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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

This Didi celebrates donkey birthday + MPD reply


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: This Didi celebrates donkey birthday
2. Comment: MPD dogma was created by foolish CC members
3. Links

This Didi celebrates donkey birthday

Note: This letter is only for those who have deep empathy for Wts. This letter is not for those who do not care about our dedicated avadhutikas.

Ananda Marga ideology highlights the importance of one’s spiritual initiation as a time of birth.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The first birth was the physical birth, and the second birth was the spiritual birth, during initiation.” (1)

Hence, one should not think that when the spermatozoa fertilises the egg and ensuring birth is one grand birthday event. Life should be spiritually oriented, not goaded toward the mundane.

At each and every juncture or stage of an avadhuta’s / avadhutika’s training they are given a new name because each stage itself represents a new birth – a new beginning, all the while leaving behind their old life. In which case, where is the scope for an avadhuta / avadhutika to celebrate their own worldly birthday. Thus, every Wt in our Marga should think twice about how far they should celebrate their “birthday”. According to Sadguru Baba, for avadhutas / avadhutikas there is no question of celebrating as they have given up everything of their unit existence for Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

The spirit of being an avadhuta / avadhutika is to dedicate everything to Marga Gurudev. By getting avadhuta / avadhutika diiksa and by getting their new avadhuta / avadhutika name, they no longer have anything of their own. In that blessed state, everything belongs to Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. And Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is their mother, father, & everything. That is the oath they have taken.

They surrender their all – their entire I-feeling – at His lotus feet. Their name has changed; their address has changed; their identity has changed. They have no past connection with their worldly life, nor their worldly birth. Avadhutas / avadhutikas give everything to Parama Purusa – they have nothing left to call their own.

That is why in the conduct rules of the avadhuta / avadhutika, there is no such thing as the observance of one’s own donkey birthday or any form of celebration or glorification of one’s own unit existence. Rather the avadhuta’s / avadhutika’s goal of life and the be-all end-all of their existence is to glorify Parama Purusa. They are to be established solely in Marga’s Guru’s glory.

In which case, where is the scope for an avadhuta / avadhutika to celebrate their own worldly birthday. Unfortunately, some degraded Wts still exist who sing their own glory and celebrate their donkey birthday with song and dance party, cakes etc. They are so engulfed by avidya maya they forgot about their oaths, their name, their dress. They started equating themselves as a sunken soul, unfortunately. The plus point is that they are only a very few - they are not a majority. Now, in this critical juncture, it is the duty of all margiis to help them understand their greatness that they are disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.


As you think so shall you become. This is the fundamental characteristic of Ananda Marga sadhana. Ideate on Brahma and then one can become Brahma. If one thinks about oneself then the mind becomes smaller, smaller, and smaller. That mind will be degenerated and unfit to get human life - what to say about liberation.

Celebrating the birthday is entirely ego-centric. All come to praise that individual. It is antithetical to common ethics of Ananda Marga and very detrimental for spiritual progress. It is common sense that not only avadhutas & avadhutikas, even general margiis constantly think of their ista mantra, and not about their own self. That is why in Ananda Marga no sincere sadhaka / Wt etc celebrates donkey birthday.

in Him,

What is the harm and self-propaganda and celebrating birthday

Here the point is not about eating cake. All know that our Wts are free to eat all kinds of tasty delicacies and sweets that are sentient. So cake is not the issue here. The reason why it is a donkey birthday is because such occasions are based on self-centeredness and self-glorification. That is the root cause of the problem.

Wt Conduct Rules

Wt conduct rule -- “Avadhuta / avadhutika shall always keep himself engaged in the service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion, in thought, words and deed, in subtle and in crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life.” (2)

Wt conduct rule --  "We are all the children of the same Father, we are all the members of the same family. By fighting against all kinds of evil forces, we will establish the glory of our Father and the glory of our family." (3)

Wt conduct rule --  "One should make others good by becoming an ideal person." (4)

Wt conduct rule --  "One should follow discipline very strictly." (5)

Wt conduct rule --  "One should be ready always to accept all suffering as rewards and become an ideal son / daughter of the Cosmic Father." (6)

This is the Didi who

The name of the Didi is Didi Ananda Sumantrita who has been working in Copenhagen (Berlin Sector). She is the one celebrating donkey birthday.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30
2. Rule no. 28 of 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas
3. Fourteen Points, point #13
4. 37 Workers Rules, point #22
5. 37 Workers Rules, point #24
6. 37 Workers Rules, point #31

== Section 2: Comment ==

MPD dogma was created by foolish CC members

A discussion On Mahaprayan was going on in WhatsApp Group, Proutist Forum, where one Bro. Sidhil, who is presently in Canada, was defending celebration of Mahaprayan on the ground that if Baba was born and we celebrate 'Anand Purnima' so He has died (yes, this painful word was used many times), as well.

I replied to him-

[3/25, 10:43 AM] Rajesh Singh: Dear Bro. Sidhil, You are arguing for the sake of argument. My statement begin with leaving of HIS physical form, but we are discussing whether Mahaprayan need to be celebrated or not. Our guiding force is Caryacarya and it clearly debar us from observing any annual shradhanushthan. Caryacarya, part-1, begin with 'Infants Jatkaram' and one dedicated chapter (20) is Birthday Ceremony and Chapter-21, which deals with Social Functions & Festivals, first social function is "Anand Purnima", the day of Holy advent of "Baba". Nowhere Caryacarya talks about celebration / observation of annual death ceremonies or Mahaprayan. You too have accepted that Mahaprayan chapter has been added by undivided AMPS. Do we need to follow a blunder added by Foolish CC members???

[3/25, 11:21 AM] We have a general perception that we can chant Kirtan, Baba Nam Kewalam, anytime anywhere.
Chapter-31, Disposal of the dead body, of Caryacarya, Part-1,  clearly instructs; the dead body should be carried silently.
You can't whisper "Baba Nam Kevalam" when carrying a dead body, as the followers of Hindu Religion- राम नाम सत्य है (Ram Nam Satya Hai), do.
If Caryacarya debars us from organizing / observing / celebrating 'Annual Shraddha (वार्षिक श्राद्ध अनुष्ठान)', we needn't to follow, even though it has been added by united CC.
Rest, I leave it to the wisdom of devotees and forum.

Rajesh Singh
Noida / NCR

Note: Here is a link to a letter related with this topic - Watch out for this dogma

Monday, March 28, 2016

About Mehool's Family Acaryaship


About Mehool's Family Acaryaship

To: Respected Purodha Pramukha Dada ji

This past weekend (Mar 25 - 27, 2016) Mehool Dave of Toronto hosted a grand program in his locale that many Wts attended. Here following are some of the points about this gathering.

1. First and foremost, Mehool’s family acarya application was delayed because Dada Vimalananda was not in NY sector. But now that Dada Vimalananda got his green card (US permanent resident card) Dada V is currently in NY then he will advance Mehool’s acarya application because Mehool has given Dada V huge money. In turn, Vimalananda may have advised Mehool to invite and please maximum Wts / acaryas by bringing them to this gala event. Then Dada Vimalananda will have an easier time getting these other Wts to support Mehool’s application for tattvika training and it can get approved in Centre. To this end, Mehool ji gladly covered the full cost of the ticket and travel expenses (plane and train etc) for every Wt who attended.

2. Mehool’s main goal right now is to become a family acarya by hook or by crook. Although Dada Vimalananda is his chief ally, if Mehool sees any margii or acarya who does not like Dada Vimalananda than Mehool will harshly criticize Vimalananda. Because Mehool wants to make everyone happy in hopes of garnering their support. So Mehool is buttering up absolutely everyone to clear his path to get family acaryaship.

3. Mehool is keen to gain the prestige and respect of being a family acarya. Mehool sees how the so-called family acarya “Dhruva” of NY uses the terms “dada” and “acarya” at every possible moment to boost his (Dhruva’s) own prestige. And Mehool is green with envy [matsarya]. Mehool cannot wait to append those titles to his own name and email address etc. That will be his great glory and that is why Mehool is charging hard to become a family acarya.

