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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Barbarity of united AMPS + 2 more


Barbarity by united AMPS

People regularly clap and celebrate when demons are made to suffer. People feel that those demons in human form committed countless black deeds and inflicted so much pain and agony on others. So if they are now made to suffer, justice has been done. This is actually a common reaction. But as, Ananda Margiis, our standard is different. We should be above what normal human beings do. We do not enjoy seeing others suffering. We should follow Baba’s below teachings. By seeing their suffering we should feel compassion, and not take pleasure in their punishment and suffering.

The proper approach should be to show compassion

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Suppose someone is very sad; seeing his miserable fate people will say, “Well done! He deserved it!” But this is not the proper approach. The proper approach should be to show compassion, thinking “What a pity he is in great trouble. Had I also been in such a difficult position, how badly I would feel.” In this way the feeling of compassion (karuńa) should be aroused.” (5)

Why some were happy by seeing other sufferings

The Supreme Court of India issued an order on 12 May 2015 to arrest the alleged murderers of Ac Abhipremananda Avt. The names of the 8 avadhutas listed in that court order are appended below.

Hearing this news, many began dancing in joy and delight and decorated their houses with lamps as in victory day or diipavali. They were pleased that those who harassed, victimised, and murdered innocent people were ordered to go to jail. They felt vindicated that finally justice had arrived. Although those avadhutas listed in the court order harmed our Ananda Marga, still we should not rejoice in their suffering.

Atrocities committed by united AMPS (post-1990 era)

Here we begin to look at the wrongdoings by the United AMPS of the post 1990 era. Because from 1990 onwards up to around 2000 all were united under Dada Sarvatmananda’s rule. And with that united power, grave injustices were done. Then, as is well known, a stark spit and division occurred.

  • Horror story -  Ac. Lokotorananda Case 1994
On 20th January 1994, Ac. Lokotorananda Avt threw himself in front of a running train in Hosangabad railway station, in Madhya Pradesh. He was seriously affected by the long-term abuse, humiliation, torture, and terror allegedly created by the then GS Dada Sarvatmananda and the then ERAWS Secretary Ac. Mantreshvarananda Avt, with the backing of the entire B group. Remember, those days in the pre 2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda.

Ironically, the only fault of Ac. Lokotorananda Avt was that he was very strict in 16 pts. When he was leaving Ananda Nagar on 8th January 1994, then he told to so many workers that "Neither I can leave strictness in 16 pts, nor I can leave AMPS and go outside. And also I cannot bear the torture which our supervisors are giving. So it is very difficult to survive." While he was expressing this feeling he was in a sad mood, and had tears in his eyes.

For confirmation, please confirm with very senior Margii of South India Smt. Manjula Dhayanand, Alandoor, Setikopa, Post Office N.R. Pura District Chikmanglur, Karnataka. Or Shrii Ganesh Bhat, Devikere Circle, Sirsi, North Karnara, Karnataka.

And Remember, those days in the pre-2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda..

  • Other  murder cases
Under Dada Sarvatmanandaji's regime so many respected whole time Workers (WTs) were allegedly tortured to death. In good faith they were brought to Ananda Nagar and executed in the dark - in the name of going out for night sadhana. Ram Prasad Brc is one of the examples - and another is Dada Ranaviiranandaji who was killed in Baghima Master Unit in Gumla District, Ranchi region. Here again we are talking about the 1990’s when Sarvatmananda held unquestioned authority and so many big Wts like Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna, and Ananda Giita were ready to carry out his every order. Remember, those days in the pre-2000, all “big” dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda..

  • Ac Adidevanandji suicide
In addition, Ac. Adidevananda Avt who was Asst Trainer in Benares TC was allegedly severely tortured and exploited by the Head Trainer. He ended his life by hanging himself. And those who protested in support of Ac. Adidevanandji and cried for justice were severely punished. In this case of torture of Ac Adidevanandji, H and B groups both were involved. And those respected Avadhutas who protested Centre in favor of Adidevanandji were punished.

