to bring items into the pandal. They will tightly regulate it so that the controllers can maximize on the profits.

Prasad of Parama Purusa vs business interest

In our AMPS, there is the system of prasad. All fondly remember this. And still today, prasad is an accepted element of our spiritual approach and link with Parama Purusa. Here the problem is that Dada jii’s business model of selling so-called blessed food for maximum profits completely contravenes the very special gift of prasad, i.e. the loving offering of food from Parama Purusa.

Parama Purusa is the Creator of this universe and everything belongs to Him. He does not need anything from us. When bhaktas, with their sincere feeling, make an offering to Parama Purusa, of edible or nonedible items then Parama Purusa, in His kindness, accepts the offering and graciously returns all or part of that offering to His bhaktas. That is known as prasad if it is something edible, and nirmalya if it is something non-edible.


Even today, if you want to offer anything to Parama Purusa then just offer it. He is not very far; rather, He is with you. He does not need anything external, just your mental offering is enough. But if you have an irresistible desire to offer something material, that also you can do. Just close your eyes and do an invocation of Parama Purusa and ideate that Parama Purusa is before you. Then whatever material thing you wish to offer you may. Thereafter you may distribute that item to others, especially to the poor and needy.

Regularly, in your personal life if you are offering your food to Parama Purusa, then take the food as His prasad. After you cook your food, just before eating close your eyes and invoke Parama Purusa, ideating that He is before You. Then make your offer and He will accept it. Then open your eyes and what is there is His prasad. You can eat that food, or serve and distribute it to others if you wish.

They key point is that true prasad is wholly devoid of any business interest or cheating etc. It is pure bhakti. For Parama Purusa, there is no difference between a physical or psychic offering. The only criteria is how much the sadhaka’s mind was involved. If some bhakta with great affection is making a mental offering that is more valuable if a rich person is offering huge physical delicacies with a dirty mind. There must not be any scam or exploitation in the name of prasad.

in Him,

After each and every kiirtan program, there should be special prasad. Some are involved deeply in spiritual sadhana while some, such as the children, are interested in special treats like prasad. By this way, there will be something for everyone. All will think of it as a delightful and joyous occasion.

~ In-depth study ~

Several bouquets of flowers to your grandpa

Receiving something out of love from Parama Purusa is known as prasad. It is just like if you presented several bouquets of flowers to your grandpa. There were more flowers than he could ever manage as it was his birthday and many people gave flower bouquets. Then with full love, he will present some of those flower bouquets back to his family members. That is gift. And it is only natural to accept them as it is an offering of love. Same is the case when Parama Purusa. He presents those food offerings back to His bhaktas. That is prasad.

Prasad is an offering based on selfless love. There is not the least bit of business interest in the process of giving or receiving prasad. Yet this Dada is twisting and exploiting this tenet as his sole aim is to earn huge monies by the mass selling of so-called prasad as a pitch for curing cancer.

Many dirty tricks to popularize prasad dogma and earn money

1. Non-decaying items that store well like water, juice, dried fruit, and sweets are used as the “cure-all prasad.”
2. Dada S places the containers directly under the puja table or if it is crowded the just outside the kiirtan circle. But that prasad must be within earshot of the music - the closer it is the better. Then it can become positively vibrated.
3. Dads S tells this is how to gather positive microvita. He brings huge bags of sugar candies and when the program finishes he gives a lecture how those candies are now charged with microvita. Dada S gives free samples to Wts to propagate this approach.
4. Dada S concocts fake stories how with this product patients recovered from incurable 4th stage cancer, but he never supplies their name or contact info etc.
5. Then Dada proclaims that only two things are needed: a dose of kiirtan candy + faith on Baba. Then if someone is not cured then Dada S justifies that that person does not have sufficient faith on Baba. That is Dada jii’s “out” or alibi lest anyone try to fault his panacea prasad.
6. So by this way Dada S is doing a booming business. To create more customers, on his travels he distributes his candy to those who could not attend. And to all he sees he professes that, “This candy will solve all your problems and diseases.”

Cheating to sick, injured, and troubled people

7. Those who are most vulnerable to this ploy are people in desperation. So what Dada jii is doing is just like what those religious traders and exploiters do. They capitalise on the weaknesses of innocent people struggling in life. Their basic equation is (a) seek out those in trouble, (b) highlight their problem, and (c) offer a “quick-fix”, “can’t miss solution” - for a fee.
Such religious exploiters are the worst type of people - sadly Dada jii’s approach is a mirror-image of this.
8. In the future, to keep the money rolling in, their plan is to hire kiirtan parties to sing 24/7 in a factory to maximize production of this cure-all candy. They even plan on getting certified by a professional licensing agency, just like as is done with those selling the Ganges water.
9. Not only that, Dada jii is creating his own market by appealing to all sick, injured, and troubled people. He says, “My special panacea products will ease your worried minds and heal your aching body.”
10. But remember, not just anyone can make this potent prasad. It cannot be done in your backyard nor in your local unit. It needs a global kiirtan program. By making such a claim, Dada jii aims to have a monopoly on the product and eliminate any local start-ups.
11. Five years ago this venture was nothing, and now it has grown into a full-fledged enterprise - spreading to all places. To help build a customer base, Dada jii generally gives out the prasad free and then asks for a donation - some time later. Once people are “hooked”, then he can charge what he pleases.
12. Essentially, Dada jii is bringing this dogma into AM in order to befool the public, earn maximum money, and gain respect.
13. Those not fully aware about Ananda Marga teachings are very susceptible and often succumb to this alluring dogma.
14. Actually this entire ploy falls at the intersection of so-many dogmas: religious trading, spiritual lethargy, priestocracy, etc. Plus it is against the most fundamental tenet of Ananda Marga which is to eradicate dogma - not propagate it. But the makers of this panacea are doing just opposite.