4. Mehool Dave has lots and lots of money. Mehool has opened a new business and he is a big entrepreneur - a Gujurati vaeshya. He is calling almost every acarya he knows and vomiting out his material riches on everyone. It is called: What makes more noise when dropped - a filled glass pitcher or an empty box? Answer: A filled glass pitcher. That is Mehool’s condition. At the same time in Gujurat Mehool’s family is well known for not helping financially to any acarya.

5. Also Mehool has made a few enemies with certain margiis and Mehool feels that by becoming a family acarya it will be a way to rub sand in the eyes of his foes. Mehool has that type of vindictive nature. At the same time he is an extremely clever and cunning Gujarati vaeshya. Generally, no one will be able to figure out or guess the agenda behind his various actions.

6. This weekend was the time when Mehool wished to bring his daughter into the limelight. So for her classical Bharathanatyam Arangetram performance, by inviting maximum Wts from all over, he will best be able to spread the glory and fame of his family.

7. Ultimately, by this program Mehool targeted many goals with one arrow.

8. Top among all, this program was organized by Mehool to get his family acaryaship and he couched that agenda within this grand gala celebration of his daughter Kiirtana’s birthday. Indeed, Mehool just invested so much money into this program as he really wanted to butter up a maximum number of Wts so his family acaryaship application will easily gain approval by Rudrananda. So really this is a one grand investment for Mehool’s future. He will be able to fulfill his longtime dream to gain the social status of being an acarya. This type of prestige is his food.

9. Baba has warned us that this is the vaeshyan era. And with their money, those big vaeshyas (capitalists) will have great ability to buy even morality and spirituality.

In Him,
Shyam Mehta

~ In-depth study ~

Here are some of the many Wts who attended the fancy gathering (Mar 25 - 27) in Toronto at Mehool’s request:

From left to right their names are:
Didi Ananda Tapomaya
Didi Ananda Rupadhara
Dada Diiptimanananda (SOS Dada)
Dada Sarvajiitananda
Dada Parinirvanananda
Dada Vedaprajinananda
Dada Iishvarakrsnananda
Dada Dayashillananda (back)
SS Dada Abhiramananda (front)
Dada Shankarananda

and many more were also there but could not be in this photo....

Friday, March 25, 2016

Religious scam news + 3 Avadhutas


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: Religious Scam news + 3 Avadhutas
2. Links

Religious Scam news + 3 Avadhutas

Note 1: Please bear in mind that this letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular dada or group.

Note 2; This letter is written according to the standard of Ananda Marga. Our Ananda Marga does not appreciate or subscribe to materialistic, dogmatic values prevalent nowadays. One should always remember that Ananda Marga is a revolution and Baba has created Ananda Marga to establish spiritual values & dharma.

Appended below is a news article about a religious scam. The scammer has been caught and punished - but the matter does not end here.

Unfortunately, in our very own Ananda Marga, a similar type of scam is going on and the alleged scammer is still loose. He continues to take advantage of innocent margiis. You may know about this, but, if not, please read below.

Dada Savitananda earns a lot of money from thin air

Dada Savitananda places food and drink under the puja table and in and around the akhanda kiirtan hall. Dada S’s only rule is that the edible item must be close enough to receive the sound waves of the kiirtan - and the closer it is the better. In this way he places bottles of water, juice, dried fruit, and candy and turn it into “cure-all” microvita prasad. Which Dada then markets to margiis all around the globe.

So in making his so-called “cure-all”, microvita potion, Dada S is just following in the footsteps of the dogmatic religions to earn lot of money from thin air.

“In most cases religions took advantage of human weaknesses, crippled the people’s rationality, and sapped their strength, thus facilitating their exploitation by the religious traders. When the vitality and strength of the masses remains unexpressed, the exploiters will be able to exploit them in the economic and other spheres of life for a long time with relative ease. In the annals of human history it can be seen in all ages that the various exploiters were the patrons and the preachers of religion.”

How dadas new alleged scam has grown

Dada S brings in huge bags of candies so that he can provide other Dadas with supplies for their travels and spread the word. At present, their business model aims at bringing as many people as possible into the fold and generating as many customers as they can.

They are no different from those who bottle up water from the Ganges and sell it all around the world as a holy balm to heal your troubles and fulfill your dreams.

Nowadays, to generate a market, they are distributing their prasad to as many as possible and a few others can also bring and place food in the kiirtan pandal. But slowly they are taking more control of the situation. And soon only special designated persons will be able to bring items into the pandal. They will tightly regulate it so that the controllers can maximize on the profits.

if someone is simply selling rosary beads, or coloured gowns, or pratiks, or tandava dress & charging material cost--then they are not a religious cheats. But if someone is selling wares that are said to contain mystical and magical powers to cure or bring mundane gain etc, then they are a religious cheats. For instance, if someone is saying that with their night sadhana or skull meditation they have infused special powers into the wares they are selling & charging & for magical values then they are a religious cheats. Or if someone proclaims they got a direct boon from the Divine Entity and they are charging sky-high prices for the soil of a so-called holy land or a relic, then that person is a religious cheat.

Case study Nirmohananda & Omnkareshvarananda

When Dada Nirmoha'nandji came to town with his malas, stones, & charms - rudraksha beads (rosary beads), sphatik (white stone), and other items - then my margii friend became quite interested. After all, Dadaji was telling falsehoods that these malas and stones prevent and resolve all kinds of mundane problems - everything from memory loss to money issues, and so many other diseases and worldly issues-- marriage divorce etc.

Dada furthermore hid the truth and falsely told me that Baba Himself spoke about the power of such charms and that the malas, (beads) he was selling were very special because he (Dada N) sits in the cemetery with them all night long doing sadhana.

Hearing about all this my margii friend became quite intrigued, as well as a bit skeptical. To get confirmation he spoke with some other senior margiis and wts. They started laughing and told him how Dada N's trade / business is false and is done to infuse magical power.

And Dada Omnkareshvarananda has a similar approach.

So I think this matter is very clear. But for greater clarity here is more about this.

All are aware that Baba condemns religious cheats (priests, mullah, rabis avadhutas who cheat others on religious grounds) as they befool public and exploit them that these For instance the Hindus malas, rudraksha and stone are prayers idols will help their followers if they pay money.  Yet that is what a few of our Dadas are doing. They have become religious cheats by selling dogmatic rudraksa and stones (religious merchandise) under false pretext that such rudraksha will protect people from harm and cure their mundane maladies. And they also sell horoscope and palmistry readings...

So we see that there are religious cheats both inside and outside of Ananda Marga. Yet Sadguru Baba has given our Ananda Marga to combat this type of religious scam. As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, it is our duty eradicate all kinds of religious trading in our Ananda Marga.

In Ananda Marga magical beads and stones, horoscope, palmistry, astrology etc are not approved by Baba. These are all dogmatic rituals.

in Him,

(a) if you want to know how the dealings described above on religious cheating go against the Wt or avadhuta conduct rules then write us at the above listed address.
(b) If you want the photos of Dadas Nirmohananda and Omnkaresharananda then kindly write us; or 
You may reach us at - :

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

For more about this topic:

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin. 

Scam from newspaper report

Now here below is the current story where a religious scammer was recently caught and punished.

A Seattle man running a so-called Christian prayer website and other businesses will return millions of dollars to consumers nationwide who paid for prayers, the Washington state attorney general said.

As part of an agreement, Benjamin Rogovy will pay back as much as $7.75 million to approximately 165,000 customers who were victims of Rogovy's deceptive business practices in several companies he ran, Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Wednesday.

Rogovy used systematic deception in his operation of the Christian Prayer Center, creating fake religious leaders and posting false testimonials on its website to entice people to pay from $9 to $35 for prayers, Ferguson said. The attorney general says Rogovy collected over $7 million from consumers between 2011 and 2015 and that his actions violate the state Consumer Protection Act.

"What I will not tolerate is unlawful businesses that prey upon people --taking advantage of their faith or their need for help-- in order to make a quick buck," Ferguson said in a news release.

The Christian Prayer Center website, now shut down, showed a message Wednesday saying it is now closed, with links to other prayer sites it says it's not affiliated with.
"We thank you for all the prayers, and we cherish the opportunity to have created a place where Christians could meet to support each other," the message said.
A message left for Rogovy at the business number on its still functioning Facebook page was not immediately returned.