  • Diverted to Jamalpur tiirtha construction
Then when Orissa relief money was allegedly diverted to Jamalpur tiirtha construction, Ac. Nityalokeshananda Avt along with more than two dozen WTs protested. In turn, Ac. Nityalokeshanandji was punished by expulsion. This injustice was done collectively by H and B group. Because in that era, all were under the shelter of Dada Sarvatmananda. It was his house those days and inside were so many helpers and associates like Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, along with Avadhutikas Ananda Giita and Ananda Sampurna etc. Remember, those days in the pre 2000 era, and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda.

List of repulsive exploitation on margiis & wts by united AMPS

1. Enslavement of BP’s, curtailment of BP rights, and imposition of the Fake BP Manual;
2. Those who opposed their evil deeds were expelled.
3. Victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out;
4. Bangalisation of Ananda Marga teachings: countless intentional scriptural distortions such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if Baba did not give those discourses in Bengali or were given by Baba in other languages than Bengali;
5. Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy discourses which were given by Baba in three languages - ie discarding Baba’s English discourses;
6. Ruination of the ACB system by putting stooges on those committees;

Remember, those days in the 1990 - 2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda

7. Curtailment of margii rights; imposing no right to protest nor free speech etc;
8. Issuing of Fake Ananda Vaniis two times per year;
9. Punishing those who do Silent Action to oppose their evil deeds;
10. Making their stooges into purodhas putting them on Central committees etc;
11. Secretly selling Ananda Marga land and properties;
12. Worthless Wts and stooges given central post;
13. Low character Wts given top posts in Centre.

These are a few of their many injustices and atrocities. And here following are more cases everyone should be aware about. Even then, by seeing their suffering we should feel compassion. We should not take pleasure in their punishment and suffering.

* For more about this list of repulsive exploitation of margiis and wts by united AMPS click here.

Should not take delight in their suffering

Despite the many injustices and tortures meted out by B group led by Dada Sarvatmananda, when all were united under his reign, it is against our ethic in our Ananda Marga to rejoice in seeing their suffering such as during the May 2015 court order for the arrest of Dada Sarvatmananda and his stooges.

"Well done! He deserved it!" But this is not the proper approach

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Suppose someone is very sad; seeing his miserable fate people will say, “Well done! He deserved it!” But this is not the proper approach. The proper approach should be to show compassion, thinking “What a pity he is in great trouble. Had I also been in such a difficult position, how badly I would feel.” In this way the feeling of compassion (karuńa) should be aroused.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Even for those infernal creatures Parama Puruśa has unbounded love and affection – even such people are not helpless. Their piteous wailings reach His ears, and accordingly He takes steps to help them. But this is not the case for human beings: rather even at the sight of the sorrows and sufferings of afflicted people they will say, “Well done! as you sow, so you reap! Those people are reaping the consequences of their past misdeeds!” In the human mind there is an ingrained sense of hatred for others. But there is no such feeling in the mind of Parama Puruśa.” (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “On seeing someone in distress, they think: “Rightly served. As you sow, so you reap. Let their troubles augment.” Such human-shaped animals are prowling about in many fields of life, including the field of politics.” (7)

"ঠিক হয়েছে, ঠিক হয়েছে, rightly served"

আর “সুখদুঃখ”---কারও দুঃখ হলে, ভেব না যে "ঠিক হয়েছে, ঠিক হয়েছে, rightly served" | না | ভেব, “আহা দুঃখে লোকটা কত কষ্ট হচ্ছে | তার সম্বন্ধে মনে করুণার ভাব তৈরি করো | (8)


As Ananda Margiis, we are not to take delight or joy in seeing others suffer. The common people often rejoice seeing their enemies or oppressors in pain or in defeat. But as sadhakas that is not our way. We are to goad the mind to the next level and foster empathy and compassion for those .

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Which Dadas were involved

The following 8 Wts of AMPS Bengali group were ordered by the Indian Supreme Court in May 2015 to be held in custody - i.e. prison.