Special ploy to hold business rights

Now see this next trick maneuver that Savitananda makes. Because some may think that they can place their own water, dried fruits, and candy under the puja table during akhanda kiirtan and make special prasad on their own. They plan that they will organise kiirtan programs in their area with local margiis and then they will have their microvita prasad. In that case there is no need to purchase from or donate to Dada S in order to get his cure-all prasad. This might be the common idea that many may consider doing.

To control this and cut off any competition, Dada S has laid down some stipulations. In order from microvita prasad to be effect it must be made according to the below rules, otherwise it will not work.
(A) The kiirtan must be a large gathering that includes margiis from a maximum number of sectors, such as at DMS etc.
(B) Having 50 or even 200 margiis from a particular locale is not sufficient for making this panacea prasad.
(C) During large programs, select and designated persons only can place water and fruits in jars to make the microvita potion.
(D) And in this way Dada S has laid down numerous stipulations so that he is firmly in control and can generate maximum profits from his enterprise.

As you may have heard, various exploitative companies sell and package Ganges water nowadays. It is all about taking something most ordinary - even polluted - and marketing and packaging it as something divine. Tragically, Dada Savitanandji has joined the ranks of selfish, religious traders trying to take advantage of the weakness and gullibility of the public. This is sad state of affairs for an avadhuta.

Plan for microvita kiirtan factory

There is a plan in few years is to have a have private factory where kiirtan singers are hired to sing all day and microvita food is generated on a mass scale. And to validate their product it will stamped by inspectors who certify that it has been fully microvita charged. Just like how==== various religious communities have certain food inspected such as how the Jews have certified kosher food and the Muslims have certified ==halal etc. This brings credibility to their product and sellers are able to make a fortune. And the same thing Dada S and his team hope to achieve in the future with their product.

 Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In almost all cases ritualistic religion ultimately encourages the fulfilment of materialistic desires. Generally, human beings want to acquire physical objects as well as name and fame. Sometimes, even after fulfilling their desires, they want to accumulate more. With that goal in mind they follow a ritualistic religion.”
   “The practice of ritualistic religion is nothing but pursuance of the path of preya. Ignorant men even fail to realize that by following such a path they do not always gain the material objects they desire. Only the sinful religious and social exploiters gain from such efforts.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Religious exploiters maintain an unholy alliance with the capitalistic exploiters. With hands upraised, a religious preceptor blesses the wealthy merchants for their future prosperity but refuses to see the faces of his poor disciples who fail to provide handsome prańámii (a fee for the priest’s blessing). You will notice that in many religions mythological stories and fables are given more importance than science and rational ideas because they contain ample scope for exploitation of human weaknesses.” (3)

Who is behind this scam

The key person spearheading this profiteering, business venture is Dada Savitanand and under his wing he has many other Dadas who work as distributors.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
2. Tattav Kaomudii - 1, Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy, #46
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

That special day is still fresh in my mind

"Shrávańii purńimár kathá, áj mane paŕe…”  (Prabhat Samgiita #4954)


O' Parama Purusa, today, the great tale of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is coming in my mind, in my heart. O' Bandhu, the memory of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is floating in my mental plate. The glorious advent of that auspicious occasion is still fresh in my psychic temple when the grand play between staticity and divinity began [1].

That time, the sweet, fragrant air was saturated with the aroma of the night jasmine flower. It was permeating the entire atmosphere, and the sky was enveloped by clouds. This yuthika' blossom was full of nectar and supreme love. A gentle, mild breeze was blowing and various creatures like frogs were happily singing the chorus with great joy.

The grace of Supreme Consciousness acted upon the debased mind with the spiritual force of the ista mantra. On that very day of Shravanii Purnima, new sentient vibrations were created on this earth as the radiant effulgence pierced through the fog and the static darkness. The memory of that Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is still fresh in my mind, by Your grace. Baba, on this observance of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima', I want only one thing from You - please bless me with parabhakti...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #4954:

[1] Here Baba is poetically narrating how when Kaliicharanji was blessed by receiving initiation then he started repeating his Ista mantra, and with the incantative power of the mantra his sleeping divinity was aroused.

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