Ferguson says Rogovy also used deceptive and unfair business practices to run a business called the Consumer Complaint Agency which promised people it would advocate on their behalf regarding their complaints against businesses. Instead it charged people up to $25 for doing little more than forwarding complaints, Ferguson said.

People who bought prayer services from Christian Prayer Service or from its sister website Orcion Cristiana between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2015, can receive a full refund. Ferguson said those affected should receive an email from the businesses by April 8 alerting them to the opportunity to file a complaint to receive a refund.
Consumers seeking a refund can file a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office through June 12, 2016.

No claim needs to be filed by customers of Consumer Complaint Agency, which will proactively mail checks to eligible consumers, Ferguson said.

(Courtesy of Lisa Baumann, Associated Press)

== Section 2: Links ==

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bad story


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Bad story
2. PS #838:
I do sastaunga pranam to You again and again
3. Links

Bad story
One dada, in his Baba story book, has put forth the following teaching:    
Dadaji wrrote: "Baba had once said, “If I tell you something to do, you may or may not do it; but if I tell you not to do something, never do it”." (1)

We should examine this "guideline" and determine if it is proper or not.

Basically dadaji is telling us that:
(a) If Baba tells us not to do something, then we must follow His order.
(b) If Baba guides us to do something then we may or may not follow His directive.
That was the essence of his Baba story. And it is all given in the name of Baba.
As disciples of Baba Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, we have to carefully examine this message according to the touchstone of Ananda Marga ideology.
"Pratyaváya [sin of omission] is worse than pápa [sin of commission]
One of the chief messages from dada's story which he attributes to Baba is that we need not do what Baba tells us to do.
That means if Baba tells us to do sadhana, then we may or may not do sadhana. And if Baba tells us to eat sentient food, then we may or may not follow a sentient diet. And when Baba tells avadhutas to look upon every female as mother, they may or may not follow that guideline. It is optional. That is the essence of dadaji's teaching from his story.
Yet we know that Baba is the dharma Guru; what He says should be done. Hence not doing what should be done - i.e. not following what He says to do - is a sin of omission or pratyavaya.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Pratyaváya means “not to do what should be done”. For instance, parents should educate their children. If they do not, they are said to have committed pratyaváya." (2)
Similarly, if Baba tells us to do something - i.e. do sadhana, or follow a sentient diet, or adhere to the Supreme Command, or do fasting - then by not following that teaching we are committing pratyavaya, or a sin of omission. Because we did not do what Baba told us to do.
Baba furthermore warns us that pratyavaya is worse then pa'pa [sin].
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Pratyaváya [sin of omission] is worse than pápa [sin of commission]." (3)
But in his story, dadaji is telling us that it is fine to do pratyavaya; that is dadaji's overall message.
However, in His divine teachings of Ananda Marga ideology, Baba strictly warns us that committing pratyavaya is very bad; it is worse than any wrongdoing.
Clearly then, based on this point of pratyavaya alone, dadaji's Baba story is antithetical to our ideology.
Now let's further examine this story from other angles. 

In his Baba story, dadaji tells us that:
(a) If Baba tells us not to do something, then we must follow His order.
(b) If Baba guides us to do something then we may or may not follow His directive.
For the sake of clarity, we should put forth some practical examples.
For instance, if Baba tells us to follow a sentient diet, then according dadaji's story, we may not follow Baba's guideline. But if Baba tells us not to eat tamasik food, then we must follow His guideline and avoid eating meat etc.
In essence, the directive is the same (i.e. follow a sentient diet) but the outcome is radically different. In one instance where Baba positively tells us to eat sentient food, then we may not follow Baba's order and if we desire we can eat meat etc; and in the other instance where Baba warns us not to eat tamasik food, then we absolutely must follow His order and we must avoid meat entirely.
Next consider this. Baba tells us to follow satya (benevolent truthfulness), but according to dadaji's story, we may not follow Baba's guideline. But if Baba tells us not to indulge in falsehood, then we must follow His guideline and be very strict in satya.
In essence, the guideline is the same (i.e. follow satya) but the outcome is completely different. In one instance where Baba positively tells us to follow satya, then we may not follow Baba's order and if we desire we can indulge in telling lies and doing slander etc; and in the other instance where Baba warns us not to indulge in falsehood, then we absolutely must follow His order and we must entirely avoid telling lies.

Flimsy and hypocritical
Then there is this example. Baba tells us to keep good character, but according to dadaji's story, we may not follow Baba's guideline. But if Baba tells us not to do any characterless behaviours, then we must strictly follow His guideline and avoid all kinds of lowly dealings etc.
In essence, in both instances, the message is the same (i.e. be of good character) but the outcome is radically different. In one instance where Baba positively tells us to keep good character, then we may not follow Baba's order and if we desire we may exhibit unsavory behaviour; and in the other instance where Baba warns us not to eat tamasik food, then we absolutely must follow His order and we must strictly avoid characterless types of conduct.
This type of faulty reasoning given in dadaji's story makes Baba's teachings and the entire platform of Ananda Marga ideology look flimsy and hypocritical. Yet we all know that Baba's teachings are pointed and clear.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "In the realm of dharma, the only true guide and controller, motivating force and protector of the people, is an excellent and comprehensive ideology which provides definite, clear-cut and bold directions for all aspects of human life – from one’s personal daily routine, to one’s social activities and collective motivation, to the spiritual inspiration which brings one closer and closer to God. A scripture which does not fulfil these conditions is not worthy of being called a scripture at all." (4)
So-called Baba story is harmful
In the Supreme Command, Baba pointedly tells us to follow yama and niyama, and to do sadhana twice daily, and to do pracara etc. Baba directs us that we must do these things.
But now, according to dadaji's story, those directives from Baba enlisted in the Supreme Command are optional - we may or may not follow them. Whatever we do, that is fine.
Similarly, Baba has given us so many dharmic teachings in Sixteen Points. Baba guides us to do half-bath, do fasting, be strict in Ista, attend dharmacakra, follow conduct rules etc. Baba tells us to do so many things. Furthermore in His Ananda Vanii, Baba puts forth the dharmic reminder to follow Sixteen Points.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Be firm on sixteen points..." (5)
Yet here again, according to dadaji's Baba story, we need not sincerely follow those points - all of Sixteen Points has suddenly become optional.
As sadhakas of Ananda Marga and as disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, we clearly understand that we are to adhere to all of Sixteen Points, and we are to abide by the mandates of the Supreme Command.
Thus, we can easily understand that the so-called teachings put forth in dadaji's Baba story are off the mark and just plain wrong.
Guru’s guidelines are never optional

Throughout His entire, vast teachings of Ananda Marga ideology, there is neither a sentence nor a hint, that we should consider His guidelines to be optional. Baba never ever expressed that, "If I (Baba) tell you to positively do something, then you may or may not follow it. Just consider it optional - it is up to you." There is no single line or paragraph or page in Ananda Marga ideology that puts forth this notion.
Rather throughout His teachings Baba emphasizes that we should follow His every word and incorporate every teaching into our life practice. In so many reporting sessions, dharma samiiksa, countless guidelines and discourses, verily in all these situations, Baba guides us to incorporate every dharma principle into our daily routine. That is the way He wants us to live.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice." (6)
Thus what Baba tells us to do, we should do. There is no question of His guideline being optional etc. No right-minded sadhaka can think in this way, i.e. that we need not pay heed to Baba's order. Baba does not preach anything which is unnecessary or impractical.
In the various religions, their scriptures and stories are exaggerated up to the sky in the hope that if they tell the people to do tapasya (sacrifice) for 1 million years, then the people might do it for 10 minutes each day.
But Baba did not employ such tricks or strategies. Everything Baba has given and told is in complete concert and harmony with human psychology. Baba's teachings are exact and precise. They need not be changed, or shortened, or toned down as happened with the various religions. What Baba has given, that is what should be followed as His divine guidelines are the perfect recipe for success.
Bad tales should not be circulated
The main reason for writing this letter is that in the past the glorious teachings of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna were ruined and distorted and the common people just got caught up in dogma. And the main avenue for distorting those dharmic teachings were fallacious and misleading stories. Those with selfish agendas fabricated various stories in order to misguide and dupe the common people. By this way, dogma, not dharma, was propagated.
We must not let history repeat itself. Through the medium of such harmful stories slowly, slowly the divine teachings of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji will also be destroyed if we are not careful. The duty of sincere Ananda Margiis is not to allow such bogus and harmful stories to enter into the arena. Bad tales should not be circulated, rather they must be pointed out brought to the limelight.
When coming across any Baba story one must first look very carefully and assess its accuracy and veracity, otherwise people will get duped and misguided.
All in all, we can easily conclude that dadaji's Baba story and the teachings therein are harmful and disastrous. This story misleads people away from the teachings of Ananda Marga. Dadaji's story delivers the wrong message.