1. Ex. Sarvatmananda
2. Ex. Bhaveshananda
3. Ex. Mantreshvarananda
4. Ex. Vitmohananda
5. Ex. Haratmananda
6. Ex. Ravishananda
7. Ex. Tanmayananda
8. Ex. Sarveshvarananda

पापी थी बात तो ठीक है | मगर कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी का दुःख हुआ | तो, प्रायशः लोग क्या करते हैं ? "बहुत बदमाश था" rightly served, अब ठीक हुआ, ठीक होलय |"

हूँ ? हाँ |

सो नहीं | उससे होगा क्या ? तुम्हारा mental balance नहीं रहेगा | रातभर सोचोगे---"ठीक हुआ बदमाश था, अब ठीक हुआ !"

[बाबा मुस्कराए]


"तो, शान्ति कहाँ रही ? नहीं | उस हालत में मन में क्या कहना चाहिए ?  करुणा | पापी थी बात तो ठीक है | मगर कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है, कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है | कहा था कि---"मिट्टी खोदकर आनन्दमार्ग को जड़ से मैं उखाड़ दूँगी | अब, नाली का पानी पी रही है | कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है !" (1)

Rightly served, rightly served! बहुत बदमाश आदमी था

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी का दुःख देखकर, पापी जब दुःख में है, तुम कहते हो---"ठीक हुआ ! Rightly served, rightly served ! बहुत बदमाश आदमी था !" तुम्हारे मन में घृणा है; उनके मन में घृणा नहीं है ।" (2)

Rightly served | Properly served | बहुत दुष्ट था, हमको बहुत परेशान किया था |

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी को दुःख देखने से भी ऐसा होता है न ? "ठीक हुआ | Rightly served | Properly served | बहुत दुष्ट था, हमको बहुत परेशान किया था |" मन में आनन्द हो रहा है, किसी का दुःख देखकर | ऐसा होता है | उस वक्त, क्या भावना लेना है ?  करुणा—"कितना कष्ट हो रहा है, कितना कष्ट हो रहा है, अह ! कितना कष्ट हो रहा है" | क्या हुआ ?  ठीक उसके विरुद्ध भावना | तो करुणा वृत्ति के द्वारा मन का जो रोग है, उसको हटा दो ।" (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी को दुःख हुआ, दुःख से बहुत आदमी ऐसे भी हैं जो सोचते हैं---"ठीक हुआ, rightly served |" ऐसा भी कहता है |

ऐसा कहता है न, लोग ?

हाँ, कि "हम से दुश्मनी किया था, यह किया था, वह किया था | अब ठीक हुआ---हाँ, अब सज़ा मिल रही है |" नहीं, यह भावना ठीक नहीं है |

उस दशा में क्या ?  करुणा भावना के द्वारा neutralize कर लो | "अहाऽ, कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है | च्‌-च्‌-च्‌ | कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है, उसकी"---ऐसा मन में भावना लो | लेते-लेते जब neutralized हो गया, तब उस भावना को परमात्मा की तरफ़ बहा दो |" (4)

For more about the list of repulsive exploitation of margiis and wts by united AMPS click directly below;

1. MGD 27 August 1978 Patna
2. २७ नोव. १९७१
3. General Darshan 1 January 1970 Patna
4. DMC 26 January 1964 Gazipur
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
7. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)
8. GD 23 November 1987 Calcutta

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

I went to so-called tiirthas like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur

"Ámi, pathe pathe khunji tomáre, vane parvate nadii tiire..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2569)


O’ Parama Purusa, I am searching You on paths, trails, streets, forest lanes, mountains, and riverbanks. I have searched for You in various “holy lands” - Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem, as well as in the caves of treacherous mountains. And I also went to dogmatic religious places “tiirthas” like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur. But, unfortunately, I could not find You anywhere. I searched for You through karma yoga and jinana yoga. O’ Lord, I long to see You with my full heart’s satiation.

But, alas, You did not meet me anywhere. The swing of samvit [1] in my mind never arises. Walking continuously, performing rituals mindlessly, like a machine, I call You through a stream of ceaseless tears.

Baba, due to my profuse crying I became miserable. Covering my eyes with cloth, I have performed religious fasting, penance, and countless rituals. Sadly, the Entity for whom all these preparations were done, and the Entity for whom all these rituals were performed, I never searched for Him within my mind, where He is sitting and smiling...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2569:

[1] Samvit: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section 3: Links ==

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2. Posting: Barbarity of united AMPS
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