No concession rather concession is dangerous
As we know we are to follow His dharmic injunctions cent-per-cent of the time. That is how we are to live on this earth.
        Tasmáddharmah sadákáryah.
        Dharma must always be followed. (7)
Ananda Marga ideology states, "To follow Bhágavata Dharma, you are also to follow the shástra of Bhágavata Dharma. You are to follow Yama and Niyama, you are to follow the code of discipline, you are to attend Dharmacakra weekly. These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous. Atha yogánushásanam. “One must follow anushásanam. One must follow the code of discipline.” One may be a king or may be a very poor man, but the code of dharma is equally applicable to all. In this matter, nobody can claim any special concession or favour." (8)
But if we look at and follow what dadaji says in his book, then it means that if Baba tells us to follow a sentient diet, then we may not follow that teaching - we can eat meat. And if Baba says to follow satya, then we may not follow His guideline and can instead indulge in cheating and deception. And if Baba says to do sadhana twice daily, then we may not follow and can instead skip our dharmic practices. Indeed by his bogus Baba story, dadaji paves the way for all kinds of deception and degradation. According to dadaji, we may not follow what Babas says - it is OK.
By all this, we can easily understand that the story told by Ac Shamitananda Avt - story #8 of his book "101 Baba Stories" - is completely false and misleading. Such a story only invites trouble for others. Rather this story should be corrected and republished. Till that time, an errata page should be issued for this book so no one is misguided.
Unfortunately, Dada Shamitananda's Baba's story strays far, far from the dharmic tenets of Ananda Marga ideology. There are 100 other stories in the book. And now they are all suspect because if Dadaji can publish a story that so blatantly goes against Baba's mandates, then every one of his stories may be wrong. If anyone picks up this book they should be very careful and read it with a keen eye, lest they invite all kinds of problems.
Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

~ In-depth study ~

What is needed to write a proper Baba story

It is important for us to consider what is needed to write a proper Baba story. First and foremost one must ensure that the Baba story is itself true. After carefully making this assessment, these following criteria are needed: (a) deep devotion for Baba, (b) pointed understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy, and (c) literary skill.

Devotion allows a person to write with proper flow and prana. Ideology brings right direction and philosophical consistency. Literary skill brings artistic value and beauty.

Of these three characteristics, if one has only devotion and lacks philosophical understanding and lacks writing skills, then sometimes their story will not have philosophical support. And in some cases the story may even be dogmatic. And, certainly without literary skill, the story will be rough and jagged and will lack proper expression.

If one has only philosophical understanding and lacks devotion and is shy on writing skills, then their Baba story will be dry and poorly expressed.

So if there is proper devotional feeling and ideological understanding, then one's literary skill will help make that story shine. While if one uses all their literary talent on a story that lacks devotional feeling and philosophical understanding, then that story will be a mess - i.e. useless and poisonous.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are some who fall in this last category. They may or may not have the writing skills, yet utterly lack proper devotional feeling and ideological understanding. In that case, the devotional component of the story is ruined or left out entirely, or one will write something contrary to the ideological fundamentals of Ananda Marga. If one has devotion then that literary skill give devotional flow to the story, but if one does not have devotion then that literary skill is meaningless. So when those lacking both devotion and philosophical understanding write a story, then the outcome will be like applying cosmetic make-up to a dead person - there will not be any charm. It will be useless and dogmatic

Best is to cultivate or have all the qualities. Then one can write a beautiful and loving account that will inspire so many readers across the ages.   

To read full story- click here...

Those interested in reading the full, published version of Dada Shamitanandji's story should click here.

1. Dada Shamitananda, 101 Baba stories, Story #8
2. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 18
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Purpose Behind the Advent
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
5. Ananda Vanii #44
6. Ananda Vanii #20
7. Ananda Sutram 2-7
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin. 

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I do sastaunga pranam to You again and again

"A'mi a'r  kaono kichu bhuli na', shudhu bhule tha'ki tavo na'm..." (Prabhat Samgiita #838)


O' Parama Purusa, it is so unfortunate and painful that I do not forget anything mundane; but I always forget Your divine name. I cannot remember it constantly, because worldly things always come in my mind. And those mundane things I always remember, only I forget Your name. O' my Dearmost, please grace me. I want to remember Your name all the time - within each and every breath and respiration - but alas I forget. O' Divine Entity, although I don't chant Your name and remember You, even then I can see that You love me. By Your grace, I always feel Your love, especially when I look towards You. You are very charming and gracious.

O' Parama Purusa, You are the most magnificent One. When by Your grace the stars shower from Your heavenly effulgent bosom, then the effulgence from those particles fills my heart with divine ecstasy.

Baba, the Parama Purusa, You are the most compassionate One. The divine love which You have poured in my heart - the affection that You saturated in my mind - always vibrates my being and brings me to the divine world. The melody that You played within my mind, in its tune, today I do sastaunga pranam to You again and again with that very tune and melody which You have resonated in my heart & mind.

Baba, please shower Your causeless grace on me so that I always chant Your divine name...

Friday, March 18, 2016

NY sector Land sale: Why Dhruva is ecstatic


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: NY sector Land sale: Why Dhruva is ecstatic
2. Links

NY sector Land sale: Why Dhruva is ecstatic

You know Dadas Rudrananda and Vimalananda used all acaryas for their legal fight against B group in NY sector. Dada Rudrananda and Dada Vimalananda both knew that without the help of these other acaryas, they will never be able to win. And then after winning the case against B group, Dada Rudrananda threw all those workers out of the sector - i.e. all those who could challenge Dada R’s ambitions.

Dada Rudrananda had great desire to have his dirty flag firmly planted in NY sector. And because he has proceeded very “systematically” Dada Rudrananda has been able to accomplish his gross ambitions so far. Now not a single acarya in NY sector has the ability to oppose his rancid, secret game. Dada Rudrananda was able to sell numerous key properties of Ananda Marga in NY sector.

One blind supporter in all of this is Dhruva - a stooge of Dadas Rudrananda and Vimalananda. To date, Dhruva has never had any real success in his entire life in the field of earning money by employment etc. Dhruva’s life is best characterised as a life of disappointments and blown opportunities. So now, after surveying the scene, Dhruva feels that by blindly supporting Dada Rudrananda's and Dada Vimalananda's corruption he (Dhruva) has achieved something in his life. Dhruva refers to himself as an officer of Ananda Marga NY and he is being blessed as well in various ways.

And the reason this new SS of NY Dada Abhiramananda became a Purodha so quickly is because he did not even finish his all vishesh yoga lessons. Dada Abhiramananda got only two lessons. And he got those lessons even without even passing the exam. How did this happen? Because of Dada Rudrananda’s grace. So margiis beware! Do not become victims and tools yet again.

Role of Dhruva

In conclusion, Dhruva is ecstatic because Dada Rudrananda has removed all the “problem cases” and Dada Rudrananda has inserted his hand-picked SS. So now Dada Rudrananda has made the pathway perfectly clear to sell more and more Ananda Marga properties in NY sector. So Dhruva - who has hardly earned a single penny of his own - is now in prime position to sell each and every AM property. That is why Dhruva is ecstatic. On the playing field of personal earning money by employment etc Dhruva has always been a big zero, i.e. a failure. And now Dada Rudrananda has put him in position to be a star - a bigshot. Plus with each successive land sale and by blindly following his higher authorities, Dhruva’s score for getting vishesh yoga will increase.

So this is the drama that is unfolding now in NY, and the key behind it all - the one pulling all the strings - is Dada Rudrananda.

In Him,
S. Ananda

Please see the e-mail below, sent by Dada Vimalananda’s chief stooge Dhruva, about the new SS of NY sector - i.e. Dada Abhiramananda. Why did they praise this new SS so much in their email? Because this new SS Dada Abhiramananda is one of the great stooges of Dada Rudrananda.

So I am writing now because margiis should know the truth before they get used and abused. Margiis should know that this new SS Abhiramananda is Dada Rudrananda’s chela (follower / disciple) - nothing more than that. So everyone should open their eyes to this fact.

A few margiis of NY sector made some noise against land sale but now they are silent. Actually those margiis did nothing to oppose Dada Rudrananda in the practical sphere against land sale. And slowly they will forget what happened and they will live a life of quiet neutrality. They will think, "It’s alright let’s go to their program and support them like slaves.”

Here below is the mail that Dhruva sent out to one and all about Dada Rudrananda's new, hand-picked SS Dada Rudrananda of NY sector.

From: Ac. Dhruva - Clark Forden <>
To: A'nanda Ma'rga in New York Sector <>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 11:36 AM
Subject: |> AM in NYS |> Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta – Sectorial Secretary of New York Sector

Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta –
Sectorial Secretary of New York Sector

We welcome Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta as the new Sectorial Secretary of New York Sector, relieving Acarya Vimalananda Avadhuta.

Acarya Abhiramananda Avadhuta has been previously in several responsibilities in India. He has been 9 years in the delicate responsibility of Sectorial Office Secretary Delhi Sector until October 2015 before coming to New York Sector.

Since 1999 as a worker of Ananda Marga he has successfully facilitated most of the events, seminars, conferences, structural work of the organization and big gatherings called Dharma Maha Sammelan hosted in several cities and areas of India.

He is Purodha of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. On March 1st 2016 he was introduced to all the whole-timers and ACB members of New York Sector as new Sectorial Secretary of New York Sector during the last RDS conducted near Asheville,  North Carolina on the grounds of Ananda Girisuta Master Unit (Prama Institute).

He has been serving in the last 10 years in the Aviation Department of India as a meditation advisory official. He has been giving meditation workshops in different airports of India. Several thousands of airport officials has been benefited so far.

Should you wish to welcome Acaryaji to the sector, simply chat, or invite him to your unit, here is his contact info - -

Phone:  +1-718-898-1604

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

== Section 2: Links ==

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Litter, Santoshananda, Magazine + 4 more


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Litter, Santoshananda, Magazine
2. PS #2246: हे मेरे प्रभु! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों की धूलि चाहता हॅूं
3. Important Teaching: Duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects
4. Important Teaching: What ignorant do
5. Links

Litter, Santoshananda, Magazine

Note: Please excuse me as this letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular wt.

We know that Sadguru Baba has blessed us with tantrika diiksa and bestowed upon us the highest system of meditation. Ananda Marga sadhana is the gold standard.

Sadguru Baba says, “You have learnt a well-ordered system of meditation and other spiritual practices based on dharma.” (1)

“Ánanda Márga alone is Dharma and all the rest are sectisms.” (2)

So Ananda Marga sadhana is unparalleled and represents the highest values and attainment in spirituality. And our Ananda Marga magazines are designed to highlight the purity and authenticity of our meditation system. Unfortunately, one magazine failed horribly to live up to this standard. Instead of showing the greatness of Ananda Marga meditation, they have presented Ananda Marga sadhana as just being one more bogus form of fake yoga fashion.

In so many teachings Baba has guided us to never compromise on ideological matters - never.

"Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology." (3)

"Where the question of benevolence and malevolence is concerned we will not deviate an inch from our ideology." (4)

"Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for Ideology." (5)

Here below is the photo that a recent Bhakta Samaj magazine selected to epitomise our Ananda Marga sadhana system. Please continue reading to see how problematic this is. Points are enlisted below the photo.

Once again the above fake photo was prominently in a recent edition of the Bhakta Samaj magazine, i.e. the Dada Santoshananda magazine. These following points clearly depict how this bogus photo epitomises fake yoga and not the dharma of Ananda Marga sadhana.

Dada Santoshananda spreads garbage

Always stick to ideology, do not be swayed

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "We should always respect our ideology if we are to become true human beings. The ideologist is a man who always acts according to his ideology. If by following the ideology, the older people become unhappy or condemn me, I will not care. If by following an ideology I die and die again, let it be. I will not care. I will stick to my ideology." (6)

#1: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is not wearing a pratik; instead he is wearing something else. So this goes directly against our Ananda Marga system. Sadguru Baba guides us that every sadhaka must wear the pratik. But Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana etc. Sadly the fake yoga display in the Dada Santoshananda magazine magazine does not end there. There are more ways that Dada Santoshananda is spreading his garbage. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#2: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is wearing sneakers while trying to do meditation; this shows they are are completely ignorant and a product of the fake yoga movement etc. As we know our Ananda Marga sadhana is ideally done without wearing any shoes. But the Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo of the guy wearing sneakers as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. And actually, the fake yoga display in the Dada Santoshananda magazine does not end there. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#3: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is seated in the position intended for eating, i.e. bhojanasana. When the standard seated posture for meditation in Ananda Marga is padmasana, or lotus position. But the Santoshananda magazine editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. Even then the fake yoga display from the photo in the Bhakta Samaj magazine does not end here. Following is the next hypocrisy.

#4: The fake yoga person in the bogus photo is touching the thumb and index finger on both hands. This is a dead giveaway that this is fake yoga. In our Ananda Marga system of tantric meditation we never put out fingers in that type of position. But the Bhakta Samaj editors are using this fake photo as the epitome of Ananda Marga sadhana. Even then the fake yoga display from the photo in the Dada Santoshananda magazine does not end here. Following is the next hypocrisy.

Sadhakas are betrayed

#5: The Bhakta Samaj magazine is in Hindi only so most readers will be from the Indian subcontinent. Yet the editors selected a person with lily white skin to put on display - further infusing a cultural inferiority complex upon Hindi speakers etc. Already, since the British rule, India has surrendered itself to European dominance and western values. And this photo further cements this idea in the minds of Hindi readers.

#6: And verily if one looks at this photo more minutely, they will see countless flaws / dogmas - but I am stopping here...

So for all of the above reasons and more, the above bogus photo which the Dada Santoshananda magazine chose is just fake yoga, not Ananda Marga sadhana.

And the astonishing thing is that it is so easy to get a photo of any Dada, Didi or margii performing tantric meditation. There is no shortage of sadhakas in our Ananda Marga family. And these days it is so easy to take a picture. In that case those Bhakta Samaj editors could have easily created a proper visual representation of Ananda Marga meditation. But this they did not do.

Propagation of false things in the name of AM philosophy

Instead he Dada Santoshananda magazine editors chose this bogus, fake yoga photo. Those editors can best explain why they did like this. But the truth is that the damage is already done. These magazines are a vital component of our Ananda Marga pracara program. Yet the sincere seeker who sees this fake yoga photo will think that our Ananda Marga is just one more brand in the scrapheap of the fake yoga movement. All because this bogus photo completely betrays our authentic Ananda Marga system of tantra yoga / meditation. So it is a real shame. We have something dharmic and meaningful to share with sincere aspirants yet this fake yoga photo shows us as being something else - i.e. something superficial and fake.

When I first saw this done in the name of Marga Guru then at first my heart sank - I thought how these editors could have done like this. They will destroy Ananda Marga. People will think we are just a fake yoga outfit - not a true tantrika movement. Then after a few moments idea came that there are many right thinking margiis & wts who will properly convey the authenticity of our Ananda Marga sadhana system. But such blunders with this Bhakta Samaj magazines should end - we have to save Baba's teachings.

Seeing this photo, how will the common people will think that Ananda Marga is not revolution; rather they will think it is a fake yoga outfit.

In Him,
Ratnesh Singh

Note: (a) Everybody knows, according to Ananda Marga standard and Caryacarya, the bogus image displayed above is a depiction of fake yoga. (b) If you are interested to see the aforesaid magazine page, please write us. (c) By the way, some naive persons claim that Dada Santoshananda is not the real doer and that the real culprits are his staff. Whatever may be, but as long as his name is still listed as the magazine editor, then he will be held responsible.

Fake Yoga Photo: Bhakta Samaj magazine (Jan 2016, p.5)

Ac Santoshananda Avt - Editor - As the editor he is most responsible for this sin.

Partially Responsible Parties

These following post-holders are partially responsible:

Shrii Madhava Pandey - Co-Editor
Shrii Vikesh Beniwal - Associate Editor
Shrii Arjun Narayan Choudhary - Working Editor
Shrii Madhavi Dani - Organising Editor
Shrii Hariprasad Vishwash - Sub-Editor

Shrii Nishant Ketu - Advisor

Editorial Board:
Ac Susmitananda
Shrii Ramlal Dani
Shrii Trilok Singh

Strange - why these sincere margiis are supporting this fake yoga display

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request these below listed good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. This magazine is presenting

So if any margiis supports this magazine, they will have to face the consequences of the cosmic operative principle - so watch out.  Below is the list of some of the names listed on the editor’s page.

Shrii Ramkesh Choudhary
Shrii Kumar Akhilesh
Shrii Jagadiish Bhala - Kanpur
Shrii Rajiiv -
Shrii Suman Kumar Jha
Shrii Yashpal Singh Chauhan - Uttarakhand
Shrii Tulsi Ram Patel - Chattisgarh
Shrii Shantaram Choudhary - Lucknow
Dr Rakesh - Sahajanavan (Gorakhpur)
Dr Chandreshvar Prasad (Patna)
Shrii Piyusa (Bettiah)
Shrii Praveen (Samastipur)
Shrii Guru Prasad (Banka)
Shrii Ravi Shankar (Bhagalpur)

A call to all margiis: Please ask these above margiis to think twice before supporting this anti-dharmic work, i.e. propagating pseudo-culture which is against Ananda Marga.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Opposition to Dharma Will Certainly Invite Destruction
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Call of the Supreme
3. Ananda Vanii #14
4. NSS, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
5. Ananda Vanii #15
6. Supreme Expression - 1, Ideology, Goal and Devotion

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin. 

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे मेरे प्रभु! मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों की धूलि चाहता हॅूं

प्रभात संगीत 2246  तुमि पथ भूले जदि एले, जेनेशुने नाइ वा एले.....नाइ वा एले

हे परम पुरुष बाबा! तुम मेरे सब कुछ हो, मेरा संपूर्ण जीवन तुम्हारे चारों ओर घूम रहा है। पर मेरी अपनी योग्यता के आधार पर मैं तुम्हें अपने पास बुला सकने का सामर्थ्य  नहीं जुटा पा रहा हॅूं। इसलिये राह भूल कर भी यदि मेरे तुम पास आ जाओ तो अच्छा होगा ।  इसे मैं तुम्हारी अनंत  करुणा ही समझूंगा।  हे प्रभु ! मेरी प्रबल सोच है कि तुम भूल से ही मेरे पास आओगे, क्योंकि अभी तक तुम जानबूझकर तो कभी भी नहीं आये। मेरे पास आने की कृपा करो ।

मेरे प्रभु! मैं बहुत भव्य समारोह आयोजित कर तुम्हारा स्वागत करना चाहता हॅूं, पर मेरे पास स्वर्णजटित सिंह-आसन नहीं है, जिस पर तुम्हें राजाधिराज की भाॅंति बैठा सकूॅं, और न ही मेरे पास सुन्दर  रेशमी सज्जा से सजाया गया  मंच ही है। मैंने तुम्हारे आगमन का रास्ता, अल्पना से भी नहीं सजा सका,  पर मेरा हृदय तुम्हें चाहता  रखता है। मुझे बस एक ही आशा  है कि तुम भूलवश  ही मेरे पास आओगे, जिसे मैं तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा ही समझूंगा।

 हे परम पुरुष! तुम तो जानते ही हो कि मेरी इस फूस की कुटिया  में प्रचुर धन नहीं है, तुम्हारे शुभागमन के समय लोक दिखावा करने के लिये मेरे पास कीमती रत्न भी नहीं हैं, और न ही मेरे पास  प्रथम श्रेणी का भक्ति-भाव ही है। परंतु बाबा! मेरे हृदय में यह आशा  भरी भावना अवश्य  है की तुम आओ  । हे मेरे प्रभु!, यदि  तुम्हारी यहाॅं आने की योजना न हो, तो भी  तुम भूल से ही सही, मेरे घर अवश्य  ही आने की कृपा करोगे। बाबा, तुम सदा ही कृपालु हो, मैं तुम्हारे चरण कमलों की धूलि चाहता हॅूं , कृपा करो ।

1. अल्पना- जिन्होंने डीएमसी के समय स्टेज से डायस तक जाने वाले रास्ते का अवलोकन किया है वे जानते हैं कि उसमें रंगीन कलात्मकता , फूलों की सुगंध , फूलों की पंखुडि़यों और गुलदस्तों की  सजावट कितनी आकर्षक होती थी। इस सजावट को अल्पना कहते हैं। इसका अर्थ है अपने आदरणीय और पूज्य के आगमन के समय प्रेमपूर्ण स्वागत करने का एक तरीका। विभिन्न अवसरों पर सामान्य जन भी घरों व मंदिरों के सामने इस प्रकार अल्पना या रंगोली की सजावट करते हैं।

2. इस प्रभात संगीत में उस भक्त की भावना को व्यक्त किया है जिसके पास भौतिक और आध्यात्मिक जगत की कोई उपलब्धियाॅं नहीं हैं, जैसे स्वागत के लिये स्वर्ण का आसन, रेशमी सज्जा, रत्न आभूषण ( वास्तव में  आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धियाॅं ) अथवा कोई विशेष योग्यता, शिक्षा उत्तम आचरण या समाज सेवा, या पराभक्ति आदि। चूंकि यह सब उसके पास नहीं है इसलिये संकोचवश  वह सोचता है कि मै परमपुरुष को इनके बिना कैसे आमंत्रित करूं, पर फिर भी उसे आशा  और विश्वास है कि, बाबा भूले से ही सही उसकी कुटिया में आयेंगे अवश्य । (1)

1. Trans. Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Human beings neglect many things in this world without any plausible reason. They forget that Parama Puruśa resides in every object, even the most neglected one. They fail to look at the world with proper social benevolence. Suppose a pig is writhing in pain. The onlookers casually say, “Well, it's only a pig – let it die,” and thus neglect Parama Puruśa in the form of a pig. Such an error will result in their overall progress being retarded. One should not detest anything as everything is a manifestation of Parama Puruśa. Parama Puruśa cannot hate anyone or anything in this world – how can He, all are His manifestations – so on what grounds can humans hate anyone or anything. If one hates His manifestation it means that one hates Parama Puruśa Himself. Let no human being be so arrogant.

It has been said, “Amáninam mánadeyam” – “respect the disrespected.” Those who are disrespected and rejected by society should also be recognized by us as manifestations of Parama Puruśa. We must respect them with due honour as Parama Puruśa has chosen to manifest them in that particular way. We should always be very courteous to them. Hence the third duty of a devotee is to respect those people whom no one respects. We must approach those who are unloved, ridiculed, and in need of affection, and tell them we care for them. By honouring them and restoring their dignity we will make them happy; their minds will become filled with joy." (1)

1. Anadna Vacanamrtam - 7, How Should a Devotee Behave?

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

What ignorant do

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Very often, ignorant of real spirituality and goaded by religious dogam, people undertake long and hazardous journeys to places of pilgrimage, sometimes even selling their earthly possessions such as houses and cultivable land to make the trip possible. They hope to attain virtue by taking a holy dip in sacred rivers. Needless to say this not only causes a loss of energy, time and money, but also causes much trouble and brings no spiritual gain." (1)

1. Pramá – 1 / Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings

Monday, March 14, 2016

Open-mouthed didi + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Open-mouthed didi
2. Hindi Quote: पाप नहीं देंगे
3. Links

Open-mouthed didi

Note: Please bear in mind that this letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular dada, didi, or group.

Baba has given this following conduct rule for WT didis:

“Avadhutika should not laugh loudly.” (32 Rules for Avadhutikas, point #1)

So Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has given rules and regulations for various grades of His disciples: margiis, wts, Dadas, and Didis etc - each have their own related conduct rules. And if one does not follow those rules they are deemed as indisciplined disciples.

Not only that, not following the conduct rules creates a bad precedence in society. Our Wts are donned in saffron dress. So people respect our Wts for following certain disciplines in life.

It is just like in town, people have inherent respect for the police because of their uniform. And the proof is that if those same police officers walk the streets in their underwear then they will not be held in high regard. Rather they will be fined and arrested.

Here the point is that those in a particular dress draw respect from others. Accordingly, our Wt Didis and Dadas are held in high regard because they are the icons of Ananda Marga in the general society. All the while, strict discipline is a key aspect of Wt life.

Here again is that conduct rule which Baba has given for WT didis:

“Avadhutika should not laugh loudly.” (32 Rules for Avadhutikas, point #1)

This Didi is not following Baba's given conduct rule so she is indisciplined.

In Him,
Lisa Matthau

Note: Please bear in mind that this above letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular dada, didi, or group.

Here again is that conduct rule which Baba has given for WT didis:

“Avadhutika should not laugh loudly.” (32 Rules for Avadhutikas, point #1)

~ In-depth study ~

It is not that didis cannot ever laugh out loud- they can laugh loudly in their private quarters, bedroom, inner chambers but not in public or on display in Facebook etc. This rule was given by Sadguru to maintain the integrity and sanctity of Wt Didis. Otherwise in this male dominated world they would not be taken seriously.

It is like when soldiers march on Independence Day etc and public is watching then those soldiers do not laugh. But later on they do laugh in their barracks and inner chambers.

Didi displayed this photo on the WWD website for all to see thereby creating a very negative trend.

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin. 

== Section 2: Hindi Quote ==

पाप नहीं देंगे

“ये जो तगड़े भक्त हैं, वे नहीं चाहेंगे कि अपना पाप परमपुरुष को दें | वे कहेंगे—"नहीं-नहीं, तुमको मिठाई देंगे, फूल देंगे, यह देंगे, माला देंगे | पाप नहीं देंगे, पाप नहीं देंगे | हमारे पाप का बोझा हम्हीं को ढोने दो"—यही कहेंगे | किन्तु परमपुरुष का तो बहुत प्यारा है मनुष्य | उनके भक्त बहुत प्यारे हैं | तो, इसलिए परमपुरुष क्या करते हैं ?  उनसे permission नहीं लेकर, उनका पाप ले लेते हैं | किसी से permission नहीं लेकर, अगर किसी की चीज़ तुम ले लिए, तो उसको कहते हैं चोरी करना | To take something without permission | उसको चोरी कहते हैं | तो, परमपुरुष चोरी करते हैं | क्या चोरी करते हैं ?  पाप | Permission माँगने से, अनुमति माँगने से भक्त अनुमति नहीं देंगे | बोलेंगे—"नहीं, और सब कुछ देंगे, पाप नहीं देंगे, आपको |" तो, पाप को वे चोरी करते हैं | चोरी करते हैं इसलिए उनका नाम है हरि | हरि की शरण में आ गए हो | और घबड़ाने की बात नहीं है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित,Transcribed ver. GD 12 August 1978 Patna

== Section 3: Links==

More on Wt conduct

Fake Wt beauty display

Recent Postings

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Dada Guniindrananda’s debauched way + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Dada Guniindrananda debauched way
2. Bangla Quote:  তখন ৰুঝৰে
3. Links

Dada Guniindrananda’s debauched way

Note 1: Please bear in mind that this letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular dada or group.

Note 2: This letter is written according to the standard of Ananda Marga. Our Ananda Marga does not appreciate or subscribe to materialistic, pseudo-culture values prevalent nowadays. One should always remember that Ananda Marga is a revolution and Baba has created Ananda Marga to eradicate all sorts of pseudo-culture.

As we know, our Ananda Marga magazines are for the propagation of Ananda Marga ideals, not pseudo-culture values.

Yet look here at this photo from cover of a recent Ananda Yuga magazine. Such a photo utterly contravenes countless aspects of our Ananda Marga Way of Life, yet the Ananda Yuga magazine editor has selected this image for the cover of our Ananda Marga magazine - Ananda Yuga.

Certainly, every sincere Ananda Margii will understand the ills and dogmas related with this photo. Even then for your convenience, here is a short list for your review.

Vital points to ponder

1. In the Ananda Yuga magazine, the woman displayed on cover page is half-naked and that type of revealing dress contravenes our social code - Caryacarya. One should always remember that Ananda Marga is a revolution and Baba has created Ananda Marga to eradicate all sorts of pseudo-culture. Those who are submerged in and wholly adapted with pseudo-culture will think this is fine. But it is not fine according to Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “While going out of their house, women should wear simple and decent clothes and cover their bodies properly.” (1)

Yet, in the Ananda Yuga magazine, the woman displayed is dressed according to pseudo-culture values wearing sleeveless tops and tight-fitting clothing etc, and this is completely against the ethics of Ananda Marga.

2. The Ananda Yuga magazine is in Hindi only so most readers will be from the Indian subcontinent. Yet here, a white western woman is on display - further infusing a cultural inferiority complex upon Hindi speakers etc. Already, since the British rule, India has surrendered itself to European dominance and western values. And this photo further cements this idea in the minds of Hindi readers.

3. New margiis who are not aware about Ananda Marga ideals will get the wrong idea that Ananda Marga is submerged in pseudo-culture by seeing this photo in the Ananda Yuga magazine. They will think we are just a carbon copy of so many fake yoga outfits that are sprouting up all over the place. They will not realise that ours is a true tantric path.

Keeping the above points in mind kindly again see the photo up above which appears on cover page of Ananda Yuga, Hindi.

Editor Dada Guniindrananda selling out to pseudo-culture

In all circumstances our aim is to preach and demonstrate Ananda Marga ideology: To teach genuine points of bhagavad dharma - not compromise with the ways of pseudo-culture. The entire world is waiting for something great to happen, i.e. to receive the teachings of Sadguru. Yet here we see our Ananda Yuga editor Ac Guniindrananda jii is selling-out and surrendering to materialistic, societal trends.

All this is going on in the name of our Ananda Marga magazine - Ananda Yuga. People are bound to think that Ananda Marga yoga is something cheap and commercial, not dharmic and righteous. Because they see that the Ananda Yuga editor Dada Guniindrananda is teaching yoga by splashing photo of half-naked females in their magazine and preaching the virtues of pseudo-culture values etc. It is really an awful scene and I feel badly how the Ananda Yuga editor Guniindrananda jii has fallen in this manner.

By failing to live up to the ideal of our Ananda Marga ideology, Ac Guniindrananda jii  verily depriving humanity of dharmic teachings. Their duty is to spread dharma but they are doing just opposite.

It denigrates young women as sex objects

Everybody knows that the entire society is plagued by the dominance of sexual display. Females are being exploited. When companies want to sell something then they must place half-naked photos of women to allure customers. By this way female exploitation is going on. Women are looked upon as sex objects. Baba created Ananda Marga to save this situation but this Dada is plunged in pseudo-culture, unfortunately. In getting caught up in the winds of fake yoga, Ac Guniindrananda jii blatantly contradicts his conduct rules and vows:

Caryacarya states, “While going out of their house, women should wear simple and decent clothes and cover their bodies properly.” (2)

Contradiction: Instead of adhering to Guru’s above guideline, Dada Guniindrananda has put a young woman on display whose top portion is only half-covered. This is in clear violation of Guru’s above teaching - “cover their bodies properly.” Yet Guniindrananda jii selected and placed this degrading and denigrating photo on the very cover of the magazine.

Sadguru Baba says, "Avadhuta shall treat every woman of the world, including his ex-wife, as mother." (3)

Contradiction: Instead of treating females as mother Ananda Yuga chief editor Dada Guniindrananda is denigrating them as sex objects etc.


By the above it is quite evident that Dada Guniindrananda jii has fallen from the path and slipped into the dungeon of materialistic pseudo-culture. Dada jii’s mind has degenerated from the path of renunciation as he is indulged in lower propensities. By his actions - (a) the above photo on his Facebook page and in the magazine and (b) his selling of women’s clothing - it is clear Dada jii is degenerated. Ananda Marga ideology guides one thing and Ac Guniindrananda jii is doing something completely different. That is the sad state of affairs.

in Him,
Nirmala' Singh

Dada Guniindrananda sells ladies garments

Dadaji has weakness towards women and that is why he sells women garments from head to toe in DMS, or in reporting. You must have seen his stall of female clothes in Ananda Nagar. Dadaji’s weakness towards women is not hidden. Rather it is quite well known. It is shameful that Dadaji is engrossed in the very engagement which Sadguru Baba strictly forbids.

Who is the culprit

Some naive persons might claim that the real culprits are the editorial staff. But the fact is that the staff will not dare do anything against the wishes of the editor Dada Guniindrananda jii. And this is Ananda Marga; Dada Guniindrananda is running the show. He is the editor and he is the culprit. And top of all he has put this very half-naked image on his own personal Facebook page.

Ananda Yuga - issue #3 - Year 36 (Dec 2015)

Editor: Ac Guniindrananda Avt - As the editor he is most responsible for this sin.

Will have to face the consequences

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request these below listed good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. One must keep away from this magazine the way one stays away from the ebola virus. This magazine is propagating false things. Would they like it if their daughters or granddaughters were displayed in this way - exposing most of their skin etc.

So if any margii supports this magazine, they will have to face the consequences of the cosmic operative principle - so watch out.  Below is the list of some of the names listed on the editor’s page.

Co-Editor: RP Singh

Decoration Dept:
Ajay Kumar Deva
Amod Kumar Sharma

Editorial Staff:
Shrii RL Sharma
Shrii Diliip Sagar
Shrii Chakradhar Shastri
Shrii Ram Ujagir Choudhury
Shrii Ac Diip Narayan
Shrii Sunil Ananda

Why Siddhasana is bad for women

On the cover of the Ananda Yuga magazine (AY), the woman in the photo is sitting in an asana which is forbidden for women, i.e. siddhasana. Baba has given biological reasons why women should not sit in siddhasana. For in-depth reasoning on this, kindly refer to the first link in the links section below.

And here is another point.

- “Do not cut the hair of the joints of the body.” (4)

Contradiction: Instead of adhering to Guru’s above guideline, Guniindrananda jii picked up half-naked photo from the web that portray women according to western, pseudo-culture values where women’s underarm hair most likely has been shaved off to make them more alluring to men.

Joint hair

Some may raise the point that her underarm is not visible. But the answer is very simple. Those women who use this type of pseudo-culture dress generally shave their underarm hair as they think it is alluring not to have joint hair. This idea has been imposed on them by the male dominated fashion / nude industry.

By seeing the dress, you can see in (a) games and sports, (b) swimming events, (c) at the Olympics, (d) in the beauty and yoga fashion industry etc there is never any hair in that region. If a female is wearing bikini or sleeveless top at a fashion show then they do not keep the joint hair. And this above photo was taken by Dada Guniindrananda from a fake yoga fashion website. That is why most probably the woman does not have any underarm hair.

By the above it is quite evident that Dada Guniindrananda jii has fallen from the path and slipped into the dungeon of materialistic pseudo-culture. Dada jii’s mind has degenerated from the path of renunciation as he is indulged in lower propensities. By his actions - (a) the above photo on his Facebook page and in the magazine and (b) his selling of women’s clothing - it is clear Dada jii is degenerated. Ananda Marga ideology guides one thing and Ac Guniindrananda jii is doing something completely different. That is the sad state of affairs.

1. Caryacarya-1, Dress
2. Caryacarya-1, Dress
3. 32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #11
4. Caryacarya 3, Rules for Asanas, point #8

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

== Section 2: Links ==

তখন ৰুঝৰে

“শক্তি দিয়েছেন ৰলেই না তার এই বিচারটা জাগল, এই ৰুদ্ধিটা জাগল, যে ‘কাজটা ভাল’ | তো, সেই জন্যে, যখন তোমার বিচার ৰলৰে, তোমার বিবেক ৰলৰে, “না, এই কাজটা ভাল", তখন ৰুঝৰে তোমার এই বিবেকের পেছনে যে প্রজ্ঞাশক্তি কাজ করে চলেছে, সে প্রজ্ঞাশক্তি যখন “এই জিনিসটা ভাল,” এই বিচারের ক্ষমতা তোমায় দিয়েছেন, তখন সেই ভাল জিনিসটাকে কর্মরূপ দেওয়ার সামর্থ্যও তিনি তোমাকে দেৰেন |” (1)

1. সংবেগ ও আকর্ষণ, EGD, 14 December 1967 Calcutta

== Section 3: Links ==

Siddhasana not for females

More info why siddhasana is not for females

Other topics of interest

Very harmful Baba story

Depraved predator

Dada Citkrsnananda is confused

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abortion (4) ACB (5) action-reaction theory (1) After Capitalism (2) Ajana Pathik (1) Akhanda Kiirtan (2) Ananda Sutram (4) Ananda Vanii (10) Ananda Yuga (6) animal rights (4) Animal Sex & Gay (3) archive (3) Artists (3) ASANAS (14) astrology (2) avadhuta (81) Baba Story (32) Baba's praise (1) Bait kiirtan (4) Bait Kiirtana (2) balkanisation (1) Bangalisation (22) barter-trade (2) begging (1) bhakta (19) Bhakta Samaj (9) bhakti-dry (1) Bhaskarananda-jinanii (1) Bhukti Pradhan (20) bigots (2) birthday (8) Blaming Baba (11) capitalism (6) caste (15) censorship (1) Childrens Home (16) circumcision (5) civilisation (1) co-ed education (3) communism (12) consciousness raising (2) cosmetics (2) Court Case (9) culture (1) Dada's hair (2) Dadas Books (76) Dadhiici Divas (2) Death (17) demons (2) devotion (31) dharma (14) dharmashastra (1) Dharmavedananda (2) Didi's Hair (3) diorama (1) disease (4) dms (21) dogma (26) Donations (5) donkey birthday (12) doomsday (2) dowry (6) Dyeing Hair (2) East-West (1) education (4) eulogy (2) expulsion (11) extravaganza-jinanii (3) Fake Ananda Vanii (3) fake yoga (15) fasting (4) fear (1) female exploitation (9) fight (11) Fireworks (1) Fishing (3) food disparity (7) forgiveness (4) Gay (9) gay marriage (4) girlfriend-boyfriend (2) Glossary (2) Goat-Ghost (1) Gopa (1) Greatness (1) groupism (138) Guru's Perspective (7) gut-feeling (1) Health of Wts (29) history (5) homosexuality (17) Human Society (2) human trafficking (1) Hypocrisy (10) Illicit Affairs (2) immigration (1) Islam (1) ista (7) Jai Slogan (3) Jamalpur DMS (13) Janmastamii (1) junior workers (2) justice (2) Kanyadana (2) kaosikii (3) Kiirtan (13) Kiirtan as a bait (4) Land Sale (47) Lesbian Prostitute Animals (2) LFT (3) liberation (2) libertine (1) lust (2) mahaprayan (124) Mahaprayan of Ananda Margiis (42) Maheshvarananda (1) Mandela (4) margii rights (54) marriage (29) marriage tax (2) materialism (9) memorial (4) memory (1) merge in mission (6) microvita (2) mind (5) moment of silence (1) Money to Laokik Family (12) Myths in Ananda Marga (3) Namaskar (3) neo-humanism (6) Nillkantha Divas (1) NYSO (2) opposite sex (46) palmistry (4) Peeping Tom (1) pen name (1) photo (17) pisiculture (2) plagiarism (14) Pointing Out (12) poverty (2) PP Dada (60) Prabhat Samgiita (24) pracara (8) Prajina Bharatii (23) Prakrti (1) pranayama (5) protest (4) Prout (46) pseudo-culture (10) publications (100) race relations (5) religious dogma (157) religious traders (24) religoius dogma (2) Retreat (5) Reverence to Guru (82) sadhana (53) sadvipra (5) Salutations (1) samaj (1) Samanvayananda (4) Sanskrit (1) scaring children (2) scripture (115) self-praise (36) Semitic Religions (8) service (18) Sex Scandals (32) shraddha (10) shraddha ceremony (21) shraddhainjali (15) shravanii purnima (2) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji & Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (5) silent action (4) simple morality (3) sin (8) six spokes (1) sixteen points (5) sleep (3) socialism (2) society (8) stampede (1) tandava (3) teacher (3) tiirtha (26) tips (3) Tomb (3) Touching Feet (1) Training Centre (18) unity (14) urs (1) vishesha yoga (4) Visit with Laokik Family (11) wasted life (2) water bottle (3) writers (5) WT Conduct (364) Yes man (20)


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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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